
 浙江省金华市第五中学 2014 年七年级上学期期中考试英语试卷

 温馨提示 :本卷分为听力和笔试两部分。满分 120 分。考试时间为 90 分钟。所有答案均做在答题卷上, 写在试卷上无效。考试结束时考生只交答题卷,试卷自己保留。祝你成功。

 卷 I 第一部分 听力部分(20 分)

 听力(共 0 20 小题,满分 0 20 分)


 (共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分)

 ( )1. A. G-R-E-E-N B. It " s green. C. Yes, it reeng ( )2. A. They are flowers. B. Two. C. Red. ( )3. A. It"s today B. It "sMonday C. It s hot. ( )4. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, he is. C. No, it is. ( )5. A. My favourite food is rice. B. No, I don " t like rice. C. He likes music. 第二节;听对话,选图画,回答问题。

 (共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分) ( )6. Where is Lucy from? )7. What has Lily got? A. B. C. 口 IN

 浙江省金华市第五中学 2014 年七年级上学期期中考试英语试卷

 ()10. What s Tom s telepho ne number?A. B. C. )8. What"s the weather like today? B. ( )9. Where does Damin gsmother work? A. A. C.

  第三节:听长对话,回答问题。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 听下面一段较长对话,回答 11、12 两个问题。

 ()11.What"s Betty"s classroom buildi ng like? A. It "small. B. It "n ew. C. It "big. ()12.Where is the library? A. On the left of the sports hall. B. On the right of the scie nee lab. C. In front of the playgro und 听下面一段较长对话,回答 13、14、15 三个问题。

 ()13.What is Sun Li"s job in Sha nghai? B. A teacher. ()14.Where are the boys? A. In Chan gsha. B. In Beiji ng. ()15. How old are the boys? A. 15. B. 20. 第四节:听下面短文,请根据提问,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息 记录表。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分)

 Information Card Name:

 ______ 16 _________

 Age(年龄): ____ 17 _________


 ___________ 18 _________

 Favourite seas on: ____ 19 ________

 Favourtie sport: 20

 ( )16. A. Betty. B. Tony. C. Lucy. ( )17. A. 14. B. 15 C.50. ( )18. A. New York. B.L ondon. C.Sha nghai. ( )19. A. Summer B.Spri ng C. Autumn ( )20. A.Swimmi ng. B.Table tennis. C. Tennis.


 A. B. 356-8698 365-8689 xT jr h N - C. 365-8968 A. A doctor. C. A nu rse. C. In Sha nghai. C. 25.

  单项填空(共 5 15 小题,每小题 1 1 分,共 15 分)

 ( )21 . John is from America and he has got ______ uncle. A . a B . the C . an, D . / ( )22 . This is my grandmother, _____ sixty. A. She" s B. They " re C. He" s D. It s ( )23. ---_____ are you? ---1 am twelve. A. What B. Where C. How old D. How ()24 --- ________ the dining hall? --- It "sbehi nd the red build in g. A. Where"s B. What"s C. Who"s D. How " ( )25. --- How many stude nts are there in your classroom now? ---There aren"t ______ .

 ( )26. ---Is that woman _____ the right your aunt? ---No, she isn"t. The woma n in front A. of; on B. on; of )27. Let s _______ football after school! A. to play B. playi ng )28. Mr and Mrs White ______ a new car. A. have got B. has got ( )29. There ______ a pear, two bananas and three apples on the table. A. am B. are ( )30. This is —^mother, and ____

 A. her; his B. my; her ( )31. — Is there a hospital n ear here? A. there " s B. it is ()32. ----What class are you in? ---1 " A. Class one, grade seve n C. Class One, Grade Seve n ( )33. My n ame is Tony Smith. Smith is my ____ n ame. A. first B. family C. give n D. full ( )34. Look! Some rice ______ in the bags and some eggs ________ in the box. A. is, are B. is , is C. are, are D. are, is ( )35. He is from _______ . He is _________ . A. En gla nd, En gla nd B. En gla nd, En glish C. En glish, En glish D. En glish, En glishma n. 三、 完形填空((共 0 10 小题,每小题 1 1 分,共 0 10 分) Hello! My name 36 Jack. I " neleven 37 old. I have got one brother. His name is Jas on and he is fourtee n. I have not got 38 sisters. I live 39 my mom, dad and grandma in a small house 40 America. There 41 lots of

 C. is D. be _name is Mary.

 C. your; his D. his, my —Yes, .

 C. there is D. there are A. some B. ones C. any D. one me is my aunt. C. of; of C. play C. is hav ing D. on; on D. plays D. has m in _______ . B. Class One, Grade seve n D. Class one, Grade seve n

  things to do here. My frie nds and I go to the movies 电影)on Saturdays. I like football 42 much. Sometimes I play football with my brother. I want to join(加入)the football club (俱乐部).I have got seven pets(宠物)一 a dog 43 six birds. I like them, 44 my mother doesntlike 45 .

 ( )36. A. do B. is C. are D .can ( )37. A. year B. days C. weeks D. years ( )38. A. an B. some C. any D. a ( )39. A. with B. to C. i n D. on ( )40. A. at B. i n C. on D. to ( )41. A. is B. are C. do D. does ( )42. A. very B. well C.good D. how ( )43. A. but B. or C. and D. with ( )44. A. or B. but C. then D .and ( )45. A. them B. their C. they D. it 四、阅读理解(共 5 15 小题,每小题 2 2 分,共 0 30 分)

  A Name Age Likes Job Phone nu mber Gi na 15 liste ning to music, play ing computer games Stude nt 0511-3562786 Maria 23 read ing, play ing sports, swim ming Teacher 13658860665 Mo na r 26 hamburgers, telling jokes (玩笑) Doctor / Jeff 30 help ing others, pla nti ng trees Policema n 0556-6528721

 B a deskaabdchome chairs in it. The desk is n ext to the win dow. On the desk, there is a book, a glass and some cakes. The bed is n ext to the desk. There are trouse(裤子)and a coat on the bed. The trousers are green. They are new. The coat is yellow. It " s new, too. Under the bed, there are some shoes and two balls. This is Susan good stude nt.

 ( )46. Maria is . A. a teacher B. a doctor ( )47. What " s Mona" s phone number? A. 13658860665 B. 0511-3562786 ( )48. What does Gina like? . A. Readi ng C. Playi ng computer games ( )49. How old is Jeff? . A. Fifteen B. Thirteen ( )50. Who likes read in g? . A. Gina B. Maria C. a stude nt D. a policema n C. 0556-6528721 D. I don " t know B. Liste ning to music D. Both B and C C. Sixtee n D. Thirty C. Mo na D. Jeff This room is not big but n ice. There s roo

  ( )51. The desk is , the cakes are , and the balls are A. n ext to the win dow; on the bed; on the desk B. n ext to the win dow; on the desk; un der the bed C. n ext to the desk; on the bed; un der the bed D. n ext to the win dow; n ear the bed; on the desk ( )52. The trousers are and the coat is . A. yellow; gree n B. gree n; gree n C. gree n; yellow D. yellow; yellow

 C C In England, for many people, breakfast is usually a big meal—eggs, tomatoes, tea, coffee and lunch is just a quick meal. In cities there are a lot of sandwich(三明治)bars. There, office workers can buy their favorite bread and all kinds of san dwiches. Childre n in school can have a hot meal at school, but many just have a san dwich, some water and some fruit from home. Some people have after noon tea in the after noon. They usually have san dwiches, cakes and drink a cup of tea. They have the eve ning meal very early and all the family ofte n eats together( 一起).On Sun days many families have a big lunch. They have chicken, pork and vegetables.Englishmen like food better tha n other coun tries. People ofte n get take-away(可带走的) meals. They buy the food and the n usually bring(带)it home to eat. ( )56. Many people in England have a _____ breakfast and a ______ lunch. A. fast, small B. little, slow C. big, quick D. slow, big ( )57. In En gla nd, there are many san dwich bars in __ . A. cities B. schools C. coun tries D. small tow ns ( )58. The office workers can buy _____ in san dwiches bars for lun ch. A. eggs B. bread C. fruit D. tea ( )59. When people get a take-away meal, they usually eat it ____

  A. at home B. in the school C. in the park D. in the bars ( )60. I n this passage, wha DON " people have in their after noon tea? _____ .

 ( )53. are n ew. A. The desk and the trousers C. The trousers and the coat ( )54. Susan is . A. a teacher B. a man ( )55. This room is not A. nice B. big B. The trousers and the shoes D. The room and the bed C. a boy D. a girl C. small D. big and nice

 说明:本卷共有四大题,1 31 小题(1 61~91 小题),共 5 45 分。

 五、 词汇运用。(共 5 15 小题,每小题 1 1 分,共 5 15 分)


 They four some city swim 61. Sha nghai and Beiji ng are big ______ . 62. Twenty and twenty is _________ . 63.

 _____ n ames are Betty and Lin da. 64. There arent ______ apples on the tree. 65. I like ________ in hot summer. B B


 Come and look at the 66. (照片 )of an America n family. The woma n in the 67. (中间 )

 is Beth White. She is a 68. (教师).The old woma n on her right 69.(右边 )

 is her mother. She is Mrs. White. The man on her left is her 70. (父亲),Mr. White. He " an artist(艺术家).The other young 年轻的)woma n is Doris White. She is her youn ger 71. (姐妹).Doris White has two childre n. They are 72. (学生).Leo Bush is her son and May Bush is her 73. (女儿).Leo is very naughty (淘气的)

 but May is very nice. May sits_ 74 紧挨着)to her grandmother. They have a cat. Its 75 ________ (名字)is Mimi. It "a lovely (可爱的)cat. 六. 句型转换。

 (共 5 5 小题,每小题 1 1 分,共 5 5 分 )

 76 The cap is gree n .(对画线部分提问)

 What ______ is the ______ ? 77 Those are English books.改为单数句 )

 That _____________ En glish book. 78 What does your father do?(写出同义句 )

 A. San dwiches B. Chicken C. Cakes D. A cup of tea

  What ________ your father"s _______ ?

  79 There is some chicken in the fridge.改为一般疑问句).

 _______ there _______ chicke n in the fridge 80 Has your sister got any carrots?(给出否定回答 )

 No, ____________ . 七„补全对话。

 (共 5 5 小题,每小题 1 1 分,共5 5 分 )

 A: Exc use me, 81

  __________ , Lucy? B: I am from Can ada. A:

 ___________ 82 _________ ? B: I am in Class Two, Grade Seve n. What about you? A: I am in Class One, Grade Seven.

 ___________ 83 ______________

 ? B: There are 45 stude nts in my class. A: Do you like sports? B:

 ______ 84 _________ , I like playi ng football. A:

 ________ 85 _______________ ? B: Yes, I have got two brothers. 八„书面表达(0 20 分)


 (5 5 分写在答题卷上)

 Iamachi nesestude nthis nameisto ny whatisyourname nicetomeetyougoodbyemiss i 86 __________________________________________________________




 _________________________________________________________ A. Have you got any brothers? B. What class are you in? C. Where are you from? D. How many stude nts are there in your class? E. Yes, I do.


  90 __________________________________________________________

 B.外籍教师来到我们学校,想到处走走,请你以“ Our Schoo”为题写一篇英语文章,向他 介绍我们的学校。(5 15 分写在答题卷上)



 对外教的到来表示欢迎; (2)

 简单介绍我们学校的地理位置和学校里比较有特色的建筑物; (3)

 表达自己热爱学校的感情• 要求:1、语句通顺连贯,可以发挥合理的想象。

 2、字数不少于 50 词。


 Classroom Dorm Building Office building Dining Hall building Garden( Sports



 冋 1 Gate 2014 学年第一学期期中素质检测初一英语听力材料

  一、听力 (共 0 20 小题。满分 0 20 分 )

 第一节; 听句子,选择正确的答语,仅读一遍。

 (共 5 5 小题,每小题 1 1 分,共 5 5 分)

 1. How do you spell green"? 2. How many flowers are there? 3. What day is it today? 4.1s this your sister? 5. What"your favourite food? 第二节:听小对话,选图画,回答问题,仅读一遍。

 (共 5 5 小题,每小题 1 1 分,计 5 5 分 )

 6. M: Are you from En gla nd, Lucy? W. No, I"m from America. 7. W: Has Lily got any apples? M: Yes, she has. 8. M: What " the weather like today? W: It " sunny. 9. W: Dami ng, where does your mother work? M: She works in a school library. 10. W: What " your teleph one number, Tom? M: My telepho ne number is 365-8968. 第三节:听长对话,回答问题,读两遍。

 (共 5 小题,每小题 1 1 分,计 5 分 )

 听下面第一段长对话,回答第 11- -2 12 小题。

 M: Is this your classroom build ing, Betty? W: Yes, it is. M: It " very big. W: Yes, there are forty-two classrooms. M: Where is the library? W: It "son the left of the sports hall. 听下面第二段长对话,回答第 13- -5 15 小题。

 M: Who are they in the photo? W: They are my four frien ds. And they live in differe nt cities. M: Who is this girl? W: She is my best frie nd Sun Li. She is a nurse in Shan ghai. M: What about the others? W: That girl is a teacher in Beiji ng and the two boys are in Chan gsha. M: How old are the boys? W: They are 25. 第四节.听短文,完成信息记录表。短文读两遍 • (共 5 小题,每小题 1 1 分,计 5 分 )

 Hello, every one! My n ame is Lucy, and I "m 15 years old. I m America n and I " from the biggest city in America----New York. I like readi ng and liste ning to music. My favourite seas on is spri ng. I like doing sports, too. My favourite sport is tennis, and I can play tennis very well! I want to make some friends here in China.

  2014 学年第一学期期中素质检测初一英语参考答案 .听力 1 —5 ABBAA 6 — 10 BACAC 11-15 CACAC 16-20 CBABC „单项选择 (本题有 20 小题, 每小题 1 分, 共 15 分)

 21 — 25 CACAC 26 — 30 BCACB

 31-35 CCBAB 、完型填空 (本题有 10 小题, 每小题 1 分, 共 10 分)

 36-40 BDCAB 41-45 BACBA

  四、 阅读理解 (本题有 15 小题,每小题 2 分,共 30 分)

 46 — 50 ADDDB 51 — 55 BCCDB 56-60 CABAB 五、 词汇运用(本题有 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分)

 61. cities 62.forty 63. Their 64.a ny 65. swimmi ng 66.photo/picture 67 .middle 68. teacher 69 .right 70.father 71.sister 72.stude nts 73. daughter 74. n ext 75. n ame 六、 句型转换 ( 本题有 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分 )

 76. color cap 77. is an 78. is job 79. Is any 80. she hasn"t 七、 任务型阅读 ( 本题有 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分 )

 81 — 85. CBDEA 八、 书面表达 (20 分 )

 86. I am a Chin ese stude nt. 87. His n ame is Tony. 88. What is your name? 89. Nice to meet you. 90. Goodbye, Miss Li.