
 刺穿 妈妈

 大卫拿了我的梳子 Mum! David took my hairbrush. 大卫

 把梳子还给你姐姐 David, give your sister her brush back. 等一下 One minute. 别玩了 Quit it. 你知道不

 打字机的键盘设计其实是 You know, the keyboard of the typewriter was actually designed 为了减慢打字速度 to slow people down. 是嘛 Oh, yeah? 快来 Here we go. 吸毒过量


 一种致幻剂) Overdose. PCP. 靠

 把他按住 Dammit. Keep him still. 我的错

 我正要给他 My bad. I"m trying to give him a. 操

 操 Shit! Shit! 怎么了 What? 我被扎了 got stuck. 快去

 这边我搞定 Go. I got this. 怎么了 What happened? 她被针扎了 She got stuck. 基于真实故事改编 好了

 让这家伙动起来吧 All right, let"s get this thing moving. 1998 年

 三年后 然后他给了我 7000 块 and he gave me $7, 000.


 操那婊♥子♥ I don"t give a fuck. Fuck that bitch. -她害怕了

 -对啊 -She freak out?

 -Yeah. 还有什么东西比 Is there anything more unflattering 旅馆墙壁的花纹更呆吗 than patterns on hotel rooms? 我知道

 他们怎么就不能用纯色呢 I know. Why can"t they just use solid colors? 有花纹的墙壁不显脏 It"s easier to hide the stains. 太对了 That"s so right. 我们要把柜子上的鬼东西拿过来 We gotta get that fucker on the stand. 你还在等什么 Oh. What are you waiting for? 马克 Hi, Mike. 你知不知道现在几点 Don"t you know what time it is? 消防局长要为消防部门的所有决定负责

 对吧 The Fire chief is responsible for all decisions made from the Fire department, right? 大体而言

 是的 Uh, for the most part, yeah. 如果因为局长删减工作单 If the chief of the fire department was deleting work orders 直接造成了故障的消防车被派往火场

 那是局长的错 which directly resulted in sending non-working trucks to a fire, that"s his fault? 对

 你也可以这么说 Yeah, I guess you could say that. 因为伪造简历就把人解雇

 那纯属一派胡言 Then it"s all bullshit they fired a guy for falsifying his resume. 其实是因为他曝光了工作单的事 It"s "cause he exposed the work orders. 现在才改变我们的策略有点太晚了吧 It"s a little late to change our tactic, isn"t it? 他还在苦恼维修费用的问题

 其实根本无关紧要 He was wrapped up in the price of repairs but it didn"t matter 因为他们根本不会修的

 because they were never gonna do the repairs. 闭上你的鸟嘴 Hey, shut the fuck up. 麦克

 你在哪 Mike, where are you? 和几个朋友在外面 Just hanging out with some friends. 告诉你吧



 好吧 You know what? You get some sleep. I got this, okay? 挂了 Bye! 你还在睡吗 Are you still sleeping? 是的 Yes. 消防局长 假设你是陪审团

 我的当事人被解雇的原因 You"re joining the jury. The reason my client is fired 是因为他伪造简历 was because he falsified his resume, 而不是因为他越级 not because he went above your head 报告了消防车没有得到维修会导致市民丧生

 是不是 and reported that trucks were not getting fixed and people were dying as a result. Correct? 说"是" Say yes. 是 Yes. 你还说你检查我当事人的简历 Now you also said you only went to review my client"s resume 是在他去找媒体之后

 对吗 after he went to the media. Correct? 是的 Yeah 五月九日

 派去亚历克斯·霍曼家的消防车水泵是坏的 On May 9th, a truck went to the house of Alex Foreman with a broken wafer pump. 致使霍曼先生被烧死 That resulted in Mr. Foreman burning to death. 七月十七日

 另一辆消防车去了克里斯托尔·道根家 On June 17th, another truck went to the house of Crystal Dougan 车上的水泵也是坏的

 also with a non-working pump, 同样致使道根太太被烧死 also resulting in Ms. Dougan burning to death. 真的吗 Is that true? 是的 It is. 别废话

 靠 No shit? Damn. 他知道派去救火的消防车不能用 He knew he sent non-working fire trucks to houses on fire? 他说他不知道 He says he didn"t. 你说派出去的消防车之所以不能用 But you said the trucks were broken 是因为工作单被撤销了 because the work orders were deleted. 但是工作单可以是任何事情

 比如说校正轮胎 The work order could be anything. It could be a tire alignment, 可能是座椅有他妈的裂缝 it could be a tear in the fucking seat fabric. 但不是该死的座位裂缝 But it wasn"t a tear in the fucking seat fabric. 而是水泵坏了

 对吧 The damn pumps wouldn"t work, right? 那么

 如果工作单被取消了 So, if the work orders had been deleted 而你又不知道消防车需要维修 and you didn"t know the trucks needed to be fixed, 那么从一开始就没人会去修理消防车

 所以 they were never gonna be repaired to begin with, were they? So... 当你意识到工作单的文档系统乱的一塌糊涂 After you realized the paperwork system for the work orders were so screwed up 以至于你不小心派了两辆 that you accidentally approved two fire trucks 水泵故障的消防车去救火 that didn"t actually have working water pumps, 你之所以察觉此事


 我的当事人 realizing this, because my client 将消防部门混乱的官僚主义公诸于世 exposed the fire department"s bureaucratic mess to the public,


 你觉得当务之急 after you realized this, you felt the best usage of your time 不是去修补系统漏洞 would not be to go back and fix the system 以防更多无辜市民丧命 in an effort to prevent the death of more innocent people. 而是首先去 You thought the first thing you should do 查看我当事人的求职简历 was looking to my client"s job application and resume 哪怕他已经在这个部门工作了四年 even though he"d already been working for the department for four years. 好像是这样的 That may be what it looks like. 对不起



 你先查看什么 I"m sorry, sir, it"s a simple question. Which did you look into first? 是导致两名无辜市民死亡的工作单系统 The work order system that had just caused the death of two innocent people, 还是有四年工龄的职员简历 or a four-year-old job application of an employee 这名员工刚刚使你在公众面前丢脸 that had just publicly humiliated you? 我先提醒你


 你宣过誓的 And I remind your, sir, that you"re under oath. 我想

 我先查看了简历 I guess that the application was first. 没有其他问题了

 法官大人 No further questions, Your Honor. 您和您挚爱的人是否有过 Have you or someone you love been injured in an accident 因他人过失而受伤的经历 due to the negligence of another person? 请致电 D&W 律师事务所

 来电免费 Call Danzinger and Weiss. The phone call is free 不收任何咨♥询♥费用 and so is the consultation. 你需要专业

 有经验的律师 You need professional, experienced trial lawyers 为了当事人 that care about their clients 为您取回您和家人应得的赔偿金

 to get the cash settlements that you and your family deserve. 请勿犹豫

 立即致电 Don"t wait. Call today. 你玩真的 Are you serious? 交通意外和 The fact is that auto accidents 责任疏忽造成的人身伤害赔偿金和 and negligence result in higher personal injury awards 法庭裁定赔偿金都会更高 and higher jury awards. 其中 90%的个案甚至都不需要上庭 90% of them never even see the court room. 你应该把我的话当真 You should really take me serious. 喝一杯吧


 我们在开庆祝会呢 You should have a drink, counselor. We"re celebrating. 我想提醒你

 本来我们能赚更多钱 I remind you that we would"ve made more money 如果今天的案子可以庭外和解的话 if we had settled today"s case before the trial. 要不要我提醒你我们赢了官司 Should I remind you that we won? 我靠 Oh, damn. 我们不会呆太久的


 好吗 We won"t stay long. Like five minutes, okay? 不用了

 谢谢 Oh, no, thanks. 你见到我老公吗 Have you seen my husband? 没有 Oh, no. 啤酒



 朗姆酒 Beer, tequila, Jack, rum? 好吧 Fine. 麦克是我的副手 Mike"s my legal aide. 拜托

 你是在开玩笑吧 Please, tell me you"re joking.

 没有 Uh, no. 他从八年级之后真没怎么变

 是吗 He really hasn"t changed since eighth grade, has he? 是的 No, he hasn"t. 看见我那杀千刀的老公了吗 Have you seen my fucking husband? 应该在外面后院里吧 I think he might be out back. 听说过杯垫这种东西吗

 你个畜生 I haven"t ever heard of a goddamn coaster, you fucking animal! 我们可以走了吗 Can we go now? 随口问句

 你今晚怎么给你的学生上课 How did you get to teach your class tonight, by the way? 不上呗 I didn"t. 你不能老是取消课程

 学生会有怨言的 You can"t keep canceling your class. The students have been complaining. 有毛线怨言

 他们都在这儿呢 Why? They"re all here. 还有那个女孩

 她还在等着那几篇关于交通的文章 Oh. And the lady, she"s still waiting on those articles on the transportation. 我滴神啊


 不准再谈工作 Jesus Christ, you"re worse than all legal acts. No more talk about work. 各位


 这里是派对 Everybody, no more talk about work. This is a party. 派对真有趣

 麦克 It"s an interesting party, too, Mike. 一切安好吗 Hey, what"s going on? 好

 什么鬼东西 Hey. What the fuck is that? 一条短吻鳄 It"s an alligator. 它只不过爬出来散散步 It"s just left outside, walk around. 伙计们 Hey, listen, guys. 我的公♥司♥不能再把案子交给你们

 I can"t keep having my firm give you work 如果你们要花上两倍时间 is gonna take you twice as long... 花两倍时间

 在 1994 年国王郡对史蒂文森一案 Twice as long to find the 1994 case of Kings County vs. Stevenson 该案保护了残疾人养宠物的权利 which protects the rights of people with disabilities to keep their pets, 包括用作感情支撑的动物

 例如治疗抑郁症 including animals used for emotional support in cases like depression. 无论房♥东有什么规定 Regardless of the landlord"s policy 都没有非法驱逐当事人的权力 making the eviction of your client illegal, 赔偿金还提高到了一个很不错的数字 and upping the value of what will now be a really nice settlement. 不用谢

 我星期一把文件给你 You"re welcome. I"ll have it for you by Monday. 谢谢 Thank you. 你们明天打算去见那个护士

 是吗 You guys are gonna go see that nurse tomorrow, right? 对 Yeah. 好吧

 我要走了 All right. I gotta go. 什么叫"你要走了" What do you mean you gotta go? 我不能留下

 丽塔在车里等我 I can"t stay. Rita"s in the car right now. 因为你的蜥蜴想咬她的脚 Your lizard tried to bite her foot. -她是不是穿了白色鞋子

 -她讨厌白色 -Was she wearing white shoes?

 -Hate white shoes. 别走

 你才刚刚到 Don"t go. You just got here. 那边有个白人至上主义者

 我想让你和他聊聊 I got a white supremacist I want you to straighten out. 你说笑吧 Are you serious? 一定会相谈甚欢 It"d be a great conversation.




 楼上有人 Jamie, what the fuck? Are you nuts? There are people upstairs. 对



 你个混♥蛋♥ In our bed, in our fucking bed, you asshole! 杰米


 但不是这样谈 Jamie, we should talk about this, but this is not the way. 道歉 Apologize. 道歉 Apologize! 对不起 I"m sorry. 我要和你离婚 I want a divorce. 再见 I"ll see ya. 好了


 好戏收场了 All right, everyone, drama"s over. 操 Fuck. 你怎么还开这破车 Why do you still have this piece of crap? 我喜欢这车

 你可以开开看 I love this car. You can drive it. 这饮料闻起来一股屁味 That drink smells like wide open ass. 有益于身体

 有益于灵魂 Good for the body, good for the soul. 疯狂健康师 Mr. Health Nut. 你把你的消化系统当做下水道 You treat your digestive tract like a sewer. 喝那么多汽水早晚把你的食道毁掉 All that soda is gonna destroy your esophagus. 你把你的枪拿回来了吗 So, did you get your gun back? 还没 Not yet. 还好吧 You all right? 她早晚会回来的

 She"ll be back soon. 我平静一点之后

 我决定要斗争到底 So, after I got over myself a bit, I decided to fight. 谢谢你

 宝贝 Oh, thank you, sweetie. 艾滋病现在也不完全是绝症了 I mean, AIDS isn"t a death sentence any more. 药物治疗的效果一年比一年好 And the medicine gets better and better every year. 是的

 当然 Oh, sure, yes, of course. 只有这些了 This is all we had. 大卫

 杯子呢 David, a glass? 不用了



 大卫 That"s fine. We"re okay. Thank you, David. 我可以和迪豆先生玩吗 Can I play with Mr. Deedles? 当然可以 Of course, son. Of course. 达里尔说如果有谁能帮得上忙的话 Anyway, Daryl said if anybody could help, 肯定是你们俩 it"d be you fellas. 我的朋友杰弗里在我出意外之后发明了这个 My friend Jeffrey invented this after my accident. 安全针头 It"s a safety needle. 不会扎伤自己

 也不能回收再用 Can"t prick yourself, can"t be reused. 这种安全针头可以防止我这种意外发生 A safety needle like this could prevent incidents like mine from ever happening. 医院方面却拒绝使用

 连看都不看 And the hospital refuses to even look at if. 抱歉

 你出了工伤 Excuse me, so you were injured on the job, 有接受工伤赔偿吗 but are you receiving worker"s compensation? 有的

 他们有给我赔偿金 Yes, they"ve kept up with that end of it.

 那就对不住了 Uh, unfortunately 我觉得只能做到这一步了 I don"t think there"s anything else that can be done. 法律能提供的援助只有这么多 That"s all of the law provides for and, uh... 我们只能帮你做到这些了 It"s really all we can get you. 我

 我不要别的 But I-I don"t want anything else. 我自己别无他求了

 但是我的意外并不是独♥立♥事件 Not personally anyway. You see, my case is not an isolated incident. 这种意外随时会发生在一线医护人员身上 This thing is happening to front line health care professionals all the time. 很抱歉 We"re very sorry. 必须让医院使用这种针头

 重点是 We have to make them use this. The bottom line is, 医院方面明白他们的员工在冒险 the hospitals are knowing they"re putting their employees at risk 他们会受伤

 会死人的 letting them get hurt. People are dying. 又是无足轻重的事儿 And then again I feel this tap. 没什么意义 More like a late dump. 真幼稚 it"s a babe. 我的意思是

 我们平均 What I"m saying is we"ve been netting on average 从每个人身伤害案赢利 2-5 万 for each injury settlement about 50 to 20 K, right? 如果每个月能接上几单的话 Keep stringing a few of these together a month 到了 2 月份我们就能扭亏为盈了 and we can actually be in the black by February. 你觉得被针♥刺♥伤的意外发生概率有多高 How often do you think that needle stick thing happens? 你觉得每天都有 You think it"s like a daily thing? 不知道


 I don"t know. There"s no case here anyway. 如果我们能证明医院方面疏忽 If we could prove the hospitals were negligent, 市内每家医院的职员都可能成为我们的客户 our clients could be every hospital worker in the country. 麦克

 我们现在连调查的经费都不够 Mike, we can"t afford to go on a fishing expedition right now. 我觉得该去会会那家伙 I think we should go meet that guy. 发明安全针头的那个 The guy that invented the safety needle. 如果你和我去见发明针头的杰弗里 If you come with me to meet Jeffrey the inventor, -我就答应你我会认真工作三天

 -全神贯注? -I"ll give you three focused days.

 -focus? 全神贯注地工作三天

 每天八小时 Three extremely focused, eight-hour days, 接待想多敲诈保险公♥司♥几个钱的意外受害者 interviewing as many accident victims trying to squeeze the insurance company 只要你开口


 成交 for an extra $12 as you want. Deal? 成交 Deal. 钳子给我 Give me that clamp. 杰弗里·邓 Jeffrey Dancort. 是的 That"s me. 保罗·丹

 我们是 D&W 律师事务所 Paul Danzinger. We"re lawyers from Danzinger and Weiss. 他也是律师 He a lawyer, too? 这位是麦克·韦

 我的搭档 This is Mike Weiss, my partner. 维姬出意外的时候

 我是一个机械结构工程师 I was working as a mechanical and structural engineer when Vicky got stuck. 你们见过她了 So, you guys met her? 是的

 真是不幸的意外 Uh, yeah, we did. It"s a terrible shame.


 那件事对我打击很大 She"s my best friend "s kid. That really hit me. 我花了一年时间想出这个概念 I spent about a year working on developing the concept. 后来国家卫生研究院给了我 5 万经费 Sooner or later the National Institute of Health gave me a $50, 000-grant 开♥发♥量产原型 to develop a prototype for reproduction. 有人用过吗 Anyone ever use it? 圣安东尼奥纪念医院用了两年 San Antonio Memorial Hospital used it for two years. 效果如何 How"s that working out? 两年内没有发生过任何针♥刺♥意外 Not a single needle stick incident in two years. 也就是说

 用了这种针头就一定不会被扎 So, there"s no way you can get stuck with this thing. 不会扎伤

 不能二次使用 Can"t get stuck with it, can"t reuse it. 医生的至爱

 护士的梦想 Doctor"s love it and nurses are begging for it. 只有圣安东尼奥纪念医院买♥♥ Only San Antonio Memorial will buy it. 为什么 Why? 我想你们能告诉我答案 I thought you guys could tell me that. 在接下来的几周内


 200 家医院 To start you should call at least 200 hospitals over the next couple of weeks. 200 家医院 Two hundred hospitals. 我知道听起来很困难


 建立数据库 I know it sounds a lot, but we "re gonna need to do is get a data base... 我已经联♥系♥过 2000 家医院 I"ve already approached 2, 000 hospitals. 你介绍针头的时候他们怎么说 What"d say when you showed them the needle? 他们叫我滚蛋 They asked me to leave. 我们可不可以因为医院拒绝购买♥♥

 Is there any way we can sue a hospital for not buying something 能拯救人命的产品而起诉他们 that saves people"s lives? 所谓的奇迹之药

 使我的当事人身受中风之苦 So called miracle drug allegedly causes client to suffer a stroke. 他正向另一家制药公♥司♥发起挑战 He"s currently waging his battle against another pharmaceutical company. 人身伤害诉讼的顶级律师

 马克·雷尼 Top personal injury, attorney Mark Lenier. 实在令人震愤 This is absolutely outrageous. 这家大制药公♥司♥简直将我的当事人 This is big pharma deciding that they can take my client 当做小白鼠 and make him a Guinea pig, 在他身上测试药物

 赚取利润 test their medicines on him, make their money off of him, 然后在他发病的时候抛弃他 and then just disregard him and throw him away when he breaks. 野蛮的实在忍♥无可忍♥ And that"s outrageous and we"re gonna stop it. 我们要在法庭上制止这种行为 We"re gonna stop it right here in this court house. 很行嘛 He"s good. 这家伙真行 He"s very good. 谢谢你和我会面 Thank you for agreeing to talk with me. 没问题

 说吧 Sure, no problem. Talk. 电♥话♥里你说你知道 On the phone you said you were aware of the high number 针♥刺♥意外发生的频率相当高 of accidental needle sticks. 每年 80 万宗叫不叫高 How about 800,000 a year? 是确切数字吗 Is that an accurate number? 你不相信我 You don"t believe me?


 不是我不信你 No, it"s not that I don"t believe you. 我只是想知道这个数字确不确切 I just wanna know if it"s an accurate number. 我


 德州护士协会第五区会长 I, Karen Brown, head of the Texas Nurses" Association District Five 庄严宣誓


 行了吧 do officially swear that that number is accurate. Better? 我只是想搞明白 I"m just trying to get a better understanding here. 好吧

 你要搞明白的应该是这个 Good. Then here"s what you need to understand. Okay? 以下疾病 The major cause of these diseases, 乙肝


 艾滋病 hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV, 影响着所有一线医护人员 affecting all front line health care workers 而主要原因就是因为针♥刺♥意外 is because of accidental needle sticks. 明白吗 Okay? 好的

 我来的原因是我的当事人 Okay. The reason I"m here is "cause my client 研发了一种能避免针♥刺♥意外的安全针头 has invented a safety needle that can prevent this from ever happening again. 跟我说没用 Then don"t talk to me. 我该和谁谈 Who should I talk to? 采购部门 The purchasing department. 采购

 谢谢 Purchasing. Thank you. -威斯曼先生

 -魏斯 -Mr. Weismann.

 -Weiss -魏斯先生

 -叫我麦克就行 -Mr. Weiss.

 -Mike, please. -魏斯先生


 -为什么 Mr. Weiss, I cannot and will not look at your needle.

 -Why 因为医院已经签订了购买♥♥合同

 Because of the purchasing contract that the hospital has. 你能看看这些数据吗 Will you at least look at this data? 不 No. 能告诉我原因吗 Would you mind telling me why? 我不想看你的数据 I don"t want you to show me your data, 你也别把这种针头拿给我的护士看 and I don"t want you to show this product to my nurses 因为他们会想要

 而又得不到 because they"ll want it, and they can"t have it. 是什么样的衬衫 What kind of a shirt was it? 质量很好吗 Was it a nice shirt? 是警♥察♥先生的牌子

 很好的衬衫 Uh, just Mr. Police, it was nice. 有什么特殊意义吗 Was it a special shirt? 特殊意义 Special? 也许是


 一件礼物 Maybe it was, a, uh, gift. 只是一件衬衫 It was just a shirt. 你觉得值多少钱 How much did you say it cost? 不记得了 I don"t remember. 那就 70 美元吧 Let"s say $70. 西尔维亚 Sylvia, 再给麦克打个电♥话♥好吗 could you, uh, try Mike again, please? 小家伙

 如果你想回家的时候还有十根小手指 Not if you wanna leave with all ten of those tiny little fingers, young man. 我刚给他留了五条信息 I just left him a fifth message.

 麦克 Mike. 保罗


 你不会相信的 Paul, you"re awake. You"re not gonna believe this. 我设法和医院感染科主任见了面 I worked my way into a meeting with the director of Infection at the hospital. 什么 What? 是今天

 我擦 That was today? Oh, shit, man. 喂 Hello? 他说安全针头对医院来说是很重要的 He said that Safety Point is fucking essential to the safety of hospital... 我们要面对的是一大堆违反州法律的行为 I mean, we"re looking at a shitload of violations under State Law. 一些违反法庭判罚的虚假宣传 Several violations on a shitload of counts under false claims. 我正在研究 I"m looking for it. 拿去吧

 午饭后我再给他打电♥话♥ Take it, take it. And I"ll call him after lunch. 好的 All right. 我午饭后再给他打电♥话♥ I"ll call him after lunch. 我代表护士协会致电 The Nursing Association I represent requested I call 希望你们可以就此事给予协助 in hopes that you"d help them with their campaign in regards to this matter. 期待你的回电 If you"d give me a call back, that"d be great, if not... 内布拉斯加州的议员欧哈拉 Senator O"Hara"s from Nebraska. 内布拉斯加州 Nebraska? 只有 100 家中心

 我们应该 Yeah, there"s only 100 centers. We could call... 我们?

 你是说我们是一个团队 Us? You mean we"re like a team? 我们要达成一致


 That we agreed upon things then we do them together? 我说了对不起 I said I was sorry. -连续 22 个小时

 -我说了对不起 -Twenty-two straight hours...

 -I"m sorry. 你收到我发过去的文件了吗 Did you get the file I sent over? 我收到了

 GPO 在替医院采购产品的时候收受贿赂


 医疗器械集团采购组织) I got it. GPO"s have been bribed to buy certain products for the hospitals. 我把文件发给老邓了 I sent it over to Dancort already. 80 年代

 GPO 组织发展壮大 In the "80s, these GPO"s got so big, 他们在国会上通过了一条法案 they managed to pass a bill in Congress 允许他们向制♥造♥商收取 3%的回扣 allowing them a 3% commission from the manufacturers 本来回扣是要协商决定的 they"re supposedly negotiating with. 我们接了个大案子 We have a great case here. 没错 Yeah, we do. 对不起

 你叫什么名字 I"m sorry, what was your name? 苏西 Susie. 苏西

 能让我们单独说几句吗 Susie. Would you give us a second, please? -好的


 -谢谢 Sure. I"ll be right outside.

 -Thanks 麦克

 我知道我们接了个大案子 Look. Mike, I think that we have a great case here, 但是我希望你能实际点 potentially really great, but I need you to be practical with me for a minute. 医院不顾员工的安危 Like hospitals letting people die 就因为安全针头贵了五美分 because Safety Point costs five cents more? 麦克


 我会参与 Mike, I"m in, all right? I"m in.

 但是如果事情闹大了 It"s just that if this thing gets too big, 你得允许我让另一家律师行帮忙 you need to let me bring in another firm to help out. 相信我

 圣诞节前就能搞定 Trust me, the thing is gonna settle by Christmas. 可能会拖上几年 It could drag for years. 这是垄断案

 我们不是反垄断律师行 It"s a monopoly case and we"re not an antitrust firm. 我们想成为什么样的律师行

 保罗 What kinda firm we wanna be, Paul? 这件案子会让我们扬名立万 Come on, this is gonna make us. 也可能把我们拖垮

 花销太大了 It could break us. It"s gonna be extremely expensive. 老邓付不起这笔费用 Dancort can"t afford to pay us 光靠我一个人打人身伤害案也填补不了 and I can"t do enough injury cases on my own. 你想我说什么


 行了吧 What do you want me to say? I"m sorry, all right? 对不起

 之前我搞砸了 I"m sorry I messed the fucking line. 麦克


 我意思是我们的资源 Mike, listen to me. I"m telling you that we don"t have the resources 不足以解决这件案

 拜托了 to take this thing all the way, so please. 我要你答应我

 当我告诉你我们撑不下去的时候 I need your word that when I tell you that the well is running dry, -你要同意让另一家律师行介入


 -好 we bring in another firm to help out, okay?

 -Yeah 好

 我们可以开工了吗 Yes. Can we get to work now, please? 不好意思

 我打扰你们了吗 Sorry. Am I interrupting something? 没有


 进来吧 No, not at all. Come in. 让你跑一趟真不好意思 Thanks for coming down. 请坐

 Have a seat. 我收到一份请柬 Well, right here I got an invitation 去参加一场供应商会议 to a supplier"s to attend a conference 是"全美医疗用品协会"发起的 from the United Medical Health Supplies people. 国内最大的采购组织 Largest group purchasing organization in the country. 你猜猜要交多少会费 And guess how much it costs to attend the conference? 多少 How much? 2 万 5 千美金 $25,000. 两万五美刀 Twenty-five grand? 怎么这么贵 What does that get you? 三年前我去参加了一个名犬名马展 I went to one of these dog and pony shows about three years back 入场费最低 7 万 5

 我眉头都不皱一下 for the low price of 75 grand, and I didn"t get jack shit. 你好

 我是麦克·魏斯 Hey. Mike Weiss. 你好 How are you? 我很高兴 I am excited. GPO 组织 These GPO guys 代表全美超过 4 千家医疗器材供应商 represent over 4, 000 health care providers in the US 每年提供的医疗产品 and they supply "em with $80 billion 金额达到 800 亿 in medical products every year. 包括助行器


 轮椅 Walkers and canes and wheelchairs, 马桶

 座便器 commodes, bedpans.

 你想让医院购买♥♥你的产品 The only way to get your product into hospitals 就只能通过这群混♥蛋♥ is to go through these fuckers, 你不得不交上万美刀 so you have to pay thousands of dollars 才有机会在"全美医疗用品协会" for the opportunity to grovel in front of a couple 的几个混♥蛋♥面前献媚 of United Medical Health Supply muckety-mucks. 麦克·魏斯 Mike Weiss. 感谢你的参与 Thanks for coming. 但是全是狗屁 But it"s all just horse shit. 要想成事就要花上大把大把的钞票 You need real money to get anything done... 有助于防止病人和员工发生意外 Gonna help prevent accidents from happening to your patients and employees. 长♥期♥下来


 又能救人 And over time, it"s gonna save you money and it"s gonna save lives. 不知道你对这种产品有兴趣吗 Does that sound like something that might interest you? 让我看看 Oh, let"s see what you have 你知道每年有超过 80 万起针♥刺♥意外吗 Are you aware there are over 800, 000 accidental needle sticks a year? 交了 2 万 5

 连午饭都吃不上 For 25, 000, you can"t even stay for lunch. 想留下吃午饭要花多少钱 How much does it cost to stay for lunch? 上百万 Millions. 无论如何不要让我睡着 Whatever you do, don"t let me fall asleep. 安心啦 I think you"ll be okay. 不就四个小时 For four hours only. 要我帮你来一发手♥枪♥吗

 Want a hand job? 好 Sure. 他们要给我录像 They"re gonna videotape me? 没问题的 We"re gonna be okay. 你好

 我是保罗·丹 Hi. Paul Danzinger. 这边 Over here? 是

 坐下吧 Yeah. Let"s have a seat. 操

 操 Oh, fuck! Fuck! 先生们 Gentlemen. 谢谢你们的到来 Thank you for coming. It"s much appreciated. 保罗·丹 Paul Danzinger. 你一定是邓柯特先生 You must be Mr. Dancort. 力气真大

 你打高尔夫 This grip. You golf? 不

 我不打 No, I don"t golf. 怎么怒气冲冲的 Why so grumpy? 吃东西了吗 You get the chance to eat? 早餐是一天中最重要的一顿 Breakfast"s the most important meal of the day. 给邓柯特先生上一杯咖啡和糕点 Would somebody please bring Mr. Dancort a cup of coffee and a Danish? 我们开始吧

 还要再等一个人吗 So, let"s get down to it. Are we waiting for one more? 开始吧 Let"s just begin. 好的


 我们今天 Okay. Mr. Dancort, we are here today

 要针对你对我当事人的指控问你一些问题 so we can ask you some questions regarding your allegations against my client. 开始之前

 我想提醒你 Before we begin, I would like to establish for the record 你的所有证词证据必须发誓为真 that you"re aware that the deposition is sworn testimony under oath. 知道了 Yeah, yeah. 法庭记录员会记下你的证言 The court reporter will be recording the session 以便我们在法庭上使用 in the event that we would choose to show the jury your testimony in a court of law.


 请随时提出 If at any time during these proceedings you feel the need for a break, please feel free to do so. 都清楚了吗 Is everything clear so far? 嗯 em 是还是不是

 先生 Is that a yes or a no, sir? 是 Yes. 谢谢

 我要开始提问了 Thank you. I"d like to start by asking questions 关于你的背景

 请你告诉我你的全名 about your background. Would you please tell me your full name? 杰佛里·马修·邓科特 Jeffrey Matthew Dancort. 能拼出来吗 Could you spell that, please? 杰弗里

 J-E-F-F-R-E-Y Jeffrey, J-E-F-F-R-E-Y. 马修

 M-A-T-T-H-E-W Matthew, M-A-T-T-H-E-W. 邓科特

 D-A -N-C-O-R-T Dancort, D-A -N-C-O-R-T. 谢谢

 目前住址 Thank you. Current address, please. 玛丽维特道 1429 号♥ 1429 Merryweather drive,


 邮编 74561 Houston, Texas, 74561. 谢谢

 是公♥寓♥还是独幢楼房♥ Thank you. Is that an apartment or a house? 独幢楼房♥ It"s a house. 你在那里居住多久了

 邓科特先生 For how long have you lived there, Mr. Dancort? 我不记得

 大概十年 I don"t know, about ten years. 大概十年还是正好十年 About ten years or exactly ten years? 我们是 1986 年搬进去的 We moved in there in 1986. 那就是 12 年了 That would be 12 years. 对

 好像是这样 Yeah, that sounds about right. 好像是这样还是的确是这样 Sounds right or is right? 如果你 1986 年搬进去

 那就是 12 年 If you moved there in 1986, that would be 12 years. 礼貌点 Be polite. 是的


 先生 Yes, that"s right, sir. 等等 One moment, please. 好 Right. 我靠 Oh, Shit. 操 Oh, fuck. 操 Fuck. 你♥娘♥的♥ Fucking. 我去 Fuck! 除了足球


 Besides football, did you play any other sport? 足球?

 我们谈个毛线足球啊 Football? What the hell are we talking about football? 我们来讨论案件的

 讨论案件啊 We case here to discuss the case. Let"s discuss the case. 我们想得到一些基本背景资料 We wanted to get some simple background information. 我要求让我当事人稍作休息 I"d like to request that my client take a break now. 请记下来 Let the record reflect 原告律师在原告还没回答问题的时候提出休息 that the plaintiff"s attorney has asked for a break without answering the question. 不用了

 继续吧 That"s okay. Keep going. Just keep going. 那我们继续

 除了足球你还进行 Continuing, besides football, did you play any other... 对不起

 您是内森·普莱斯 Excuse me. Nathaniel Price. 是的 I am. 我是麦克·魏斯

 看来我们会在法庭上见 Mike Weiss. Guess I"ll be seeing you in court. 我很期待 I"m looking forward to it. -很好

 -借过 -Good.

 -Excuse me. -你♥他♥妈♥去哪了


 到外面去 -Where the fuck were you?

 -Not here. Outside. 邓科特先生

 你养的第一条狗叫什么 And what was the name of your first dog, Mr. Dancort? 鲁弗斯


 邓科特先生 Oh, well, Rufus. And how do you spell that, Mr. Dancort?


 邓科特先生 R-U-F-U-S. And were you fond of this dog, Mr. Dancort? 一般般


 邓科特先生 我的意思是 Not particularly. Does that mean you dislike dogs, Mr. Dancort? I mean ... 他们今天露面了 They showed themselves today. 如果他们不是怕了你就不会耍这种把戏 They wouldn"t have brought up the big guns if they weren"t scared of you.



 他们 12 个人统统怕得屁滚尿流 Yeah, they"re terrified. Scared fucking shitless all twelve of them. 我今天之所以没到场

 是因为我找了一个老友谈了谈 The reason I wasn"t there today is cause I was talking to a good buddy of mine. 亨利·马修斯

 休斯顿纪事报的首席主编 Henry Matthews, editor-in-chief of the Houston Chronicle. 他们打算为你写一篇报道 They"re going to run a story on you. 办公室见 I"ll see you guys back at the office. 休斯顿纪事报 Houston Chronicle. 我是麦克·魏斯律师

 找亨利·马修斯 This is attorney Mike Weiss calling for Henry Matthews. 这里没有亨利·马修斯

 只有亨利·马瑟斯 We don"t have a Henry Matthews. We have a Henry Mathers. 就是找他


 谢谢 That"s what I meant. Henry Mathers. Thank you. 他不在

 你要转接语♥音♥信箱吗 He"s not in. Would you like his voice mail? -好的

 -稍等 -Sure.

 -One moment, please. 太阳一下山我就到 As soon as the sun goes down, I"ll be over there. 你好 Hey. 法律与秩序


 你有什么需要 Law and order. What"s up? What you need? 来 200 Two hundred. 我是麦克 This is Mike. 你都交了些什么朋友

 麦克 What the hell kinda friends have you got, Mike? 也许你该找些其他朋友来帮忙 Maybe you got some other friends who can help us out. 这些人就是这么干活的

 他们一定威胁了报纸 It"s how these people operate. They must"ve threatened the paper. 我不管他们做了什么或怎么做的 I don"t know what they did or how they did it. 我花了几个小时


 I"ve just spent hours on the phone dealing with my investors, 我老婆


 这篇文章说我和我的助手有染 my wife, my mother. This article claims I"m having an affair with my assistant. 你和助手有染? Are you having an affair with your assistant? 没有 No. 那你怕什么?

 他们就是想诋毁你 Then what are you worried about? They"re just trying to smear you. That"s all 意料之中的 This is to be expected. 他们首先会在开庭之前引发公众 They"re gonna try and make as many people hat...