

 -生日蛋糕 - Happy Birthday! - Hey, birthday cake! -我来了

 -谢谢 - There I am. - Thank you. 真不错 That"s nice! 这张拍得不错啊 That"s actually a really good one. 有人想吃这个吗 Wait, anybody wants this? 出于同情邀请人家过来

 就会变成这样 That"s what happens when you do a mercy invite. 我觉得你是想邀请所有人 I believed you wanted to invite everyone. 爸

 我不能请了艺术课上的每一个人 Dad, I can"t invite everyone in my art class 却不请那个几乎不与其他人来往的人 except for one person without social networking evidence, 我并不想让她更加痛苦 inflicting more pain on that person than was intended. -我又不是什么怪物

 -我真为你骄傲 - And I"m not a monster. - I"m proud of you, I think. 她常被留校反省

 有时候还会冲老师吼 She gets detention a lot, and she yells at teachers sometimes. 之后有传言说 Then there was that rumor that went around 她不断地离家出走 that she just kept running away from home. 也许她可以叫个优步 Maybe she can Uber. 我真觉得我们现在该回家了 I seriously believe that we can go home now. 是我用词不当让你们觉得这是民♥主♥投票吗 Did I mistakenly convey this was a democracy? 等有人来接她了

 我们再走 We are not going till she gets picked up. 车抛锚了

 我坐公交车回去 The car broke down. I"m just gonna take the bus. 你别坐公交车

 我开车送你回去 You"re not taking a bus, I"ll drive you home. 克莱尔几乎已经攒下了 Claire has almost saved her half of the money 买♥♥车需要的一半的钱了

 不是吗 she needs for her car. Isn"t that right?

 这是最后仅有的几次 And this will be one of the few times left 我载你们一程的机会了 I can drive you guys around. 我... I"m... 你之后就再听不到我爸全程都说着 You won"t be able to hear my dad tell jokes that only he thinks 只有他觉得好笑的笑话了

 一起来吧 are funny for an entire car ride unless you come. 你不会想错过的 You don"t really wanna miss that. 我收到的礼物比我想得要多 I got more gifts than I thought I did. 我能把这个放这里吗 Can I put this in here? 当然



 玛西亚 Yeah, I"ll get it. Thank you, Marcia. 也许他只是喜欢... Maybe he just is into... 也许他只是安于现状而已 Maybe he"s just content where he... where he is. 要帮忙吗 Can I help you? 什么 What? 要是他的话

 他非常...他真的很有意思 If this is the one, he"s so... he"s really funny. -他每周都会录这种视频

 -这简直... - He does these weekly videos. - This is... -看见没


 太诡异了 - See? - It"s so random. It"s so weird. -你肯定是喜欢上他了

 -暂停 - Yeah, you have a crush on him. - Pause it. 我不懂

 倒回去 I don"t get it. Yeah, go back. -你怎么会不懂呢

 -我就是不懂 - Why don"t you get it? - I just don"t get it. 他肤白貌美又金发

 太可爱了 It"s like, he"s blond, and he"s cute. 不

 他的眉毛实在是... No, his eyebrows are just like... 瞎说

 他的眉毛 Shut up. His eyebrows?


 -没错 - That"s the one thing you couldn"t get? - Yeah! 但我就是被眉毛撩到了 I get turned on by eyebrows, though. 好吧

 太逗了 Okay, that"s funny, yeah. -你看他干了什么

 -他怎么能那么做 - You see what he does, though? - How does he even do that? 我给你看视频就是为了这个 That"s the whole point why I"m showing you. -太赞了

 -太厉害了 - It"s so genius. - So bad. 抱歉


 我想你上错车了 Pardon me, sir. I think you have the wrong car. 分♥裂♥ 我们醒来就在这了 We woke up in here. 发生了什么 What the hell is going on? 我们为什么在这里

 我爸出什么事了 What are we doing here? What happened to my dad? 他在外面 He"s out there. 你知道我爸出什么事了吗 Do you know what happened to my dad? 我第一个选你 I choose you first. 只要一会儿就好 It"s only gonna be a minute. 尿自己身上

 尿自己身上 Pee on yourself. Pee on yourself. 不

 不 No! No! 不 No! 不要 Don"t! 不 No! 把门打开 Open the door! 你没事吧 Are you okay? 他要我给他跳舞

 He wanted me to dance for him. 外面的门锁上了 The outside door is locked. 一切都没事 Everything is okay. 我们没事 We"re okay. 我们没事 We"re okay. 我听见水花轻轻溅起的声音 I hear the tiniest little splash. 它过来了 And here it comes. 自然界中罕有

 就像这样 A freak of nature, like this. 他穿过小河

 他是如此的高 So, he comes across the stream, and he"s so tall, 水连他的肚子都淹不到 that the water doesn"t even get to his belly. 接着他停下了 Then he stops. 我的心脏都要跳出来了 And my heart"s coming out of my chest. 你第一次猎鹿所以紧张了 You got buck fever. 约翰叔叔紧张了 Uncle John"s got buck fever. 才不是的


 你♥爸♥是个骗子 That"s not true, Casey. Your daddy"s a liar. -那鹿角有多大

 -巨大无比 - How big was the rack? - It was huge. 射击的时候你应该看着哪里

 凯茜 Where are you supposed to look when you shoot, Casey? 看着躯干 At the body. 那他为什么却看着鹿角 Then why was he looking at the rack? 因为他第一次猎鹿紧张了 "Cause he had buck fever. 你说什么她就跟着学什么 She"ll say anything you say. 等三年后 You gonna do that 你拿到狩猎许可证


 when you get your mentored hunting license in three years? 不会

 先生 No, sir. 吃完以后记得把手套戴上 Be sure you put your gloves on after you finish. 在外面手脚是最先挨冻的 Your feet and your hands get cold first out there. 突发新闻

 绑♥架♥ 三名学生被绑♥架♥ Three students abducted. 一名学生的父亲在普鲁士国王商场 The father of one of the students 晕头转向地醒来

 报道称他被下了药 woke up dazed in King of Prussia, reportedly drugged. 他发现孩子和车都已失踪 He found the kids and the car missing. 有任何线索

 请联♥系♥当地警♥察♥ 邻居们均表示怀疑 Neighbors are in disbelief. 平素安静的社区因绑♥架♥案而震惊 A normally quiet community is reeling after this abduction. 如果你知道这些女孩的下落 If you any information concerning the whereabouts of these girls 请立即联♥系♥警方 you are urged to contact the police. 巴里 我要见你

 急事 你打开那扇门也没有用

 克莱尔 It doesn"t matter if you open that door, Claire. 外面还有一扇锁着的门 There"s a second locked door. 他随时会再进来的 He"s gonna come in here again any second, 我们不能再让他带走我们中的一个 and we"re not letting him take one of us out again. 我们只是挣扎尖叫 We just... we just cried and screamed, 我们没有伤害他是因为我们怕激怒他 and we didn"t hurt him because we were afraid to get him upset. 天哪

 都是受害者无能的表现 God, that"s victim shit! Jesus! 我们应该跟他打 We should fight him. 我们要对他拳打脚踢

 We should drop a crazy-ass bomb on him. 我看见他扛着你们其中一个 I saw him carry one of you and lay you on the bed 毫不费力地放在床上 like you weighed nothing. 他一拳就能把我们打昏 One punch from him would knock one of us out. 我上过六个月的美式空手道课 I took... I took six months of Kenpo karate class. 你弄疼攻击者来分散他的注意力 And you distract the assailant with pain. 在你们眼中一切都这么容易 Everything is so easy for you guys. 你做一个动作

 还能预测到接下来会发生什么 You do one thing, you can predict the next thing. 这种情况下

 这办法行不通的 It"s not the way it"s gonna be in this situation. 我们逃不出去的 We"re not getting out of here! 你的意思是

 你不打算全力一搏吗 You"re saying that you"re not gonna fight with everything in you? 唯一的机会... You know, the only chance... 我们唯一的机会 The only chance we have 就是我们三个一起和他拼了 is if all three of us go crazy on this guy. 我们得赶紧行动 We have to hurry. 我们需要你

 凯茜 We need you, Casey. 克莱尔很聪明的

 我们就听她的吧 Claire is smart, let"s listen to her. 假如你愿意动手

 那我也加入 I"ll do it if you"re gonna do it, too. -我们能拼得过他

 -他会伤害我们 - We can win. - He"ll hurt us. 不

 你们两个都闭嘴 No. Shut up, both of you. 你振作一点 You"re gonna pick your miserable self up 帮我们逃出这里 and help us get out of here. 你算了吧

 Blow me. 你在普鲁士国王商场 And your six months of karate 上的六个月的空手道课也算了吧 at the King of Prussia Mall can blow me, too. 不不

 你今天不能这样 No. No, no, you-you can"t do this today. 你现在不能这样 You can"t do this right now. 你为什么要这样

 你为什么这副德行 Why do you do this! Why do you act like this? 为什么你一副与你无关的样子 Why do act like you"re not one of us? 凯茜

 在瞄准的时候... When you aiming, Casey... 要把两只眼睛都睁开 Always keep both eyes open. 用枪管指着你的猎物 Cover your target with the barrel, 然后枪跟着猎物走

 掌握它的节奏 then move with it to get its pace. 提醒你

 头几次会很挫败 I"m warning you its gonna be frustrating the first times. 你会射不到它或者射太过 You"re gonna shoot under it or behind it. 你要学会如何紧跟目标 You"ll learn to stay with it. 雌性比雄性要聪明 Females are smarter than the males, 这点你是清楚的

 因为就和人类一样 but you know that, it"s like humans. 雌性的嗅觉是保命的关键 Females use their nose to stay alive. 确保它们有掩护 They make sure they have cover. 她们总是牢记

 自己要努力活下来 They always remember, they"re trying to stay alive. 公鹿会发出声响暴露位置 Bucks go off by themselves. 在交♥配♥季节公鹿会变傻 Bucks get dumb during mating season. 男孩子们总是太吵了 Boys make too much noise. 没错

 Yes, they do. 我比男孩子厉害

 是不是 I"m better than a boy, right? 没错 Yes, you are. 等你们说的话有意义时

 我会出声的 I"ll let you know when I hear something that makes sense. 我们甚至都不清楚

 目前这是什么情况 We don"t even know what this is yet. 我有了灵感 I... I was inspired. 不不不

 那张 N-n-n-no, that one. 粉色带刺双排扣长礼服之前那个 That one, before the pink frock coat with the thorns. 那个本来应该弄成... That"s supposed to be like a... 弄成贴身夹克那种 like a tailored jacket, 但我要用手给它印上报纸大字标题 but I"m gonna hand-print it with newspaper headlines. 我是个穿衣简单的人 Well, I"m a simple blouse-and-skirt person, 但这些... but these... 这些真是太艺术了

 巴里 these are very artistic, Barry. 这正是那种 Just the kind of thing 汉普敦[富人区]的女士们会花一万五千美元 Hamptons ladies would spend 15,000 dollars on 就为了在慈善晚宴上穿一次的衣服 to wear once at a charity ball. 别说啦 Shut up. 你知道的

 我不能待太久 You know, I-I can"t stay too long. 我就是来拜访一下 This is... this is just a... just a visit. 告诉我发生什么事了 Well, tell me what"s going on? 什么

 你指那封邮件吗 What? You mean the email? 没什么特别的

 It"s just the usual things. 就是感觉有点不堪重负了 Just feelings of being overwhelmed. 你的邮件写得太简洁了 Well, the terseness of your email 让我感觉事情挺紧迫的 made it sound specific and time-related. 你是在找什么吗 Are... are you looking for something? -没有


 -没有吗 - No. No, I"m just... - No? 只是在欣赏而已 Just admiring. -我现在好多了

 -工作如何 - I"m better now. - How"s work? -棒极了

 -我上次和他们谈的时候 - It"s great! - Well, when I last spoke to them, 他们说你是个模范员工 they believed you were a model employee. 他们觉得你又细致又认真 They found you meticulous and conscientious. -你知道的吧

 -我知道 - You know this, right? - I do. 你已经管理了那地方 10 年了 You"ve managed there for ten years. 你尽忠职守

 巴里 You"re functioning very well, Barry. 对你而言

 那里是个难得的好单位 And it"s a rare and wonderful place for you to work. 的确如此 Yes, it is. 其他有你这种心理障碍的病人中 You know, of all my other clients with your disorder, 你是工作最稳定的一个 you"ve been the most consistent at your job. 发生什么事了吗

 巴里 Did something happen, Barry? 你多大年纪了 How old are you? 网上对于这问题的答案不太一致 Just the internet is inconsistent on this point. 你为什么想到问这个 Why is that on your mind? 你退休或者去世之后


 Who"s gonna look after us when you retire or pass on? 我们将不得不自己照顾自己 You know, we"re gonna have to take care of ourselves 别人甚至都不相信我们的存在 and nobody even believes that we exist. 假如我出事了 If ever something were to happen to me, 我安排了 I"ve made arrangements 巴尔的摩的一名同事接手 with a colleague from Baltimore to take over. 你...你是一个人住吗 You... you live alone? 你知道的 You know this. 抱歉

 我是想问你独居多久了 I"m sorry, I just meant how long? 一直如此 Always. 那一定很孤独吧 That must be so lonely. 你猜怎么着

 我...我感觉好多了 You know what, I"m.... I"m doing much better. 我不该给你发邮件的 I-I shouldn"t have emailed you. 我只是...瞧瞧我

 我太冲动了 I"m-I’m just.. Look at me, I"m too impulsive. 顺便一问

 有人听你的吗 By the way, is anybody listening? 有人在乎我们吗 Does anybody care about us? 有的

 实际上巴黎大学 Yes, the University of Paris 还邀请我去做讲座呢 has asked me to do a lecture, in fact. 我会用网络视频

 在这里做讲座 I"m going to be doing it via Skype from right here. 人们越来越相信了 People are believing more. 我们下周老时间见 Let"s meet at our usual time next week. 我希望你先别走

 巴里 I would rather you didn"t leave, Barry. 发生什么事了吗

 Did something happen? 别担心

 我只是来看看你 Don"t worry, this was just a visit. 我现在感觉好多了 I"m doing much better. I actually... 你的素描不要了吗

 巴里 Don"t you want your sketches, Barry? 平时你对它们可是宝贝得很 You"re usually very protective of them. 对哦

 谢谢 Yeah, thanks. 我们下周老时间见 I"ll see you next week at our usual time. 谢谢你为我们抗争

 弗莱彻医生 Thanks for fighting for us, Dr. Fletcher. -谢谢你


 -不客气 - Thanks, Dr. Fletcher. - Welcome. 我觉得我会搞砸的 I just think I"m gonna blow it. 不会的

 会顺利的 No, you"ll be great. -我们下周见


 谢谢 - I"ll see you next week. - Okay, thank you. 我不明白你是怎么和这些人打交道的 I don"t know how you work with those people. -和哪些人

 -你的病人们 - What people? - Your patients. 你不能用拇指去转轮子

 傻子 You can"t use your thumbs to spin the wheel, dumbasses! 他们总是用拇指 They always use their thumbs. 我们将这些 W-well, we look at people 曾受过重大打击

 与众不同的人视作有缺陷 who"ve been shattered and different as less than. 如果他们反而比我们更健全呢 What if... they are more than us? 什么 What? 你相信他们吗

 你的病人 You believe them? Your patients? 就我们两个人私下说说 You know, just between you and me. 我相信

 Yes, I do. 轻轻地拨

 轻轻地拨 Flick it! Flick it! -无意冒犯


 -没关系 - I don"t believe it. No offense. - No. 只要您打电♥话♥ But when you call, 我们就再免费送您一台脚轻松 we"ll send you a second Easyfeet absolutely free. 脚轻松 只需再多加一点点手续费 Just pay separate processing. 您能得到两台脚轻松 So that"s two easyfeet... 就那个

 我得买♥♥那个 That! I need to buy that. 限时优♥惠♥不等人 This young offer won"t last... -他回来了

 -外面有位女士 - He"s back. - There"s a lady outside. 丹尼斯

 承认你的所作所为吧 Dennis, admit what you"ve done. 别生气 Don"t get upset. 可别告诉我 Don"t tell me. 我有点害怕了 I"m getting frightened. 我还以为你能控制局面 I thought that you had this under control. -请告诉我为时未晚

 -食物准备好了 - Please tell me it"s not too late. - The food is waiting. 她在那间房♥里吗 Is she in that room? -我们在这儿

 -救救我们 - We are here! - Help us! 我们在这里面 We are in here! 丹尼斯


 有多少个人 Dennis, what is this? How many are there? 别别


 别进去 N-n-no... don"t go in there! Don"t go in there! 别担心 Don"t worry.

 我会和他谈谈 I"ll talk to him. 他听我的话 He listens to me. 他不太舒服 He"s not well. 他知道你们来这里的意义 He knows what you"re here for. 我不准他碰你们 He"s not allowed to touch you. 他知道的 He knows that. 病患编号♥600-650 -卡伦

 -乔 - Karen. - Joe. 他们说你不能在全国学术会上 They said you can"t have your own panel 主持研讨小组 at the national conference. 不过他们还是妥协了 They conceded, however, 你可以参加情感障碍研讨会 that you can be part of the mood disorder panel. 这不是一种情感障碍 It"s not a mood disorder. 我知道你的观念

 卡伦 I"m aware your beliefs, Karen. 这次有了新的证据

 他们能接受吗 Well, were they open this time with the new evidence? 你竟然用狗做为证据之一 One of your arguments is a dog? 你竟然提交了一个视频

 其中一条狗 You submitted video of a dog acting differently 在不同的时间对你的一名病人作出不同的反应 to one of your patients at different time? 比那还要更激动人心 It is more dramatic than that. 他们成为了自己认为的人 They are what they believe they are. 他们的大脑学会了自我保护 The brain has learned to defend itself. 你每次提起他们

 都把他们说得神乎其神 You speak of them like they"re supernaturally gifted. 好像他们拥有超能力之类的

 Like... like they have powers or something. 卡伦


 遭受过创伤 Karen, these are patients. They have been through trauma. 或许现在他们能够做到我们做不到的事情 And perhaps now they"re capable of something we"re not. 我们现在有脑部扫描技术 We have brain scans now. 分离性身份识别障碍[多重人格]患者 DID patients have changed 利用思想改变了自己的人体化学机能 their body chemistry with their thoughts. 他只是想吓吓我们而已 He"s just trying to scare us. 他完全可以和自己交流 He was having a full conversation with himself. "食物准备好了"那句话是什么意思 What was that line about "the food is waiting"? 你们知道的吧

 这越来越累人了 Does everyone get how whacked this is 我们得马上逃出去 and that we need to get out of here now? 你们...

 不 You... no. 请保持卫生 Please keep your area neat. 这个卫生间惨不忍♥睹 The bathroom is unacceptable. 为了便于你们区分 To make it easy, 我用颜色标记了

 蓝瓶用来擦地板 I-I"ve color-coded this. Use the blue bottle for the floor. 粉瓶用来擦瓷砖 And the pink bottle for ceramic surfaces. 帕特里夏提醒了我 Patricia has reminded me that... 我被派去抓你们是有原因的 I was sent to get you for a reason. 你们是圣食 That you are sacred food. 我保证不会再打扰你们了 And I promise not to bother you again. 或许他养了条狗之类的 Maybe he has a dog or something. 他会把我们喂给狗吃

 Think he"s gonna feed us to his dogs? 病患编号♥617 帕特里夏

 11/23 病患编号♥617 丹尼斯

 8/23 病患编号♥617 黑德维希

 9/23 凯茜 Casey. 凯茜 Casey! 我叫黑德维希

 我有红袜子 My name is Hedwig. I have red socks. 他在行动 He"s on the move. 什么 What? 他

 在 He"s... on... 行

 动 the... move. -谁

 -有人要来找你们了 - Who? - Someone"s coming for you. 你们可不会乐意他来的 And you"re not gonna like it. 你们在睡觉的时候有点吵 You guys make noises in your sleep. -告诉我们

 -我不应该说 - Tell us. - I"m not supposed to say. 但是

 他对人们做了一些可怕的事情 But he"s done awful things to people. 他也会同样这么对你们 And he"ll do awful things to you. -我还有蓝袜子

 -我们是他的食物吗 - I have blue socks, too. - We"re his food? -你几岁了

 -九岁 - How old are you? - Nine. 所以你不是劫持我们的那个家伙 So you"re not the guy that took us? -不是

 -你也不是那位女士 - No. - You"re not the lady? 你是瞎了吗 What are you, blind? 你不知道他们是如何思考的

 You don"t know how they think? 不知道

 他们...他们只告诉我一点点 No, they don"t, they don"t tell me much. 我刚吃了个热狗 I just ate a hotdog. 你能帮帮我们吗

 黑德维希 Could you help us, Hedwig? 不能

 我...我都不应该出现在这里 No. I"m.... I"m not even supposed to be here. 我把表现机会从丹尼斯先生那儿偷过来 I stole a light from Mr. Dennis, 但他马上就要回来了 but he"ll be back real soon, and... 我不能把表现机会抢过去太久 I can"t steal a light for too long 否则他发现了就会生气之类的 or he"ll know and get angry, etc. -再见啦

 -等等 - See ya! - Wait! 我们听到了些事情 We heard something. 我们之前不明白

  We didn"t understand it, 但现在知道了 but... now we do. 你知道我们听到什么了吗 Do you know what we heard? 你们听到什么了 What did you hear? 过来 Come here. 我悄悄告诉你 I"ll whisper it to you. 那好吧 Okay. 这个人... This guy... 是冲着你来的 is coming for you. -你个大骗子


 黑德维希 - You"re a big fibber. - I never lie, Hedwig. 但是

 丹尼斯先生... But -- but Mr. Dennis.. 他说他跟踪了那两个女孩四天

 He said that he followed those two girls for four days 他知道

 他要找的就是她们俩 and that he knew that they were the ones that he would want. 你不在的时候 When you"re not around, 丹尼斯和那位女士说过了 Dennis and the lady talked about it. 他们说这次他很想找个男孩 They talk about how he wants a boy this time. 他们会把你给他 They"re going to give him you. 不


 她说... No, Ms. Patricia, she said... 她说

 她不再生我的气了 She said she"s not mad at me anymore. 她有时候还会唱歌♥给我听 She sings to me sometimes. 我觉得帕特里夏女士还是有点生你的气 I think Ms. Patricia"s still a little mad at you. 帕特里夏女士觉得我...觉得我很笨 Ms. Patricia thinks I"m... She thinks I"m stupid. 她觉得我会犯一些愚蠢的错误 She thinks I make silly mistakes. 看着我 Look at me, 我们就像是你的保姆 we"re like your babysitters. 我会让你看电视

 给你做饭 I"ll let you watch TV and make you a fun dinner. 我们都得离开这里 We all need to get out of here. 你可以带我们出去 You could show us the way out. 有人回来之前

 我们就已经出去了 We could be gone before anybody gets back, but... 但是我们得快点

 黑德维希 we have to hurry, Hedwig. 我们得快点离开这里 We have to hurry and get out of here. 等...等一下 Wait, wait a minute. 在不让在这工作的麻烦精发现的情况下 It took forever to get this place safe 把这个地方改造得很安全花了很长时间

 without the nosey bodies that work here finding out. 你们不能出去 You can"t get out of here! -我得去擤鼻涕了


 拜托不要走 - I have to blow my nose. - No, no, wait, please don"t go! 谁来了 Who"s coming? -这真的很吓人

 -没人来 - This is seriously scary. - No one is coming. 他说了点什么 He said something. 他说了什么关于让这个房♥间安全的事 He said something about making the room safe. 这都是全新的石膏板 This is all new drywall. 不安全的是什么 What was unsafe? 等一下

 确定要这么做吗 Wait, are we sure about this? 凯茜

 你说得对 Casey, you"re right. 这里的确有点什么 There"s something in here. 他是在掩盖出去的路 He was covering up a way out. 看到他就告诉我 Tell me if you see him. 凯茜

 告诉我们你看到了什么 Casey, tell us what you see! 他来了 He"s here. 不能让他进来 You can"t let him in! 别让他进来

 这是我们唯一的机会了 You can"t let him in! This is our one chance. -我们成功不了的

 -能成功的 - We"re not gonna make it. - Yes, we are! 什么

 你们在做什么 What... Hey, what are you guys doing? 好了

  Okay, okay, quit it. 别闹了 Okay, guys? 让我进去

 Let me... can you let me in? 等一下

 我们在换衣服 Give us a second, we are changing. 你们在干什么 What are you guys doing? 让我进去 Let me in! 这一点也不好笑 Guys, you"re not being funny. 你们现在的行为太贱了

 我要抽你们耳光 You"re being bithes. Now, I"m gonna slap you! 我要抽你们... I"m gonna slap you in your face and your... 求你们帮我拖住他 Just give me as much time as you can. 你们会让我惹上麻烦的 You"re gonna get me into trouble. 伙计们 Guys! 玛西亚 Marcia. 我还以为我弄丢你了 I thought I lost you. 请你出来

 好吗 Would you... would you step outside, please? 你喜欢嘲笑我们 You like to make fun of us, 但是我们比你想的要强大 but we"re more powerful than you think. 出来 Step outside. 请 Please. 你不应该骗小孩 You shouldn"t trick children. 那显示出你是什么样的人 That shows who you are. 看看你的毛衣


 太脏了 Look at your sweater. It"s- it"s ruined, it"s dirty. 脱下来 Remove it. 我在努力做个好人 I"m trying to be good. 你们不会再看到你们的朋友了

 You"ll not see your friend again. 她被单独关起来了 She"ll be kept separate. 现在把你们的裙子和上衣脱下来 Now, take off your skirt and take off your shirt. 你们的衣服都沾了灰尘弄脏了 Your clothes, you got all dirty from the dust. 一个分离性身份识别障碍患者的 One identity in an individual 其中一重人格 with dissociative identity disorder 可能有高胆固醇

 就那一重人格 can have high cholesterol. One. 有过这样的案例 There are been cases where one identity 有一重人格对蜂螫过敏 is allergic to bee stings. 其他的人格却不 The others are not. 存不存在某些时刻 Are there moments where two identities 两种人格共存 can co-exist at the same time? 的确有时候

 两种人格 There are times when two identities 可以同时获得表现机会[光]can take the light or the spot, 或称聚焦

 或称意识 or consciousness at the same time. 这在我研究的一名学生身上出现过 This happened with a student that I was working with. 她的左右手同时 And her left and right hands were taking notes 用不同的笔迹 in different hand-writings 对不同的事情记笔记 about separate things at the same time. 人格之间的差别可能是很大的 The differences in the identities can be dramatic. 就像你我之间 As much as the difference between you and me 会堂里每个人的差别一样大 and every person in that auditorium. 不同的人格有不同的智商 The identities have different IQs.

 有不同的体力 They have different physical strengths. 一种人格是个俄♥罗♥斯♥举重运动员 One personality is a Russian weightlifter, 能举起是他自身体重三倍的东西 and can lift three times his body weight. 他们高度集中的能力 Their ability to hyper-focus 和他们不同的经历令人震惊 and have different experiences is astounding. 这些人是因为他们的苦难 Have these individuals through their suffering 激发了大脑的潜力吗 unlocked the potential of the brain? 这是通往 Is this the ultimate doorway 所有我们称之为未知的终极之门吗 to all things we called unknown? 这是我们超自然意识的来源吗 Is this where our sense of the supernatural comes from? 是关于色彩浓度 It"s about depth and... 和曲线的

 你看到那个了吗 and curves. And, hey, you see that one? 有点像雪尼尔纱针织连衣裙 It"s kinda like a chenille sweater-dress. 你是谁 Who are you? 巴里 Barry. 我觉得你不是巴里 I don"t think you are. 我开♥发♥出了一种"嗅觉" I"ve developed a nose for sensing 能够判断我在和谁说话

 没有和谁说话 whom I"m talking to and whom I"m not. 是我做了什么吗 Have I done something? 你已经连续两天发邮件进行临时预约了 You"ve emailed for an unscheduled appointment two days in a row. 我们只是觉得不堪重负

 我有一堆问题 We"re just feeling overwhelmed, I... garden-variety of issues. 我认为是奥威尔


  I think Orwell, or Jade,

 塞缪尔或海因里奇 or Samuel or Heinrich 短暂得到了表现机会并给我发了邮件 had the light for a moment and emailed me. 你却来这儿告诉我一切都好 And you"re here to tell me everything is okay. 是我给你发的邮件 I emailed you. 我能和他们之一谈一谈吗 May I talk to one of them, please? 不能 That can"t happen. 我告诉他们 I told them 今天我想单独与你进行心理诊疗 that I wanna spend the session with you today. 我再问一遍 I"m gonna ask again. 现在和我交谈的是谁 To whom am I speaking with now? 弗莱彻医生

 我是巴里 Dr. Fletcher, it"s Barry. 并不像巴里

 巴里是外向的领导者 It doesn"t seem like Barry. Barry is an extroverted leader. 我就是啊 Of course, I am. 我从专业角度猜一下 I"m gonna take a professional guess 根据我从巴里口中得知的 based on the description of all 23 identities 在凯文体内的全部 23 种人格的描述 that live in Kevin"s body that I"ve gotten from Barry. 我猜你是丹尼斯 I think I"m talking to Dennis. 不过由于某些原因

 他被禁止出现 But he"s been banned from the light because, among other reasons, 他喜欢看年轻姑娘裸体跳舞 He has a proclivity to watch young girls dance naked, 他自己也知道这样不对 which he himself knows it"s wrong 他自己也做过抗争

 但没什么成效 and he"s fought against it with little success. 我很高兴我们终于能见面 I"m encouraged we can finally meet.

 我之所以这么猜 And I"ve guessed this 是因为你进来之后 because you"ve adjusted the chocolate dish twice 动了两次巧克力碟子

 我知道你有强迫症 since you came in here and I understand you have OCD. 我知道了


 聪明 Now I see, now I see. That"s clever. 聪明

 但我不是丹尼斯 That"s clever. But I"m not Dennis. 你和帕特里夏 And you and Patricia 已经有很长一段时间被禁止出现了 have been banned from the light for quite a while now. 最主要的原因应该是你们的信仰 Primarily, shall we say, because of your beliefs. 帕特里夏和丹尼斯很不稳定

 我不是丹尼斯 Patricia and Dennis are very unstable. I"m not Dennis. 你们俩现在都是主导吗 Have you both take in charge now? 请相信我

 我是巴里 Please believe me, I"m Barry. 请原谅我

 我的职责就是质疑你 You must forgive me, my job is to challenge you. 你现在肯定也知道了

 我已经知道了 And as you must know by now, I have plenty of opinions 你们每个人格是如何生活的 about how everyone should live their lives. 问我关于时尚的事

 我可以证明的 Ask me something about fashion, I"ll prove it. 或者...


 瑞士莲巧克力 Or... or I"ll... Look, look, look. Lindt. 你看看 Yeah, you look. 你看

 我不是丹尼斯 You see, I"m not Dennis. 还要我做别的事吗 You want me to do something else? 你有冰淇淋吗

 反正这衣服是混棉的 You got ice cream? This shirt is cotton blend anyway, 这领子是三个流行季以前的样式 and the collar is from three seasons ago. 围脖领

 别逗了 Snood? I mean, come on.


 你从哪家"健康"的快餐店 Jai, what health-conscious fast food purveyor 买♥♥来这些鸡翅 did you originally solicit to buy these chicken wings 还以一种轻微自杀姿态又热了一遍 you"ve so lovingly reheated in a minor suicidal gesture? 猫头鹰餐厅 Hooters. 总不能把它们扔了吧

 弗莱彻医生 And you can"t just threw them out, Dr. Fletcher. 这简直大错特错 This is wrong on so many levels. 3 点 15 分的已经看完了

 看看 3 点 18 分左右的 We finished about 3:15, so look around 3:18. 你肚子上长了肉

 杰 You"re getting a little soft on the middle, Jai. 快餐店创始人利用我们对脂肪无穷无尽的需求 The authors of Hooters play on our incessant need for fat 还利用了男人总想接近隆过胸的女人的需求 and man"s incessant need to be in the proximity of augmented breasts. 这就像亨利五世开了家快餐店一样 It"s like Henry V ran a fast food franchise. -那家店挺不错的


 -好吧 - It"s a good place, Dr. Fletcher. - Right. 你怎么知道垃圾会洒一地 How"d you know the trash would be spilled? 怎么说呢

 杰 How can I say this, Jai. 可能是因为你不够细心吧 You"re not the most meticulous of people. 这人不太不讲究啊 This guys isn"t very neat, is he? 就这样穿过了垃圾堆 He walked right through the trash. 的确

 任何一个正常人都会绕着走 No, Jai. Any normal person would"ve walked around it. 这是装出来的 That was an act. 你想干什么

 丹尼斯 What are your up to, Dennis? 还是说做主的是帕特里夏 Or is it Patricia who"s deciding things? 我们不会死的 We"re not gonna die.

 虽然坏事常发生 Bad things happen. 但不会像这样 But not like this. 凯茜 Casey. 跟我说说话 Talk to me. 我们得找到窗户或者门什么的吗 We need to get to a window or a door or something. 不是吗 Don"t you think? 刺♥激♥


 在于你能不能做到 The thrill, Casey, is about whether you can 比这动物更聪明 or can"t outsmart this animal. 你之前都不喜欢来这里 See, you didn"t used to like to come out here. 这像是我们的家庭传统一样

 对吧 This is like our family tradition, right? -这一枪真漂亮



 约翰 - Good shot, big brother. - Thank you, John. 我给你送饭来了

 贪睡鬼 I have your meal, sleepyhead. 吃吧 Eat. 好吃吗

 里面放了辣椒 It"s good? It"s got paprika in it. 抱歉 I"m sorry. 我要把一支很漂亮的花戴在你头上 I think I"ll put a pretty flower in your hair. 好了 Here we are. 这是为了表示你们很重要 That"s to show how important you are. 跟我来

 我们好好吃一顿饭 Come along. And we"ll have a proper meal. 我明白你们对这一切很不满意 I understand, these must all seem so unsatisfactory for you. 不过我们已经尽力了 But we are doing the best we can. 好吃吗 Good?

 克莱尔能来跟我们一起吃吗 Can Claire come eat with us? 恐怕不行 No, no, I"m afraid that can"t happen. 她差点毁了我们隆重的招待会 She almost ruined our big reception. 我听说亚洲音乐有助于消化 I"ve heard that Asian people"s music aids digestion. 我再给你们做一个三明治 I"ll make you a second sandwich. 你们知不知道 Do you know... 狮子一家一天能吃 15 千克食物 a family of lions can eat 35 pounds a day? 一头雄鹿会在繁殖期 A buck can loose 30% of its weight 因为追逐母鹿

 体重降低 30% during mating season chasing does round. 它们是晨昏性动物 They"re crepuscular, right? 意味着它们在黄昏或破晓间活动

 你真聪明 Means they travel around during dusk and dawn. Good for you. 切歪了 It"s crooked. 抱歉 I... Forgive me. 我不知道你们知不知道 I don"t know if you know, 老虎只有三十颗牙齿 but tigers have only 30 teeth. 比狗还少十二颗 That"s 12 less than a dog. 我觉得这很有趣 I thought that was a fun fact. 不 No. 回房♥间


 快去 Go to your room, shut the door. Do it now. "日光之下

 终现热忱" "In the sun, we"ll find our passion." "日光之下

 终寻本心" "In the sun, we will find our purpose." 你一直被悉心保护着

 从未真正受过苦 You"ve always been protected. You"ve never truly suffered.


  And that"s why we chose you. 你一直在熟睡 You"ve always been asleep. 你从未有过机会 You never had a chance. 你从未有过机会 You never had a chance. 那个黑发女孩会被关在另一个 The dark-haired girl, she"s gonna be kept in another closet 我...

 你可能也知道 I... you might as well know at this point. 野兽... The beast... 就要来抓你们了

 来抓你们三个人 He"s coming for you. All three of you, 你们会被分开关着 you"re gonna be kept separate. 你衣服上沾了一颗面包屑 You"ve got... you"ve got a crumb on your shirt. 请你脱下来 Please take it off. 脱下来吧 Just.. just take it off. 你说了帕特里夏女士的坏话 It wasn"t nice what you said about Ms. Patricia. 你撒谎 You lied. 我很抱歉

 黑德维希 I"m sorry about that, Hedwig. 你们骗我

 让我害怕之类的 You guys lied to me, made me scare, etc. 丹尼斯先生说你穿了很多衣服 Mr. Dennis, he says you wear a lot of shirts. 我喜欢这件 I like this shirt. 谢谢 Thank you. 你知道丹尼斯和帕特里夏女士是什么人吗 Do you know who Dennis and Ms. Patricia are? 不知道 No. 你看

 我们所有人都要坐在椅子上等待 See, everyone of us ...