
 如果要说起它 If I spoke about it... 如果说的话 If I did... 我会跟你说些什么 what would I tell you? 我也想知道 I wonder. 我是否会跟你说起故事发生的时间 Would I tell you about the time? 似乎是在很久以前 It happened a long time ago, it seems... 在一位英明王子统治的最后时期 in the last days of a fair prince"s reign. 我是否会跟你说起那地方 Or would I tell you about the place? 海边的一座小城 A small city near the coast... 但远离其他一切 but far from everything else. 又或者

 我也不知道 Or, I don"t know. 我是否会跟你说起她 Would I tell you about her? 无声的公主 The princess without voice. 又或许

 我只会警告你 Or perhaps I would just warn you 关于这些事实的真♥相♥ about the truth of these facts... 那爱与失去的传说 and the tale of love and loss... 和那企图摧毁这一切的恶魔 and the monster who tried to destroy it all. 赫达克大人 My Lord Hedak. 你有什么困惑

 告诉我 So, you are troubled. Tell me. 我... I"ve... 我有罪

 我冒犯了上帝 I have sinned. I"ve offended the god. 我罪孽深重

 赫达克大人 I am deep in sin, my Lord Hedak.

 说出来让我来评判 Let me judge of that. 我怀疑了献祭仪式 I"ve doubted the ceremony of the sacrifice. 每日一思 时间不过是从过去流淌而来的河 我不想走上去 I don"t want to go up there. 所有人都得走上去

 洛伊德小姐 Why, everybody"s got to go upstairs, Miss Lloyd, 卧室就在上面 if they wants to go to bed. 警报把你吵醒了吗

 起火了 The sirens wake you up? There was a fire. 巧克力工厂 The chocolate factory. 闻到了吗 Do you smell that? 天哪 Oh, my! 烤可可 Toasted cocoa. 悲和喜总是携手而至 Tragedy and delight, hand in hand. 吃点什么吗 Something to eat? 我的孩子 Oh, my dear child. 要不是有你在这照顾我

 我早就日渐消瘦了 I would waste away if you weren"t here looking after me. 我是众所周知地食不果腹 I am the proverbial starving... 看这个 Watch this. 是柏贞格

 阶梯舞 It"s Bojangles, the stair dance. 太难了

 卡格尼也跳 Oh, that"s so hard. Cagney did it. 不一样

 但是很美 Different, but beautiful. 是很美 It"s beautiful. -我也想跳

 -好 - I wanna do that, too. - All right!


 -好了 - Are you ready? - Yup. 来吧 Come on. 看

 你学得真快 Say, you catch on quick. 小心了

 这是最后一阶 Look out now. Here"s your last one! 奥芬剧院 隆重回归 《路德的传说》《狂欢节》 伊莱莎 Elisa! 下次来交房♥租的时候 Next time you come to bring the rent... 留下来看《圣经》相关的电影 I want you to stay and see the Bible movie, huh! 我有...两张免费的票 I have... I have two free tickets here. 带你邻居贾尔斯一起来

 他是个好孩子 You bring your neighbor Giles. He"s a good boy. 《圣经》和喜剧 Bible movie and comedy! 现在都没人来剧院了 Nobody"s coming to the theater, huh? 我会送你们免费爆米花和汽水 I"ll throw in a free popcorn and soda! 不 Oh, no! 我的天哪

 那里得有两个 S For God"s sake, there are two "S"s" there! 两个 S

 《狂欢节》有两个 S Come on! Two "S." "Mardi Grass!" "Mardi Grass!" 两个 S Two "S." 新款上市 奥卡姆航♥空♥航♥天♥研究中心 所有新到员工

 请注意 All new personnel, be advised that 12 区安全等级现已提升至 A 级 Sector 12 has now been cleared to level A safety. 伊莱莎


 我都到了 Elisa! Come on. I"m here already. 你得学会守时

 You gotta learn to be on time. 你干什么


 哑巴 What are you doing? Don"t cut in, dummy! 别烦她


 我给她排着队的 Leave her alone, woman. I was keeping her place. 我要是被举报了

 你和那哑巴就等着吧 I get reported, I come after you and the mute. 来啊


 尽管来啊 You do that, Yolanda. You do that. 我脚已经要疼死了 My feet are already killing me. 今晚走之前我给布鲁斯特做了肉肠卷 I made Brewster pigs in a blanket tonight before leaving... 好家伙

 他全都吃光了 and boy, he just ate "em up. 却没有一句谢谢

 也没有一句好吃 No "Thank-yous", no "Yum-yums". 看都不看我一眼 Not a peep. 他沉默得像坟墓一样 Man is as silent as a grave. 但要是放屁也算恭维的话 But if farts were flattery... 他可就是莎士比亚了 honey, he"d be Shakespeare. 后来我回家给他做早餐 Then I get home and I make him breakfast. 鸡蛋


 还有黄油吐司 Eggs, bacon, and buttered toast. 我给他吐司抹的黄油

 伊莱莎 I butter the man"s toast, Elisa. 两面都抹了 Mmm-hmm, both sides.... 就跟他是个小孩似的 as if he was a child. 连一句谢谢也没有 And I don"t even get a thank-you. 你真该庆幸自己是个受过教育的女人 You"d be grateful because you"re an educated woman. 可我家布鲁斯特

 当时就只是 But my Brewster, all he had going for him 纯粹的异性相吸的动物本能 was animal magnetism back in the day. 但我俩很久都没同♥房♥♥过了

 Hasn"t worked in a while. 搞什么

 天哪 What in the Sam Hill? No! 你们就不能把垃圾扔进桶里吗 You boys mind putting the trash in the can? 垃圾桶摆在那里是干什么的 That"s what it"s there for. 真难以置信

 摆在那就是好看的 Hard to believe, huh? That"s what it"s there for. 好的




 对不起 All right, all right. Sorry, Zelda! Sorry! 不知道他们在搞什么 I don"t know what they"re doing. 我看就是在搞破坏 Making a goddamn mess is what I think. 泽尔达

 别絮絮叨叨了 Zelda! Stop that chatter, please. 是

 先生 Yes, sir. 别再骂骂咧咧亵渎神灵了 There"s no call for the blasphemy. 抱歉

 弗莱明先生 Sorry, Mr. Fleming, sir. 各位注意一下 A moment of your time! 今天

 我们 T4 迎来了新的团队和实验品 Today, we are receiving a new team and asset here in T-4. 这位是罗伯特·霍夫斯特勒博士 This is Dr. Robert Hoffstetler 来自我们位于加尔维斯敦的兄弟机构 from our sister facility in Galveston. 我并不想夸大其词 Now, I don"t wanna bolster or overstate the matter 但这很可能是这处设施保存过的 but this may very well be the most sensitive asset 最为敏感的实验品 ever to be housed in this facility. 您一路可还好 How was your trip? 还行

 谁是这里的安保负责人 Fine. Who"s security here? 请稍等一下 Just one moment, please. 安保呢


 Security! Who"s security? 欢迎来到 T4

 长官 Welcome to T-4, sir. 长官


 安保负责人 Yes, sir, I am Fleming, head of Security. 如果你有什么问题或者担心的 And if there are questions you have or concerns... 直接来找我 you just come talk to me. 明白吗

 从现在开始将由我负责 Do you understand? I"ll be in charge from now on. 让她们出去 Get them out. 帮我把这圆筒移进压缩机里 Help me move this cylinder into the compressor. 移到这边来

 这边 Bring it here. Bring it here. 移到这边来

 把圆筒架上 Bring it over here. There. Mount the cylinder. 我们得马上给它加压 We need to pressurize it immediately. -从这边到这边


 伊莱莎 - From there to there. - Elisa! Elisa! 快走 Come on! 天哪

 这里到底在搞什么 Lord, what goes on in this place? 你看见了吗 Did you see that? 好啦

 我是带了假发 Yes, I"m wearing the hairpiece. 看起来怎样 How does it look? 小心车 Be careful of the car. 而且这也不是假发 And it"s not a hairpiece. "这派贼棒" 迪克西·道格餐厅 这叫遮秃器

 法国货 It"s a toupee. It"s French. 这是永恒的 It"s eternal, see? 坦塔罗斯一直没能逃脱死亡

 Tantalus never achieved the escape of death.... 因为树枝上的水果 because the fruit on the branches 离他总有一步之遥 was just always out of his reach... 每当他弯腰喝水的时候 and the water in the stream receded 溪水就会下降 every time he stooped down to drink. 所以我们今天会说 And so that"s why we say things today like... "看看那些可望而不可即的派" "Look at those tantalizing pies." 带锁的透明食品柜/酒柜也叫 tantalus 谢谢

 下次要继续光临哦 Thank you! Y"all come back now, you hear? 没错

 早餐吃派 Yes, pies for breakfast. 信我的 Just trust me on this. 你们好呀

 欢迎光临迪克西·道格餐厅 Hey, folks! Welcome to Dixie Doug"s. 你之前来过的

 是吧 I"ve seen you in here before, right? 对 Yes. 实际上

 我来过好几次了 I"ve been here a couple of times, as a matter of fact. 喜欢青柠派是吗 Partial to key lime pie? 没错



 打包 I am, I am. Two to go. 就听我的吧


 拜托了 Just go with it, please. Please. 我...对这东西上瘾 I, uh, it"s a craving that I indulge in. 八成对我没什么好处 Can"t possibly be good for me, 但我喜欢的都没好处 but nothing I like is. 不会



 青柠味的 No, no, it"s a mighty fine pie, key lime. 你不会就是 You wouldn"t happen to be

 著名的"迪克西·道格"本人吧 the famous "Dixie Doug" himself, would you? 当然不是 Oh, heck no. 派是我们用卡车派送到全国各地的 The pies are trucked throughout the country. 他们称之为"连锁" They call it "franchising," see? 他们让我们使用广♥告♥

 招牌 They give us the spinners, the signage. 还有"派仔"

 我们的吉祥物 That there"s "Pie Boy," our mascot. 这不是我原本口音 I don"t talk like that. 我是从渥太华来的 I"m from Ottawa. 不可能吧 No. 完全听不出来 I completely bought it. "这派贼棒" "That"s-a-great-a-pie." 那个...那个... The... The, uh... 那个小个子

 他是意大利人吗 The little... little guy, is he supposed to be Italian? 我猜是的吧 I guess so. 真是太聪明了 Well, it"s very clever. 下次要继续光临哦 Y"all come back now, you hear? "下次要继续光临" "Y"all come back now." 你觉得他是真心的吗 Do you think he meant it? 他注意到了我

 你...你听到了 He had noticed me. I mean, you... you heard that. 这派真难吃 This pie is rather sordid. 但别吐出来 But don"t spit it out. 下次去的时候

 我们换一种味道尝尝 Next time we go, we"ll just try a different flavor.


 先存起来 Save it for later, put it away. 东部标准时间早上六点 6:00 a.m. Eastern standard time. 天空已经亮起来了 The skies are beginning to lighten... 随着一股凉爽的北风... as a cool North wind rustles across... ...许多黑鬼聚集在 ...groups of Negroes have been swarming 向前行进的警♥察♥周围 in front of and behind the advancing police. 老天爷


 这太可怕了 Oh, dear God! Change that awfulness. 我不想看那个 I do not wanna see that. 我不想看 I do not wanna see it. ♪ 漂亮宝贝♪ ♪ Pretty baby♪ 这个好多了

 好多了 Oh, that"s better, that"s better. 瞧瞧贝蒂 Oh, look at Betty. 老天

 真是又年轻又漂亮 Oh, God, to be young and beautiful. 如果我能重返 18 岁 If I could go back to when I was 18... 那时候我什么也不懂 I didn"t know anything about anything, 我会给我自己一点建议 I"d give myself a bit of advice. 什么建议 What would you say? 我会说"多多爱护牙齿 I would say, "Take better care of your teeth... 还要多来几炮" and fuck a lot more." 不不

 那可是非常棒的建议 Oh no, no, that"s very good advice. ♪ 我的漂亮宝贝♪ ♪ Pretty baby of mine♪ ♪ 我的漂亮宝贝♪ ♪ Pretty baby of mine♪

 你看看这里 Will you look at this? 看啊 Look. 这个国家最聪明的一部分人 Some of the best minds in the country 在这里撒尿撒一地 peeing all over the floor in this here facility. 现在就连天花板上也有尿点子了 There"s pee freckles on the ceiling now. 他们是怎么尿上去的 How"d they get it up there? 你觉得得给他们多大个尿池才能尿准 Just how big a target do they need, you figure? 他们练习得够多了

 这是肯定的 They get enough practice, that"s for sure. 我家布鲁斯特... My Brewster... 从没有人说过他聪明

 但是 no one"s ever called him a great mind, but 就连他在大部分情况下都能尿准 even he manages to hit the can 70% of the time. 抱歉

 先生 Excuse us, sir. 不不不

 没事的 No, no, no, that"s all right. 你们继续 Go ahead. 看来两位女士聊得很开心啊 You ladies seem to be chatting enjoyably. 私房♥话吧

 肯定的 Girl talk, no doubt. 不用理我 Don"t mind me. 伊莱莎 Elisa. 看看可以

 别碰 Look, don"t touch. 那根可爱的小玩意是阿♥拉♥巴马州的见面打招呼 That lovely dingus right there is an Alabama Howdy-do. 民权运动发源地

 运动后期暴♥力♥冲突不断 塑形手柄 Molded grip handle... 低电流



 low current, high-voltage, electric shock cattle prod. 我叫斯特里克兰

 安保人员 Name"s Strickland, Security. 弗莱明就是安保部的 Fleming"s security. 不用 Oh, no. 不用


 要么事后 No, a man washes his hands before or after tending to his needs. 从中你可以了解一个男人 It tells you a lot about a man. 如果事前事后都洗的话... He does it both times... 说明他性格懦弱 points to a weakness in character. 再会了 Ladies. 和你俩聊天很愉快 It was very pleasant chatting with you both. 矮个子都很坏 Short people are mean. 我从没遇见过从头好到尾的矮个子 I never met a short man that stayed nice all the way through. 绝对没有 No, sir. 全部都是背后捅刀子的小贱♥人♥ Mean little backstabbers, all of them. 也许是因为下层的空气 Maybe it"s the air down there, 氧气不够之类的 not enough oxygen or something. 救命

 他在流血 Help! He"s losing blood! 救命 Help! 快走

 快走 Come on, come on. 你觉得是苏联人闯进来了吗 You think the Russians broke in? 我觉得不会 I don"t think so. 就算他们真的进来了... And if they did... 杜安做的烘肉卷也能把他们都杀死


 Duane"s meatloaf will kill them all, honey. 枪响了两声

 你听见了吗 It was two shots. Did you hear them? 好吧


 还有那尖叫声 All right, three. And that scream. 老天爷

 这地方到底出什么事了 Lord, what ever happens in this place? 你们两个

 跟我来 You two, come with me. 现在吗

 弗莱明先生 Right now, Mr. Fleming, sir? 能等我们先吃完晚餐吗 Any chance we get to conclude our dinner? 马上去 Now! 见鬼了 Oh, heavens to Betsy. 我们有麻烦了 We are in a pickle. 我们麻烦大了 We are in such a pickle. 你们有整二十分钟 You will have exactly 20 minutes 让实验室恢复得干净

 整洁等等 to render this... this lab immaculate, and so on and so forth. 二十分钟 20 minutes. 这么多血

 这里发生什么事了 It"s a lot of blood. What went on in here? 打扫尿没问题 I can handle pee. 打扫屎没问题 I can handle poo. 但是血 But blood... 血让我觉得不舒服 Blood just does something to me. 来


 帮我把这里拖干净 Here, hon. Help me mop it up. 我们越快离开这越好 The sooner we get outta here the better. 那是油炸土豆丸子吗 Is that a tater tot? 是根手指

 It"s a finger. 两根手指 There"s two fingers. 好吧

 好吧 Okay, okay. 收好了

 在这儿等着 Put them away. And just wait here. 我去叫弗莱明先生 I"m gonna go get Mr. Fleming. 肢体在哪 Where are these body parts? 肢体 The body parts? 不


 亲爱的 No, I believe you, honey. 但你确定它是活的吗 But are you sure it was alive? 我确定 I"m sure. 因为我曾经在帐篷狂欢节上见到过美人鱼 Because I saw a mermaid once in a carnival tent... 不过是给猴子缝上了鱼尾巴 and it was a monkey sewn to the tail of a fish. 我觉得还挺像真的 Looked real to me. 好

 我道歉 All right, I apologize. 我有工期要赶 I have a deadline. 你知道玉米片本是发明用来防止自♥慰♥的吗 Do you know, corn flakes were invented to prevent masturbation. 没有用 Didn"t work. 艾丽丝·费伊的节目刚开始 Oh, Alice Faye just started. 她曾是个巨星

 非常大牌 She was a huge star, huge. 有一天

 她再也受不了 And one day, she couldn"t take the bullshit 那些哄骗和卑鄙暗算了 and the backstabbing anymore. 她就直接撒手不干了 She just walked away from it all. 未来已来


 五种全新口味 还不错

 是吗 That"s not bad, is it? 作为垃圾来说 For being shit. 它不是垃圾 It"s not shit. 听着


 好好休息 Listen. You eat, you go to bed, you rest. 等我拿到钱了 And when I get paid... ♪ 你不在

 我如此忧郁♪ ♪ I"m so blue without you♪ 我们就去买♥♥派 we get pie! 不用给我买♥♥ Nothing for me. 不


 我去买♥♥派 No, we don"t get pie. I get pie. 你想买♥♥什么就买♥♥什么 You get whatever you want. 祝我好运 Wish me luck. 祝你好运 Good luck. ♪ 那我唯有对你说♪ ♪ Then I have only this to say♪ ♪ 你永远不知道♪ ♪ You"ll never know just how much♪ ♪ 我多么思念你♪ ♪ I miss you♪ ♪ 你永远不知道♪ ♪ You"ll never know just how much♪ ♪ 我有多在意♪ ♪ I care♪ 绿色

 他们要绿色的果冻 Green. They want the gelatin to be green now. -他们告诉我是红色的

 -新想法 - I was told red. - New concept. 现在那才是未来

 要绿色的 That"s the future now. Green. 他们想要全家人显得更高兴 Oh, and they want them happier, the family. 更高兴


 Happier? Happier? 画上的父亲看上去像刚发现了传教士体♥位♥ The father looks like he just discovered the missionary position. 贾尔斯 Giles. 有什么那么值得他们高兴的 Well, what are they supposed to be happy about? 客户本想拍照

 我说服他们接受画画 The client wanted photographs, I sold them on this. 太不幸了

 这作品不错 It"s too bad. This is nice work. 很不错

 不是吗 It is nice, isn"t it? 我认为这是我最好的作品之一 I think it"s one of my best. 你怎么样了

 还喝酒吗 How are you holding up? You drinking? 没有


 不喝了 No, not a drop. No. 你离开克莱因和桑德斯后接过活儿吗 Are you getting any work since you left Klein and Saunders? 你是说自从你让我离开后吗 You mean since I was asked to leave by you. 现在别提这个话题 We are not getting into this now. 我想回来

 伯尼 I wanna come back, Bernie. 我们再看

 现在把这活干了 We"ll see. Now, do this. 我们有很大进展了 I think we"re making great progress. 干得好 Good work. 鸡蛋 Egg. 伊莱莎 Elisa. 你在里面做什么 What are you doing in there? 打扫吗 Cleaning, huh? 听着

 亲爱的 Listen, honey. "尿尿时手放后屁♥股♥上"先生想见我们俩

 Mr. "I pee with my hands on my hips" wants to see us both. "泽尔达·D·富勒" "Zelda D. Fuller." 你们俩认识多久了

 泽尔达 How long have you two known each other, Zelda? 差不多十年了

 先生 About 10 years, sir. 没有兄弟姐妹吗

 泽尔达 No siblings, Zelda? 没有

 先生 No, sir. 这不太正常


 对你们黑人来说 That"s not common, is it? For your people? 我妈妈生完我就去世了 My mama died after me. 我出生后 After I was born. "D"代表什么 What does that "D" stand for? 黛利拉

 先生 Delilah, sir. 出自《圣经》 On account of the Bible. 黛利拉

 她背叛了参孙 Delilah, she betrayed Samson. 哄骗他入睡

 剪掉他的头发 Lulled him to sleep, cut his hair. 腓力斯人折磨他

 羞辱他 Philistines tortured him, humiliated him... 把他的眼睛烧掉 burned his eyes out. 我妈妈大概没仔细读《圣经》 Guess my mama didn"t read the good book close enough. 而你 And you... "伊莱莎·埃斯波西托" "Elisa Esposito." "埃斯波西托"不是孤儿的意思吗 Doesn"t "Esposito" mean orphan? "来自帕特南索罗斯孤儿院的女士" "Our Lady of Sorrows Orphanage in Putnam." 他们在河里发现了她 They found her by the river in the water. 是你发现了我的手指

 It was you that found my fingers. 谢谢 Thanks. 做了三个小时手术 Three hours in surgery. 他们重塑了第一根指骨 They rebuilt the first phalanx here... 缝合了肌腱 sutured the tendons. 不知道能不能痊愈 Don"t know if it"s gonna take or not. 手指上面有芥末

 竟然用食品袋装 There was mustard on them. A paper bag? 我们当时只有食品袋

 先生 It was all we had, sir. 因为她不能说话

 所以大部分由我来回答 I answer mostly on account that she can"t talk. 她不能说话

 她耳聋吗 She can"t? She deaf? 哑巴

 先生 Mute, sir. 她说他能听到你说话 She said she can hear you. 你脖子上的疤痕 All those scars on your neck. 切掉喉头时留下的

 是吗 That"s what did it. Cut your voice box, right? 她说她还是婴儿时就有了 She said since she was a baby. 谁会对一个婴儿这么做 Who would do that to a baby? 这个世界是罪恶的 The world is sinful. 你不否认吧

 黛利拉 Wouldn"t you say so, Delilah? 我先说明白 Well, let me say this upfront. 你们清理完实验室就出去 You clean that lab, you get out. 我们在里面关的东西是种侮辱 The thing we keep in there is an affront. 你知道什么是侮辱吗

 泽尔达 Do you know what an affront is, Zelda? 有冒犯性的

 Something offensive. 说得对

 我就知道 That"s right, and I should know. 我把那个肮脏的东西 I dragged that filthy thing... 从南美的河泥里一路拖到这来 out of the river muck in South America all the way here. 这一路上

 我们互相看着都不顺眼 And along the way, we didn"t get to like each other much. 现在 Now... 你可能觉得那个东西看着像人类 you may think that thing looks human. 两条腿站立

 是吧 Stands on two legs, right? 可我们人类是按照上帝的形象创造出来的 But we"re created in the Lord"s image. 你们不会认为上帝就长那个样子吧 You don"t think that"s what the Lord looks like, do you? 先生

 我也不知道上帝长什么样子 I wouldn"t know, sir, what the Lord looks like. 人样



 像我 Well, it"s human, Zelda. He looks like a human, like me. 或者像你 Or even you. 我估计

 可能更像我一些 Maybe a little more like me, I guess. 就这样 That"s all. 霍伊特将军


 长官 General Hoyt, thank you for calling me back, sir. -好些了吗



 好多了 - Feeling better? - Oh, yes, sir, much better. 止痛片很有效 Pain pills is all. -关上门


 是吗 - Close the door. - You lost two fingers, was it? 两根手指


 他弄掉了两根 Two fingers, yeah. He got two fingers. 但是我的大拇指

 食指和中指都还健在 But I still got my thumb, my trigger, and my pussy finger. 听上去你没什么大碍 Sounds to me like you"ll do all right then. 是的



 Yes, sir, that"s right. 期待着您的来访

 长官 Looking forward to your visit, sir. 需要决定如何处置那个实验品 Decisions need to be made about the asset. 鸡蛋 Egg. 各种口味的水果派等着你 Flavors of fruity pies await you. 巴尔的摩市中心三家新店开门迎客 Three new locations in downtown Baltimore. 未来已来 The future is here. 休息一下 Get some rest. 南瓜

 香蕉 Pumpkin, banana... 九点半来接我 Pick me up at 9:30. 晚上九点半


 长官 2130 hours. Yes, sir. "这派贼棒" That"s-a-great-a-pie. 我回来了 I"m home. 我给你做了煎蛋饼 I made you an omelet. -爸爸


 -没有煎饼吗 - Hey, Dad. Guess what? - No pancakes? 我把半数的箱子翻遍了也没找到煎锅 I"ve been through half the boxes and I can"t find the griddles. -你猜猜

 -我给你做了芝士西兰花煎蛋饼 - Guess what? - I made you a cheese and broccoli omelet. 你感觉怎么样

 疼吗 How are you feeling? Does it hurt? -有点


 -你猜怎么着 - A little bit. Pills help. - Guess what? 怎么 What? 我们在新学校埋了一个时间胶囊 We"re burying a time capsule at the new school. 我想问问你 I wanted to ask you... 你认为未来我们都会有飞行背包吗

 Do you think we"ll all have jetpacks in the future? 相信吧

 儿子 Believe it, son. 校车到了 Bus is here. 这可是美国 This is America. 爸爸再见 Bye, Dad! 吃完煎蛋饼

 好好洗手 Finish your omelet, then wash your hands real good... 然后上楼来

 亲爱的 and come upstairs, sweetie. 我还挺喜欢这里的

 孩子们喜欢草坪 I kind of like it here. The kids like the lawn. 况且离华盛顿特区只有半小时车程

 对吧 Plus DC is just half an hour away, isn"t it? 终归是巴尔的摩


 没人喜欢这里 It"s still Baltimore, Elaine. No one likes Baltimore. 你知道我在想什么吗 You know what I"m thinking? 我觉得我需要一辆新车 I"m thinking I need a new car. 你需要一辆新车

 是吧 You need a new car, do you? 来辆卡迪拉克怎么样

 先生 How about a Cadillac, mister? 理查德 Richard. 理查德 Oh, Richard! 亲爱的

 亲爱的 Sweetie, Sweetie? 亲爱的


 你的手在流血 Sweetie, your, um, your hand is bleeding. 安静

 别说话 Silence. Don"t talk. 别说话

 我要你别出声 Don"t talk. I want you in silence. 别出声

 别出声 Silent, silent. Yes. 别出声 Silence. 莱文森博士请到航♥空♥部

 Dr. Levensen to Aeronautics. 莱文森博士请到航♥空♥部 Dr. Levensen to Aeronautics. 音乐 Music. 音乐 Music. ♪ 知更鸟为何在十二月歌♥唱♪ ♪ Why do robins sing in December?♪ ♪ 春的脚步应该依然遥远♪ ♪ Long before the springtime is due♪ ♪ 尽管漫天飞雪

 紫罗兰却在绽放♪ ♪ And even though it"s snowing, violets are growing♪ ♪ 我知其中奥妙

 你也知道♪ ♪ I know why, and so do you♪ ♪ 当你对我微笑♪ ♪ When you smile at me♪ ♪ 我听到吉普赛人的小提琴♪ ♪ I hear gypsy violins♪ 格伦·米勒

 班尼·古德曼 音乐 Music. ♪ 当你与我共舞♪ ♪ When you dance with me♪ ♪ 音乐响起时我已身在天堂♪ ♪ I"m in heaven when the music begins♪ ♪ 就算下雨也看得到太阳♪ ♪ I can see the sun when it"s raining♪ ♪ 乌云怎能遮住我的眼♪ ♪ Hiding every cloud from my view♪ ♪ 你在我怀里时我为何看到了彩虹♪ ♪ And why do I see rainbows when you"re in my arms?♪ ♪ 我知其中奥妙

 你也知道♪ ♪ I know why and so do you♪ 你没事吧 Are you okay? ♪ 我知其中奥妙

 你也知道♪ ♪ I know why and so do you♪ -抓到你了


 你才没有 - Gotcha. - No, you didn"t. "麻雀把巢筑在窗..." "The sparrow nests on the window..." 什么 What?

 "麻雀把巢筑在窗台上" "The sparrow nests on the window sill!" "老鹰把猎物抓走了" "And the eagle takes the prey." 什么 What? 我说的是暗号♥ That"s the password... "老鹰把猎物抓走了" "And the Eagle takes the Prey." 走吧 Let"s go. 鲍勃 Bob! 你好吗 How are you? 我像个傻子似的在一个不毛之地 I was sitting like a moron on a concrete block 坐在水泥块上等了一个小时 in the middle of nowhere for an hour. 我们每次都在这个破餐馆碰头 We meet in this shitty restaurant every time! 我本来可以改主意的 I could change my mind. 但是你没改 But you don"t. 说吧 Tell us, -鲍勃

 -迪米特里 - "Bob." - Dimitri. 同志

 不是"鲍勃" Comrade. Not "Bob." 这是什么 What is this? 迪米特里 Dimitri. 解刨笔记 Anatomical notes... 以及... and... 研究那实验品的实验室图纸 layout of the laboratory where the asset is being studied. 撤离所需的所有东西 Everything we need for the extraction.

 我会转告有关部门的 I will pass it on to the directorate. 我们必须尽快行动 We must do it as soon as possible. 米哈尔科维奇 Mihalkov... 这种生物 This creature... 我觉得它也许有交流能力 I think it may be able to communicate. -交流能力


 能与我们人类交流 - Communicate? - Yes, communicate with us. 我有理由相信它具有智力 I have reason to believe it is intelligent. 它能做出反应 It responds, 能对... It responds to... 语言

 音乐做出反应 language, music... 能把这个也上报吗 Will you please pass that up also? 没问题 I will. 开吃吧

 迪米特里 Now... eat, Dimitri. 他们把这道菜叫做 They call this... -海...

 -陆大餐 - Surf... - And turf. 海陆大餐 Surf and turf. 龙虾就是在这里现煮熟的 The lobsters are boiled right here. 虽然煮的时候会吱吱叫一两声 They squeak a little, 但口感却... but they are... 柔嫩鲜甜 so soft and sweet. 伊莱莎


 快过来 Elisa! Hurry, hurry, come on. 你动作真是太慢了 I swear to God, girl.


 泽尔达 You"re doing it again, Zelda. 省省吧

 尤兰达 Oh, give it a rest, Yolanda. 洗衣店 巴尔的摩 泽尔达

 来抽根烟吗 Hey, Zelda, want a smoke? 吸烟有害健康

 杜安 That shit ain"t good for you, Duane. 话是这么说

 但抽着爽啊 Yeah, but it feel good. 确实挺爽 It does, doesn"t it? 一起嘛


 就抽一根 Come on, Elisa. Just one. 来嘛

 来嘛 Come on, come on, come on. 不用担心摄像头的事 Don"t worry about that camera. 禁止吸烟 违反者开除 我们在休息的时候把它会往上抬 We push "em up at break time. 这里是视线盲区 This here is a blind spot. 男人就是学不会做烘肉卷 Man can"t make meatloaf... 第五区

 必须在两小时内做好能源测试准备 Sector Five, must ready energy test starting in two hours. 弗莱明

 我得进去处理件事 Fleming, I have to finish some things in here. 把将军带过来好吗 Fetch the General, will you? 想我了是吗 You missed me, huh? 才吃块糖的工夫而已 I took a candy break. 你怕这个对吧 This is what scares you, huh? 天啊

 都现在了也该习惯了吧 Well, gee, you should be used to it by now. 又来了

 发出这种极其难听的声音 There you go again, making that god-awful sound.


 难道这是你的哭声 Is that you crying, huh? Is that what it is? 很疼是吗 Are you hurting? 还是生气了 Or maybe you"re angry! 还是说你还想再咬我一口 Maybe you"d like to get another bite of me. 来啊 Go ahead. 你到底想干吗 I can"t tell. 你这是在求饶吗 I mean, are you begging? 因为对我来说

 我只听到了最难听的噪音 Because to me, it"s just the worst fucking noise I ever heard. 呼叫沃尔特斯上尉 Paging Captain Walters. 沃尔特斯上尉

 请接一下礼节性征询电♥话♥ Captain Walters, please pick up the courtesy call. 伊莱莎 Elisa. 伊莱莎 Elisa! 霍伊特将军


 长官 General Hoyt! Welcome, sir! 一切都已就绪

 很高兴您能来 Everything"s ready. Glad to have you, sir. -见到你很开心


 -谢谢 - Good to see you, son. - Thank you. 我的老天爷

 就是它吗 Good God Almighty! Is that it? 比我想得要大多了 Hell of a lot bigger than I thought. 丑到令人发指 Ugly as sin. 亚马逊土著可是把它当神供着 You know, the natives in the Amazon worshiped it like a god. 现在可不像个神的样子

 是吧 Doesn"t look like much of a god now, does it? 毕竟他们都是原始人

 长官 Well, they"re primitive, sir. 他们会把贡品扔进水里 You know, they would toss offerings into the water.


 水果之类的 Flowers, fruits, crap like that. 然后还试图用弓箭破坏石油钻机 Then they tried to stop the oil drill with bows and arrows. 结果就不用说了 That didn"t turn out too well. 他在流血 He"s bleeding. 怎么回事 What happened? 它是个动物


 为了让它听话而已 It"s an animal, Hoffstetler. Just keeping it tame. "氧气渗透与二氧化碳交换" "Oxygen osmosis and dioxide exchange." 现在是什么情况

 孩子 What the hell have we got here, son? 这个生物

 长官 This creature, sir... 它能在两种截然不同的 it can alternate between 呼吸系统间切换 two entirely separate breathing mechanisms. -弹涂鱼也能做到

 -不是 - A mudskipper can do that. - No. 听我说 Look. 您想把人送进太空 You want to put a man in space. 那个人就得经受住 He"s gonna have to endure conditions 人体无法适应的各种情况 the human body just wasn"t made for. 这是我们对抗苏联人的利器 This gives us an edge against the Soviets. 它能在水外呼吸多久 How long can it breathe outside the water? 长官

 我们目前其实对它一无所知 The reality is, sir, we don"t know jack shit about this thing. 我们倒是知道

 苏联人也想研究它 Well, the Soviets want it. We know that much. 那些愚蠢可笑的混♥蛋♥ Those cockeyed bastards. 我们看着他们把送一条狗上太空 You know, we let "em send a dog up into space,

 还嘲笑了他们一番 and we get a good laugh. 但还没反应过来

 他们就把人送进太空了 Then the next thing you know, they send a human up, 一个苏联佬绕着地球转

 鬼知道在做什么 a Russki, orbiting the planet, doing God knows what. 这下轮到谁笑谁了

 是赫鲁晓夫笑我们 Who"s laughing then? Khrushchev, that"s who. 送条狗上太空

 他很得意 Let him send a dog up into space, and he laughs. 然后送个赤色分子上太空

 他更得意 Then he puts a commie up in space, and he laughs. 接下来他又在古巴部署导弹 And then he puts missiles into Cuba. 我们就没点长进 Have we learned nothing? 长官

 我们得把他放回水里 Sir, we need to get him back in the water. 这些科学家个个都像艺术家

 长官 See, these scientists, they"re like artists, sir. 他们会爱上自己的玩具 They fall in love with their plaything. 您看这里 Now, right here, see? 中间这部分 Along the middle. 这生物有个厚实的关节软骨组织 This creature has a thick-jointed cartilage 能把主肺和次肺分隔开来 that separates the primary and secondary lungs. 我这么说对吗

 鲍勃 Am I explaining this correctly, Bob? 对

 但我们... Yes, but we have... 它能让 X 射线失效 It makes the X-rays inconclusive. 原则上是这么说


 但... In principle, sir, yes. But... 我认为如果我们想对抗苏联人占上风 Now, I believe if we want to get an edge on the Soviets 我们就得活体解剖这东西 we need to vivisect this thing. -不


 -把它肢解 - No, no. - Take it apart,


 -不 - learn how it works. - No. 不行

 那样会违背我们的初衷 No! That would defeat the purpose. 长官


 求您了 Sir, he"s passed out. Please. 快放进水箱 Put him in the tank. 给他加压 Let him pressurize. 霍伊特将军

 长官 General Hoyt, sir? 您无论如何都不能杀害它 You cannot, under any circumstance, kill this creature. 你数数我制♥服♥上有几颗星星 Count these stars with me, son. 有五颗 There are five of them. 说明我能为所欲为 Means I can do whatever the hell I want. 我可以听听你的理由 Now, you want to plead your case, I"ll listen to it. 但最后做决定的那个人是老子我 But at the end of the day, it is my damn decision. 把那玩意儿开膛破肚

 你们尽力研究 So crack the damn thing open, learn what you can, 然后把这里给关了 and close up shop here. 好好表扬下自己吧

 斯特里克兰 Give yourself a good pat on the back, Strickland. 你完成了任务 You"ve done it. 谢谢长官 Thank you, sir. 赶快把工作做完吧

 小子 Now, hurry up and finish the job, son. 遵命

 先生 Absolutely, sir. 把他救出来 Get him out? 你说什么呢 What are you talking about? 不行

 绝对不行 No. Absolutely not.

 为什么不行 Why not? 那样是犯法的

 就这样 Because it"s breaking the law, that"s why. 可能光是讨论这个话题就已经犯法了 We"re probably breaking the law just talking about it. 他一个人

 非常孤单 He"s alone. All alone. 他很孤单吗 Oh, he"s alone? 这是说我们去中餐馆的时候 Does this mean that whenever we go to a Chinese restaurant 你想要拯救鱼缸里的每一条鱼吗 you wanna save every fish in the tank? 他孤单又怎样

 我们都是孤单的 So what if he"s alone? We"re all alone. 你见过最孤单的东西 The loneliest thing you"ve ever seen? 你刚说的

 你刚自己说的 Well, you just said it right there. You just said it! 你管它叫"东西"


 是个怪物 You called it a thing. It"s a thing. It"s a freak. 说出我比划的内容 Say what I sign. 我能理解你 I can understand you. 你没听我说 You"re not hearing me. 重复


 重复 Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. 冷静


 冷静 Calm down. God, calm down. 说出我比划的内容 Say what I sign. 好吧

 我跟你重复 All right, I will repeat it to you. 我是谁 What am I? 我动我的嘴

 像他一样 I move my mouth, like him. 我发不出声音

 像他一样 I make no sound, like him. 所以我是什么 What does that make me?

 我所... All that I am... 我所经历的一切 All that I"ve ever been... 将我带到了这里

 他的身边 Brought me here, to him. 看


 现在变成"他"了 See, you"re saying "Him." It"s a "Him" now. 你竟然打我 You just hit me! 伊莱莎

 放开我 Elisa, let go of me. 我看着呢

 我看着呢 I"m looking. I"m looking! 你从来没打过我 You"ve never hit me. 他看我的眼神... When he looks at me, the way he looks at me... 他不知道我缺少什么... he does not know what I lack... 或者

 我是... Or how... 怎样地不完整 I am incomplete. 他视我为... He sees me... 我自己... for what I am...