
 龙虾 我真的很抱歉 I"m really sorry 他是戴着框架眼镜还是隐形眼镜 Does he wear glasses or contact lens? 框架眼镜 Glasses 你要抓紧时间了 You would have to hurry up 他觉得穿这双棕色皮鞋最合适 He decided his brown leather shoes were the best pair to wear 他背部有些疼痛

 但不同于以往 His back hurt a little, but not like some other time in the past... 不再是那种难以忍♥受的疼痛 when the pain was intolerable 他心想

 妻子早已不再爱他 He was thinking his wife doesn"t love him at all anymore 他没有因此痛哭流涕

 也没有想到 He didn"t burst into tear and he didn"t think... 当被爱人抛弃时 things most people do... 大部分人的第一反应

 是哭泣 when they realise someone doesn"t love them anymore is cry 先生

 您能看向这边的镜头吗 Sir, would you mind take a look into the camera here for me? 好了

 谢谢 That"s ok, thank you 您之前单身过吗


 从来没有 Have you ever been on your own before?

 No, never 对什么食物过敏吗

 不 Are you allergic to any food?

 No 上一段感情持续了多少年 Your last relationship last how many years? 大概十二年 Around 12 您记得具体是多久吗

 十一年七个月 Do you remember how long exactly sir?

 Eleven years and seven months 您的性取向是

 异性恋 Sexual preference?Women 不过之前在大学的时候 However I had one homosexual experience...

 有过一段同性恋的经历 in the past, in college 可以写成双性恋吗 Is there bisexual option available? 不能


 出于具体操作原因 No sir, this option is no longer available 从去年夏天开始 since about last summer... 就不能这么写了 due to several operational problems 恐怕您现在就要决定 I"m afraid you have yo decide right now if you want to be registered as... 以何种取向登记 homosexual or heterosexual 那就以异性恋登记吧 I think I should be registered as heterosexual 有小孩吗


 没有 Any children sir?No 那这只狗是 And dog? 那是我哥哥


 但他没能成功 My brother, he was here couple of years ago, but he didn"t make it 你也许记得他 You might remember him 中等身材



 金发 Medium built, 48 years old, bald patch, blond hair 恐怕我不太记得了

 先生 I"m afraid no sir 好了

 请在这张表上清楚得写下您的姓名 Ok, I like you to write your name clearly on this form 全部大写

 并签上名字 In capital letter and sign please 很好

 谢谢 Very good, thank you very much 您不能使用排球场地和网球场 So, you"re not allow to use volley-ball or tennis court 这些仅供情侣使用 These are only for the couples 您可以使用单人的运动设施 You can use facility for individual sports 例如壁球和高尔夫

 such as squash and golf 您最多可以在酒店住四十五天 You can stay at hotel for up to 45 days 您的房♥间是单人间 You would be staying at the single room 如果一切顺利并且成功找到伴侣 If everything goes well and you make it, 您可以搬去双人间 you would be moved to a double room 非常抱歉

 您不能保留任何个人物品 I"m afraid you can"t keep any of your personal belongings 我们会提供所有您需要的物品 We will provide everything you need as far as... 例如



 鞋子等等 garments, accessories, and shoes are concerned 这个您可以留着

 谢谢 You can keep this

 Thank you 请问您穿多大的鞋

 四十四码半 Shoe size please

 44 and a half 四十四还是四十五

 这里没有半码的鞋子 44 or 45? there"s no half sizes 四十五 如果您需要理发

 请提前一天告知前台 If you need a hair cut, call reception one day ahead, 酒店内禁止吸烟 smoking is not allowed 这样能保证在狩猎时有充足的体能 That you would be able to run for longer during the hunt without getting tired... 以及亲吻时不会有口气 and you breath won"t smell when you kiss 入住愉快 Enjoy your stay 不好意思 Excuse me 如果要理发


 是吗 If we need to get hair cut, we must call reception a day before, is that right? 是的

 好的 That"s right

 Great 他的房♥间号♥是一〇一 His room number was 101 他床头的墙上

 A tranqulizer gun... 挂着一把麻♥醉♥枪♥ was hanging on the wall above his bed 在桌上放着二十支麻醉镖 On the table were 20 tranquilzer darts... 一块黑色的塑料手表

 一副太阳镜 a black plastic watch, a pair of sunglasses... 以及男士古龙香水 and a cologne for man 衣柜里是四条款式一样的灰色裤子 Inside the wardrobe were four identical grey trousers... 四件扣紧的男士衬衫

 蓝白两色 four identical button down shirts in white and blue... 一条皮带



 一件夹克衫 a belt, socks, underwear, a blazer... 一根条纹领带和一件白色浴袍 a striped tie and a white bathrobe 他看向窗外 He looked out of window 被捕的独身者们 The unconscious bodies of captured loners... 毫无知觉地躺在湿漉漉的地上 were lying on the wet ground “幸好他们穿着防水的斗篷”

 他心想 "Thank God they wear those water proof ponchos", he thought 一九五房♥ Room 195 捕到两个独身者

 赢得额外的两天时间 Two loners, two extra days 二七二房♥ Room 272 捕到一个独身者

 赢得额外的一天 One loner, one extra day 你好


 这位先生是我的伴侣 Hello, I"m the hotel manager, and this gentleman is my partner 我们在此欢迎您入住 We like to welcome you 您是住客中的幸运儿 You"re one of the lucky one 您的房♥间有我们这最好的景致 You have one of our supreme room which means you have a view


 是的 Did you read the lease list

 Yes it is 很好 Very good 在您入住的这段期间

 如果没有找到伴侣 Now the fact you turning into a animal... 你将变成一种动物 if you fail to fall in love with someone during your stay here... 但你不必因此感到焦虑和沮丧 is not something should upset you or get you down 既是变成了动物 Just think as a animal... 您也有第二次的机会找到伴侣 you have a second chance to find a companion 当然

 您要仔细考虑 But even then you must be careful 您得找到一个相近的物种 You need to choose a companion that is similar type animal... 作为伴侣 to you 毕竟

 狼和企鹅可是永远无法共处的 A wolf and a penguin can never live together 骆驼和河马也一样 Nor a camel and a hippopotamus 否则就会太荒谬了

 您觉得呢 That would be absurd, think about it 我理解

 这种谈话可能让您不太舒服 I understand this discussion is a little unpleasant for you 但我的职责就是 But it is my duty to prepare you... 让你做好心理准备

 去迎接所有可能的结果 psychologically for all possible outcomes 那么如果您在结束前没能找到伴侣 Now have you thought of what animal you like to be 您想变成什么动物呢 if end up alone? 我想变成一只龙虾 Yes, a lobster 为什么是龙虾呢 Why a lobster? 因为龙虾可以活一百多年

 Because lobster live for over one hundred years 其蓝色血液有着贵族的气息 Are blue blood like aristocrat... 而且终生保持生育能力 and stay fertile all their life 我也很喜欢大海 I also like the sea very much 我年轻时就很擅长滑水和游泳 I water ski, swim quite well since I was a teenager 我必须恭喜您

 大多数人第一个想到的是狗 I must congratulate you, the first thing most people think of is a dog... 这就是为什么满世界都是狗 which is why the world is full of dogs 很少有人选择不同寻常的动物 Very few people choose unusual animal... 这也是为什么他们正在濒临灭绝 which is why they are in danger 龙虾是极好的选择 A lobster is a excellent choice 您能站起来一下吗 Could you stand for us please? 这是为了让您明白 This is to show you how easy life is... 相比形单影只

 成双成对会过得更舒适 when there are two of something rather than just one 我们总是时常忘记 We tend to forget that from time to time 明天这个时候您就能把手铐取下来了 The handcuff will be removed the same time tomorrow 抱歉

 鲍勃 I"m sorry bob 希望我们能相处愉快 Hope you enjoy staying with us 再见 Goodbye 祝您一天愉快 Have a good day 早上好 Good morning 一〇一房♥间

 剩余四十四天 Room 101, 44 days left

 早餐已开始供应 Breakfast is served 他永远不会忘记在酒店的第一天 His first day was one he never forget 他旁边的桌子坐着一个年轻的女人 Near his table of breakfast sat a young women... 她的头向后仰着 with her head tilted back 后来他会知道 Later he would learn... 原来她经常流鼻血 she often got nose bleed 她边上坐着她最好的朋友 Next to her sat her best friend 他对倒咖啡的侍者表示感谢 He thanked the waiter who served his coffee... 并想起了他的妻子 and thought about his wife for a moment 有个女人似乎很喜欢黄油饼干 A woman who seems to like butter biscuit... 她把饼干给了一个喝着 offered one to a man drinking... 金巴利苏打的男人当做早餐 a Compari soda for breakfast 之后他回头看到了一个女人 He then looked behind him saw a woman... 之后他会知道

 这女人是多么铁石心肠 who would later find out was absolutely heartless 还看到了一些情侣区的人 And some others in the couple"s area... 在他入住期间

 或许永远不会遇到这些人 whom he may never meet druing his stay at the hotel 那个早上他真的很饿 That morning he was really hungry 饿到能够吃下一整只鸡 He could eat a whole chicken... 但他几乎没吃什么东西 but ate almost nothing 你好

 你好 Hello

 Hello 我要和我的新朋友去外面散个步

 I decided to go for a walk ouside with my new friend 我来为你介绍一下 Let me introduce you 这是罗伯特


 说话有点口齿不清 This is Robert, he stay in the room next to mine had a lisp 很高兴认识你

 我住在一〇一房♥ Please to meet you, I stay in the room 101 我住同一层楼

 一八六房♥ I"m on the same floor, 186 想和我们一起去走走吗

 可以啊 Would you like to join us?Why not 总有一天我会坐上那游艇 One of these days gonna be me on one of those yachts 为什么 Why those yachts? 在你走之前会有个最后的考验 The final ordeal before letting you go 最难的一关 The hardest one 十五天的假期

 情侣单独共处 15 days of vacation just a couple alone, 你没有看过宣传手册吗 Ddn"t you read the leaflet? 我看了 I did 你看过约翰的腿了吗 Did you see John"s leg? 没有 No 约翰

 让我们看看你的腿 John, could you show your leg? 好吧 Oh yeah 有请一八七房♥

 今天是他入住的第二天 Room 187, day 2 大家好 Hello everyone 当我父亲爱上了另一个女人的时候 My mother was left on her own 他抛弃了我的母亲 when my father fell in love with a woman...

 只是因为她数学比我母亲好 who was better at math than she was 我想

 她有研究生的学历 She has postgraduate degree, I think 然而我母亲只是个本科生 While my mother only a graduate 当时我十九岁 I was 19 at the time 我母亲来过这家酒店

 但没能成功找到伴侣 My mother entered the hotel but didn"t make it 最后变成了一只狼 and was turning into a wolf 我很想念她 I really miss her 后来我得知她被送到了一家动物园 I found out she"s been moved to a zoo 我经常跑去看她 I often went there to see her 我给她喂生肉吃 I give her raw meat 我知道狼喜欢生肉 I knew the wolf like raw meat 但我不知道到底哪只狼是我的母亲 But I couldn"t figure out which of the wolves was my mother 所以我会给每只狼都喂一点 So I used to give a little bit to each of them 有天

 我决定闯入围栏 One day I decided to enter the enclosure 因为我真的很想念她

 想拥抱她 I really missed her and I wanted a hug 我翻过并跳进了围栏 I climbed the fence and jumped in 群狼立即朝我冲来

 围攻我 All the wolves charged at once and attacked me 只有两只狼纹丝不动 All but two stood motionless 于是我推断

 其中一头必是我母亲 I guess one of those two must be my mother 动物园的警卫迅速地救了我

 把我送去了医院 The zoo guard got to me quite quickly and took me to the hospital 谢天谢地


 Thankfully I didn"t lose my leg 只是有些瘸而已 I just had this limp 这也随之成为了我的标志性特征 Which also is my defining characteristic 我的妻子在六天前去世了 My wife died six days ago 她很漂亮

 我也很爱她 She was very beautiful and I love her very much 她也有些瘸 She had limp too 谢谢


 回到自己的座位上吧 Thank you John, you can return to you seat 下一位客人


 第二天 Let"s move on to our next guest, room 104, day 2 大家好 Hello everyone 这只是我入住的第二天 This is only my second day here 但我感到自己成功的融入了这个大家庭 But already I feel like a member of wonderful group 我的标志性特征是

 我有着美丽的笑容 My defining characteristic is that I have very beautiful smile 有东西抓住了我的心 Something"s gotten hold of my heart 让我疯狂

 让我神志不清 Keeping my soul and my senses apart 有东西闯入了我的生活 Something"s gotten into my life 你有和别人跳过舞吗 Have you ever dance with anybody? 什么 Sorry? 你和别人一起跳过舞吗 Have you ever dance with anybody? 跳过 Yes 跳的是什么类型舞呢 What sort of dancing you should do? 这根据音乐而定 Just depends on the music

 你要坐下来吗 Do you need to sit down? 不


 我打算去跳舞 No, no, I"m getting ready to dance 我能坐这吗 Can I sit here? 抱歉 I"m sorry 我能坐这吗

 当然 Can I sit here? Of course 我来给你介绍下我的好朋友 Let me introduce you to my best friend 刚才和你聊天那个女人是个很冷漠的人 That woman you were talking to have no feeling whatsoever 她对什么都不感兴趣 She feels nothing at all 她是酒店里最好的猎手 She"s the best hunter in hotel 悄无声息

 却身手敏捷 Silent and very fast 她是女子记录保持者 She"s the women record holder 总共捕获了一百九十二个孤独者 192 captors 抹去了灰色

 抹去了蓝色 Changing the grey, changing the blue 为我涂上鲜红 Scarlet for me... 为你而靓丽 it"s scarlet for you 我想知道这是否真实 if this is the real thing 能赏脸跳一支舞吗 Would you like to dance? 每一天

 耶 Every day yeah 当你触碰我时

 我已迷失了自我 You touch me and my mind goes astray yeah 宝贝

 宝贝 And baby, and Baby 宝贝


 And baby, and Baby 有东西抓住了我的心 Something"s gotten hold of my heart 指引我的灵魂到了仙境 Dragging my soul to a beautiful land 有东西闯入我的生活 Something"s gotten into my life 很抱歉

 我把血滴到了你的衬衫上 I"m sorry, I got the blood on your shirt 但别担心

 去掉血渍的方法有很多 But don"t worry, there are many ways to remove blood stain from clothing 一种方法是把衣服用冷水拧干 One way is to wring the clothes to cold water, 然后用海盐搓洗 then rub in sea salt 另一种方法是用沾有氨水的棉棒擦掉血渍 Another way is to srape the stain with cotton ball dip in ammonia 第三种方法是将面粉团做成牙膏状 The third way is to make flour mold into a paste like toothpaste 尤其适用于贵重衣物以及亮色衣服 Especially it the clothes are delicate or bright color 但千万别用温水去洗血渍 But juse never use warm water on blood, ever 好的 Ok 但是



 你 But then you, you, you 你向我走来 You came my way 但你朝我走来 But then you came my way 一种莫名的感觉涌上心头 And a feeling unknown shook my heart... 让我想与你 make me want you to stay 日日夜夜不分离 all of my nights and all of my days 我想去休息下 I think I have to rest for a little bit 我腿有点痛


 去吧 My leg hurts

 That"s ok


 我们能继续跳 But let me know when you feel better, and we can dance again 让我疯狂

 让我失去了理智 Keeping my soul and my senses apart 有东西侵入了我的夜晚 Something has invaded my light 用亮色涂满了我的梦境 Painting my sleep with the colours so bright 改变了灰暗

 改变了蓝色 Changing the gray changing the blue 为我涂上了鲜红 Scarlet for me 为你而靓丽 it"s scarlet for you 请大家有序退场 Leave the building in orderly fashion 动作迅速

 但请小心脚下 Do hurry up, and please be carefully 注意不要受伤 no one should get hurt or injured... 祝大家捕猎好运 and good luck with the hunt 我真希望我的腿没有瘸 I wish I didn"t have this limp 我曾今很擅长跑步

 但现在不太可能了 I used to good at running, but not anymore 我很确信我会比其他人慢 I"m sure would be slower than them 如果我是你

 我会想些别的致胜技巧 If I were you, I think of some trick that choose element of surprise... 而不是靠速度取胜 instead of speed 你说得对 You"re right 我应该如此 That"s what I would do 在你还爱我的时候回头 Back when you loved me 有天早上你问过我 You asked me one morning while we were talking 生活是什么

 "what was life about?" 我对你说

 对有些人来说生活是酒 I turned and told you for some it"s the wine 对有些人来说

 生活是荣耀 for some it"s the glory 对有些人来说

 生活是为了致富 for some it"s being rich 但对我来说

 你才是我生活的意义 but for me it is only you 对有些人来说

 生活是荣耀 for some it"s the glory 对有些人来说

 生活是为了致富 for some it"s being rich 但对我来说

 你才是我生活的意义 but for me it is only you 但你的心已然改变 Now that your heart has changed 你爱上了别人 And you love someone else 你还是想知道生活的意义 You still wonder what they"re saying 我的心很痛 How my own heart beats 是否还有像我这样的人存在 Are there perhaps more people like me exist 心早已心如死灰 Dead on the inside 人却随波逐流 Alive on the outside 心早已心如死灰 Dead on the inside 人却随波逐流 Alive on the outside 一八六房♥ Room 186 捕到一个孤独者

 赢得额外的一天 One loner, one extra day 剩余三十八天


 一共三十九天 38 days left, plus one, 39 一八〇房♥ Room 180

 剩余天数不变 The day of your stay remain unchanged 二九〇房♥ Room 290 捕到四个孤独者

 赢得额外的四天 Four loners, four extra days 剩一百五十四天


 共一百五十八天 154 days left, plus four, 158 一〇一房♥ Room 101 剩余天数不变 The day of your stay remain unchanged 剩余三十二天 32 days left 早餐已开始供应 Breakfast is served 男人独自吃饭 Man eats alone 你昨天用了多少枚镖

 十二枚 How many darts did you use yesterday?

 12 请脱掉你的裤子

 坐在床上 Please take off your trousers and sit on the bed 我们今天能不做这个吗 Can we not do this today? 感觉很难受 It"s awful 我知道

 但恐怕我们必须做 I know, but I"m afraid we have to do it 您要知道

 这能够在心理层面帮助到您 And you have no idea how much it help you psychologically... 寻找伴侣 in your search for partner 男女共餐 Man eats with woman 躺下 Lie down. 把腿张开一点 Spread your legs. More. 你是住在一八六房♥吗

 正是 ls your room number 186?Yes it is 我想您应该知道


 I imagine you know masturbation is not permitted 自♥慰♥都是被严令禁止的吧 in the room or any other area of the hotel 是的 Yes 但是

 我发现您还是有自♥慰♥的行为 And yet, it is been brought to my attention you continue to do it 今天你比以往勃起得都要快

 这很好 Today, you became erect quicker than other days, that"s good 求求你

 再久一点 Please, just a little longer 祝您有愉快的一天 Have a good day 这感觉很难受

 真的很难受 That"s awful, just awful 您自♥慰♥的时候有看图片吗 Are you looking at the photograph while you masturbating? 有看 Yes 图片上面是什么 What does the photograph show? 一个在乡间骑马的裸女 A naked woman on a horse in the country 如果我是你 If I were in your shoes 我不会注意看那个裸女

 而是会注意那匹马 I would not be ogling the naked woman but the horse. 我敢说

 那匹马也曾经和你一样 I"m sure that horse"s once a weak and cowardly man... 是个懦夫 just like you. 女人独自走路时 Woman walks alone. 救命 Help! 没有这个必要

 求你了 This is not necessary, please... 那只是个意外

 我只是有点昏头了 It was a accident, I just got carried away. 没有这个必要 This is not necessary.

 请把手放在面包机上 Please place your hand on the toaster. 只用警告我就好 This could be a warning. 我一直表现良好

 我 I"ve been good otherwise, I... 我错了 I"m sorry. 我错了

 求你了 I"m sorry, please. 求你了

 我认错了 Please, please, I"m sorry. 女人和男人一起走路 Woman walks with man. 一旦你进入那个房♥间 What they do as soon as you enter the room... 会先把你的全身彻底清洗一遍 is to wash you body and your head really well. 你怎么知道 How did you know? 我叔叔曾经认识这里的一名服务生 My uncle used to know a waiter who worked here. 服务生怎么会知道流程 The waiter know the procedure? 他们是不被允许进入那个房♥间的 They are not allow to inside that room. 不管怎样

 接下来他们会剥去你的皮 Nevertheless, they peel off the skin... 经过水洗和肥皂之后

 皮肤已经变软了 which has become soft due to the watering and soap. 之后


 眼球 Afterward they remove the heart, the eyes and other vital organs of the body... 以及其它重要器官 with laser or scalpels. 根据所选的动物不同

 之后的流程也不尽相同 Then the procedure changes according to the animal one has choosen. 你说的很有道理 That makes total sense. 我猜测

 比如哺乳动物和飞禽的步骤 I mean I suppose mammals demand different kind of work than... 就会大不相同


 fowl, for example.

 Exactly. 之后他们会把尸体残骸 Afterward they throw remaining body parts of 扔在酒店餐厅外面 the carcass outside the hotel restaurant... 血液则供给市里的医院 and distribute the blood to the hospital in the city. 为什么 Why is that? 这些血液可以供给献血不足的地区做手术 The blood is used for surgery where there aren"t blood donor available. 昨天有新人入住

 我看到了 New guests arrived yesterday.

 Yes I saw them. 我好像看到了一个瘸腿的女人 I think I saw a woman with limp. 她只是扭伤了脚踝 It is just sprained ankle. 几天之后

 她就会恢复正常了 She would be walking normally again after a few days. 真可惜 That"s a shame. 的确很可惜 It"s a shame indeed. 有一晚在大巴上 One night on the coach, 他坐在那个喜欢奶油饼干的女人身边 he sat next to woman who like butter biscuit. 他盯着窗外

 不是为了看什么 He gazed out of the window, not looking at anything in particular. 只是为了避免跟她交谈 Just trying avoid talking to her. 鲍勃怎么样

 它没事 How is Bob?

 He is fine. 我真想和你与鲍勃一起在午后散步 Give anything to go for a walk with you and Bob one afternoon. 恐怕狗不能外出

 这是规定 The dogs are not allow. There"s a rule, I"m afraid. 他想“总有些让人无法反驳的借口” "There are some excuses no one can"t argue with", he thought. 毋庸置疑

 借口有好坏之分 Some excuses without a doubt better than others.

 而刚才那个借口就很好 That was really good one. 这些饼干是给鲍勃的 These biscuits are for Bob. 如果你想奖励它

 可以把这个给它 I want you to give them to him whenever you want to reward him for something. 告诉它这是我送的

 谢谢 Tell him it is from me

 Thank you. 什么时候我能去你房♥间聊天吗 Can I come to your room sometime for a chat. 我可以给你吹♥箫♥ I could give you a blow job. 或者你也可以直接上我 Or you could just fuck me. 吹♥箫♥时我总会吞下去的 I always swallow after fellatio and absolutely 如果你喜欢肛♥交♥也绝对没问题 have no problem with anal sex if that"s you thing. 我的前夫总是说 My ex-husband always used to said that 我的身材是他见过最好的

 但还是不说他了 I have the most beautiful size he"s ever see, but let"s not talk about him. 我的房♥间号♥是一八〇

 所以分机号♥也是一八〇 My room number is 180, so my telephone extension is 180. 希望今晚能抓到些独身者吧 Hope catch some loners tonight. 前几个晚上一个都没有抓到 Haven"t caught any the last few nights. 也希望你能抓到很多 Hope you catch lots too. 非常感谢 Thank you very much. 如果我不能很快找到合适的伴侣 If I don"t find a suitable partner soon, 我就打算跳楼自杀 I"m gonna kill myself by throwing myself out of one of room. 从窗户上跳下去 Out the window. 我希望你能记住 I want you to know that 我的房♥间在一楼

 my room is on the first floor. “我希望今晚能抓到独身者” "I hope catch some loners today"... 她说道 she said. “也希望你能找到很多” "And I hope you catch lots too". 她接着告诉他

 如果她不能 She then told him that if she didn"t... 很快找到合适的伴侣 find suitable partner soon, 就会从某个房♥间的窗户上跳下去自杀 She was going to kill herself by jumping from one of room windows. 也许是三二〇房♥间 320, maybe. 或者更高点


 这样更合适 Or one higher up, 480, that would be even better. 她说完后 When she stop talking, 他茫然地盯着她

 无言以对 He stare at her blankly, not knowing what to say. 接着他看向森林

 再一次想到 He then look out of the woods, thought once more... 他的借口有多棒 how good his excuse"s been. 不错

 再高一点 Not bad, a bit higher. 如果失败了

 你有想过变成什么动物吗 You thought about what animal you wanna be if you don"t make it? 一只龙虾 A lobster. 如果失败了

 我想变成一只鹦鹉 I"m gonna be a parrot if I don"t make it. 不如你也变成鹦鹉吧

 我们就有伴了 Why don"t you become parrot too, then we all be together? 你真是个白♥痴♥ You"re complete idiot. 自己有语言障碍 Picking one of few animals that can talk... 还要选会说话的动物 when you have a speech impediment.


 你也还是口齿不清 You"re lisp even as a animal. 至于你

 他们会抓住你 As for you, they will catch you 把你扔进沸水里活活烫死 and put you in a pot of boiling water until you die. 接着会用工具撬开你的壳 And then crack open you claws with a tool by prying it, 用嘴吮吸那一丁点鲜肉 then suck up what little flesh you have with their mouth. 你们俩真是太可悲了 You"re pathetic, both of you! 我才不会变成动物

 但到时候会带着我的伴侣 I"m not gonna be turning into some animal, I"ll come visit you though... 去看望你们的

 之后我们会去公园 with my patner, then we walking together in some park of... 会去旅行

 会去海里游泳 where we swimming in the sea when we"re on one of our trip. 朋友 Friends! 一八七号♥房♥间

 请过来 Room 187, please. 靶纸的形状是单身而非情侣

 这不是巧合 It"s not coincidence that targets are shape like single people and not couples. 你好 Hello. 你好

 你的泳衣真漂亮 Hello.

 You swimsuit is very nice. 谢谢

 不客气 Thank you very much.

 You"re welcome. 你喜欢蛙泳


 蝶泳还是仰泳 Do you like to swim breaststroke, front crawl, batterfly or backstroke? 我都喜欢 I like all sorts equally. 我喜欢蛙泳 You know I love breaststroke. 真的


 他们说 Oh really, my friends often teased me, said... “别总是蛙泳了” "stop swimming breaststroke all the time"... 之后他们就会笑

 and they laughed. 蛙泳很好啊 Breaststroke is great. 可以很好地锻炼背部肌肉 It"s excellent exercise for the back. 男人蛙泳时不应该穿泳裤 When swimming breaststroke, men shouldn"t wear swimming shorts... 那会限制臀部的运动 has really limit movement in the buttocks. 不过你知道这个的

 对吗 But you know that, didn"t you? 你流鼻血了 I think your nose is bleeding. 真的吗 Really? 该死 Oh, no. 我总是这样 This happen to me all the time. 真的很烦人 It"s really, really annoying. 我理解

 我也有流鼻血的毛病 I know, I have nose bleeding problem too. 我看到你做了什么

 一定很疼 I saw what you did, must have hurt. 鼻血出来了吗 Is it coming out? 没有 No. 现在流出来了 Yes. 给我点纸巾好吗

 好的 Can I use the tissue?

 Yes. 我想问你一个问题

 希望你能诚恳地回答 Can I ask you a question, I want you to answer me honestly. 哪一种情况更糟

 是在森林里饥寒交迫而死 What"s worse? to die of cold and hunger in the woods? 还是变成动物之后被天敌吃掉或者杀掉 To become a animal would be killed or eaten by some big animal? 或者还是时不时的流鼻血 Or have nose bleed from time to time?


 这更糟糕 To become a animal would be killed or eaten by some big animal. 没错 Exactly. 她没有怀疑你在作假吗

 没有 She isn"t suspect you"re lying?

 No. 我很高兴

 因为一对新情侣产生了 I"m very happy because we have a new couple. 他们于两天前相识 They met just two days ago. 但现在已经深爱彼此

 琴瑟相谐 But they very much in love and perfect suited. 他们的鼻子都有同样的问题 They both have same problem with their noses. 会突然流鼻血 They bleed quite suddenly. 明天他们会换到双人间 Tomorrow they will be transfer to a double room... 那里有更大的衣柜和卫生间 with larger wardrobe and larger bathroom. 他们会在双人间里住两周 They will remain in the double room for two weeks... 之后会换到游艇上

 再住两周 and then been transferred to the yacht for the further two weeks. 我们衷心祝福你们能成功 We wish you every success 最终以情侣的身份返回城市 and hope you return to the city as a couple. 我觉得非常幸福

 我也是 I"m very happy.

 Me too. 恭喜 Congratulation. 我们的员工以及我本人将会密切监视 The course of your relationship will be monitored closely... 你们交往期间的感情状况 by our stuffs and by me personally. 如果你们遇到了任何不能自行解决 If you encounter any problems, any tensions, any arguing... 问题


 或是争吵 that you can"t resolve yourselves, 我们会分配给你们孩子

 You would be asign children. 通常那样就会解决很多问题 That usually helps a lot. 早上好 Good morning. 一〇一房♥间

 剩余七天 Room 101, 7 days left. 早餐已开始供应 Breakfast is served. 你的头发真好看 You have really nice hair. 我知道 I know. 你看 Look. 那你喜欢我的头发吗 How do you like mine? 我感觉你的发质有点干燥 I think yours quite dry hair. 颜色倒是不错 Color is ok though. 最重要的是你没有谢顶 The most important thing is that you"re not bald. 可惜对于男人

 谢顶总是不可避免 However when comes to men, bald is always the possibility you can"t avoid. 你父亲谢顶了吗

 他没有 ls your father bald?

 No he isn"t. 即便哪天我秃顶了 And even if somedays I lose my hair, 也有办法让头发再生的 there are things I can do to get my hair back. 我可以去植发 I can have a hair transplant. 植发的人一眼就能被看穿 You always can tell someone had a hair transplant. 我知道

 好头发并非人人都能拥有 I know.

 Nice hair is not something you can get 这是与生俱来的 It"s something you born with. 你父亲没有谢顶

 并不代表你就能松口气了 The fact your father isn"t bald shouldn"t put you at ease.

 你想好最后一天会做什么了吗 Have you decided what you"re going to do in your last day? 我还在考虑 I"m still thinking about it. 早上好

 女士们 Morning ladies. 今天是你的最后一天 So, today is your last day. 按照惯例

 你可以选择 And as the customary, you can choose... 如何度过最后一晚 how you like to spend your last night. 在这种情况下我都会建议你选择 What I always said in this situation is it would 变成动物后不能做到的事情 be wise to do something you can"t do as animal. 例如读一部经典文学 For example read a work of classic literature... 或者唱一曲喜欢的歌♥ or sing a song you really like. 选择下面的这些事情就太傻了 It would be silly to choose... 比如

 去野外散步 for example, a walking the ground... 或者和别人做♥爱♥ or have sex intercourse with another person, 这些变成动物后也能做的 those are things you can do as animal. 但首先

 你最好的朋友有点东西 But first, your best friend is reading something... 她想和你分享

 这真是太感人 she like to read you, it"s really very touching. 在学校时我们总是坐在一起 We always sat together at school... 每当我有了麻烦 and whenever I had a problem... 我都向你倾诉

 因为你总能给出最好的建议 I told you about it because you always give the best advice. 当我们在学校舞会上 When we didn"t manage to find... 没能找到舞伴的时候

 dance partner at the school prom, 我们患难与共

 这给予我力量 The fact we were together at that difficult moment give me strength. 我很抱歉事情到了现在的局面 I"m sorry things come to this. 我确信如果能再多给你几天 I"m sure if you have a few more days 你一定能像我样找到伴侣 you would find someone just like I did, 因为你是如此可爱 because you"re a adorable person... 拥有美丽的秀发和清新的口气 and you have very beautiful hair and very nice breath. 我一直很嫉妒你的秀发 I"m always jealous of your hair... 你知道的 you know that. 不论过去


 还是将来 You were, are, and always 你都是我最好的朋友 will be my best friend 我会时常想念你

 我会永远带着生日时 And I"ll think of you often, and I"ll always wear those silver earing... 你送我的银耳环 you give me for my birthday 我会想你的 I"ll miss you 无论我将来回到城市里 And However many new girl friends I make in a few days... 会结交多少新闺蜜 when I move back into the city, 我都不会再找到你这样真实 I don"t think I"ll find another as true... 我想独自看那部电影《伴我同行》 I like to ask for the film "Stand By Me"... 由瑞凡·菲尼克斯

 基弗·萨瑟兰 with River Phoenix, Kiefer Sutherland... 和理查德·德莱福斯主演的那部 and Richard Dreyfuss, alone. 明智的选择 Excellent choice.

 很不错的电影 Lovely film. 请留言 Please leave a message 你好 Hello 你可能在浴室吧

 所以听不到电♥话♥响 You"re probably in the bathroom, that"s why you can"t hear phone ring. 早上洗个冷水澡真是再舒服不过了 Nothing like a cold shower in the morning. 等你洗完澡我再打给你 Well, I"ll call you a little bit later after you finish your shower. 稍后再聊 We"ll talk later. 再见 Bye. 一天

 当他打高尔夫球时 One day, as he was playing golf, 他意识到

 没有情感时却装作感情充沛 he thought that it is more difficult to pretend 要比有情感时装作冷漠无情 you do have feelings when you don"t... 要更为艰难 than to pretend you don"t have feelings when you do. 他也想到

 他其实喜欢她的口音 He also thought that he like her accent. 而且他总是偏爱短发女人 and he always prefer woman with short hair. 于是他认定她就是自己要找的伴侣 So he decided she was the one. 捕猎时

 他会跟着她 During the hunt, he would followed her. 一旦她击中了某个独身者

 他就会对她说 And as soon as she shot a loner, he would said to her: “真希望我们用的是真枪 "I wish we have real gun... 而非这些愚蠢的麻♥醉♥枪♥ instead of this silly tranquilizer one... 不如你徒手杀了他吧” why don"t you kill him with your bare hands?" 当她掐住独身者的喉咙时

 And the moment she put her hand around loner"s throat, 他就会说 He would said: “希望他能马上死去” "I hope him die right the way". 出什么事了 What happened? 她从一八〇房♥间的窗户上跳了下去 She jumped from the window of room 180. 到处都是血迹和饼干 There are bloods and biscuits everywhere. 希望她能马上死去 I hope she die right the way. 转念一想

 我还是希望她能在死前多受点折磨 On second thought, I hope she suffers quite a bit before she dies 我只希望在我的房♥间里 I just hope her pathetic scream... 听不到她可悲的嘶喊 can"t be heard from my room. 因为我正想休息一会儿

 需要安宁 Because I was thinking about having a lie down and I need peace and quiet. 我刚打完高尔夫

 很累了 I was playing golf and I"m quite tired. 我可不希望听到一个女人死前还不停地哭嚎 The ...