
 Do you know him? 你认识他吗 John! 约翰 John! 约翰 John 约翰 John Rambo 约翰·蓝波 I don"t believe this 真不敢相信 So where did you come from? 你从哪里来 Washington 华府 Good to see you again 很高兴再见到你 Yeah,you too 我也是 You want to tell me about it? 你...要对我说说吗 About what? 说什么 About yesterday I see you 昨天我看到了你 stick fighting in a warehouse in Bangkok 在曼谷的棒棍战 You saw that? 你看到了 Yeah. 是的 And today I find you working in a monastery 而今天却见你在庙里工作 They let me live here and I heIp out fixing things 他们让我住在这里

 而我帮忙修东西 And the stick fighting? 棒棍战呢 I just do that for a little extra money 我只是挣点外快 Yeah. I saw you give it to the monks


 我看见你将钱交给和尚了 You see a Iot 眼力不错 Colonel Who are they? 上校

 他们是谁 They"re partly the reason I"m here 我来此的部份理由是为了他们 Bob 巴伯 This is Robert Griggs 这是罗伯·格雷 He"s a fieId officer with local embassy 本地大使♥馆♥的校级军官 John Rambo 约翰·蓝波 Pleasure 幸会 You"re certainly not easy to find 你真不好找 Why,are you keeping track? 怎么

 你要跟踪我吗 Like the Colonel says 正如上校所说 Good men are hard to find 行家不易找 John I"d like you to look at some of these photos 约翰

 我要你看看这些照片 I don"t know how much you know about Afghanistan 我不知道你对阿富汗了解多少 Most people can"t even find it on a map 很多人在地图上甚至都找不到它 But over two million civilians, 但有超过二百万老百姓 mostly peasant farmers and their families 大部份是农民和其家人 have been systematically slaughtered 正被入侵的俄军 by invading Russian armies 有系统的屠♥杀♥ Every new weapon... 每一种新武器

 Including chemical warfare 包括化学武器在内 has been used to eliminate these people 都在残害这些人 They"ve been very successful on many levels 他们在各方面都很成功 I assume you"re out of touch with the current status of the war 我猜你已不大了解最新战况 After nine years of fighting, 经过 9 年的战争 The Afghan Forces are now getting shipment of stinger missiles 阿富汗军队己有了毒刺导弹 They"re beginning to hold their own against air strikes 并固守根据地进行反抗 Except for one region 只除了一个例外 50 miles over the border 那在距边界 50 哩的地方 Apparently The Soviet commander there is exceptionally brutal 很显然那里的俄军指挥官相当残忍♥ As those photos indicate 就如照片上显示一样 He"s managed to strangle off all aid from the outside 他切断所有外援 So,we want to ... 所以

 我们... investigate the problem first hand 要有第一手的调查资料 What"s that got to do with me? 这与我何关 They"ve asked me to go in 他们要我去 You"re not doing it? 你不会去吧 Yes. And I want you to come with me,John 不


 约翰 I put in my time 我的期限已过 What does that mean? 什么意思 It means my wars is over

 即是说我的战争已结束 I thought you said he was a great soIdier 亏你还说他是出色的军人 Colonel 上校 Looks like we got a long walk down those stairs 看来我们白跑一趟了 Don"t be down on him. He"s just following orders 别生他的气

 他只是奉命行事 This mission"s important,John 这个任务很重要

 约翰 Do you really think we"ll make a difference? 你真的认为我们可改变什么吗 If I didn"t,I wouldn"t be going 不然我就不会去了 It didn"t before 我们从没改变过什么 That was another time 今时不同往日 Come with me,John 跟我去

 约翰 I don"t know what you think about this place 我不知你觉得这里怎样 But I like it 但我喜欢这里 I like being here, I like working here 我喜欢住这里

 喜欢在这里工作 I like belonging to something 我喜欢有归属感 You do belong to something 你确有归属 Not this 但不是这里 When will you come full circle? 你何时才能成为完人 What are you talking about? 你说什么 You said your war is over 你说你的战争己结束 Maybe the one out there is,But not the one inside you 外界的战争也许如此


 I know the reasons you"re here,John 我知你为何来此

 约翰 But it doesn"t work that way 但这样不是办法 You may try, 你可以尝试别样的生活 but you can"t get away what you really are 但你无法逃避真正的你 What do you think that? 你认为真正的我是什么 A full-blooded combat soldier 一个浴血战场的军人 Not anymore. I don"t want it 不再是了

 我不要这样 That"s too bad because you"re stuck with it 太可惜了

 因为你注定是这种人 Let me tell you a story,John 我给你讲个故事

 约翰 There was a sculptor,and he found a stone 有个雕刻家

 他发现了块石头 a special stone 很特别的石头 He dragged it home,worked on it for months, 他把它拖回家

 努力多月 until he finally finished it 终于完成了 When he was ready to show it to his friends 他给他朋友看这石头 They said he"d created a great statue 他们说他创造了一件杰出的雕像 The sculptor said he hadn"t created anything 雕刻家说他没创造出什么 The statue was always there 雕像早已在那 He just cleared away the small pieces 他只是把多余部份清除掉而己 We didn"t" make you this fighting machine 我们不是要将你训练成战争机器 We just chipped away the rough edges 我们只是显现你的本质 You"re always be going to be tearing away at yourself

 你若不想折腾自己 until you come to terms with what you are 就要接受真正的你 Until you come full circle 直至令自己完满 I guess I"m not ready yet 我想我还没准备好 Well. I got to move 我要启程了 Promise me. You"ll look me up,when you get stateside,huh? 答应我

 安顿好就来找我 I promise 我答应你 Colonel 上校 I"m sorry 抱歉 But it"s got to the end for me some time 但有时我只是想要结束 I understand 我明白了 Take cover!Fire! 找掩护

 开火 Drop your weapons!And remain where you are 放下武器

 待在原地 You cannot escape! 你们逃不了 We will not attack if you do not run! 你们不逃

 我们就不攻击 Drop your weapons! 放下武器 You have no chance to escape! 你们逃不掉的 Drop your weapons! 放下武器 Now! 马上 Rambo 蓝波 Something went wrong 出事了

 What happened? 怎么回事 Soviets intercepted the team just over the border 俄军在边界拦截了他们 From what we get it, 我们得到情报 Trautman and the rest of his party 普曼和其其他人 have been taken to a regional command post 被带到了指挥基地 What are you doing about it? 你们打算怎么办 We can"t do anything about it 我们无能为力 I"m sorry 抱歉 I just thought you should know 我只是觉得你该知道此事 What about me? 我怎么样? What about you? 什么你怎么样? Can you get me in? 能让我加入吗 You"re not serious 你不是说真的吧 Oh,yeah. I"m serious 我很认真 It can"t be done officially 正式方法行不通 Make it unofficial 那就用别的办法 If you give it done 如果你要加入 I want you to know up front that 我得先告诉你 if you"re captured 假设你被捕 or if any of this leaks, 或这事走漏风声 we"ll deny any participation

 我们会否认你有份参与 or even knowledge of your existence 也不会承认知道你的存在 I"m used to it 我习惯了 I"ll get back to you 我会再连络你 You want to buy? 你要买♥♥吗 Many guns here 这里有很多枪 No I"m looking for Mousa Gani 不

 我找默沙·拉尼 What"s your name? 你叫什么名字 John Rambo 约翰·蓝波 Wait here 在这里等着 They sell many in Afghanistan 这在阿富汗很畅销 Many land mines 很多地雷 Land mines everywhere 到处都是地雷 I am Mousa Gani What is it you want? 我是默沙·拉尼

 你有什么事 I was sent by Griggs 我是格雷派来的 You do not look like men Griggs sent before 你不像格雷以前派来的人 You not look like you are with military 你不像是军方的人 I"m not 我不是 What you are? 那你是什么 A mercenary? 佣兵吗 No 不是

 You"re not military or mercenary What are you? 既非军人 也非佣兵

 你是什么人 Lost tourist? 迷路的观光客? I"m no tourist 我不是观光客 Sorry 抱歉 Do you know where the American is? 你知道美国人在哪里吗 Yes,In Soviet fort 知道

 在俄军基地 Near the village of Khowst, 30 miles over border 贺斯村庄附近

 离边境 30 哩远 Mr Griggs sent you supplies you asked for 格雷先生已送来你要的物资 You wish to see them now? 你要现在看看吗 Yeah 好 Is this what you asked for? 这是你要的吗 Yeah 是 I never see this before. What are these? 我从未见过

 这是什么 Detonators 雷♥管♥ And this? 这个呢 What is this for? 这是做什么的 It"s a blue light 蓝♥光♥ What does it do? 有什么用 Turns blue 变成蓝色 I see 原来如此 Can you tell me how many more men come with us?

 可否告诉我同行还有多少人 There"s no rescue team. It"s just me 没有救援队伍

 只有我一人 Just you? Come on,this is no good 只有你


 这行不通 I cannot take only one man to the fort 我不能只带一人就去基地 You need more men to help 你需要更多帮手 Griggs said you"d take me in. Take me in 格雷说你会带我去

 带我去吧 I need to take medical supplies 我得带上药品 If I not take it,many peopIe will die 不然会死很多人 Do you understand? 明白吗 Rambo,I do not know who you really are 蓝波

 我并不清楚你究竟是谁 But by the way you look, 但看你的样子就知道 I can see you have no experience in war, 你是个菜鸟 do you? 没错吧 Come on,do you? 说呀

 是不是 I"ve fired a few shots 我曾开过几枪 A few shots? 几枪? Come on Maybe you should go back home 得了吧

 也许你该回家去 And think it all over again 再考虑下 for a very long time 好好想清楚 I did think it over 我己考虑过了 You did? 是吗

 This is your choice. But let me tell you 这是你的抉择

 但我告诉你 You cannot get this American alone 你单枪匹马是救不了那美国人 If you fail,do not blame me 如果失败

 别怪我 I will accept no responsibility 我可不负责 Sounds familiar 听过多次了 My name is Colonel Zaysen, 我是赛生上校 the Regional Commander of this sector 这个地区的指挥官 Do you realize,you"re the first American 你可知道

 你是首个在阿富汗 captured in Afghanistan? 被抓的美国人 Congratulations! 恭喜 I believe you are planning to supply 我相信你们正计划提供 enemy rebel forces with stinger missiles 毒刺导弹给叛军 intended to destroy Soviet aircraft 企图摧毁俄空军 If I"m going to be interrogated, 若我要被拷问 I want to be interrogated by your superiors 找你的上司来 Out here,I have no superiors 在这里

 我最大 I am in full command 这里由我全权负责 You are alone here 你是孤立无援的 Abandoned by your government 你被你的政♥府♥离弃 What do you want? 你想怎样 Cooperation

 合作 This sector has been under total control 这个地区五年多来 for over five years. 一直被完全控制 There is little more I can do here 我在这己无甚可做 It is as you say 就像你们所说 Without challenges 己没有了挑战性 If you supply to me worthy information 如果你能告诉我关于 about more stinger missiles you are planning to deliver 你们导弹供应计划的情报 it could provide a way out of this for us both 这对你我二人都有好处 After all,in the end,what everyone really wants is... 毕竟

 大家最终想要的都是 Peace 和平 The Kremlin"s got a sense of humor 俄政♥府♥还真幽默 PIease explain 为什么 You talk peace and disarmament to the world 你们向世界宣扬和平

 军备裁减 And here you are wiping out a race of people 却在这里进行种族屠♥杀♥ We are wiping out no one 我们没有屠♥杀♥任何人 I think you are too intelligent 你们居然如此愚蠢 to believe such absurd propaganda 相信那些荒谬宣传 Now again,where are the missiles? 再问一次

 导弹在哪里 I don"t know anything about any missiles 我对导弹的事一概不知 Of course you do. But you don"t seem to realize 你当然知道


 I"m providing a way out for us both. 我正为你我二人寻找出路 You expect sympathy? 你在寻求同情吗 You started this damn war! 战争是你们挑起的 Now you have to deal with it! 你们得自己去收拾残局 And we will 我们当然会 It"s just a matter of time before we achieve a complete victory 全面胜利只是迟早问题 There won"t be a victory! 根本不会有胜利 Every day your war machines lose ground to a bunch of 你们的战争机器每天都输给 poorly armed, poorly equipped freedom fighters 那些装备简陋的自♥由♥斗士 The fact is you underestimated your competition 事实上

 你低估了对手实力 If you studied the history, 你若读过历史 you will know these people have never given up to anyone 便知这些人从不屈服 They"d rather die,than be slaves 他们宁死

 也不愿成奴隶 to an invading army 成为侵越者的奴隶 You can"t defeat a people like that 你打不倒这样的人 We tried,We already had our Vietnam 我们试过了

 在越南已试过了 Now you"re going to have yours 现在轮到你们了 So,you wish to test me!Good 你要考验我

 好 This is Afghanistan 这就是阿富汗 Alexander The Great tried to conquer this country 亚历山大大帝曾尝试征服这片国土 Then Genghis Khan,then the British


 英国人 Now Russia 现在是俄♥国♥人 But Afghan people fight hard 但阿富汗人誓死反抗 They"ll never be defeated 他们永远打不倒 Ancient enemy make prayer about these people 古代的敌人作祷词歌♥颂这些人 You wish to hear? 你想听吗 Very good. It says: 好

 是这样的 May God deliver us from the venom of the cobra 愿神让我们远离眼镜蛇之毒 Teeth of the tiger And the vengeance of the Afghan 老虎之齿

 和阿富汗人的复仇之心 You understand what this means? 明白它的含义吗 That you guys don"t take any shit? 你们绝对不会屈服? Yes. Something like this 没错

 差不多 We go now 我们走吧 To the north,there are many caves, 北方有很多山洞 We will travel through them, 我们由那里走 It"ll be safer,We go 那样安全点

 走吧 These caves lead us to the valley of five lions 这些山洞通往五狮村 In ancient days,the Afghan king was asked


 有人要求阿富汗国王 to send 500 warriors into battle 出兵五百 He said:Only five 他说

 只出兵五名 His greatest five and they won 那是精兵中的精兵


 He said: It"s better to send five lions than 500 sheep 他说


 莫派五百绵羊 What do you think of this? 你觉得呢 I think the king was lucky 我认为国王很走运 Lucky? 走运哈 How much longer to the village? 还要多久才到村庄 About two hours 约两小时 Where in my sector are the missiles being delivered? 导弹要运到哪里 I don"t know 我不知道 You"re a liar 你说谎 Where? 哪里 Where? 哪里 All right. I tell you 好

 我说 I knew you were lying 我就知道你说谎 Now,where are the missiles located? 现在告诉我

 导弹在哪里 Close 很近 How close? 多近 In your ass 近在你屁♥眼♥里 You"ve tried my patience long enough 你考验我的耐性己够久了 I tried to be civilized 我也想客气一点 The name of John Rambo 约翰·蓝波 Do you know it?

 你认识吗 No 不认识吗 He says there are plans for a rescue attempt 他说

 有人在叛军协助下 with the help of some rebels 打算劫狱 He also says he knows where this man is going 他还说知道这人的去向 We will welcome him 我们会好好招待他 It"s the last village in the valley 这是山谷中最后一个村庄 About 100 men here 大约有一百人 They have a lot of kids here 这里有很多小孩 Yes. And they are good fighters,too 对

 他们也都是出色的战士 I tell the leaders we want to talk 我去跟首领说我们要谈谈 They never see man look like you 他们从未见过像你这样的人 These are Mujahedeen horsemen 他们是默斯汀的骑士 There"re 1♥0♥0♥0♥0♥ horsemen more waiting at the border 边界还有一万骑士在等候 They are waiting to get weapons. 他们在等着拿武器 When they get it,they come back here to fight 一旦到手

 就回来战斗 Let"s go to the hospital 我们去医院吧 He"s the only doctor for 500 kilometers 他是方圆五百里内唯一的医生 The first medicine they get in two months 他们两个月内第一次拿到药品 More gifts from the Soviets 俄军送来很多礼物 They look like toys,but they are mines


 但其实是地雷 We teach children not to touch,Some learn too late 我们教导孩子别去碰

 但有时已太迟 Who"s that? 那是谁 His name is Uri. He"s Russian


 是俄♥国♥人 Deserter? 逃兵吗 He call himself a Defector 他自称投降者 There are many like him 这有很多他这样的人 He"s the one who can help the most 他能帮很多忙 He knows the inside of the fort 他知道堡内的情况 I think we should go now 我想我们该走了 Mine starts here 地雷从这里开始 At 1 meter like this 像这样一米 Then go 2 meters like this and like this 然后像这样有二米 They have four towers,Four guards 有四个塔台

 四个哨兵 Here,here,here and here 这里


 这里和这里 Where they keep the prisoners? 犯人关在哪里 Here 这里 If we get in there,is there another way out? 进去后

 有其他出口吗 Underground,where is all bad water 地下

 满是臭水的地方 I do not know words for this place 我不知道那该叫作什么 He means sewer 他是说污水道

 Where is it? 在哪里 Here,Outside,it goes there 这里

 通到外面的那边 Guards patrol there 有哨兵巡逻 I do not think you go this way 我认为你不该走这条路 We should go through the mine fields,They will not expect it 那我们走雷区

 他们不会巡逻 This cannot be done .There are many spetnaz commandos 不行

 那里有很多地雷 We are only these 我们只剩下这些人 We have lost many men 我们损失了很多人 We lose many more if we go there 如果再去

 会损失更多 I don"t need many men 我不需很多人 What is it that you want to do? 你打算怎么做 I need two men to get me into the mine field 我需要两人带我穿过雷区 And two to help me to escape 两人协助我逃走 If this is done 这样做的话 Soviets will come here like before 俄军会像从前一样来这里 And more peopIe will die 会死更多人 I can"t wait 我等不了 You must wait for help,the way we wait 你要像我们一样等待救援 Then I"ll go alone 那我一个人去 And you will die 你会死 Then I die

 那就死吧 Wait! 等等 Please don"t go! 请你别去 My name is Masoud 我名叫拉苏 You must not judge us 在了解我们为何不能帮你前 before you understand why we are not ready to help 请别对我们妄下判断 Most of the Afghan people are very strong 大部分阿富汗人都很坚强 And we are determined not to be driven from our land 我们决意不能被逐离自己的土地 Our children die of disease,mines


 炸死 and poison gas. 给毒气毒死 And the women are raped and killed 妇女惨遭奸♥杀♥ Last year,in the valley of Laghman,the next valley, 去年

 邻谷的依拉洛格曼 6000 Afghans were killed 6 千阿富汗人被杀害 Pregnant women were cut with bayonets

 怀孕妇女被破肚开肠 and their babies thrown into the fires 婴孩被丢入火中 This is done, 他们这样做 so they will not have to fight the next generation of Afghans 是为了斩草除根 Yet nobody sees anything or reads anything in the papers 但报章杂♥志♥不会有任何报导 What you see here

 你现在所见 are the Mujahedeens soldiers 是默斯汀战士 Holy warriors 神圣的战士

 To us,this war is a Holy war 对我们而言

 这是场圣♥战♥ And there"s no true death for a Mujahedeen 默斯汀战士是打不死的 because we have taken our last rites 因为我们己发过毒誓 We consider ourselves dead already 视死如归 To us, death for our land and God is an honor 于我们

 为土地和神灵而忘是荣誉 So,my friend 所以

 朋友 What we must do 我们所要做的是 is to stop this killing of our women and children 保护我们的妻儿 If getting this man free, 若能救出那人 so he can return to the free world 让他回到自♥由♥世界 and tell what happens here is necessary 告诉别人这里发生的事情 then of course,we will heIp 我们当然会帮忙 Leave us now 离开吧 So we may speak among ourseIves

 让我们自己商量 and find the best way to free this man 救出那人的最佳方法 Thank you 谢谢你 We thank you 我们感谢你 Don"t worry.They will decide soon 放心

 他们很快会有决定 Got to get in tonight 今晚必须进去 What is your name? 你叫什么名字 This boy is very hard inside

 这小孩非常坚强 His parents were killed last year 他父母去年被杀 His brother died in the fort where the American is 他哥哥死在那美国人被关押的地方 He looks like a boy,but he fights like a man 他虽是小孩

 却如男子汉般战斗 What is your name? 你叫什么名字 Rambo 蓝波 Where are you from? 你从哪里来 Arizona 亚历桑纳 Arizona?How much days" walk? 亚历桑纳?

 要走几天路? About two years 约两年 Are you a soldier? 你是军人吗 No more 曾经是 I am a soldier.Are you ready to fight? 我是军人

 你准备好战斗了吗 No 没有 Are you scared? 你怕吗 What is this? 这是什么 It"s a knife 是刀 Can I see this? Sure 能看看吗

 当然可以 Very good. Can I have it? 很棒

 能给我吗 No. 不能 What is this? 这是什么

 You want everything.This is for luck 你什么都想要

 这会带来好运 What is luck? 什么是好运 Luck is... 好运是... Can I have it? I need luck 能给我吗

 我需要运气 So do I 我也需要 Look at this child, 这小孩 aIways like this 他总是这样 Look there,it"s a national sport 看那

 国民♥运♥动 Old insane game. Maybe 3000 years old 又老又蠢的游戏

 也许有三千年历史了 Look,They never stop playing it 看啊

 他们总玩那个 War,not war,they don"t mind 打不打仗

 他们不在乎 You like it? 喜欢吗 I"ll take football 我宁愿打橄榄球 Football? What"s football? 橄榄球

 什么是橄榄球 You play with your foot? 用脚玩吗 Not really 不完全是 Come on. Come on. Let"s go 来

 我们走吧 Hey,American! 美国人 What are they saying? 他们说什么 They want you to try 他们想你也去 It"s a way to welcome you to go with "em.

 这是欢迎你的方式 If you want to try,go ahead 想玩就去吧 But I"m not responsibIe for it 但出什么事

 我可不负责 I"ll try 我试试 Yes? 是吗 What are the rules? 规则是什么 you have take the sheep once a round 你带着羊绕一圈 and then throw it in the circle 然后丢在圈中 Why? 为什么 Because there is a circle there 因为那边有个圈 That"s it? 就这样吗 That"s it. Very simple 就这样

 很简单 Like football 像橄榄球 God must love crazy people 神一定很喜欢傻子 Why? 为什么 He makes so many of them 要不他也不会造那么多出来 Take cover! Take cover! 找掩护

 找掩护 Now you see how it is here 现在你看到了 Somewhere in war,there"s supposed to be honor 战斗本该是为荣誉而为 Where is the honor here? Where? 可荣誉呢

 在哪呢 We are taking the survivors to the border. Are you coming? 我们带幸存者去边境


 I"m going to the fort 我要去军营 Have you not seen enough death? 你见到的死亡还不够吗 Go,go while you can 走吧


 离开吧 This is not your war 这不是你的战争 It is now 现在是了 So be it 就好吧 You are a good friend 你是我们的好朋友 I stay. I will show you the way 我留下

 我给你带路 I will go,too 我也去 No. You go with them 不

 你和他们走 I will not.They kill all my family. I want to fight 不


 我要作战 Not with me 和我一起不行 You go 你走 Come on 去呀 Why must you do this? 你为什么一定要这样做 Because he"d do it for me 因为他也会为我这样做 Have you decided to talk? 你决定要招了吗 No? 还是不吗 Very well 非常好 Soon you will be my guest down the hall 很快你将成为阎王爷的座上客 Come on

 来吧 Go back! 回去 No 不 Go back! 回去 Go on 走 Stay here. Stay back 待在这里

 留在后面 I know this place.You need me 我熟悉这个地方

 你需要我 I don"t need you dead.Go back! Understand? 我不需要你死


 明白吗 The American 美国人 CoIonel? CoIonel? CoIonel? 上校


 上校 John,how the hell did you get in here? 约翰

 你怎么进来的 Can you move? 你能走吗 You"re damn right,I can 当然可以 Let"s go 我们走 John,behind you! 约翰

 小心身后 Go! 走 John! Get out! Get the hell out of here! 约翰


 快离开 Go on! 快走 Over here! 这边 Come on! 快 Help me! 帮我

 Take him 带他走 Come on! 跟上 Give me the boy 把孩子给我 Hurry! 快点 Come on! 过来 OK 好 Take the kid 带着孩子 Get down! 跳下去 Come! 来 Give me the boy 把孩子给我 Who is the terrorist? 这个家伙是谁 What makes you so valuable to him? 你和他有什么关系 This bastard tried to destroy me tonight 这王八蛋今晚想毁了我 But he failed! At sunrise,I"ll hunt him down 但他失败了

 太阳升起前我会抓到他 and have his skin hang on the wall! 把他的皮剥了挂在墙上 You don"t have to hunt him 你不必去抓他 What? 什么 He"ll find you 他会来找你 Are you insane? 你疯了吗 One man against thirty commandos? 一对三十? Who do you think this man is?

 你以为他是谁 God? 神吗 No. God would have mercy. He won"t 神大慈大悲

 他更厉害 It"s alright,nobody"s here 没事了

 这儿没人了 All right. This will hoId a while 好

 可以歇一下了 What"s the fastest way out of here? 哪条路能最快离开这里 Northwest, There is trail between mountains 西北方有条山径 about 3 kilometers from here 离这里三公里远 The trail is very difficult 山径很难走 You take the boy and go 你带男孩走 I want to stay 我要留下 You can"t 不行 You cannot go back there 你不能再回去 We must all go to Pakistan 我们必须一起去巴基斯坦 I"ve got to go back 不

 我必须回去 I know he"s your friend,but you cannot do this 我知他是你的朋友

 但你不能这么做 You both will die,for what? 你俩都会死

 值得吗 Come with us 跟我们走 Just do what I say 照我的话做 Give me your gun 枪给我 Alright,let"s go 好


 Come on 来 I see you again? 我能再见你吗 Sure 当然 Come on,move! 快点

 走 Come on! 快 Can you fly that thing? 你会开那个吗 Let"s find out 试试看 Let"s go! 我们走 Hurry! Hurry!Get on board! 快点


 上去 Hold on! 抓紧 Over there! 那边 There! 那边 Hold on! 抓紧 Get up! 上来 Take my hand! 抓我的手 We"re going down! 我们要降落了 Hold on! 抓紧 Get out of here! 快出去 It"s going to blow!

 要爆♥炸♥了 Take what you can,John! 尽量多拿点

 约翰 Come on! Move it! Move it!


 快点 Go on! 别停 We"ve got to get to the border 我们必须去边界 We"ll stay here 我们就待在这 We know where to go 我们知道该去哪 Which direction,John? 哪个方向

 约翰 Northeast 东北方 Hold it,John 等等

 约翰 I"ve got to rest a minute 我必需休息一下 How"s the wound? 伤口如何 You taught us to ignore pain,didn"t you? 你教我们别理会痛楚

 不是吗 Is it working? 有用吗 Not really 不尽然 Don"t take it personally 不是针对你 Thanks 谢了 You go on ahead and see if you can get a cover 你先走

 看能否找到掩护 Ok! 好 John! 约翰 John! 约翰 That was close,John,how are you? 好险


 你还好吗 Well-done 干的好

 We don"t want to make it easy for them. We better split up 我们最好分头行事

 给他们点厉害 I"m sorry I got you into this 抱歉把你牵入进此事 No,you"re not 你没有 Are you listening? 你听得见吗 Who are you? 你是谁 Your worst nightmare 你的恶梦 That"s good timing 时间抓的真准 What are friends for? 不然你以为朋友用来干啥 You get back to the hole. I"ll cover you and see if there"s any left 你回到洞里


 看看还有没有人 John! 约翰 Across the valley is the border 过了山谷就是边境 We did it,John 我们成功了

 约翰 Yeah 对 Wait 等等 What the hell is that? 那是什么 The son of a bitch 狗♥娘♥养♥的 Do not try to retreat 不要企图逃跑 You cannot escape 你们逃不掉的 We won"t attack if you do not run 你们不跑

 我们就不会攻击 We don"t want to hurt you 我们不想伤害你们 Somehow I don"t believe him


 我不相信他 I order you to come forward 我命令你们向前 You will receive a fair trial 你们会接受公平的审判 Drop you weapons. And remain where you are 放下武器

 待在原地 You got any ideas? 想到办法了吗 Drop your weapons 放下武器 Surrounding them is out 包围他们 Hell of a time for humor,John 你真会挑时间幽默

 约翰 Drop the weapons. Now! 放下武器

 马上 You have no chance to escape! 你们没有逃走的机会 Come forward 向前走 I wish to take you back alive 我也想活捉你们 This is your last warning 这是最后警告 The choice is yours 你们自己选择 What do you say? 你说如何

 约翰 Fuck them! 干掉他们 If we"re going,I wish we"d taken that bastard with us 要死

 也要带那王八蛋一起死 What is that? 那是什么 It"s the rebels 是起义军队 Come on! 走吧 John,get out of there! 约翰


 John! 约翰 You sure you don"t want to stay? 你真的不打算留下来吗 You fight good for a tourist 以一名观光客来说

 你很会打仗 Maybe next time 也许下次吧 You want this back? 你要拿回这个吗 No. You keep it 不

 你留着 Can you not stay? 你不能留下吗 I"ve got to go 我必需走 Goodbye 再见 Hard to believe,John 难以置信 What"s that,sir? 怎么了

 长官 I hate to admit it,but the truth is, 我很不愿承认

 但老实说 I think we"re getting soft 我觉得我们开始害怕了 Maybe just a little,sir 也许只是一点点

 长官 Just a little 只有一点点