
  1 马男波杰克第一季中英对照剧本 第一集 《胡闹的小马》在现场观众前录制 Horsin" Around is filmed before a live studio audience. 又是周一 Mondays. 你也早安啊 Well, good morning to you too. 你好[音同干草]Oh, hey. 在哪

 我可喜欢干草了 Where? I"d love hay. 年

 情景喜剧《胡闹的小马》In , the situation comedy Horsin" Around 在 ABC 台首播 premiered on ABC. 该剧讲述一匹年轻的单身马 The show, in which a young, bachelor horse 在同意抚养三个人类儿童后 is forced to reevaluate his priorities 被迫重新审视人生的故事 when he agrees to raise three human children, 此剧最初被评论家们 was initially dismissed by critics 认为媚俗且低劣 as broad and saccharine and not good, 但这部家庭喜剧引起全美共鸣 but the family comedy struck a chord with America 并热播九季 and went on to air for nine seasons. 《胡闹的小马》剧中明星

 马男波杰克 The star of Horsin" Around, BoJack Horseman, 就是我们今晚的嘉宾 is our guest tonight. 欢迎

 波杰克 Welcome, BoJack. 很高兴能来

 查理 It is good to be here, Charlie. 抱歉迟到了

 太堵了 Sorry I was late. The traffic... 真的没关系 It"s really no problem. 我把车停残疾人车位了

 但愿没事 I parked in a handicapped spot. I hope that"s okay. 你停在...You parked in a... 抱歉

 残障车位 I"m sorry, disabled spot. 这么说是不是更恰当 Is that the proper nomenclature? 或许你该移下车 Maybe you should move the car. 不要

 我觉得我现在不该开车 No, I don"t think I should drive right now. 我醉得不行 I"m incredibly drunk. 你是说你现在喝醉了吗 You"re telling me that you"re drunk right now? 是光我觉得

 还是这采访我表现超棒 Is it just me, or am I nailing this interview? 我觉得是自己超棒 I kind of feel like I"m nailing it. 是的 Yes. 总之

 我们还是说《胡闹的小马》吧 Anyway, we were talking about Horsin" Around. 你觉得这剧为何如此受欢迎 To what do you attribute the show"s wide appeal? 查理

 我知道最近流行把 Charlie, listen, you know, I know that it"s very hip these days 《胡闹的小马》贬成屎 to shit all over Horsin" Around, 但在当时

 我可以说...but at the time, I can tell you... 我可以说"屎"吗

 请别说 Is it okay to say "Shit"?

 Please don"t. 因为我觉得这剧还是有可取之处的"Cause I... I think the show"s actually pretty solid for what it is. 没错

 的确不是经典喜剧 It"s not Ibsen, sure,

  2 但你要知道

 对很多人来说 but look, for a lot of people, 人生不过是对你尿道猛踢一脚 life is just one long, hard kick in the urethra, 而且有时候你在尿道被踢 and sometimes when you get home 度过漫长的一天后回家 from a long day of getting kicked in the urethra, 只想看些善良有爱的人们 you just want to watch a show about good, likable people 相亲相爱的剧 who love each other, 在剧里

 不管发生什么 where, you know, no matter what happens, 半小时结束 at the end of

 minutes, 大家还是会团结友爱 everything"s gonna turn out okay. 你懂的

 因为现实生活里...You know, because in real life... 我说了那个尿道梗没 Did I already say the thing about the urethra? 我们还是来说现实生活吧 Well, let"s talk about real life. 这剧年前取消之后 What have you been doing since the show"s cancellation 你都在干什么 years ago? 问得好

 查理 That"s a great question, Charlie. 我...I, uh... 我...Uh, I... 莫瑞



 莫瑞 Maury! Maury! Maury! Maury! 对于岁的菲尼克斯 In the case of oneyearold Phoenix, 你就是亲生父亲 you are the father. 早上好

 帅哥 Morning, sunshine. 叹什么气

 室友 Why so gloomy, roomie? 首先


 你是我房客 First of all, we"re not roommates. You are my houseguest. 别这么急着下定义嘛 Well, we don"t need to put labels on things. 你睡我沙发上

 也不付房租 You sleep on my couch, and you don"t pay rent. 我肚子里的寄生虫都比你独立 I"ve had tapeworms that were less parasitic. 我都记不得当初为什么收留你 I don"t even remember why I let you stay with me in the first place. 因为我爸妈把我赶出来了 Because my parents kicked me out, 我没地方能去 and I had nowhere to go, 即使你不想别人发现 and even though you don"t want anyone to know it... 你心地还是很善良的 you secretly have a good heart. 你跟我说他们不赞同你"另类的生活方式"You told me they didn"t approve of your "alternative lifestyle." 我还以为你是年幼的小基佬什么的 I thought you were, like, a troubled gay teen or something. 没想到"另类的生活方式"I didn"t realize by "alternative lifestyle" 是指你懒得要死 that you meant you were lazy. 谁叫你自己乱猜 That"s on you for making assumptions. 而且

 如果你是在找速冻点心 Also, if you"re looking for the Toaster Strudels, 我昨晚嗑嗨以后都吃光了 I got really high last night and ate them all. 你刚才说你有寄生虫吗 Did you say you"ve had tapeworms? 谢谢你来见我 Thanks for meeting me here. 我想请你去我办公室的 I would have invited you to my office, 但电力公司给我们断电了 but the electric company shut off our power.

  3 真不幸 That"s unfortunate. 跟银行有矛盾

 缺钱罢了 Just an issue with the bank and a lack of money in it. 你也知道

 企鹅出版集团很迫切 Now, as you know, Penguin is very eager 想出版你的回忆录 to publish your memoirs, 但你一直拖稿 but you keep missing your deadlines. 我知道

 很抱歉 I know, and I"m sorry, 但我在加油写了 but I am making great progress. 《马男波杰克

 马男波杰克的故事》BoJack Horseman

 the BoJack Horseman Story, 作者

 马男波杰克 written by BoJack Horseman. 第一章 Chapter One. 第一章 Chapter One. 第一 Chapter... 章 One. 企鹅集团真的要再出一本畅销书 Look, we really need a bestseller here at Penguin. 我们现在经济真的很紧张 Things are not that great for me, money wise. 你难道不是一家大型出版社的编辑吗 Aren"t you an editor at a major publishing house? 是啊

 出版社 Yeah, a publishing house. 你上次看到纸质书是什么时候 When was the last time you saw a book? 我记得那天在公园看到有人读书的 I thought I saw someone reading one in the park the other day, 结果是张外卖菜单 but it turned out it was a takeout menu. 买单喊我 Whenever you"re ready. 我们现在捉襟见肘 We"re living month to month here. 就指着你的自传 We"re kind of counting on your autobiography 来救公司了

 别有压力 to save the company, no pressure. 压力很大好吗 That"s actually a lot of pressure. 你想过找代笔吗 Have you considered working with a ghostwriter? 不用

 谢谢 Ugh, no, thank you. 再给我一周 Look, just give me one more week, 我就给你几页 and I will give you some pages 精彩到把你震回南极的好稿子 that"ll knock your ass back to the South Pole. 我是辛辛那提人 I"m from Cincinnati. 无所谓了 It... that doesn"t matter. 一周之后我打给你 I"ll call you in a week. 好的

 一周 Yes, one week. 我跟你说

 我绝对把写书放第一位 I"m telling you, this book is a top priority for me. 对哦

 算了 Oh, right. Yeesh. 你就穿成这样去舞会吗 You"re wearing that to the prom? 怎么

 你觉得不可爱吗 What, you don"t think it"s cute? 咴常不可爱

 荷西 Neigh way, Jose. 咴常不可爱

 荷西"Neigh way, Jose." 这句是我现想的 I improvised that line. 我是说

 是写好的 I mean, it was written, 但我加入了波杰克风格 but I gave it the old BoJack spin.

  4 你这集看过多少遍了 Hey, how many times have you watched this episode? 没错

 但你看懂没 Yeah, but do you get it, though? "咴常"就是非常 Because "nay" means no, 但咴也是马的叫声 but it"s also a thing that horses say. 这是双关啊 It works on every level. 知道了

 你才不知道 I get it.

 Ah, you don"t get it. 三个孤儿一二三 Three little orphans one, two, three 没有饭吃没衣穿 Without a home or a family tree 遇到马男心灵善 Until this horse said "Live with me" 欢乐一家不离散 And now we"ve got a new family 搞笑生活乐开花 We were lost and now we"re found 胡闹的小马 Horsin" around 你喝醉了吗 Are you drunk? 陶德

 我重磅哎 Todd, I weigh over , pounds. 要喝醉得很多酒好吧 It takes a lot of beer to get me drunk. 是的 Yes. 我知道了 Ah, yeah, I see. 你喝多了是因为卡洛琳公主 You"re just bummed out because Princess Carolyn 昨晚甩了你 dumped you last night. {\an\}小时前 波杰克

 我们得谈谈 BoJack, we need to talk. 看那家伙的假发 Hey, check out the rug on that guy. 又慢又稳


 美女们 Slow and steady, am I right, ladies? 他以为能骗到谁啊 Who does he think he"s fooling? 乌龟才没头发 Turtles don"t have hair. 别给我丢人了 Stop embarrassing me. 那是莱尼·龟泰伯 That is Lenny Turteltaub. 知道吗

 我不喜欢这的面包 You know, I am not crazy about the bread here. 我干嘛还吃个不停 Why do I keep eating it? 波杰克

 请听我说话好吗 BoJack, can you please just listen for a second? 我全神贯注地在听 You have my undivided attention. 我觉得我们该分手了 I think we should see other people. 难道我们没分手吗 Were we not seeing other people? 波杰克

 我快高潮了 BoJack, I"m almost there. 等等

 闭嘴 Wait. Shh! Shut up. 这才是只与众不同的...Now, that"s a horse of a different... 饼干吗 cruller? 天呐

 真是部好喜剧 God, that"s good comedy. 波杰克

 干什么 BoJack!

 What? 人人都喜欢叫穆丽根的 Everyone gets a Mulligan, 我喜欢的是凯瑞·穆丽根 and my Mulligan was Carey Mulligan. 开玩笑的


 其实是艾米莉·莫迪默 I"m kidding, jeez. It was Emily Mortimer. 你到底怎么回事 What is the problem here? 因为我是过气明星所以丢你脸吗 Are you embarrassed of me because I"m a hasbeen?

  5 你要知道我正在写的这本书 Because you know that I"m writing that book 会让大家重新爱上我的 that is gonna make everybody love me again. 你才没在写书 You"re not really writing a book. 我已经花光了预付稿费 Well, I already spent my advance, 起码迈出了第一步 so that"s a first step. 我们相处是很愉快 Look, this has been a lot of fun, 但我也要替自己的未来想想了 but I need to start thinking about my future. 你根本就不尊重我

 不愿跟我生孩子 I mean, you don"t even respect me enough to have a baby with me. 什么 Whoa, what? 我可没明说过 I never explicitly said that. 你的行为说了 You said it with your actions. 什么行为 What actions? 看那个小宝宝 Oh, look at that baby. 难道不是你见过最可爱的宝宝吗 Isn"t he the cutest baby you ever saw? 什么


 才不 What? What? What? No, no, wha... 请从盗窃车辆上离开

 先生 Step away from the stolen vehicle, sir! 不


 长官 No, no, no. Misunderstanding, officer. 我只是想离我女朋友远一点 I was running away from my girlfriend 我可不想跟她生孩子 whom I don"t respect enough to have a baby with. 你是《胡闹的小马》里那匹马吧 Hey, aren"t you the horse from Horsin" Around? 承认吧

 你怕作出承诺 Oh, face it. You"re afraid of commitment. 我才没怕做承诺 I"m not afraid of commitment. 我一天到晚都承诺事情的 I commit to things all the time. 我怕的是作出承诺之后的事情 It"s the following through on that commitment that I take issue with. 傻逼

 那边那个不是你朋友吗 Hey, stupid, isn"t that your friend over there? 花生酱先生 Oh, Mr. Peanutbutter? 天

 但愿他没看见我们 God, I hope he doesn"t see us. 这不是马男波杰克吗 Is that BoJack Horseman? 天呐

 开始了 Oh, jeez, here we go. 花生酱先生遇上了马男波杰克 Mr. Peanutbutter and BoJack Horseman in the same room. 这是啥

 剧集交叉吗 What is this, a crossover episode? 每次听到都更好笑了 You know, that gets funnier every time. 你在说反话 You"re being sarcastic, 但我真的觉得每次听都更好笑 but I think it does actually get funnier every time. 实际上我们正在分手 We"re actually in the middle of breaking up right now, 所以你最好...

 是吗 so if you could just...

 Yeah? 你们正在分手

 是的 You"re in the middle of it?

 Yeah, that"s right. 那我现在坐过来是不是超尴尬 So would it be awkward if I joined you right now? 是啊

 尴尬死了 Yes, actually, it"s very awkward. 我说的还不够明白吗 Is that not clear? 现在就尴尬了吗 Yeah, this is awkward right now? 是的

 请你离开 Yes, please leave.

  6 你好吗

 花生酱先生 How are you, Mr. Peanutbutter? 好像活在梦里一样

 P.C.Oh, living the dream, P.C., living the dream. 你们两个怎么聊起来了 Why are you making conversation? 让我想想

 小孩子都知道 Oh, let"s see, it"s the English word. 这叫讲文明懂礼貌

 波杰克 It"s called being polite, BoJack. 我是不是疯了

 我觉得现在谈这个不适合 But am I crazy that this is a bad time? 你是匹克来兹代马但从未克莱

 对吧波杰克 Always a Clydesdale, never a Clyde, eh, BoJack? 你说什么 What? 你一会儿就明白了

 伙计 You"ll get that one later, man. 艾瑞卡


 出去 Erica, get out of here with that face. 你文明点能死吗 Would it kill you to be civil? 就是因为你这样

 我们才会分手 This is why we"re breaking up. 所以不是因为我不喜欢孩子咯 So it"s not because of the thing with the baby? 原因多着呢 It"s because of a lot of things! 服务员


 谢谢 Waiter, could we please have the check? Thank you.

 我们还没点单呢 We haven"t even ordered yet. 我浪费时间陪你吃了太多次饭

 马男波杰克 I have wasted so many dinners on you, BoJack Horseman. 我都不明白

 你自己都这么讨厌自己 I don"t know how you can expect anyone else to love you 怎么还能期待别人去爱你呢 when you so clearly hate yourself. 给您

 给我看看 Here you go.

 Let me see that. 就个小面包还要十元$ for bread? 我不想住在这样一个 I don"t want to live in a society 餐前面包还要收费的社区 where the premeal bread isn"t free. 如果您有点单的话餐包就是免费的 It is free if you order a meal. 你能送我回家了吗 Can you take me home, please? 但那面包我都没怎么吃 Yeah, but I didn"t even eat that much bread. 我吃了什么

 我肯定吃了...What did I have? I must have had... 你吃了九篮面包

 先生 You ate nine baskets, sir. 九篮

 真的吗 Nine... really? 太棒

 我这周都会觉得自己像个死胖子了 Great, now I"m gonna feel like a fat ass all week. 你看过我的裸体

 你觉得我胖了吗 You"ve seen me naked. Do you think I"m getting chubby? 你真的想知道我们为什么会分手吗 You want to know the real reason we"re breaking up? 你说什么

 抱歉 What was that? Sorry. 我就顾着听我脂肪堆积的声音了 Couldn"t hear you over the sound of my calories not metabolizing. 你就是这样 This is so classic you. 你不过是借着面包那事 You"re using this bread thing 逃避谈论我们的感情 to avoid talking about our relationship. 不

 这绝不可能 No, that is definitely not happening. 我现在就要回家 I"d like to go home now. 你嫌弃我胖 You think I"m fat. 是的

 我被甩了 So yeah, technically I was dumped, 但如果要给那晚写个标题的话

 应该是 but the real headline of the evening was,

  7 衰男狂吃面包变身死胖子

 以上"dumb guy eats bread, gets fat, the end." 这算是哪门子的标题 What kind of headline is that? 这里一秒前不是还有块披萨的吗 Wasn"t there a pizza here a second ago? 天呐

 别给我压力 God damn it! Stop the presses. 你一点都不胖 You"re not fat. 我们来办个派对吧

 让你振作一下 Oh, hey, let"s throw a party. That"ll cheer you up. 那只会让你振奋 No, it won"t. It"ll cheer you up. 我只会一个人默默蹲在墙角 I"ll stand in the corner by myself 吃棉花糖吃到吐 eating cotton candy until I barf 就像你上次办的那个派对那样 like I did at your last party. 你不就是《胡闹的小马》里面那匹马吗 Hey, aren"t you the horse from Horsin" Around? 那个派对真心很不错 That was a good party. 我们上次不是还准备了一个棉花糖机吗 Hey, didn"t we get a cotton candy machine for that party? 谁告诉你我和卡洛琳公主分手了的 Who told you Princess Carolyn and I broke up? 她告诉我的

 什么 She did.

 What? 你根本没送我回家

 混蛋 You never took me home, jerk! 所以一切都是我的错咯 Oh, everything"s my fault. 带我回家 Take me home. 好

 老天 Okay, jeez. 但我不会把车停在银湖 But I"m not looking for parking in Silver Lake. 我会把车子车速降到最低 I"ll slow the car down to a crawl, 然后你就可以从车上跳下去了 and you can duck and roll. 你知道吗

 你可以最后看一眼这张脸 You know what, you can take a last look at this face, 因为你以后再也见不到它了 because it"s the last time you"re gonna see it. 去吧

 皮卡丘 Heyup! 你好 Hello? 为您转接卡洛琳公主 I"ve got Princess Carolyn for you. 好的 Uh, okay. 波杰克 BoJack. 天呐

 我们刚分手 Oh, my God, we just broke up. 是啊

 但我还是你的经纪人 Yeah, but I"m still your agent. 我一向是个公私分明的人 I pride myself on my ability 对此我非常自豪 to separate my professional life from my personal life. 不错 Great. 作为我的经纪人

 你觉得我长胖了吗 Then, as my agent, do you think I"m getting fat? 不可能 No way. 你正处于人生的黄金时期

 颜的巅峰 You are in the prime of your life, never looked better. 那作为我的前女友

 你怎么看 What about as my exgirlfriend? 你就像是一坨屎吃着另一坨屎 You look like a pile of crap ate a second pile of crap 吃完还拉出了一坨屎 and then crapped out a third pile of crap. 等等

 那我看起来到底像哪一坨屎 Wait, wait, so which pile of crap do I look like? 第三坨


 那坨最丑了 The third one.

 What? That"s the worst one. 我可不是以你前女友的身份给你打电话 I"m not calling you as your ex.

  8 我现在是你的经纪人 I"m calling you as your agent. 你还记得那本你一直装作在写的书吗 Remember that book you"re pretending to write? 企鹅想知道你有什么最新进展 Well, Penguin wants an update on your progress. 周二交稿行不行 Does Tuesday work for you, 还是说你这周会忙于 or are you gonna be too busy this week 对着自己的照片撸管无暇写书 masturbating to old pictures of yourself? 我说过了

 那次不是你想的那样 I told you, that"s not what was happening that time. 我撸管的对象是那张照片所代表的东西 I was masturbating to what the picture represented. 是你走进来的时机不对 You walked in at the worst possible moment! 那就定在周二了 So, Tuesday, though? 好 Yes, fine! 你又什么都没写 You don"t have anything? 你这里来电了啊

 恭喜恭喜 Hey, you got the electricity back. Good for you. 这公司都快破产了 This company is in dire straits. 我们所做的一系列投资都失败了 We made a series of very bad investments. 你有没有听过一个叫马里布沼泽怪兽的 Ever hear of a young adult franchise 青少年最喜欢的玩具 called the Swamp Monsters of Malibu? 没有 Uh, no. 那为什么我们花了两千万做营销啊苍天 Then why did we spend $ million on marketing? 没事的


 高兴去哪儿就去吧 It"s okay, Pinky, go to your happy place. 我知道你是个大忙人 Look, I know you"re a busy guy. 是的

 我就是个大忙人 Actually, I am a busy guy. 我有着非常积极的生活方式 I live a very active lifestyle. 我就不能和你一起待在家里吗 Can"t I just stay home with you? 我知道幼儿园很吓人 I know kindergarten is scary, 但你是个大姑娘了 but you"re a big girl now, 你得勇敢一点 and you have to be brave. 好的

 爸爸 Okay, Daddy. 等等

 你刚才是叫我爸爸吗 Wait, did you just call me "Daddy"? 我们看着小塞布丽娜长大了


 陶德 Little Sabrina grew up right before our eyes, right, Todd? 陶德 Todd? 陶德 Todd! 干什么 What? 我们是不是看着塞布丽娜长大的 Did Sabrina grow up before our eyes? 是的 Yes! 我们不想再等下去了 We"re tired of waiting. 我们给你找了个枪手 We"re hiring you a ghostwriter. 戴安·阮 Diane Nguyen? {\an}戴安·阮作家 她很棒

 而且她对马很感兴趣 She"s great, and she"s got a thing for horses. 看这个 Check this out. 《一代骄马》Hey, Secretariat. 我一直想在电影里演一个运动员呢 You know, I always wanted to play Secretariat in a movie.

  9 他是我偶像 He"s kind of my personal hero. 但我这个愿望一直没有达成 Could never get the project off the ground, though. 年代

 我差点就要实现这个愿望了 I mean, there was this one time I came close in the "s, 结果关于普雷方丹的电影面世了 but then those Prefontaine movies came out, 人们看腻了银屏上的赛跑 and people got tired of seeing running onscreen. 跟我说有什么用

 跟她说 Don"t tell me. Tell her! 她长得挺可爱 She"s cute. 给她打电话

 那是借的 Call her. That"s a loan, by the way. 公司财政负担不起免费发书的活动了 We can"t afford to be giving out free books to people, 但是沼泽怪兽那个箱子里面的 but you can take anything you want 你想要什么都可以随便拿 from the Swamp Monsters swag box. 天呐

 我真是太失败了 Oh, God, I"m a failure. 你一点都不失败 Oh, you"re not a failure. 我怎么会说我能写书呢 Why did I say I could write a book? 因为你有很多传奇的故事可以写 Because you have an amazing story to tell. 放松啦

 放松 Relax.

 Relax? 你说得简单

 小嬉皮 Easy for you to say, you hippie. 你这辈子就不知道压力两个字怎么写 You"ve never had a day of stress in your life. 为什么打我 Why? 想在垄断集团的地盘上卖摇头丸

 你找打 And that"s for trying to sell E on the cartel"s turf. 加布里埃拉呢 Where"s Gabriela? 她回墨西哥城去了 She went back to Mexico City, ese, 她去找她老公了 to be with her husband. 什么

 不 What? No! 加布里埃拉


 谁 Gabriela, why?

 Who? 我们在谈我的事呢 We were talking about me. 你就不能专心点吗

 一秒也好 Can you try to focus for, like, a second? 抱歉

 你刚才在说什么 Oh, yeah, sorry. You were saying? 我就不该签写书的这份合同 Never should have signed this book deal. 你知道我的问题在哪里吗 You know what my problem is? 我没法拒绝别人 I can"t say no to people 因为我想要所有人都喜欢我 because I want everyone to like me. 你想要所有人都喜欢你 You want everyone to like you? 是啊

 怎么了 Yeah, why? 难道大家不喜欢我吗 Do people not like me? 我们刚才在说什么来着 What were we talking about? 我想到标题了 I can see the headline now, 蠢货波杰克写了本关于他无聊生活的蠢书"Stupid BoJack writes a stupid book about his stupid life, 根本没人关心 nobody cares." 你到底看的什么报纸 What newspapers are you reading? 你不如就让那个女士帮你写 Hey, why don"t you just let that lady 这事不就结了吗 write your book and be done with it? 我更想要问的是

 你为什么在我厨房里 Better question, why are you in my kitchen?

  10 我在做早餐 I"m making breakfast. 我们昨上床了

 笨蛋 We had sex last night, dummy. 我真该学着在喝酒的时候 Ugh, I really got to start putting my phone 把手机调成飞行模式了 on airplane mode when I drink. 这女人大概会觉得我是个蠢货情景剧谐星吧 This lady probably thinks I"m just some dumb sitcom actor. 我讨厌她

 还有她那个 I hate her and her stupid, 我都不知道怎么念的姓 impossibletopronounce last name. 你都还没见过她 You haven"t even met her. 给她个机会嘛 Give her a chance. 你应该邀请她来参加我们的派对 Oh, you should invite her to the party. 什么派对 What party? 你怎么就这么喜欢 Why are you so obsessed 突然办派对 with throwing a party all of a sudden? 你知道我们因为你损失了多少钱吗 You know how much money we lost "cause of you? 我现在连我女儿岁生日的场地都租不起了 I can"t even afford a hall now for my daughter"s th birthday, 有一百个客人

 我不知道把他们安置在哪里 and now I got a hundred guests coming and nowhere to put them. 你这家伙欠我一个派对

 如果你不能...You owe me a party, cabrón, and if you don"t deliver... 因为派对很好玩呀 Because parties are fun? 这本书对我来说真的很重要 This book is really important to me. 我不想让一个陌生人来写 I don"t want to just hand it off to some stranger. 如果这书有那么重要

 为什么你 If it"s so important, why have you written 一年半来一个字都没写 literally nothing in a year and a half? 我的压力太大了 It"s too much pressure. 这本书可能会成为能让我流芳百世的遗产 This book is my one shot at preserving my legacy. 我就是个笑话

 如果这本书写得不够好 I"m a joke, and if this book isn"t good, 那我就永远都是个笑话了 I"m gonna be a joke forever. 所有人都觉得我是匹没用的老马 Everyone thinks that I"m just this washedup hack, 但事实上 but actually... 天呐

 万一他们是对的怎么办 Oh, God, actually, what if they"re right? 我喘不过气了 I can"t breathe. 我是不是要死了 Am I dying? 土司

 我闻到了烧焦土司的味道 Toast. I smell burning toast! 天哪

 我的土司 Oh, my God, my toast! 陶德

 我的墓碑上 Todd, on my grave, 要写我生于年 I want it to say that I was born in . 不会有人相信...No one"s gonna believe... 我说你就不能尊重一下将死之人的遗愿吗 Damn it, can"t you respect a dying man"s wish? 你不会死的 You"re not dying. 我们已经尽力了 Well, we did everything we could. 护士

 记下死亡时间 Nurse, record the time of death. 这种事谁都不好受 It doesn"t get easier.

  11 一向如此 It never gets easier. 什么

 我不...What... I don"t... 他死了是什么意思 What do you mean he"s dead? 是的

 亲爱的 That"s right, sweetheart. 他死于心碎 He died of a broken heart 因为你没好好感谢他 because you didn"t appreciate him enough, 现在他永远离开人世了 and now he"s gone forever. 那个剧剧终集好像太黑暗了 We might have gone too dark on that series finale. 我得把你交给 I"m required to hand you over 儿童保护服务处 to the child protective services. 以后就让国家照顾你们吧 You"re the state"s problem now. 不要 No! 你是不是到哪儿都随身带着那些DVDDo you just take those DVDs with you everywhere you go? 莱纳斯还披着条毯子到处走呢 Linus walked around with a blanket. 怎么没人说他 No one gave him shit for it. 那个医生还要多久 How long is that doctor going to take? 我三点还跟别的客户有会呢 I have a meeting with another client at :. 你还有其他客户吗 You have other clients? 没有

 我就靠你整天无所事事混饭吃呢 No, I make a living off you sitting on your ass all day. 你其他客户比我更有才吗 Are your other clients more talented than I am? 你的沉默说明了一切 Your silence speaks volumes. 我的目的达到了 That was my intention 波杰克

 你好像是 Well, BoJack, it looks like what you experienced 轻度焦虑症发作 was a mild anxiety attack. 天哪

 这都是轻度的话 Jesus, if that"s mild, 那重度得成什么样儿 I don"t want to know what spicy feels like. 你们不懂吗 Too smart for the room? 这是个冷笑话

 各位 It was a salsa joke, people. 你最近压力太大了 You"ve been overstressed. 凡是你得慢慢来 I need you to take it easy. 慢慢来

 开什么玩笑 Take it easy, are you kidding? 他没有工作

 没有责任感 He doesn"t have a job. He has no real responsibilities. 他除了慢慢来还干点别的了吗 He doesn"t do anything but take it easy. 那能再慢点吗 Well, can you take it even easier? 我可以试试


 我试试 I can try, doctor. I can try. 写书的事很明显给你的压力太大了 This book deal is obviously stressing you out. 你就不能打电话找找那个枪手吗 Will you just call the ghostwriter already? 什么

 你让我亲自给那个女人打电话吗 What, you want me to call this woman on the phone? 你刚才又焦虑发作了 Well, you just had another anxiety attack. 《娱乐周刊》还说我不始终如一呢 And Entertainment Weekly said I wasn"t consistent. 搞什么

 你们笑一笑会死吗 Really, not even a pity laugh? 我可差点就死了 I did almost die. 我去得看看其他病人了 I have to check on some other patients. 你还有其他病人吗 You have other patients?

  12 波杰克

 我们办个派对吧 BoJack, let"s have a party, okay? 全权交给我负责就行 I"ll organize the whole thing. 你可以邀请那个枪手来 You can invite the ghostwriter 俩人一起在一种轻松愉快的氛围下 and have a nice, casual conversation 进行一次轻松愉快的谈话 in a fun, pressurefree environment. 好吧

 我们办个派对 Okay, fine. We"ll have a party. 谢天谢地 Oh, thank God. 但是不能有做棉花糖的机器 But we"re not getting a cotton candy machine. 一见那东西我就会情不自禁 I can"t control myself around those things. 放心

 我明白 I totally hear what you are saying, 我一定会尽力的 and I will do my best. 马男先生

 我永远不会忘记今天你的慷慨 Senor Horseman, I will never forget your generosity today. 你这个朋友我交定了 You have made a powerful ally for life. 我们跳舞去吧 Let"s dance! 陶德

 那人是谁 Todd, who was that guy? 这些人都是谁 Who are all these people? 就是各行各业的 Oh, you know, just a variety of folks 各种各样的人 from all walks of life. 这是个[墨西哥]成人礼派对吗 Is this a quinceanera? 有墨西哥少女参加的派对 Oh, so any party with Mexican teenage girls 就是成人礼吗 is a quinceanera? 你是不是搞歧视啊 Now who"s racist? {\an}今天是你的成人礼

 克里斯蒂娜 我觉得那个皮纳塔[庆祝玩具]很不礼貌 I find that pinata offensive. 失陪一下 If you"ll excuse me, 我还要去送瓜达卢佩圣母吊坠呢 I have a Virgin of Guadalupe pendant to present. 波杰克 BoJack! 苍天呐 Oh, good Lord. 你好

 花生酱先生 Hey, Mr. Peanutbutter. 真不敢相信

 我们俩竟然在同一间屋里 Can you believe this, the two of us in the same house? 是不是剧集交叉啊 Is this a crossover episode? 不是


 兄弟 No, I"m just kidding around, man. 不过说真的

 你还好吗 Seriously, though, how are you? 我最近有点起...Well, I"ve been kind of up and... 活在梦中对吗

 是啊 Living the dream, huh? Yeah. 我们随后再聊好吧 Hey, we"ll catch up later, all right? 我想跟你聊聊天 I want to talk to you. 艾瑞卡

 你怎么如此美丽啊 Erica, how are you looking so beautiful? 我好性奋啊 I"m furious. 你是波杰克

 对吧 Hey, BoJack, right? 马男波杰克

 对 BoJack Horseman?

 Yes. 不好意思

 我不想念错你的名字 Oh, I"m... I"m sorry, I don"t want to mispronounce your name. 我叫戴安 It"s Diane.

  13 戴安啊 Oh, Diane. 谢谢你邀请我来参加派对 Thanks for inviting me to your party. 抱歉我没怎么跟人聊天交际 Sorry I haven"t really been mingling. 我在派对上会感觉别扭 I get kind of awkward at parties. 你喝酒了吗

 不知道 Have you tried alcohol?

 I don"t know. 派对总是让我非常紧张焦虑 Parties make me anxious in a real broad sense. 比如

 你看那边那个人 Like, look at that guy. 他玩得很开心啊 He"s having fun. 我怎么就做不到呢 Why haven"t I figured it out? 哪个人 What guy? 那边其实没人 No, there"s no guy there. 我说的是

 某一个人 I"m just saying, like, a guy, you know? 好吧

 知道了 Oh, okay, yeah. 我可能就是想多了 I"m probably just overthinking it 因为我从没有过实践经验 because I never got the practice 因为我高中时从未受邀参加过任何派对 because I didn"t get invited to any parties in high school. 我这是说什么呢 What am I talking about? 反正你又不在乎 You don"t care about any of that. 闭嘴

 戴安 Shut up, Diane. 你这是在参加派对

 快赞美主人 You"re at a party, compliment the host. 你们家真漂亮 You have a lovely home. 如果你为了什么傻逼情景剧 Yeah, well, if you"re gonna throw away 而放弃了自己大部分的成人生活 most of your adult life on some dumb sitcom, 那你也会因此而有个温馨的家

 对吧 you might as well get a sweet house out of the deal, right? 那最近你都在干什么呢 So what are you working on these days? 大部分时间我就坐在屋里 Well, mostly I just sit around the house 抱怨东抱怨西 and complain about things. 你觉得这样怎么样 Yeah, how"s that working out for you? 也不能抱怨什么吧

 你懂的 I can"t complain, so you know. 不

 我才不会跟你上床 No, I will not have sex with you! 这姑娘让我跟她上床 This girl wants me to have sex with her. 不

 我开玩笑而已 No, I"m just kidding around. 你真不赖啊 You"re a good sport. 你知道那是谁吗

 花生酱先生 Ugh, you know who that is?

 Mr. Peanutbutter? 对

 他就是《花生酱先生一家》里面那个人Yeah, he was on that show Mr. Peanutbutter"s House 讲一条狗领养了三个人类小孩子故事的那个 about that dog who adopted the three human kids. 那是什么狗屁电视剧 What a dumb idea for a TV show. 你们说得对 You people are all right. 谁要亲笔签名 Who wants an autograph? 他竟然笨到没有意识到 He"s so stupid he doesn"t realize 自己该多么可悲

 我真嫉妒他 how miserable he should be. I envy that.

  14 你知道《脱线家族》里爸爸的故事吗 Hey, do you know the story of the dad from The Brady Bunch? 你是问我知道那个故事吗 Do I know his story? 如果我没记错的话 If I recall correctly, 那是讲他独自抚养三个男孩的故事 he was bringing up three boys of his own. 对

 但是...Right, but... 他们四个男人住在一起 They were four men living all together, 但是只有他们四个人 but they were all alone. 真是忧伤啊 That is profoundly sad. 不

 我是说演剧里面爸爸的那个人 No, the story is that the guy who played the dad 他讨厌演《脱线家族》

 因为他是名真正的演员 hated being on The Brady Bunch because he was a real actor, 他觉得演那个剧简直是大材小用 and he considered it beneath him. 听着耳熟吗 Sound familiar? 也不是一切都在他下面"小用"That"s not all that was beneath him. 基佬笑话


 献丑了 Gay joke. Sorry, I"m better than that. 大多数人在日常生活中 Most people don"t even get to do 连《脱线家族》里面 The Brady Bunch version 那样都做不到 of the thing they want to do with their lives. 其实你现在状态很好 You"re actually in a really good position now, 因为你几乎可以随心所欲 because you can pretty much do anything you want. 你可以对自己的幸福快乐负责

 你知道吗 You"re responsible for your own happiness, you know? 天哪


 才没有 Good Lord, that"s depressing.

 No, it"s not. 还我对自己的幸福快乐负责 I"m responsible for my own happiness? 我连自己的早餐自己都负不了责好吗 I can"t even be responsible for my own breakfast. 陶德 Todd! 我需要帮助 I need help. 你怎样才能快乐呢 What would make you happy? 写完回忆录应该就快乐了吧 Well, finishing my memoir, I guess. 就这样吗

 那我可以帮你啊 Is that all? I can help you with that. 真的吗

 我是说你想帮我吗 Yeah? I mean, would you even want to? 你得跟我在一起很长时间 You"d have to spend a lot of time with me. 可能会厌烦我 You"d probably get sick of me. 不可能的 I don"t think that"s going to happen. 不可能吗


 波杰克 No?

 No, BoJack. 好吧 Okay. 那我雇佣你了 Well, then I guess you"re hired, 不过不要把我的忧伤写进书里 but don"t put all that stuff about how sad I am in the book. 这个不算 Oh, that doesn"t count. 我们还没正式开始呢 We weren"t on the clock yet. 的确如此 Yeah, exactly. 你作为我的枪手

 从....You"re only my ghostwriter starting nah... 从现在开始

 没问题 Starting now.

 You got it.

  15 波杰克

 又是这货 BoJack!

 Ugh, this guy. 老兄

 我想来告诉你 Hey, man, wanted to let you know, 你们家没啤酒了 you are out of beer. 看来你已经 Oh, I see you"ve met 见过我美丽的女朋友戴安·阮了 my beautiful girlfriend, Diane Nguyen. 等等

 等等 Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a second. 我们家啤酒你都喝光了吗 You drank all my beer? 还有


 是啊 Also, you two are dating?

 Yeah. 你在跟他约会吗

 对 You"re dating him?

 Yes. 这是你男朋友 This is your boyfriend? 是的

 对 That is correct.

 Uhhuh. 你跟你


 对 You are going out with you?

 Uhhuh. 但不止是朋友

 而是发生肉体关系 But in a sexual way, not just as friends? 对的

 你看过她的裸体 That"s right.

 You have seen her naked. 看过很多次 Many times, yes. 你喜欢他

 对 You are attracted to this?

 Yes. 你的小弟弟进过她的小妹妹 This penis has been inside this vagina. 对

 你们发生过性关系 Yep.

 But in a sexual way. 是的 Oh, yes. 苍天呐 Oh, my God. 你没事吧 Are you okay? 我...I"m just... 我没事 I"m fine. 我...

 我真的替你们开心 I"m just... I"m real...