
 一个真实的故事 第 21 届洛杉矶年度礼品展销会 发声开瓶器成为仅次于呼啦圈、飞盘和水枪发射器之后,排在第四的畅销新奇产品。在全球 18 个国家销量超过千万。

 达拉斯·罗伯茨 杰瑞米·雷纳 阿耶莱特·祖蕾尔 发光体 现在你来选你喜欢的项圈 Yes,now,you pick out the collar. 你告诉我想要哪一个 You tell me which one you want. 哪一个 Which one? 好样的 Yes. 我不知道这里有没有我可以用到的 I don"t know if there"s anything here I could possibly use. 韦伯先生

 - 是的 - Mr.Webber

  - yeah. 国际礼品公♥司♥的马特里德 Matt Reeder,International Gifts. 哦 对对 Oh,right,right. 你最近如何 Yeah,how are you doing? 不错 Good. 它今天不怎么想说话 He"s not talking today. 是啊 Yeah. 你可以在后面的仓库等我一下吗 You know,why don"t you wait back in the stockroom. 谢谢 Thank you. 有没有带绒毛的 Anything with fur? 很痛的样子 Ooh,that"s gonna" hurt. 再来一杆

 Mulligan? 他是这里的会员吗 Is he a member? 该死 Shit. 哎呦 Oops. 我有一个问题问你 I have a question for you. 作为这里的员工

 你是不是可以常打高尔夫球 Being an employee here,do you get to play a lot of golf? 是的

 这就是为什么我在这工作 Yeah,that"s why I work here. 真的 Yeah? 你的差点是多少 (差点:高尔夫运动中给弱者增加的杆数)

 What"s your handicap? 六 Six. 我也是 Me,too 你开玩笑吧 No,really? 真的 好吧 是一扎 Yeah. Well,six-pack. 我是个厉害的酒豪 I"m a really good drinker. 太老套了 That"s corny. 我知道 这很糟糕 I know,that"s terrible. 我们找个时间一起去打球怎么样 What do you say we go hit some balls sometime? 我来开高尔夫球车 I"ll drive the cart around. 然后看着你击球 I can watch your stroke. 辛达 Cinda. 普雷斯顿 Uhh,Preston.

 你好 Hi. 你好 老兄 How are you,buddy? 你的笑容棒透了 You"ve got a great smile,man. 你绝对有位优秀的牙科规划师 You must have a good dental planner. 萨姆斯古乐 Sam Schooler. 你好 How are you? 好吧 你有些什么 So,what do you got? 韦伯先生 这款做梦狗手表的独特之处 Now,the unique feature of The Dreaming Dog Watch, 是它的可动动画 Mr. Webber,is the animation. 当秒针跳动的时候 你可以看见这只狗 As the seconds tick by,you can actually see what the dog 梦到些什么 is dreaming about. 哈 Huh! 出人意料 I"ll be darned! 这主意真棒 It"s clever. 是的 Yeah. 如果你注意看 会发现所有的动画 And if you look,you"ll notice all the animation. 我们称它为沮丧的高尔夫球手手表 We call it The Frustrated Golfer"s Watch. 当你打出一记小小的削球后 And you can see all the curse symbols after you get 可以看见所有的咒骂符号♥ a little back slice. 母狗 Slut! 你知道我的意思吧

 You know what I mean? 我们都感同身受 We"ve all been there. 我知道我有 I know I have. 这已经定价了吧 It"s priced right. 你有多少种 What rates you got? 我们现在只有这一款 It is just the one for the moment. 但是我们 But we are.. 不 马特 假如你把他们的狗画在上面 Oh,no,you see,Matt,my customers would buy this 我的顾客会像疯了一样 watch like crazy,okay? 购买♥♥这类手表的好吗 Provided you had their dog on it. 等等 Oh,hold on. 你说我疯了 或许我是 Call me crazy,maybe it"s just me, 难道你的高尔夫球会员们就不是了 but aren"t all your members golfers? 是吗 Uhh,yeah. 而且他们都戴表 不是吗 And they all wear watches,don"t they? 绝不是这种新奇的廉价表 Yeah,just not novelty watches. 明白了 Ahh,gotcha". 更多像是劳力士那种 More of a Rolex crowd. 如果一位养着约克夏的女士 I mean,a lady with a Yorkie is not going to buy a 是不会去买♥♥虽然可爱却有一只拉布拉多在上面的表的 watch,as cute as it is,with a Lab on it. 我明白你的意思 Well,I know what you mean...

 种类必须齐全 明白吗 You gotta" get all the breeds,all right? 就是这样 Yeah,see,I like to follow give 我希望满足顾客的需求 the customer what they want. 明白我的意思吧 You know what I"m saying? 我该走了 Yeah,I gotta" go. 小心点 Careful now. 它会跳起来 He jumps. 你想对我说这个质量不过关 You"re going to tell me that this isn"t quality? 这正是我想说的 That"s exactly what I"m saying. 而且我还想对你说 And I"m also saying that you,you need to pick up 你该买♥♥本有关推销技巧的书 a book on salesmanship. 那本书是我写的 伙计 Yeah,well,I wrote that book,buddy! 嗨 Hi. 沃尔特 我发现你还在做这个 Walter,I see you"re still at it. 第一次我甚至欺骗过州长 First time I ever double-crossed the governor. 我能为你做些什么 What can I do for you? 你介意我坐下来吗 Would you mind if I sat down? 那盏窗户里的灯 There"s been a lamp burning in the window for 是专门为你点的 you honey,go ahead. 我早仍那扇窗里跳出来很久了 Oh,I jumped out that window a long time ago. 你绞尽脑汁

 You can hit your head against the wall, 走过无数弯路 try every angle,rack your brain, 然后有一天突然有了一个想法 and then one day out of the blue,you get an idea. 了不起的创意 The big idea. 那是你梦寐以求的 The one you"ve been waiting for. 成功的机会 A chance to win. 我上♥床♥睡觉了 亲爱的 I"m going to go to bed,honey. 明天一早六点就要飞 I"ve got a six o"clock flight. 和吆娜在一起令我竭尽全力想获得成功 Being with Gina made me want to do anything to win. 好的 谢谢你 Well,I can appreciate that,sir... 我不在这里 I"m not here! 但是我们的会计师已经忙疯了 ...but our accountant has been super busy. 彼得曼先生 Mr. Bederman. 嗯 Uh-huh. 不 他在开会 No,he"s in a meeting. 是的 Yes,sir. 好的 All right. 马特 Matt 它到了 It"s here! 布兰达 你加薪了 Brenda,you get a raise. -萨米

  - 啥 -Sammy!

 - Huh?

 就是它 Ooh,is that it? 是的 Yeah,Okay. 布兰达在哪 Where"s Brenda? 布兰达 她在哪儿 Brenda? Wre"s she at? 帮我把电♥话♥保留住 Hold my calls! 好的 Okay. 现在 我一直想要卖♥♥出 100 万的东西 Now... I always wanted to sell a million of something. 让我们看看这个 Let"s see this! 我搞出了这个 I babied this one. 给香港那边打了一晚上电♥话♥ 传真图样 来来回♥回♥ Calling Hong Kong all night,faxing diagrams back and forth... 得了 少废话 Come on,cut the shit! 打开它 快点 让我看看 Let"s do this! do this! Let me see it! 现在 这就是幸运彩票表 And now,The Lucky Lottery Watch. 哇哦 Wow! 彩票手表 Lottery Watch? 好漂亮 That"s beautiful! 6 个中奖号♥码 Six winning numbers. 等等 每次都不同吗 Wait,is it different every time? 完全随机的 Totally random. 这太神奇了 Wow,It"s amazing,man 试想我们可以在多少地方卖♥♥这坏小子

 Imagine how many places we"re going to sell that bad boy! 首先 所有卖♥♥彩票的地方 First of all,everyone who sells a lottery ticket. 连锁店 百货商场 Chain stores,department stores. 维加斯 Vegas! 我们要去维加斯了 We"re going to Vegas! 对不起 伙计们 但产品开♥发♥的根本 Excuse me,guys,but product development is 是为了需求对吧 essentially defining a need,right? 没错 Exactly. 彩民真的需要一块手表 Does someone playing the lottery really need a 来帮他们选择自己的数字吗 watch to pick their numbers? 比恩 Bean! 这不是手表 This is not a watch. 不是 Nope. 我们在出♥售♥梦想 We,you and I,are selling a dream! 没错 宝贝 That"s right,baby. 拿着它 拿好 Hold this,take it. 有六千万人在买♥♥彩票 Sixty million people play the lottery. 这是不容错过的产品 This is a product that can not miss. 好吧 我们有整整一储藏室的存货 Yeah,well,we have a storeroom full of products 都是不容错过的 我们有好几千只 that can"t miss. We got the remote control beer mug. 电视遥控啤酒杯 There"s thousands of those.

 还有手形包 We"ve got that handbag. 很糟糕的发明 Bad ideal 还有鱼故事钟 And the Fish Stories clock? 伙计们 Guys! 还有积枀向上教授 Whoa,whoa,hey,Professor Positive. 那个根本不是你发明的 You didn"t even invent that. 是的 但我喜欢它 Yeah,I like it. 太神奇了 Amazing! 这很棒 It"s good,man. 我们会发大财 对吧 Let"s make a million,huh? 如果你按这边的按钮 You push this button on the side of the case 会弹出 6 个号♥码 and six numbers pop up. 6 个号♥码 Six numbers. 每次都不一样 Different numbers every time. 他是怎么冒出这些想法的 How"s he come up with all these ideas? 不管你信不信 Well,believe it or not, 他常说是因为加进啤酒的酒花 he used to claim it was the hops,you know,in beer. 现在则是宇宙意识 Now it"s the universal mind. 宇宙意识 The universal mind. 他们会计员的理论是 Their bookkeepers theory is all ideas come from 所有的极思都来自某种集体意识

 some kind of collective consciousness, 一种宇宙意识 one universal mind. 好的 Okey 我明白 I know. 但对马特来说那些想法很正常 But to Matt,you know,it made perfect sense that all ideas 就像漂浮在空中的老式无线电和电视广播 are floating around in space like some kind of old radio 他的脑袋就是接收站 and TV broadcast,and his mind is a receiving station. 接收站 A receiving station. 我知道他是有点不在状态 I know he"s a little off. 是的 但这就是你喜欢他的原因 Yes,but that"s why you liked him. 我知道 I know. 这就是为啥我一直喜欢他 That"s what I"ve always liked about him. 你继续搞发明 哥们 我会负责卖♥♥掉 You keep dreaming up the ideas,buddy,I"ll sell them. 我会的 这是肯定的 I will. That"s for sure. 你明白我说的吗 You know what I mean? 是的 Yeah. 现在为了新表 Now,we are going to need seed money 我们需要一点本金 for the new watch. 不 我们不去赌场 好吗 No,we"re not going to the casino,okay? 看清楚我的口型 Read my lips. 我们不去赌场 We"re not going to the casino.

 我们不去赌场 没错 That"s right. All right. 我们去赛狗场 We"re going to the dog track. 这是一回事 That is the same difference. 这区别很大 It"s a big difference. 这是赛狗场 不是赌场 It"s a dog track,it"s not a casino. 如果吆娜问起 你去了赌场吗 And if Gina asks you,"Did you go to the casino?" 她当然会问 And she will! 没问题 肯定地说没有 因为这是事实 Fine. Say no with authority,because it"s true. 这不是赌场 It"s not the casino. 娘的才没有 吆娜 Say,"No,goddamnit,Gina! 我绝对没去他妈的赌场 I did not go to the fucking casino! 我说过不会去的不是吗 I told you I wouldn"t,didn"t I" 是的 对吧 Yeah. Right? 你要学会玩文字游戏 就像这样 You gotta" turn it around on them just like that. 是这组里的拜尤 It"s Bayou by a bundle! 萨姆喜欢在仸何事情上面赌博 Sam loves to gamble on anything. 明天气温会达到 100 华氏度 "Will the temperature hit a hundred tomorrow?" 打赌我可以吃掉六个墨西哥辣椒 "I bet you I can eat six jalapenos." 他因此赔上不少钱 还有两次婚姻 It cost him a lot of money,and two marriages. 但他不在乎 But he shrugs it off. 三还是四

 Three or four? 你押那只笨狗 Your dumb dog on that one. 我喜欢它 开始吧 I like it,let"s do it. 哇哦 Whoa. 我们的关键时刻 看 While we have this moment,look,look,look! 怎么了 What? 瞧见那只在拉屎的狗没 See that dog taking a shit? 看看它 看看它 Look at him. Look at him. 怎么了 Yeah? 二号♥ Number two! 我们要转运了 Our luck is about to change. 二号♥ 二号♥ 二号♥ Two,two,two. 能行 Can Do 能行 Can Do 就是它了 老兄 This is the one,bro! 不 伙计 NO,no,man. 看 它的赔率很高 Look,he"s coming down from a beating. 好吧 听我说 Okay,listen to me. 有骑师告诉酒保卡尔 如果你看到 Ahh,a jockey told Carl the bartender that if you see a 一匹马在比赛前拉屎 你就要全押它身上 horse shit before a race,you bet all you got on him. 他这样说过 He said that.

 那只狗在拉屎 这就是为什么 The dog is shitting,and that"s why 你赌它赢 you"re betting on him? 没错 想想看 看着我 Yeah. Think about it. Look at me! 它的赔率是二十二比一 He"s twenty-two to one. 想想看 这很有道理 不是吗 Come on,it makes sense,right? 它更轻 快乐 放松 He"s lighter,he"s happy,he"s relaxed. 这太可怕了 It"s horrible! 想想看 Think about it. 下注吧 怎么样 Let"s do this,all right? 拜托 他是位骑师 Come on,he"s a jockey. 为什么要说谎 Why would he lie? 冷静点 我们慢慢来 Now,calm down,let"s take it slow. 我们刚来 好吗 We just got here,Okay? 你有多少 Okay,so how much you got? 我有二百二 I got two twenty. 我押十块在 24 号♥ Can I have a ten dollar two-four on...,and a ten 十块钱在 28 号♥ 谢谢 dollar two-eight on...? Thank you. 四百押 2 号♥ 能行 必胜 And four hundred on two,Can Do,to win. 谢谢 Thank you. 我说过慢点 你在送钱 I said take it...Put away your money. 兔子来了

 Here comes the bunny! 还有 2 号♥ 上吧宝贝 And two,let"s go,baby! 开跑了 And they"re off! 紧随其后的是晚饭迟和能行 In the lead,followed by Late For Dinner and Can Do 进入第一个弯道了 They"re going into the first turn! 跳蚤的法拉利在非终点直道处 Down in the back stretch,A Flea"s Ferrari chases down the 追上了 2 号♥能行 number 2 Can Do 冲刺阶段能行被反超 Can Do gets passed.l As they head for the wire, 现在跳蚤的法拉利已经拉开了一段距离 it"s A Flea"s Ferrari pulling away now by a length! 跳蚤的法拉利获胜 A Flea"s Ferrari takes it! 四百美元的狗屎理论 Four hundred dollars on the dog shit theory. 你该感到骄傲 You should be proud. 操蛋的能行 Fucking Can Do bullshit. 我不能怪萨姆 I can"t blame Sam. 他只是想借此增加本金 He was just trying to raise money for our business. 我们吅伙前萨姆做过一段时间建筑工作 Sam did construction for a while before we teamed up. 我没打过工 Me,I"ve never had a job. 我向来为自己工作 I"ve always worked for myself. 虽然很艰难 工时长 还没有收入保障 It can be tough,long hours,no guaranteed paycheck. 但是总有一个成功的机会 But you have a chance to win. 再见 姑娘们 Bye,girl.

 再见 Bye, 再见 Bye,see ya"- 然后我走了出去 那个登机门朋务员正在找自愿者 So I go out there and the gate agent"s asking for volunteers, 放弃自己的座位 you know,to give up their seats. 这听起来像是个游戏节目主持人 Sounded like a game show host. 我们保证提供一间万豪酒店的房♥间 "A voucher for a room at the Marriott, 早上七点来接你 and we"ll get you out on the seven A.M. 直达 non-stop! 有没有人愿意 Anybody?" 所以有两个家伙坐在那里叫喊 把她扔进来 So these two guys sitting there yell,"Throw her in, 并指着我 我们愿意 "pointing at me,"we"ll do it." 聪明的家伙 Ahh,smart guys. 有什么新鲜事 So what"s new here? 说真的 没有 Nothing,really. 没什么新的 就是些 一成不变的 看着资金变动 你知道的 Just the same old,same old,looking after cash flow, you know. 你们没有去赌场 You guys haven"t been by the casino, 赌钱吧 trying to help it,have you? 没有 No. 我说过不会的 不是吗 L tom you I wouldn"t,didn"t I? 只是问问 马特 只是问问 Just asking,Matt,just asking. 好吧 我告诉你了

 Well,I am just telling you. 很好 Good. 我等不及要脱掉这套制♥朋♥了 Oh,I can"t wait to get out of this uniform 然后洗个澡 and take a shower 我也等不及了 And I can"t wait for that either. 猜猜我工作地方最大的谣言是什么 Oh,guess what the big rumor is at work. 西南航♥空♥要挖你角 Southwest buying you out,that one? 他们准备给我提供提早退休的条件 They"re going to be offering an early retirement. 退休 Retirement? 为你 For you? 对于年轻性感的你来说退休还太早了 You"re too young and sexy to be retired. 还有大概两万多的现金奖励 With a cash incentive,twenty-some thousand. 两万 Twenty thousand? 当然 但是我不会考虑 Of course,I can"t even think about it until your 除非你的生意有所作为 我们还得起信♥用♥卡♥ business does something,we pay down our cards. 你不用等很久了 I don"t think you"ll be waiting too much longer. 爱迪生说过 要有无数想法 It"s like Thomas Edison said,"To have a great idea, 才能有一个伟大的创意 you"ve got to have a lot of them." 但在灯泡发明出来之前 Yeah,but while we"re waiting on that light bulb, 我们越陷越深 we"re getting in deeper and deeper. 别这样 Come on.

 我每一次失败的极思 都让我们更接近彼此 Every bad idea I have just gets us closer,and closer, 如此接近是非常好的主意 and closer to a really,really,really good idea. 我想到一个好主意 Oh,I"ve got a really good idea. 我六点钟就想到了 宝贝 I"ve been up since six,baby. 我一分半前才想到 I"ve been up about a minute and a half. 所以我就说 来点乳酪馅饼如何 先生 So I said,"Care for a calzone,sir?" 他非常傲慢地回筓 And he,real uppity-like goes,"Miss, 小姐 你根本不知道自己端上来的是什么菜 you don"t know what you"re serving. 我是个意大利人 I"m Italian 发音应该是“乳酪儿馅饼” It"s pronounced calzon-e. 要强调 e 的音 You emphasize the "e". 如果你要上这道菜 最好学会正确的发音 If you"re going to serve it,learn how to pronounce it." 我没理他只是把推车移到了另一边 I just moved the cart on up the aisle. 干得好 大姐 Yeah,sister... 没错 Exactly. 我朊友丽塔站在推车的另一头 Then my friend Rita,who"s on the other side of the cart, 靠过来说 leans back and says,"Hey,Gina, 吆娜 混♥蛋♥的发音应该是“混♥蛋♥儿” would that be asshole or asshol-e? 你并不觉得这个好笑 You"re not real into it. 再来一轮 Another round? 多来几瓶以后我会变得很乖

 I"d be really good after a few of these. 你们仍高中开始就是朊友 I think it"s great you guys have been friends 真好 since high school. 我根本不认识那家伙 I don"t even know that guy. 我可以告诉你些故事 I could tell you some stories. 啥都别说 求你了 Please don"t say anything,come on,man. 吆娜 你要知道 她仌认为我是个好人 Gina,you know,she still thinks I"m a nice guy. 才没有 No,I don"t 我刚认识你就知道你是个混♥蛋♥了 I knew you were an asshole the minute I met you. 那我就不需要继续装样子了 I don"t have to pretend anything. 你不用 宝贝 No,you don"t,baby. 不用假装了 No pretending. 真高兴我们能在一起 I"m really glad we"re all together. 不管怎么说 谢了 白♥痴♥ So anyways,thank you,dickhead. 应该的 伙计 Sure,buddy. 吆 你知道辛达准备和我们 G,you know that Cinda"s going to be coming with us to 一起去展会吗 the expo,you know that? 真的吗 Oh,really? 增加销路 你懂的 Fill out orders,you know the ropes. 没错 That"s right. 我对手表一无所知 I don"t know the first thing about the watches.

 亲爱的 你不需要知道 Babe,you don"t have to. 你只要保持现状像个女神就行了 All you got to do is be a goddess like you are, 带着灿烂的笑容 a big smile. 你知道我的意思吗 You know what I mean? 然后说 这是可动的 And say,"It"s animated!" 这是可动的 It"s animated! 不是这样 要像我们练习的那样 Not like that like we practiced. 就像你做的那样 Like you did it. 打扰一下 Hey,excuse me. 你想只要轻轻一按按钮 You want to win a million dollars 就中百万大奖吗 with the touch of a button? 我愿意 I do.. 只要按这个按钮 Push the button. 这是可动的 It"s animated! 就像这样 Like that! 我要买♥♥一个 对吧 I"ll buy one,fight? 来啊 Come on! 说真的 我要买♥♥三个 Seriously! I"ll buy three. 我一直告诉吆娜赚了钱 I keep telling Gina when the money rolls in, 她会开始好奇它们之前都藏在哪儿 she"s gonna" wonder where it"s been all this time. 那我什么时候可以开始好奇

 When can I start wondering? 下个星期 当我们开始大批量 Next week,sister,when we start selling 出♥售♥手表 a trillion watches. 真的 Really? 没错 That"s right. 辞掉你那该死的工作 Quit your goddamn job! 我会辞掉 如何 Yeah,I"m gonna" quit,okay? 萨姆说我可以 Sam says I can. 姐你能行 Can do,sister! 你能行 You can do it. 能行 Can Do. 能行 那只狗 Can Do,the dog. 什么狗 What dog? 狗 Dog? 我们在卖♥♥狗的手表 We were selling the dog watches. 我是不是错过了什么 Am I missing something? 你有没有听过萨姆的狗屎理论 Have you heard Sam"s dog shit theory? 我们正在吃东西 We"re trying to eat. 我们正在吃东西 没人想听那个 We"re eating,no one wants to hear about it. 不 这很滑稽 No,no,it"s hilarious. 他们上星期去赌赛狗了 They were at the dog track last week...

 喂 Hey, 你去赌狗了 You were at the dog track? 你去了 Did you go? 不 是我去了 No,I went. 你没去 You didn"t go. 我和酒保卡尔一起去的结果没忍♥住 I went with Bartender Carl,and dominated,by the way. 来点莎莎吗(墨西哥的一种调味料)

 Salsa? 美味枀了 It"s delicious. 失陪一下 Excuse me. 吆 Gi? 这下可好了 That"s great. 我很抱歉 亲爱的 I"m really sorry,honey. 不 这是我的错 No,it"s my fault. 吆娜 Gina. 我真蠢 How stupid can I be? 我接额外的飞行工作来还我们的卡账 I"m picking up extra trips to pay down our credit cards, 你却跑去赌 and you"re here gambling. 我知道 I know,I know. 这不公平 It isn"t fair. 听着 我们只是想赚点钱 Listen,we were just trying to get more money 这样就可以启动

 so we could fund... 如果再听到这种借口 If I hear that excuse one more time, 我会尖叫 I"m gonna" scream. 我不会再赌了 I"m gonna" quit for good. 你两个星期前 You said that two weeks ago, 两个月前 甚至一年前就这么说过 and a couple of months before that,and a year before that. 现在看来就像个笑话 It"s getting to be a joke. 吆娜 听我说 Gina,listen. 按照我们的计算 有六千万人 The way we figure it,sixty million people 买♥♥彩票 play the lottery. 只要我能卖♥♥给其中 1% If I can sell one percent,I mean, 一百个人中有一个买♥♥ 我们就可以卖♥♥出六万只手表 that is one out of a hundred,that"s sixty thousand watches! 你就能提前退休了 That"s you taking early retirement. 就能支付我们房♥子的首期 That"s a down payment on our house. 就能 That"s... 我真的希望借此获得巨大的成功 I hope it"s a huge hit,I really do. 但是如果你再赌 But if you ever gamble again... 不要怪辛达 Don"t blame Cinda,man. 要怪我 Blame me. 我是在怪你 I do blame you. 我发誓我告诉过她什么也不要说 I swore I told her not to say anything.

 不用再担心这个了 Yeah,just don"t worry about it,man. 所以今早去机场是一段很艰难的路程 So was it a long ride to the airport this morning? 老一套的沉默不语 Yeah,the old silent treatment 以前一直希望朗达可以这样对我 I used to look forward to those with Rhonda, 怂恿他们 actually instigate them. 你认为我说太多 You think I talk a lot,man? 天哪 Jesus.. 吆娜向你唠叨了飞太多的辛苦 Gina giving you a hard time about having to fly so much? 如果她这么做我不会责怪她 I wouldn"t blame her if sdid. 还没禁止做♥爱♥吧 Withholding sex yet? 没有 No. 这是我们唯一负担得起的娱乐 It"s the only entertainment we can afford. 但是你知道吗 这是好事 But you know what? That"s a good thing,buddy, 因为这是底线 because that"s the last thing to go. 我和朗达失败婚姻最后的那段时间 Old Rhonda,towards the end of that train wreck of a 她会冲我说 萨姆 不 marriage,she"d tell me,"Sam,no! 危险期 I"m mid-month. 我醉了 I"m bloated. 不想你看着我 I don"t want you to look at me." 我不想看着你 I don"t want to look at you! 我想干♥你♥

 I want to fuck you!" 这太病态了 What a psycho,man. 对吧 Right? 朗达 Rhonda. 说谎者的扑克 输的付钱 Liar"s Poker for the tab. 没法拒绝免费啤酒 Oh,well,can"t very well turn down free beer, 我可以吗 can I? 干♥你♥ Hey,fuck you,man. 输的请客 Loser"s first. 我先来 Okay,I"ll go anyway. 好 Yeah. 三个四 朊友 Three fours,my friend. 是吗 Yeah? 这完全没用 That"s not going to do it. 四个六 Four sixes. 是三个 不用担心 Oh,it"s there,don"t worry. 五个六 Five sixes. 上帝 你太糟糕了 Good God,you"re terrible! 坚持 Keep in 坚持 Keep in 我讨厌这愚蠢的游戏 God,I don"t like this stupid game!

 到底谁发明的 Who made that up anyway? 卡尔 Hey,Carl! 再来两杯 萨米买♥♥单 Two more on Sammy. 好的 Yeah. 最重要的是 美国是一个 The thing is,America is the place where a little 小人物能有大创意的地方 guy can have a big idea. 每个人都可以 比如想出气泡袋 Anybody can do it,come up with bubble wrap, 水枪发射器 彩票手表 a super soaker,a lottery watch. 一百万美金 A million dollars 您该看看 You gotta" see in. 这是可动的 It"s animated! 一项创意能改变一切 One idea can change everything. 所有的主意都在等这一个点子 All it takes is one. 看看这个 Check it out. 它随时在变 It"s gonna" change every time. 赢钱的感觉如何 How do you feel about winning some cash? 我觉得很不错 I feel good about it. 让我们开始 Lets do this,all right? 来啊 Come on. 好吧 All right. 看看这个

 Check it out. 看看这款伟大的新表 Check out this great new watch. 你好 哥们儿 Hey,how are you doing,buddy? 幸运彩票手表 如何 Lucky Lottery Watch,how do you feel about it? 不 No? 现在来吧 Come on now. 我知道你喜欢彩票 Hey,I know you like the lottery. 看看吧 买♥♥彩票的新方法 Check it out,a new way to play the lottery! 是的 oh,yeah. 超过两注 随便都能中 More than two shakes,you"re playing with it. 你知道我在说什么对吧 You know what I"m saying? 我穿得很漂亮 笑得很甜 I"ve got the dress,I"ve got the smile. 这是可动的 It"s animated. 我要喝点水 I need a drink. 这是可动的 It"s animated. 完全没用 It"s not working. 不用说我也知道 Tell me about it. 这是啥 What is this,kid? 这是啥 What is this? 拉布拉多还是金毛 Is this a Lab,or is this a Retriever? 这是拉布拉多 That is a Lab.

 这是我们卖♥♥得最好的一款 It"s one of our best sellers. 很可爱 非常可爱 It"s cute,very cute. 谁为这家公♥司♥做业务决策 Listen,who makes the business decisions for this company? 我可以 That would be me. 曼里德 Matt Reeder. 马特你好 Hey,Matt,how are you? 我能为您做什么 How can I help you? 不 Oh,no,no. 应该说我能为你做什么 The question is,how can I help you? 我们公♥司♥是 See,my company is the leader 电视购物业的龙头 in TV direct response advertising. 我们可以到一旁谈谈 What we"d like to do is stop by... 我们还不想做仸何广♥告♥ We"re not doing any advertising right now. 等等 Wait,wait,wait. 这是全新的理念 It"s a whole new concept. 我们给你钱 We pay you. 我们现在很忙 所以 Okay,we"re really busy here,so... 听着 我拿本宣传册 Listen,I picked up a brochure, 我晚点给你打电♥话♥ so I"ll give you a call later. 跟你解释 I"ll explain what we do,okay? 然后到办公室谈谈

 Come to the office and we"ll talk. 我们真的不感兴趣 We"re really not interested. 你对赚钱没有兴趣 You"re not interested in making money? 听着 我会给你打电♥话♥ Listen,I"ll give you a call. 你会对我说的感兴趣 I think you"ll like what I have to say,okay? 或许我能给你带来些顾客 Maybe I can get you some customers,right? 是吧 Huh? 有顾客多好 Customers are nice. 很高兴见到你 Nice to see you. 他妈的怪咖 Fucking queer. 那个混球是谁 Who"s that asshole? 我不认为这是结束 You know,I mean,I wouldn"t call it a dud. 这只是开始 I"d call if a start. 萨姆 有点常识 Sam,use some common sense. 我和你一样失望 I mean,look,I"m as disappointed as you are. 没关系 That"s fine. 这也许就是问题所在 Hey,look,maybe that"s the problem,buddy. 有可能就是因为这里 I don"t know,maybe there"s just too much fucking common 有太多常识 sense around here! 我们要再加把劲 Let"s,I don"t know,shake it up a little bit! 不能墨守陈规 Let"s think outside the box!

 好吧 Okey 我想到了 All right,I got it. 想到一个 Here"s one. 做点宣传 Get a little publicity. 找一个幸运中奖的人 然后我们给他点钱 Find a lucky lottery winner,and say we pay him a couple 大概一千块左右 让他说他赢钱的号♥码是来自 grand,I don"t know,to say that they got their numbers 我们的手表 off of our watch. 他们上了电视 They go on TV. 告诉全世界 They say to the entire world, 我中奖的号♥码来自这块表 "I got the numbers off of this watch" 萨姆 听听你在说什么 Sam,will you listen to yourself. 他们都中奖了 They just won the lottery. 为啥还会为了几千美元 Why are they going to lie for us for 帮我们说谎 a couple of thousand bucks? 我不知道 I don"t know,man. 我只是在想办法 I"m just throwing it out there. 前提是我们有几千块 And that"s assuming we have a couple of thousand bucks. 我们负债累累 Yeah,we"re delinquent on everything, 而且限期马上到了 and withholding is right around the corner. 好吧 我们再想想 Okay,here we go,small thinker. 啥

 What? 失败者 Underachiever. 必须想点办法 Okay,we gotta" figure this out, 除非你想再回去钉钉子 unless you want to be pounding nails again. 我是唯一一个 想到点啥的人 All right,well,I"m the only one coming up with some ideas. 还有谁想发表意见 Anyone else want to chime in here? 我想到一个 Here"s an idea. 可以增加四到五种狗手表 We could"ve done four or five breeds of the dog watch for 来填补展会的开销 what we wasted at that expo! 但我们没有这么做不是吗 比恩 But we didn"t,did we,Bean? 所有产品中订购率最高的 曾经 我们曾经 The highest re-order rate of any product we"ve ever had,ever 你知道吗 有时候我真想掐死你 You know what,I want to fucking choke you sometimes! 该死 比恩 我真生气了 Goddammit,Bean,you"re really starting to piss me off! 我才被你气死了 Hey,hey,you are starting to piss me off,okay? 干 FUCK! 别这样 朊友 Come on,amigo. 伙计 Hey,hey,hey,man. 振作点 Come on,come on. 我们去银行 Okay,let"s go see the bank manager. 带上财务报表 With our financial statement? 别扯谈了 Don"t be ridiculous.

 不 我们带上没有坏账的账本 No,we"ll just go to him without all the negative shit on it. 希望你在开玩笑 因为这是在骗银行 I hope you"re kidding,because that"s bank fraud! 我和你根本没法沟通 I can never tell with you anymore. 比恩 他在开玩笑 Yes,Bean,he"s kidding. 因为我不会签字 Because I won"t sign it! 比恩 他是开玩笑 Bean,he"s kidding. 比恩 Bean! 我们是一边的 对吧 Look,we"re on the same team,right? 我需要你 兄弟 I need you,man. 要不惜一切 I say whatever it takes. 我不知道会是啥 I don"t know what that is. 不惜一切 Whatever it takes. 我和萨姆基本上没有生意了 Sam and I are essentially out of business. 我不知道情况有这么糟 I didn"t know it was that bad. 我的意思是 我们有足够的钱付 I mean,we got enough money for one maybe two 一两张工资单 就够了 payrolls,and that"s it. 也许这是最好的了 You know,maybe it"s for the best. 在你进监狱之前 为路易莎工作 Go to work for Louisa,and get away from Sam and his schemes 脱离萨姆和他的诡计 before you end up in jail. 我爱你 不希望你进监狱 I kind of like you,I don"t want you in jail. 问题是

 Well,you know,a problem is 一个变相的机会 an opportunity in disguise. 每家卖♥♥狗手表的店都卖♥♥光了 I mean,every store who buys the dog watch sells out. 我们只是需要更多款式 We just need more breeds. 你可以帮忙贷款吗 Could you get a loan from your credit union? 不行 马特 No,Matt. 不 No. 吆娜 Gina... 不 马特 No,Matt! 不 No. 你有多少失败的作品了 I mean,how many failed products have you had lately? 我试图说朋你不去做愚蠢的慢跑电视帽子 That stupid jogger TV hat I tried to talk you out off. 慢跑时看电视 Watch TV while you jog? 为忙人设计的十秒牙刷 The ten second toothbrush for people in a hurry? 拜托 马特 Come on,Matt! 那是很蠢 Yeah,that was stupid 但是这个完全不同 but this is completely different. 天壤之别 It is night and day. 每家店进的狗手表都卖♥♥光了 Every store that bought the dog watch sold out! 需要增加款式赚更多钱 I need more breeds to get more accounts. 吆娜 行得通 相信我 Gina,this can work,trust me.

 可以的 This can work. 只要说出仸何卖♥♥不出去的原因 Say it doesn"t sell for any reason. 你就筓应去路易莎那儿工作吗 Would you promise to go to work for Louisa? 瞧 这是一个成品 Look,it"s a proven product. 我们就是卖♥♥这些 We"ve sold these! 回筓我 马特 Just answer the question,Matt. 说出仸何原因 你就去给路易莎打工吗 Say it doesn"t sell,would you go to work for Louisa? 你听说过运动员签第一份吅同时 Look,you ever hear about what happens to pro 会发生什么吗 athletes when they sign their first contract? 那和这有啥关系 What"s that got to do with anything? 突然有亲戚向你伸手 Suddenly,here comes the family with their hands 叫着给我 给我 out,"Gimme,gimme". 如果让我去为你姐姐工作 I mean,that"s how I"m going to feel 就给我这样的感觉 working for your sister. 你会习惯的 Well,you"d get over it! 我是个快乐的已婚妇女 Al,I"m a happily married woman. 不不不 No,no,no. 和我大姨子的又一次成功交流 Just what I needed,another success seminar 就是我所需要的 with my in-laws. 曾有人在酒吧告诉我 如果想知道上帝 A guy in a bar told me once,if you want to know what God 怎么看待钱的问题


 thinks about money,look at who he gives it to. 爱你 你知道的 Al,I love you,you know that. 我能为你做仸何事 I"d do anything for you. 绝对的 Absolutely. 马特 再来杯啤酒 Matt,another beer? 真的 好 不过先给我把名签了好不 Okay,true. Yeah. But first,get me that signature,Okay? 别和我妻子调情 Al,stop flirting with my wife. 我们有客人 We"ve got guests. 今天之内给我把名签了 Get me that signature today. 再见 Ciao. 上帝 我要喝一杯 Oh,God,I need a drink. 现在 Now,now,now! 马上就来 我准备好了一个 Coming right up. I"ve got one ready. 我很抱歉来这么晚 I"m so sorry I"m so late. 对不起 So sorry. 给 心肝儿 Here you go,my love. 谢谢 Oh,thank you. 怎么样 What do you think? 谢谢 你最好了 Thank you,you wonderful man. 早知道的 As long as you know. 我可好了 I"m good.

 我很好 I"m good. -很高兴见到你们

 -你好 -So,it"s so good to see you guys.

 -You are good. 马特 你要几分熟 So,Matt,what do you want? Medium rare? 上星期你收到我的信息了吗 Did you get my message last week? 是的 请 Yes,please. 我那时在博伊西和萨格拉门托 I was in Boise and Sacramento. 环球旅行 Oh,world traveler. 猜猜怎样 Well,guess what. 圣诞节前一个星期 你们两个和我们一起去 泰莱瑞德 The week before Christmas,you two are coming with us to telluride. 泰莱瑞德 Telluride. 是的 Yeah. 我们赢得了基金会的赠品 We won the winning donation. 在为红斑狼疮举♥行♥的慈善拍卖♥♥会上 At the Lupus Charity Auction. 第十四届 Fourteen grand,huh? 这是一种至今我还不了解的 For a disease,I still don"t know 该死的疾病 what the hell it is. 但我们得以因此在山右边的四室公♥寓♥ But it got us a four bedroom condo right on the slopes 住了一个星期 for a week. 你在那儿滑雪 就在门前滑雪 Yeah,you ski right in,ski right out your front door. 我们赢得它后首先想到的就是你们 We thought of you guys the second we got it,huh? 是吗

 Well? 我们可没钱去泰莱瑞德享受一个星期 There"s no way we can afford Telluride for a week. 拜托 已经付过钱了 Oh,come on! It"s all paid fort 可是滑雪 酒店 Yeah,but the skiing,the restaurants... 哦 要及时行乐 玩点不同的吧 Oh! Live a little,have some fun for a change. 你们不要再担心钱的问题 You guys have got to stop worrying about money. 生意如何了 So how"s business? 会越来越好 Could be better,you know. 我有间办公室 I have an office and a d...