
 英语一周热词 :

 拜登就职演讲、GDP 破 破 100 万亿、美国重返巴黎协定、山东金矿爆炸


 1. 美国总统拜登就职演讲 2. 2020 中国 GDP 超 100 万亿元 3. 美国重返《巴黎协定》和世卫组织 4. 山东金矿爆炸 5. 巴格达发生两起自杀式爆炸袭击

 热词 01 拜登总统就职演讲 presidential inauguration of Joe Biden

 As he vowed to move the country toward the future with unity, Joseph R. Biden Jr. was sworn in on Wednesday as the 46th president of the United States. 当地时间 1 月 20 日,拜登宣誓就职美国第 46 任总统。他表示,要使国家在团结中走向未来。

 Biden who served in the U.S. Senate for more than 35 years and was vice president for eight years, gave an inaugural speech that celebrated democracy but acknowledged that “the forces that divide us are deep and they are real.” 拜登在参议院任职超过 35 年,曾任副总统 8 年。他在就职演说中赞扬了民主,但也承认“分裂我们的力量很深厚,而且是真实存在的”。

 Kamala Harris was sworn in as the first female vice president, the first Black vice president and the first vice president of Asian descent. 哈里斯宣誓就职美国副总统,她是美国历史上首位有黑人和亚裔血统的女性副总统。

 Vocabulary: swear


 swear in

 宣誓就职 inaugural /ɪˈnɔːɡjərəl/

 就职的;开幕的;成立的;创始的 descent /dɪˈsent/


 热词 02 2020 中国 GDP 超 100 万亿元 China"s GDP tops 100 trln yuan in 2020

 China on Monday reported a gross domestic product (GDP) increase of 6.5 percent in the fourth quarter of 2020, bringing the country"s full-year expansion to 2.3 percent. 1 月 18 日,中国国内生产总值(GDP)数据发布,2020 年第四季度增长 6.5%,全年增长 2.3%。

 Despite the grave and complex environment posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, China managed to bring its economic growth back to a pre-pandemic rate. Its full-year GDP exceeded 100 trillion yuan ($15.45 trillion) for the first time, China"s National Bureau of Statistics said.

 尽管新冠疫情带来了严峻复杂的形势,但中国还是成功将经济增长恢复到了疫情发生前的水平。国家统计局表示,中国全年 GDP 首次超过 100 万亿元人民币。

 China"s fourth-quarter GDP beat many institutions" expectations, including Reuters" forecast of 6.1 percent and Natixis" estimation of 6.3 percent. Only Barclays had estimated a growth of 6.5 percent.

 中国第四季度 GDP 超出了许多机构的预期,包括路透社预测的 6.1%和法国外贸银行预测的 6.3%。只有巴克莱银行预测的增长率为 6.5%。

 The annual growth of 2.3 percent indicates that China led major economies in annual positive growth in 2020, while many others continue to grapple with the pandemic. 2.3%的年增长率表明中国在 2020 年引领主要经济体实现了年度正增长,而其他许多国家仍在努力应对着疫情。

 Vocabulary: gross


 adj. 总的,毛的;严重的;令人不快的,令人恶心,使人厌恶的;粗鲁的,不雅的;肥胖而丑陋的

 adv. 总共,全部

 v. 总收入为,总共赚得

 n. 一罗(144 个);(尤指影片的)毛收入,总收入 expansion 扩张,扩展,扩大,膨胀 grave

 adj. 严峻的,重大的,严重的 pose

 v. 形成,构成(问题,危险,困难);摆出姿态(或姿势)



 number. (简写为 trln)万亿,兆;大量,无数 beat one’s expectation 超出期望 forecast


 n. 预测,预报 v. 预测,预报 estimation


 n. 判断,评价,看法;(对水平、数量等的)估计 major economies 主要经济体;经济大国 grapple

 /ˈɡræ pl/

 v. 扭打,搏斗;努力设法解决

 热词 03 美国重返《巴黎协定》和世卫组织 US to Rejoin Paris Climate Accord, WHO

 Among the 17 executive actions U.S. President Joe Biden signed during his first hours in office Wednesday, two will strengthen cooperation with the United Nations on boosting global health and combating climate change.

 当地时间 1 月 20 日,美国总统拜登上任后第一时间就签署了 17 项行政指令,其中有两项将加强与联合国在促进全球健康和应对气候变化方面的合作。

 Making good on campaign promises, Biden halted the U.S. withdrawal from the World Health Organization and rejoined the 2015 Paris Climate Accord.

 拜登决定,美国将不退出世卫组织,并重新加入 2015 年巴黎气候协定,兑现了竞选诺言。

 In mid-April last year, as the coronavirus pandemic was spreading across the globe, then-president Donald Trump cut off U.S. funding to the WHO. He then went further, triggering the process to pull the U.S. completely out of the organization. The withdrawal was due to go into effect in July, but Biden"s order will cancel it. 去年 4 月中旬,随着新冠肺炎疫情在全球蔓延,时任美国总统特朗普切断了美国对世卫组织的资助,随后又触发了美国完全退出世卫组织的程序。退出计划原定于 7 月生效,但拜登下令取消这一计划。

 Vocabulary: fray

 v.(使织物边沿)磨损,磨散;(使)烦躁,恼火 n. 打斗,竞争,争辩(尤指激烈或视为检验能力的)

 combat /ˈkɒmbæ t/

 n. 搏斗;打仗;战斗;v. 防止;减轻;战斗;与…搏斗 make good

 成功;赔偿;补偿 halt

 v.(使)停止,停下;n. 停止;阻止;暂停;小火车站(只有站台)

 withdrawal /wɪðˈdrɔːəl/

 撤走;收回;取回;不再参加;退出(组织);(从银行账户中)提款,取款;戒毒过程;脱瘾期;(对说过的话的)收回,撤回;孤僻 coronavirus /kəˈrəʊnəvaɪrəs/

 冠状病毒 pandemic /pænˈdemɪk/

 (全国或全球性)流行病;大流行病 cut off

 切断;中断;使死亡;剥夺继承权 trigger

 n.(枪的)扳机;(尤指引发不良反应或发展的)起因,诱因;触发器;引爆器;v. 发动;引起;触发;开动;起动

 go into effect


 热词 04 山东金矿爆炸 Shandong gold mine explosion

 Twenty-two miners have been trapped for 11 days some 600 meters underground after two blasts ripping through the mine in Qixia City, east China"s Shandong Province on January 10. 1 月 10 日,中国山东省栖霞市的矿井发生两起爆炸,22 名矿工在地下约 600 米处被困 11 天。

 One miner was confirmed dead on Wednesday. The miner was in a coma after sustaining a severe head injury from the blasts. 1 月 20 日,一名矿工确认死亡。该名矿工在爆炸中头部严重受伤,处于昏迷状态。

 The Qixia government said on Thursday that rescuers had started drilling a new channel with a 711-mm diameter that they hope will bring the trapped miners back to safety. 1 月 21 日,栖霞市政府表示,救援人员已经开始钻探一条直径 711 毫米的新通道,希望能将被困矿工安全救出。

 Hundreds of rescuers are racing against time to save the lives of the trapped miners and working round-the-clock. However, they face extreme challenges posed by underground granite and the threat of water flooding the shaft where the miners are. 数百名救援人员正在与时间赛跑,拯救被困矿工的生命,24 小时不间断地工作。然而,他们面临着地下花岗岩带来的极端挑战,以及水淹没矿工所在井道的威胁。

 One of the rescue teams managed to deliver food and medicine supplies to the trapped miners through a new borehole drilled on Wednesday, substituting the original one due to water leakage which threatened the miners" life.

 由于漏水威胁到矿工的生命,一组救援人员成功通过 1 月 20 日钻出的新井眼向被困矿工送去了食物和药品供应。



 adv. (用于数词前,意同 approximately)大约,差不多;稍微,有点 coma


 n. 昏迷 channel

 /ˈtʃæ nl/

 n. 电视台;频道,波段;途径,渠道,系统;(表达的)方式,方法,手段;水渠,沟渠,河槽;水道,航道;海峡 v. 为……引资,引导,贯注;(利用某途径)输送资金,提供帮助;(经过通道)输送,传送 racing against time 争取时间,分秒必争;与时间赛跑 round-the-clock

 adj. 日夜不停的,持续一整天的 granite

 /ˈɡræ nɪt/

 n. 花岗岩,花岗石 flood

 n. 洪水,水灾;大批,大量(的人或事物)

 v. (使)缓慢水,淹没;泛滥,淹没;大量涌入,蜂拥而出;大量送至,挤满,拥满;(使)充斥,充满;使大受感动,充满;照进,覆盖;(使)溢流 shaft


 n. (电梯的)升降机井,通风井,竖井,井筒;(箭、高尔夫球杆等的)杆;(锤等的)柄;(机器的)轴;(马车的)辕;一束,一道(光、阳光等);一阵(疼痛、害怕等);讥讽,挖苦,尖酸的话

 v. 亏待,苛待,欺骗 borehole


 n. 钻孔,井眼;(为探测石油或水)地上凿洞

 热词 05 巴格达发生两起自杀式爆炸袭击 twin suicide bombings in Baghdad

 Twin suicide bombings ripped through a busy market in the Iraqi capital Baghdad Thursday, killing at least 32 people and wounding 110 others.

 1 月 21 日,伊拉克首都巴格达一个繁忙的市场遭到两起自杀炸弹袭击,造成至少32 人死亡,110 人受伤。

 Suicide bombings have been rare in Baghdad for months, as the security situation has improved in Iraq since the Iraqi security forces fully defeated IS militants across the country late in 2017. 自 2017 年底伊拉克安全部队在全国范围内全面击败伊斯兰国武装分子以来,伊拉克的安全局势有所改善,巴格达的自杀式爆炸事件数月来已经很少发生。

 However, sporadic deadly incidents still occur in the war-ravaged country as IS remnants have since melted into urban areas or deserts and rugged areas, carrying out frequent guerilla attacks against security forces and civilians. 不过,由于伊斯兰国的残余分子已经融入城市、沙漠和崎岖地区,且频繁对安全部队和平民发动游击袭击,在这个饱受战火摧残的国家,仍有零星死亡事件发生。



 n. 孪生儿之一,双胞胎之一;一对相像的事物之一

 v. 使结成姊妹城市,使结成友好地区;使(两人或两事物)紧密结合,使耦合,使相连 adj. 孪生之一的,双胞胎之一的;成对的,成双的;双重的,双联的,两个同时发生的 rip through

 裂开,突进,横撞直闯,猛烈爆炸 sporadic

 /spəˈræ dɪk/

 adj. 偶尔发生的,间或出现的,阵发性的,断断续续的 war-ravaged 烽火连天的,受战争蹂躏的 remnant


 n. 残余部分,剩余部分;(织物的)零天,领料;布头 rugged


 adj. 崎岖的,凹凸不平的,多岩石的;强健而富有魅力的,粗犷的;坚强的,坚毅的;结实的,耐用的 carry out 执行,实行,贯彻,实现,完成 guerilla


 n. 游击队,游击队员 adj. 游击的