
 他们在外面 They are outside. 控制室发生电力故障 We"re losing power in the containment chamber. 红色警告 你听到了吗 You hear that? 就在附近 Something"s close. 看


 我心跳好快 See, this is what I"m talking about. My heart is pounding. 趴下

 趴下 Get down, get down. 一只卡拉卡拉吗 A...a Cubone? 来这就为了给你抓宝可梦精灵

 是吗 We are not catching you a Pokémon, are we? 什么 What? 别告诉我这是你计划好的

 杰克 Tell me you didn"t plan this, Jack. 抱歉

 你是说 I"m sorry, are you... 杰克

 别告诉我这是你计划好的 Jack, said you didn"t plan this. 你认真的吗

 你怎么能这么说 Are you serious, how dare you? 拜托

 当然不是了 OK? Of course not, come on! 好吧

 也许有一点点 Okay, maybe. 昨天晚上是满月 It was a full moon last night 我妈妈听它哭得眼睛都快哭瞎了 and my mom heard it crying its" eyes out. 因为她一直不停的做噩梦 Cuz she can"t help having a nightmare 所以她起来给我拿了一杯热牛奶 so she brought me a glass of warm milk. 兄弟

 我以为你只是想出来转转 Dude, I thought you wanted to, you know, hang out 重温我们小时候的美好时光 and relive the good old days, like we were kids 是的啊


 I do, but just look at it. 这只宝可梦精灵简直是为你量身定做的 That is the perfect Pokémon for you. 杰克

 我并不想要一只宝可梦精灵 Jack, I"m not looking for a Pokémon, 我跟你说过的 I"ve told you this. 我已经仔细想了很久了

 好吗 I have thought long and hard about this, ok? 水属性的不适合你 Water type is not right for you, 火属性的也是

 但是卡拉卡拉 neither is fire type, but Cubone is... 很孤独 ...lonely. 一点没错 Exactly! 好吧



 非常感谢 Ok, thank you Jack. Thank you for that. 你还有更扎心的大实话要跟我说的吗 Are there any another emotional truth bomb you wanna drop on me? 以后再说

 但现在我手里这个更实在 Maybe later, but right now the truth is in my hands. 沙雕球 Stupid ball. 是啊

 去吧 Yes,yes! 记住了抓宝可梦精灵可不单单是技巧的事 OK. Remember catching a Pokémon is not about skill. 所以一定可以做到的 So you can do this. 真是会鼓舞人 Good pep talk. 必须要它选择你 OK, it has to choose you too, 所以得让它愿意成为你的伙伴 so make him want to be your partner. 嘿



 老铁 Hey, Cubone. What"s up, buddy? 你知道不是谁都能 You know not everyone can... 把他们死去亲戚的头骨戴在头上

 但是 pull off wearing the skull of their dead relatives, but... 你肯定可以

 ..you know, you sure can. 好吧

 它不喜欢谈论这个 Okay, he doesn"t like that. 一点也不喜欢 He did not like that. 杰克 Jack! 快点扔出去 Throw it! -只管扔出去

 -像个男人一样 - Throw the ball. - Like a man. 我成功了 I did it! 抓到了 Still got it! 不是绿色的光 The light"s not green. 它还没有变成绿色的 It still hasn"t turned green yet, 杰克


 是吧 Jack, that"s bad, right? 快跑 Run! 他没有选择我 He didn"t choose me. 快跑 Run! 他没有选择我

 杰克 He didn"t choose me, Jack! 我看见了 I can see that. 我不是它的选择 I"m not its" choice. 那是只气炸了的卡拉卡拉 That was one angry Cubone. 让我回想起很多我妈妈的事情 He remind me a lot about my mom. 我知道我可能会有点婆婆妈妈的 So umm... I don"t know if this is gonna sound corny, or whatever 有话直说吧


 我懒得生气了 Just say it, Jack. I"m too tired to be angry. 我很担心你 I"m worried about you. -又来了


 - This again! - OK, listen, everyone we know has left town. 现在我也要离开了 and now I"m leaving too. 没关系啊 Yeah, but that"s okay. 你要在时机到来时做出最好的选择 You gotta do what"s best for you with the time that you got. 我也是这样做的 That"s what I"m doing. 你知道我一直被工作压得喘不过气 You know I"m crushing at work, 但很快我就要升职了 getting a promotion real soon. 保险评估员还能晋升成什么 What is the promotion for insurance appraiser, 高级保险评估员吗 Senior Insurance Appraiser? 不


 比我现在还要高两级 No, actually that"s two steps up, above where I"m at. 这话我听得我都要吐了

 这些都是虚的 You"re gonna make me throw up. That"s not a real thing. 终于有信♥号♥♥了 Oh, I finally have service. 等等

 5 封语♥音♥邮件

 怎么会有 5 封 Wait, 5 voicemails? Why do I have 5 voicemails? 可能是紧急保险案件 Maybe it"s an insurance emergency. 是谁 Who is it? 是莱姆市警♥察♥局 Umm, It"s the Ryme City Police Department. 发生了一起事故 There was an accident. 警探在惨烈车祸中牺牲 不要

 别 Please don"t. 好吧好汉


 谢谢 Alright hero please do, thank you. 谢谢你 thank you. 你的舌头很友好 You have very generous tongue. 这是谁的大舌头 Is this Lickitung belong to anyone?

 谁的啊 Anybody? 没人吗 No? 感谢您旅途的陪伴 Thank you for travel with us. 请您回到座位观看本则短视频 Please sit back to watch this short informational video 欢迎您来到莱姆市 welcoming you into Ryme City. 回顾历史

 宝可梦精灵早已成为 Throughout history, Pokémon has been 我们这个世界中的一部分 part of our world. 早期的人类常常会捕捉它们 Early humans used to catch them 并且训练它们使用独特的能力来实现共赢 and train them to use their unique powers for the common good. 渐渐演变成了现在的宝可梦精灵对战 This relationship evolve into what we now refer to as Pokémon Battles 一位伟人改变了这一切 One man changed all of this. 克利福工业的创始人兼主席 Howard Clifford, 霍华德·克利福 founder and chairman of Clifford Industries. 他被诊断患有某种罕见的退行性疾病 Diagnosed with a rare degenerative disease 他从公♥司♥辞职

 到世界各地去求医问药 he resigned from his corporation, and search the world for a cure. 事实证明

 我一直找寻的治疗之法 And it turned out, the cure I was looking for is 能让自己进化 for me to evolve into a better version of myself. 而且我发现 And I discovered how to do that 这得通过与宝可梦精灵成为搭档 through a partnership with Pokémon. 他想和全世界分享这一伟大发现 And he wanted to share that discovry with the world. 罗杰·克利福 克利福工业主席 这就是霍华德·克利福创立莱姆市的初衷 This is what inspired Howard Clifford to build Ryme City.

 一个人类和宝可梦精灵互利共存的地方 A place where humans and Pokémon can live side by side. 宝可梦精灵不像其他地区那样生活在野外 Unlike other regions, where Pokémon live in the wild. 在这里

 我们一起生活和工作 Here, we live and work together. 没有对战

 没有训练师 No battles, no trainers. 也没有精灵球 No Pokeballs. 一个更强大

 更和谐的世界 A stronger, more harmonious world. 莱姆市全体公民 From all our citizens, 欢迎您的到来 welcome to Ryme City. 没有杰尼龟

 救火不会这么容易的 Fighting fires wouldn"t be the same without the Squirtle partners. 吉田警督 嗨

 蒂姆 Hi, Tim. 吉田警督 Lieutenant Yoshida. 你♥爸♥爸是精英中的精英 Your dad was the best of the best. 他是这个地方的一个传奇 He was a legend in this precinct. 谢谢

 谢谢你这么说 Thank you, thank you for saying that. 失去他和他的搭档是我们极大的损失 It was a terrible tragedy losing him and his partner. 他的搭档 His partner? 他的宝可梦精灵 His Pokémon. 我不清楚 Oh, I didn"t know... 不好意思

 它是在生我的气吗 I"m sorry, is yours mad at me? -布鲁吗

 -嗯 - Snubbull? - Yeah. 他表面上看起来可能很暴躁 He may look grumpy on the outside, 但我保证他的内心是非常可爱的

 but I assure you he is adorable on the inside. 不介意的话我想问一句 If you don"t mind me asking, 为什么你没带宝可梦精灵过来 how come you don"t have a Pokémon. 我大概记得

 哈利曾经说过 I thought I remember, Harry said you wanted to 小的时候你想成为一名宝可梦精灵训练员 become a Pokémon trainer when you were young. 是的

 最终也没能实现 Yeah, that didn"t really... work out. 我现在在保险公♥司♥工作

 所以 Uh I work in Insurance now, so... 我理解 I understand. 但是蒂姆

 不要什么事情都自己扛着 But Tim, please don"t put this all on your self. 没有人应该独自承受那么多 No one should go throught this type of thing alone. 如果你像你♥爸♥爸一样 If you are anything like your dad. 我不像他 I"m not. 我是我奶奶带大的 I was just really raised by my grandmother. 你有他公♥寓♥的备用钥匙吗 You have the spare keys for his apartment? 我该去那里收拾下东西了 I should go wrap things up there. 当然有 Of course. -这是他的地址

 -太好了 - Here"s his address. - Awesome. 愿意的话

 我可以送你过去 I can take you over if you want. 不


 我自己就行 No, no. I"m all good. 非常感谢 Thank you so much. 蒂姆 Tim. 这项工作 This job... 需要付出很多

 it demands a lot. 但是他没有一刻不挂念你的 But you are on his mind every day. 他爱你胜过世界上的一切 He loved you more than anything else in the world. 很高兴见到你

 警督 It was nice to meet you, Lieutenant. 打扰一下 Excuse me? 好吧 Ok. 哈利·古德曼 你是想抢劫我还是只是想烦我 Are you trying to rob me or just annoy me? 他是我搭档 He"s with me. -我们需要谈谈

 -是吗 - We need to talk. - We do? 我一直在等着看谁会打开那个信箱 I"ve been waiting to see who would open that mailbox. 你刚刚卷入了一个有趣的事件 You just walked into quite a story. 这样的事件会传播恐惧 Stories like this spread fear. 他们都害怕这些恐惧 And they are afraid of fear. 但是我不怕 But I don"t fear fear. 我说到就一定会做到 I walk the walk and talk the talk 我愿意不惜一切代价拿到真实的独家新闻 and I"m willing to do whatever it takes to get the honest scoop 哪怕是血淋淋的真♥相♥ and that"s the hard truth. 抱歉

 你到底是谁 I"m sorry... Who are you? 露西·史蒂文斯 Lucy Stevens. -CNM 的记者

 -哦 - Reporter for CNM. - Oh. 你这年龄看起来不太像 You seem kind of... young for that. 我的工作就是给 CNM 写博客 I work for the CNM blogs,


 好吗 making Pokémon listicles all day, okay? -十大最可爱的宝可梦

 -我奶奶喜看 - Top 10 cutest Pokémon. - Yeah, my grandmother loves those. 没错


 它们都超可爱 Yeah,news flash! They are all cute. 我发掘故事的本事 Such a waste of time for someone 全浪费到那种事情上了 with my nose for a story. 不不

 现在不行可达鸭 Oh no, no, not now,Psyduck. 我得先工作

 就一会儿 I"m working the sorts, just one more minute 好的我先 OK, I"m gonna... 我需要全程录音然后你告诉我 I"m gonna need you to go on record and tell me 所有有关哈利·古德曼的事 everything you know about Harry Goodman. -等等


 -哈利摊上事了 - Wait,what? - Harry is onto something big. 非常棘手的 Real big. 然后当时突然 And then all of a sudden, 他的车就冲出了桥面 his car crashes over a bridge, 但我不认为事情有那么简单 I think not. 这里面肯定有秘密 Something is rotten, 我得把它找出来 and I"m gonna get to the bottom of it. 我对他不了解 Look, I barely know the guy, 我已经有很多年没有见过他了 I haven"t seen him for years. 你的宝可梦精灵伙伴在哪 Where is your Pokémon partner? 我没有

 为啥每个人都这么问我 I don"t have one, why is everyone keep asking me that? 孤僻之人

 可能在掩饰什么 A loner. Probably hiding something.


 我得走了 Okay, I"m gonna go. 我或许只是一个没工资的实习生 I may only be an unpaid intern, 但我能嗅出故事 but I can smell a story. 然后挖掘出来 And I"m going to find it. 好的

 那你加油 OK, you do that. 来吧可达鸭

 我们走吧 Come on, Psyduck. Let"s go. 是谁 Who is it? 你好 Hello? 是我

 斯奈克 It"s me, Snakes 我拿到东西了 I got the stuff. 此处致敬电影《小鬼当家》2 把它放在门边上

 然后从这滚出去 Leave it on the doorstep, now get the hell outta here. 好的约翰尼

 但是我的钱呢 Alright, Johnny, but what about my money? 还放着些古老侦探片 Still with the old detective films. 在莱姆市中 新出土的一批远古梦幻遗物 这他妈 What the... 是什么 What... 这什么鬼 is this stuff? 给蒂姆·古德曼 亲爱的蒂姆

 若你愿意再给次机会的话 Dear Tim, I can do better if you give me a chance. 我会做得更好

 家门会一直为你敞开 I will always have a place for you to stay. 你♥爸♥爸会来车站接你 Your father will pick you up at the station. 我不走了 I"m not going.

 什么 What? 我不想走

 这里是我的家 I don"t want to go, this is home, 奶奶我要和你一起待在这里 I wanna stay here with you grandma. 天呐 Oh, man. 第二十四届宝可梦冠军 这是我生命中最重要的一天 This is the most important day of my life. 我知道

 蒂姆 I know, Tim. 但你母亲要去看医生

  不能再拖了 But your mother had to see the doctor. It couldn"t wait. 谁在那 Someone there? 你好 Hello? 差点扭伤 Ah! That"s a sprain. 好的


 别怕 Okay, okay, okay 不论你是谁 Whoever you are... 我知道怎么用这个 I know how to use this. 皮卡丘 So Pikachu? 天了噜 Aw jesus. 你好呀小家伙


 进来的 Hey,little guy. How did you... get in here? 我知道你听不懂我说的话 I know you can"t understand me. 但是放下那台订书机 But put down the stapler, 不然人家就


 你 or I... will electrocute... You. 你说啥 Did you just talk? 哇哦

 你能听懂我吗 Wow, did you just understand me? 等等


 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait 你的眼神告诉我

 你能听懂我说的话 That is heavy eye contact right there, you heard me. -不不不


 你听得到 - No, no, no - Yes, you did. -我的天


 -别说了 - Oh my god, this is amazing! - Stop it, stop, stop! 你能听懂我 You can understand me. -别说了

 -我真的很孤单 - Stop! - I"ve been so lonely. 我一定是疯了 I"m gonna throw up. 不

 孩子我需要你帮忙 No, kid, I need your help. 我想吐 I"m gonna throw up. 我遇上了大♥麻♥烦

 我需要你听我说话 I"m in serious trouble, I need you to listen. -不不不

 -不好意思手尾猴 - No, no, no - Excuse me, Aipom. 我们在进行一场很私密的谈话 We"re having a private conversation here. 别说了

 你就是我的幻觉 Stop talking, you"re hallucination. 你才是个幻觉 You are hallucination. 出去


 出去 You out! Shush, go! 看来我得小心点

 长官 Now I"d tread lightly there, chief, 这只手尾猴看起来有点失智 that that Aipom don"t look bright. 不 No! 放开他

 快试着反击 Get off him, whack job! 快起来小伙子

 他要攻回来了 Get up, kid. He"s coming back to raven. 听着

 我来教你 Okay, here"s what you wanna do. 你得咬他

 你得大叫 Okay, you wanna bite him, you wanna scream. 我们来玩你划我猜

 We"are play charades, 还是别玩了 We are not playing charades! -好的我找到了一把刀

 -别扔刀 - OK, I"m gonna get a knife - Not the knife! 好的

 刀不是个好点子 OK, bad idea with the knife. 我再找个其他的 I"ll find something else. 吃这个 Eat this! 不用谢 You"re so welcome. 他只是个饿坏了的小家伙 He is just a hungry little guy. 妈鸭 Oh my god! 快来小伙子

 我们跑 Come on kid, let"s move. 去屋顶 To the roof! 好主意 Brilliant idea. 你把住门

 我去找人帮忙 You hold the door, I"ll go get help! -啥


 救命 - What? - Help! Help! 我的天

 救命 Oh my god, help! 卧♥槽♥ Oh Shit! 救命

 救命 Help! Help! 我的娘啊


 他要被生吞了 Oh my god, help! Oh he"s getting eaten alive. 他要被生吞了

 他要死啦 He"s being eaten alive! I mean he"s dying! 根本没人来

 真是世态炎凉 No one is coming, people are so insensitive. 穿上裤子

 以最快的速度跑 Put your pants back on and run like the wind! 快点

 再快点 Blazing speed! Blazing speed! 老兄


 Dude, they seem to be attracting to your increasing nudeness! 好的 OK. 好了

 我们从这儿跳下去 Alright, we"re jumping down here. 不不

 我可不想进垃圾专用管道 No, No, I"m not going to trash chute! 说得好

 让我看看 Good call, let me know 再加上一个超级疯狂的宝可梦精灵会怎样 how it goes with the super crazy Pokémon. 你死得很光荣 You died a hero! 笔直落地啊小伙子 Way to stick the landing, kid. 离我远点 Leave me alone! 看来某些人心情又变好了 Oh, looks like someone is back in the good mood. 快跑

 可怕的手尾猴来了 Run! Rapid Aipom! 当心

 快跑 Look out! Run! 跑



 跑 Go, go, go, go! 快跑鸭

 先生 Go, go, go, sir! The... 我觉得穿上裤子会好一点 I think pants are gonna do you a lot of good right now. 嘘

 快走 Shush! Go! 我以为你的穿的是蓝色的内♥裤♥ You know, I pictured yours ass a bit of a brief sky, 其实看起来还不错 but those are nice. 我的话

 我不♥穿♥内♥裤♥的 Me? I... I don"t wear underwear. 你知道我不会害羞 You know,I"m not modest. 打扰一下


 请问下 Excuse me, excuse me. Hi, sorry. 你能听到他说话吗

 能听到吗 You can hear him, right? You can hear him talking? 能啊


 Oh, yeah."Pika-Pika-Pika". -他真可爱

 -你才真可爱 - He"s adorable. - You"re adorable. 小子

 他们听不懂 They can"t understand me, kid. 是我的原因

 我吸了点不对劲的东西 It"s me, It"s... It"s that stuff I put up my nose. 不是你想的那个


 我闻了煤气 No, not like that. No, it was a gas, I was breathing gas. 是意外情况

 我不是有意的 Accidentally, accidentally, I was accidentally... 意外地闻了煤气 Accidentally on the gas. 如果你不想因为违法犯忌 Unless you want charming law to give 而去监狱旅躺游

 那就快走 you a one-way ticket to hoosegow, let"s move. 就没人能听见他说话吗 No one else can hear him? -我也是第一次遇到这种

 -他在说话 - This is a first for me too, kid. - He"s saying words. 一般你想和人类说话 You try to talked to people all the time, 而他们只听见皮卡皮卡 all they hear is "Pika Pika". -拍拍我或者亲亲我

 -你能 - Pat me,or kiss me, - Can you...? -还会用手指来戳我

 -没有人吗 - they stick a finger in me. - Anyone? 真过分 It"s really gross. 没人能够听见他吗 Can no one else hear him? 你能听见他在说话吗 Can you hear him, talking? 你能听见他在说话吗 Can you hear him saying words? 你在这又能得到什么答案呢

 小伙子 What are you not getting here, kid? 你是唯一一个能听见我说话的人 You are the only one who could hear me. -就像是命中注定

 -才不是命中注定 - It"s like destiny. - It"s not destiny. 那你为啥在那间公♥寓♥里呢

 Then why were you in that apartment? 那是我爸爸的房♥子 It"s my father"s place. 所以我在那 That"s why I was there. 你又是为什么在那呢 Why were you there? 你是哈利的儿子吗 You are Harry"s son? 你怎么会知道他的名字 How do you know his name? 若走失请送还给 哈利·古德曼 你是哈利的宝可梦精灵搭档吗 You"re Harry"s Pokémon partner? 要喝杯咖啡吗 You want a coffee? 若我能喝一杯的话

 那真是 Cuz I could use a coffee, I mean, that"s... 好的

 那就去喝一杯吧 Yeah, let"s get a coffee. 来

 走吧 Yeah, come on. 高帽子咖啡 所以我才会在那 So there I was. 在不知名的地方失忆是最坏的事 In the middle of nowhere with bad case of the forgetness. 这帽子里哈利的名字和地址 The only clue to my past is the Harry"s name 成了唯一能追溯到我过去的线索 and the address inside this hat. 所以我回到了公♥寓♥

 我在那儿遇见了你 So, I made my way to the apartment, and that"s where I found you. 浓缩咖啡 我不知道

 可能哈利也深陷其中 I don"t know, maybe Harry got in too deep. -深陷什么

 -你知道 - Deep in what? - You know... 一堆坏事缠身

 很麻烦的那种事 Mixed up with the wrong crowd, that kind of thing. 发生在最好的我们身上 Happens to the best of us. 死物堆积


 The deads pile up, the walls close in. 对的变成错的 Right becomes wrong. 错的变成对的 Wrong becomes wrong. -等等你在和谁打电♥话♥呢

 -没谁 - Wait, who are you calling? - No one. 是的是的

 那听起来不错 Yeah yeah, no, that sounds great,that sounds great. 好多事要告诉你 There"s many of those really you know... 等等


 你在听谁说话 Wait, I"m confused, Are you hearing other voices besides mine? 我只想知道为啥我能听懂你 All I wanna know is why I can understand you. 这我可答不上来

 小伙子 Can"t help you there, kid. 就像我有健忘症

 总该死的记不住事 Like I said I have amnesia. Can"t remember a darn thing. 好吧所以你现在是在和一只 Okay, so you are talking Pikachu with 失忆了并对咖啡上瘾的皮卡丘对话 no memories who"s addicted to caffeine. 我能戒掉咖啡

 只要我想 I can stop whenever I want. 这些都只是自愿的 These are just choices. 再来一杯

 双份的 Another round, extra shot. 浓得像黑夜一样

 谢谢你宝贝 Black as night, thank you sweetie. 你看

 虽然我是个大侦探 Look, I"m a great detective. 但是我没有记忆就解不开身世之谜 But I can"t solve my own mystery if I have no memory. 那你又是怎么知道自己是个侦探的呢 Then how do you even know you"re a detective? 那个啊

 我打肚脐眼里能感觉到 Oh that, I can, I can feel that in my jellys. 什么

 你说在哪感觉到的 What is that? What is that? 打肚脐眼里啊


 你能感觉到的 It"s the jellys! It"s a thing, you know, you feel it, 就是当其他所有人都否定你的时候

 when you really believe in something 你心里依然深信不疑的那个地方 despite everyone telling you you"re wrong, 所以我得找到哈利 which is why I need to find Harry. 他是解开我身世的关键 He"s the key to my past. 谢了

 医生 Thanks, Doc. 那我顺便告诉你个坏消息 I got some bad news for you cuz... 哈利已经死了 Harry"s dead. 什么 What? 不 No. 不不不 No, no, no, no, no, no, no... 不

 哈利没死 No, Harry ain"t dead. 不

 哈利死了 No, Harry is dead 抱歉

 你错了 You"re wrong, sorry. 我在警方那里看到了他的死亡报告 I saw in the police report that he"s dead 就凭那些条子说他死了吗 Just cuz the cop says he"s dead? -法律意义上他已经死了

 -真的吗 - I mean he"s legally dead. - Really? 他们找到尸体了吗 Did they find a body? 噢

 没找到是吧 Oh I didn"t think so. 而且

 那份报告还说我也死了对吧 And by the way, did that report also said it that I"m dead? 因为我还在这活蹦乱跳 Cuz if I"m still alive and kicking, 所以哈利也还活着 that means Harry is out there too. 结案 Case closed. 但在我解开它之前

 But still open, 还是悬而未决 until I solve it. 好吧

 我姑且听听你的推论 OK, I"ll bite it somewhere. 我真是高兴你能听我断案 Oh, I"m glad you"re gonna bite. 好的

 听好了 All right, here it is. 要么哈利伪造了自己的死亡 Harry faked his own death, 要么某人伪造了哈利的死亡 or somebody else faked Harry"s death, 要么哈利伪造了某人的死亡 or Harry faked somebody else"s death. 最后那条完全说不通啊 That last one doesn"t work at all! 是

 是说不通 No, no, it doesn"t 前面那两条

 可能性倒挺大的 The first two, those are real contenders. 算了

 我得走了 No, uh, I"m gonna go. 这事已经结束了

 这只是在 We are done here.I mean this is... 不

 事情还没有结束 No, we are not done here. 等等


 你去哪儿 Wait, wait, wait a minute, where are you going? 等一下

 我们彼此都需要对方 Hold up a sec, we"re gonna need each other. 不

 我们不需要 No, we don"t. 我不需要一只宝可梦精灵 I don"t need a Pokémon. 句号♥

 懂了吗 Period. Got it? 那你需要一个世界级的侦探吗 Then what about a world-class detective? 因为如果你想找到你♥爸♥爸 Because if you want to find your pops, 我是你的最佳选择 I am your best bet. 一个世界级侦探应该早就能推断出来

 I think a world class detective ought to have figured out 我不是来这找我爸爸的 by now that I"m not here to find my father. 我是来这跟他告别的 I"m here to say goodbye. 嘿

 这儿没有你要告别的人 Hey, hey, there"s no one to say goodbye to. 你看

 你可以跟人类交流 Look, you can talk to humans, 我可以跟宝可梦精灵交流 I can talk to Pokémon, 我们可以互相交流 We can talk to each other. 这种事千载难逢啊

 小子 This doesn"t happen, kid. 这肯定意味着什么 It has to mean something! -你难道就不能

 -一股魔力使我们相遇 - Can you just...? - There"s magic that brought us together, 那股魔力就叫作希望 And that magic is called hope. 希望着哈利还活着 Hope that Harry is still alive. 你感觉到了吧 Oh, you feel it, 你打肚脐眼里感觉到了

 是吧 you feel it in your jellys, don"t you? 我肚脐眼里什么都没有 There"s nothing in my jellys. 你和我

 我们来一起办案 We"ll gonna do this. You and me. 我真是服了 I can"t believe... 那我们约好明天早上在这见面 I will meet you here tomorrow morning 好嘞 Great. 你去哪呢 Where are you going? 回我的公♥寓♥啊 To my apartment. 什么意思

 怎么是你的公♥寓♥ What do you mean, your apartment? 什么

 What? 那好吧

 你可以睡沙发上 Alright, you can sleep on the couch. 不

 我才不要睡沙发 No, I"m not gonna sleep on the couch. 那你可以睡这石头上 Well, then you can sleep on the stone. 小皮卡乖乖


 好吗 Be a dear, would you? Get the door for me. 我的天哪

 我在干嘛 Oh my god, what am I doing? 我刚邀请了人到我的公♥寓♥里 I just invited someone to my apartment. 我从没这么干过

 我不是那种宝可梦 I never do this, I"m not that kind of Pokémon. 到处都是灰尘 Dust everywhere, 却没有指纹 no fingerprints. 这说不通啊 eh,it doesn"t add up. 这是在干嘛呢 What is going on in here? 我在搜寻现场

 寻找我身世的线索 I"m searching the joint, looking for clues to my past... 这是你的房♥间吗 Is this your room? 不是 No! 哈利还有其他孩子吗 Does Harry have other children? 没有 No. 我小的时候他就想让我住在这

 所以 He wanted me to live here when I was a kid, so... 他把这弄得像我童年时的房♥间 He made it look like my childhood room. 你不该说说你这皮卡丘款的童年床吗 Should we talk about the fact that your childhood bed is a Pikachu bed? 碰巧而已 It"s a coincidence. 不好意思

 你能大点声吗 I"m sorry, can you speak up? 我听不清你说的呢

 I can"t hear you. 我从未感到如此荣幸

 同时也吓到我了 I have never been so flattered and creeped out at the same time. 你是不是还要弄个皮卡丘灯罩 Are you gonna make me into a lamp shade? 说不定呢 Oh, I might. 等等


 等等 Hang on, hang on, hang on... 这些宝可梦精灵卡牌

 这些对战海报 All these Pokémon cards, and the battle posters, 这跟你有联♥系♥呢

 是吧 there"s connection, isn"t there? -你喜欢宝可梦精灵

 -不是 - You love Pokémon. - No. 是的


 你可喜欢了 Yeah, yeah, you do. 那也是很久以前的事了 That was a long time ago. 那是在我爸爸搬到城里来 Before my father moved to the city 陪宝可梦的时间比陪儿子多之前 and spent more time with Pokémon than his own son. 是啊

 什么都怨老爸 Umm, yeah, blame it on dad. 好吧

 那这个呢 Okay, look, what about this? 公♥寓♥里到处都是她的相片 These pictures of her all over the apartment. 很明显她跟哈利有联♥系♥

 她也许认识我 She"s obviously connected to Harry, she might know me. 她可能是一条线索 She could be a lead. 不

 她不认识你 No, she"s not. 那是我的妈妈 That"s my mom. 她在我很小的时候就去世了 She passed away when I was little. 抱歉

 我没有 I"m sorry I didn"t, I didn"t... 我没注意到 I didn"t realize. 明天我带你去见吉田

 Tomorrow morning I"m gonna take you to Yoshida 好找找我们要的答案 so we can get some answers. 啊

 我的线索 Ahhh! My clues! 这怎么回事 What is all this? 这些可是我辛勤的劳作

 而且 Hard work, that"s what this is, and by the way... 要等到弄清了谁能信得过我们才能去报♥警♥ we can"t go to the cops. Not until we know who we can trust. 把我的线索原样放整齐

 好吗 So put my clues back in order, would you? 这些不是线索

 这是连环杀手的手稿 These aren"t clues! This is the work of a serial killer. 未指明的线索 Almost clues. 那又是什么意思啊 What does that even mean? 我在试着唤起我的记忆

 追溯我的踪迹 I"m trying to jog my memory. Retrace my steps, 有助于我把案件的来龙去脉理顺 it helps me to see it all laid out. 然后我就找到了这个 That"s how I found this, this... 这个被法国人叫作 is what a Frenchman would call "热门派对"

 那不是法语 Not French. 闻闻我的小指头 Smell my finger. 打死我也不会闻你的指头 I will never smell your finger. 胆小鬼 Coward. 重点是在昨天攻击我们的手尾猴手身上 The point is I smelled this R stuff on those Aipom 我也闻到了这种 R 什么的东西 when they attacked us yesterday. -R 吗

 -对了 - R? - Bingo. 蟑螂之歌♥


 曲调欢快 有些事情变得 Something can it get... 哈利在案子里发现了重大突破 Harry, had a break in the case 迫使暗中的幕后主使 forcing the shadowing kingpins, 派出雇佣的暴徒 send out hired goons, 来传递这条惊天的 to deliver the big, 秘密 Hush, hush! 为什么呢 Why? 我们可以追溯哈利的踪迹

 把案件解决 We need retrace Harry"s steps, either solve the case ourselves, 或者我们暗中等待 we get far enough long, 等着头号♥大坏蛋露出他或者她的真面目 that the No.1 bad guy has to reveal himself, or herself. 你能别这么多戏吗 Can you stop doing that? 那么案情的切入点在哪呢 So what is the way in, huh? 答案就在这个房♥间里 The answer is in this room. 这儿哪还像个房♥间

 现在是火灾隐患了 This isn"t a room. This is a fire hazard. 到处都是垃圾 There"s, it"s just junk and... 还有废纸 papers and... 宝可梦精灵游♥行♥前准备 还有报纸 ...newspapers. 小子

 你想起什么了吗 What you got, kid? 我刚碰见过一个人

 她是 CNM 的实习记者 I, I literally just met someone, she was a, junior reporter at CNM. 她在报道关于哈利的故事 She was doing a story on Harry. 我觉得她知道的比她透露的更多

 I think she knows more than she let on. 聪明人都这样 The smart ones always do. 我们得去她办公室撬她嘴巴 We gotta go down to her work and press her. 那是个比喻 That"s a metaphor. 我知道什么是比喻 Yeah, I know what a metaphor is. 好吧

 我之前在喝那杯 Yeah, I was drinking that. 我也在喝那杯 I was also drinking... 请你随意踩踏我的毕生心血吧 Just step anywhere, it"s only my life"s work. 不

 不 No, no. 我们不要这样 We are not doing that. 行吧

 我走路就是了 Fine, I"ll walk. 一小时内我要走 1 万步 I"m trying to get 100,000 steps this hour. 大家好 我是罗杰 克利福 Hello, I"m Roger Clifford, CNM 的董事长以及克利福企业的主席 President of CNM, and chairman of Clifford"s enterprises. 我是霍华德·克利福 And I"m Howard Clifford, 莱姆市未来的构想者 the visionary icon behind Ryme City. 为了和睦共处

 集♥合♥起来 Together, in the spirits of harmony, 我们将举办莱姆市史上最大的游♥行♥ we"re throwing the largest parade the Ryme City has ever seen. 您一定不要错过 You won"t wanna miss it. 在周末

 我们邀请人类和宝可梦精灵 So at the weekend, we invite the people and the Pokémon to be there. 来共同庆祝我们之间和睦共处 A celebration of the harmony between humans and Pokémon. 好的

 卡 And, cut! 我觉得录得挺好的

 I think that went rather well. 拜托你闭嘴吧

 爸 Oh, shut up dad! 他看上去很棒 He seems nice. 罗杰

 拜托 Roger, please. 这应该是我们给市民的礼物 This is supposed to be our gift to the citizen. 未来构想者

 认真的吗 Visionary icon, really? 是个救世主吗 Was savior of the world taken? 儿子

 这是你的人写的宣传稿 It was your people who wrote the promos, son. 这就是你治疗癌症的完整经过吗 Is there an unabridged version where you cure cancer? 噢

 好得很啊 Oh, that"s right. 每次都是这样背对我 Turn your back on me like you always did. 顺便说一句

 没人喜欢你的宝可梦精灵 By the way, no one likes your Pokémon. 她在那 There she is. 我明白你为什么如此兴奋了 I can see why you"re so excited. 我没有


 我没有 兴奋 I wasn"t...Okay, I was not, that excited. 克利福先生

 我这有个事件 Mr. Clifford, I may have a story for you. 我听说了宝可梦精灵袭击人类的传言 I"ve heard rumors of Pokémon attacking people, 但是没有主流媒体报道

 我认为 But there"s been no main stream to cover it, I think that... 抱歉 I"m sorry, 我们不是八卦小报 We are not a tabloid, 不报道无凭无据的流言蜚语或八卦消息 which means we don"t report on rumors, gossip, or hearsay. 无法证实就不是新闻 It"s not news if it can"t be verified. 想要报道一个事件

 You want a story? 就去追根溯源 Find a source! 哦

 最重要的一点 Oh, and pro tip, 对时下热点保持理性 have reasonable sense of fashion. 她来了


 认真点 Here she comes, here she comes, try to look deep. 你在这干什么 What are you doing here? 又见面了

 呃 Hey again, uh... 我这样可能有点奇怪 Yeah, I know this seems weird 但我要问你个事 but I actually need to ask you something. 但在这里不


 合适 Now is not... not really the good... the good time. 我明白了

 抱歉 Yeah, I saw that. I"m...I"m sorry. 对不起

 有点烫 Sorry, it"s piping hot. 你找到了个宝可梦精灵伙伴 You found yourself a Pokémon partner. -呃



 他好可爱 - Hmm... not exactly... - Oh, he"s cute. 她想拉拢我

 但相信我 Yeah, she"s trying to work me kid, but trust me, 我不会


 好舒服 I can"t... oh sweet mother of earthiest, that feels so good. -听着

 -天啊 - So...listen - Oh my god, ohh. 发生什么事了 What happened? 我在哈利桌子上发现这个 I found something on Harry"s desk. 它差点让我窒息而亡

 而且我没有 It nearly choked me to death, and I wasn"t... 别

 别在这说 No, not here. 来我办公室 In my office. 来我办公室

 "In my office" 我们去她办公室 We"re going to her office. 太棒了 This is great. 这不是办公室

 这是放这些铅笔的棺材 This isn"t an office, It"s a coffin. with pencils. 是的

 没错 Yeah, that"s right, 我能和这孩子说话也能和你说话 I can talk to the kiddy and can talk to you, who gifted. 你这个傻瓜

 她有可达鸭 You"re a dummy that she has a Psyduck! 受到压力时会爆发 These things explode when they"re stressed. 保持冷静

 兄弟 Hey, hey, keep calm, pal. 安静

 安静 Serenity now, serenity now. -不

 -好 - No. - OK. -好

 -你找到了吗 - Okay. - You got it? 给你 Here it is. 你在哪找到的 Where did you find this? 我的线人说码头附近有哈利的消息 Word on the street was that Harry had an informant near the docks. 我去那打探了一番 I went there to snoop around. 我在那找到了小药瓶 And that"s where I found the vial. 但是码头很危险 But the docks can be dangerous. 那种地方晚上别独自一人去 It"s not the sort of place you wanna visit alone at night. 其实我很习惯晚上独自一人 I"m actually pretty good of being alone at night. 不行

 完全不会说话 Nope, that did not land right at all. 我不是

 我不是这意思 That"s not... that"s not what I meant to say. -没事


 - It"s okay. - I"m just gonna... 我


 所以 I...I, We should go soon, so... 没错

 我们得马上出发 Yeah, yeah, we should go. 天啊

 你以前有和姑娘说过话吗 Good god, have you ever talked to woman before? 你有点 You got some... 是的

 我以前和姑娘说过话 Yes, I"ve talked to women before, 所以

 我不需要你的帮助 and no, I don"t need your help. 是在你妈妈肚子里吗还是 Was it during the birth canal or...? 你知道你需要什么吗 一个 肩鞍 You know what you need? A shoulder saddle. 我打赌肯定有人做过 I bet someone makes one. 好

 你还有其他办法吗 Okay, there are other ways for you to get around. 你这是在侮辱我 This is humiliating. 你每走一步 Every s...