
 勇敢传说 快点


 我可是很忙的 Come on, birdbrain. I haven"t got all day. 快递


 在这签字 Delivery. Sign here, sign here. 命运就在我们心中 Our fate lives within us. 但我有更好的理解 But I know better. 结局并不由我们自己决定 that destiny is not our own. 有人说命运并非我们所能掌控 There are those who say fate is something beyond our command, 他们是怎么... But how did this... 再见


 一路顺风 Goodbye! All the best! Fair wind to your sails! 我们要跟他们送别

 快来 We"ve got to wave them off! Come along! -妈妈


 快点 - Mum! - They"re off! Come on! 梅莉达



 他们要走了 Merida, Elinor, hurry up. They"re leaving. 这才叫没穿衣服的小婴儿嘛 Now that"s what I call a wee naked babby! 放尊敬点 Show some respect! 搞什么...

 都别看了 What the... Avert your eyes, lads! 别盯着我

 做点什么 Don"t just stare at me. Do something! 像个小婴儿一样 Naked as a wee babby. 我没穿衣服 I"m naked. 亲爱的 Dear? 妈妈 Mum. 今天是王国的大吉之日

 诅咒解除了 It"s a great day for this kingdom. The curse is broke. -你变回来了

 -她变回来了 - You"re back.

 - She came back to us. 亲爱的

 Oh, dear. 艾莉诺 Elinor! 我们都变了 we both have. 亲爱的 Oh, darling, 你变了 You changed! 妈妈

 你变回来了 Mum! You"re back! 我爱你 I love you. 我不能失去你

 妈妈 I want you back, Mummy. 我不能失去你 I just want you back. 从不对我失去信心 You"ve never given up on me. 你总是在我身旁 You"ve always been there for me. 害了我们 To us. 是我害了你 I did this to you. 都是我的错 This is all my fault. 妈妈

 对不起 Oh, Mum, I"m sorry. 我不明白

 我... I don"t understand. I... 不 No... 第二个日出 The second sunrise. 妈妈 Mum! 来吧

 看我赤手空拳打倒你 Come on! I"ll take you with my bare hands! 怪物 You scoundrel! -是熊怪

 -杀了它 - Mor"du! - Kill it! 小伙子们

 Boys? 小伙子们 Boys! 我不会让你杀了我妈妈的 I"ll not let you kill my mother. 梅莉达 Merida! 妈妈

 你受伤了吗 Mum, are you hurt? -后退



 丫头 - Get back. That"s my mother. - Are you out of your mind, lass? 搞定 Done! 倒下吧

 怪物 Down you go, you scoundrel. 我可是全力以赴了 I"m doing all the pulling here. -来搭把手


 丁瓦 - Give me a hand over here! - Put your back into it, Dingwall! 我们抓到你了 Aye, we"ve got you now! 挥剑的时候注意点

 别误伤 Watch your blade! You"re going to take somebody"s arm off! 休伯特


 帮帮哈米斯 Hubert, Harris, help Hamish. 安格斯


 小伙子 Angus! Easy, laddie. -回去


 -找到了 - Back, back, back! - Get him! 找到他的踪迹了 We"ve got his track! 他在那 There he goes. 稳住

 哈米斯 Steady, Hamish. 一

 二 One, two... 总算找到你了 You beauty! 针线


 针线 Needle and thread. Needle and thread. Needle and thread. 他去那边了 There he goes! 针线



 Needle and thread. Needle and thread. Needle and thread. 莫蒂 Maudie! 把钥匙抢来 Get the key. 莫蒂 Maudie. 不是吧 Oh, no. 快出来 Now! 我需要你 I need you! 莫蒂

 莫蒂 Maudie. Maudie! 不

 妈妈 No. Mum. 不 No. 妈妈 Mum! 来吧

 蠢货们 Come on, you sorry bunch of galoots! -熊怎么办

 -待在那就行了 - What about the bear? - Just stay put. 莫蒂


 别让她出来 Maudie, keep this and don"t let her out. 她是你的妻子艾莉诺 It"s your wife Elinor! 听我说

 你不能这样 Listen! You can"t! -我不会再失去你了



 听我说 - I"ll not risk losing you, too. - No, Dad! Just listen to me. 不管是不是熊怪

 我都会为你母亲复仇 Mor"du or not, I"ll avenge your mother! 有个巫婆给了我一个咒语

 她不是熊怪 There was a witch and she gave me a spell. It"s not Mor"du. -一派胡言

 -这是真的 - You"re talking nonsense! - It"s the truth! 关上大门 Close the gate! 她是你的妻子

 艾莉诺 It"s your wife, Elinor. 老天保佑



 Count your stars, lass. It almost hurt you. Are you hurt? 爸爸 Dad! 有熊 Bear! 佛格 Fergus. 陛下 My liege! 没关系


 妈妈 It"s nothing. It"s just a little scratch. Mum! 没事了

 我很好 It"s all right. I"m all right. 妈妈 Mum. 不 No! 梅莉达

 不 Merida! No! 快跑 Get out of here! 不


 别伤害她 No, Dad! Don"t hurt her! -梅莉达


 -不 - Merida, get back! - No! -什么



 不是你想的那样 - What? - Dad, no! It"s not what you think. 梅莉达 Merida. 艾莉诺 Elinor! 不可能


 快回答我 It can"t be true! Elinor, answer me, lass! 艾莉诺 Elinor! 你绝对猜不到谁刚刚解决了婚嫁问题 guess who just solved our little suitor problem. 艾莉诺

 亲爱的 Elinor, dear, you"ll never 妈妈 Mum... 不


 现在不行 No. Please, not now. 妈妈


 Mum? Not now. 妈妈 Mum? 我们需要针线 We just need needle and thread. 把它缝起来就能让你变回去了 Stitch it up. This"ll change you back. 修补裂痕 Mend the bond. 修补裂痕 Mend the bond... 挂毯 Oh, the tapestry! 拿最小的杯子来 Bring the tiny glasses. 让我们撬开国王的小金库来庆祝吧 Let"s crack open the King"s private reserve to celebrate! 大家到地窖集♥合♥ Everyone to the cellar! 小鬼头 You devil. 跟你母亲一模一样 Just like your mum. 不过先说好

 这可是我的好主意 It was my idea in the first place. 很好

 看来我们这次达成共识了 Fine, then. Seems for once we agree. 要我说

 小丁瓦也有机会一展身手了 I say, the wee Dingwall has a fighting chance. 如果他们能办到的话 If they can. 让孩子们先赢取她的芳心再谈婚论嫁吧 Let these lads try and win her heart before they win her hand. 那就好说了 Well, that settles it. 可以吗 Good? 你呢

 你也这么认为吗 And you... You feel the same way? 我可没想选她

 全是你的主意 I did not pick her out. It was your idea. 但她可是公主 But she"s the princess. -什么



 - What? - Aye. Why shouldn"t we choose? 让我们自己选择自己的命运 Give us our own say in choosing our fate. -这真是...

 -精妙绝伦 - This is...- A grand idea! 我有一言 I have one thing to say. 既然你们已经拿定主意 Well, since you"ve obviously made up your minds about this, 难道年轻人不该自己决定要爱上谁吗 Might our young people decide for themselves who they will love? 王后和我认为决定权在你们手里

 大人们 The Queen and I put the decision to you, my lords. 真感人 That"s beautiful. 并寻找自己的真爱 and find love in our own time. 书写我们自己的故事 follow our hearts 应该跟随内心 write our own story... 是我们 that we be free to... 我 that I... 从心底认为 in her heart 你们的王后 the Queen, feels... 我的母亲 My mother, 打破传统 break tradition. 并且 and... 并且 and... 我决定去做正确的事 I"ve decided to do what"s right 因此

 现在来说说我的婚事 And so, there is the matter of my betrothal. 并维系我们的联盟 and mend our bond. 我现在明白


 And I know now that I need to amend my mistake 我是始作俑者 There"s no one to blame but me. 将我们的王国撕开了一道裂痕 I tore a great rift in our kingdom. 但我太过自私 But I"ve been selfish. 因此它得以延续到今天 and it lives to this day. 这是由勇气和友谊铸成的钢铁联盟 It was an alliance forged in bravery and friendship 而你们尊他为王 and you made him your king. 我父亲团结了你们 My dad rallied your forces 这个王国的故事强大无比 The story of this kingdom is a powerful one. 我本来瞄准的是你

 丑佬 l was aiming at you, you big tumshie. 大矛一掷

 万夫难当 With a mighty throw of his spear! 我们也都知道丁瓦大人如何冲破敌人的防线 And we all know how Lord Dingwall broke the enemy line. 并救了我父亲一命 and held off the advance. 你曾驱铁骑阻挡的敌人的先遣部队 you saved my dad when you charged in on heavy horse 麦金大人 And, Lord Macintosh, 是的

 毕生难忘啊 Aye, and I"ll never forget it. 在你赶去救援丁瓦时为你挡下了一箭 stopping an arrow as you ran to Dingwall"s aid. 麦葛大人

 我父亲曾救你一命 Lord MacGuffin, my dad saved your life, 曾为彼此出生入死 You risked everything for each other. 你们曾为彼此浴血奋战 You fought for each other. 你们团结起来

 守护了我们的领土 you joined together to defend our lands. 但当侵略者越海而来

 威胁我们的安危时 But when invaders threatened us from the sea, 我们的部族也曾互相敌对

 Our clans were once enemies. 过去

 我们的联盟也曾经动摇 But in them, our bond was struck. 我们的故事还未成为传说 Our stories are not yet legend. 我们的王国还很年轻 Our kingdom is young. 蕴含无数真理 They ring with truths. 传说亦是经验 Legends are lessons. 那只是个传说 lt"s just a legend. 小小的自私就能影响整个王国的命运 how one selfish act can turn the fate of a kingdom. 我现在懂了 I know now 是

 但它是真实的 Aye, but it"s true. 我们都听过这故事

 消逝的王国 We"ve all heard that tale. Lost kingdom. 最终走向了灭亡 and chaos and ruin... 王国陷入了连年的战争与混乱 That kingdom fell into war 这次又玩哪出 What is this? 从前有一个古老的王国 Once there was an ancient kingdom. 我... Well, I... -没错


 -闭嘴 - That"s right. Let"s see her. - Shut it! 我们可不会再相信这些鬼话了 We will not stand for any more of this jiggery-pokery. -你们在玩什么伎俩

 -王后在哪 - What are you playing at? - Where is the Queen? -我绝不...-真是蹊跷 - I"d never...-This is highly irregular. 我们怎么知道这不是你们耍的把戏 How do we know that this isn"t some trick? -那她在哪里

 -她... - Well, where is she, then? - She... -是吗


 - Is that so? - Aye, it is. 我已经和王后谈过了 I have been in conference with the Queen. 我已经 Well, you see, I... 我已经... I have... 我... I... -你要干什么



 爸爸 - What are you doing, lass? - It"s all right, Dad. 怎么才能把你带到楼上的挂毯那里啊 with the lot of them boiling over like that? 但他们在那里闹翻了天 But how do we get you through there and up to the tapestry 我知道

 我知道 I know, I know! 你得在一切为时已晚之前阻止他们 You"ve got to stop them before it"s too late. 他们要自相残杀了 They"re gonna murder each other. 那联盟就此结束

 开战吧 Then our alliance is over! This means war! 你们的儿子没有一个配得上我女儿 None of your sons are fit to marry my daughter. 你来决定你的女儿嫁给谁的儿子 You decide which one of our sons your daughter will marry. 你是国王 You"re the King. 去他的传统

 我们现在就把这事解决了 No more traditions. We settle this now! 去他的和谈 No more talk. 这样也行 That"ll do. 妈妈

 你还有更好的主意吗 Mum, do you have a better idea? 巫婆告诉我们答案了

 就是那挂毯 The witch gave us the answer. The tapestry. 修补毁于虚荣的裂痕 "Mend the bond torn by pride." 一头真正的熊

 再也变不回来了 A real bear. Forever! 一头巨熊

 A bear! 如果我们不快点

 你也会变成熊怪 If we don"t hurry, you"ll become like Mor"du. 妈妈

 我们得回城♥堡♥去 Mum, we need to get back to the castle. 熊怪 Mor"du. 那位王子变成了 The prince became... 不 Oh, no. 改变了他的命运 "Changed his fate." 命运已变 "Fate be changed." 以一当十的力量 "Strength of ten men." 那咒语

 这一切曾经发生过 The spell. It"s happened before. 像那毯子一样被劈成了两半 Split, like the tapestry. 长子 The oldest. 四 four. 三 three, 二 two, 一 One, 四个王子的那个故事 The one with the princes. 那个王国吗 in that story you were telling me? 你觉得这会是你讲的故事中的 You suppose this could"ve been the kingdom 这是一间...

 正殿 It"s a throne room. 我没事


 没事 I"m fine, Mum. Just fine. 不管是谁

 他们一定消失了很长时间 Whoever they were, they"ve been gone for a long, long time. 呢喃精灵为什么带我们来这里

 Why did the wisps bring us here? 妈妈

 看 Mum, look. 它们会为我们引路 They"ll show us the way. 仔细听 Listen. 冷静一点 Just calm down. 但我们要保持头脑清醒 but we"ve got to keep our heads. 你很疲惫

 不理解 you"re tired, you don"t understand, 妈妈

 我知道你很害怕 Mum, I know you"re scared, 上帝老天爷

 帮帮我吧 Jings, crivens, help ma boab. 妈妈 Mum... 妈妈

 不 Mum, no! 住手 Stop it! 妈妈 Mum! 呢喃精灵 A wisp. 我是说

 就好像你内心里藏着一头熊 I mean, like you were a bear on the inside. 就好像... Like you were a... 你变了 You changed. 妈妈 Mum? 妈妈

 是你吗 Mum, is that you? 妈妈

 快回来 Mum, come back. 你要去哪 Where are you going? 不试试怎么知道你不喜欢呢 How do you know you don"t like it if you won"t try it? 吃吧

 Go on. 给你 There you go. 等等


 这可是您说的 Wait. A princess should not have weapons, in your opinion. 早餐 Breakfast. 跟我来吧 Come on. 你从哪弄到的水

 里面有虫子 Where did you get this water? It has worms. 有毒 They"re poisonous. 这是龙葵果 They"re nightshade berries. 在小溪旁找到的

 是吧 Find those by the creek, did you? 抱歉

 我不懂熊语 Sorry. I don"t speak bear. 什么 What? 这些都是什么 What"s all this supposed to be? 那么 So... 早上好 Good morning. 我永远都在这里 I"ll always be right here. 我勇敢的小公主

 我在这里 My brave wee lassie, I"m here. 我们明天会想出办法的 We"ll sort it out tomorrow. 谢谢惠顾

 祝好 Thank you for visiting. Have a lovely day. 我去斯多摩威参加巫师狂欢节了 I"m off to the Wickerman Festival in Stomoway... 看看四周

 我们需要更多的药剂 Look around. We"ll need more vials. 或许有一本咒语书 Maybe there"s a book of spells. ...满足您的一切... ...for all your... -欢迎来到巧手雕刻


 - Welcome to the Crafty Carver... - What? 不


 你去哪了 No. No! Where"d you go? 感谢您在巧手雕刻店购物 And thank you for shopping at the Crafty Carver. 就是这样

 挂了 That"s it. Ta-ta. 毁于虚荣 torn by pride. 修补裂痕 mend the bond 深省内心 look inside, 命运已变 Fate be changed, 再说一次 One more time. 命运已变


 什么意思啊 "Fate be changed... Mend the bond." What does that mean? 毁于虚荣 torn by pride. 修补裂痕 mend the bond 深省内心 look inside, 命运已变 Fate be changed, 除非你能记下这些话语 unless you remember these words. 第二个日出之时

 咒语就将永久生效 By the second sunrise, your spell will be permanent, 关于咒语

 有一点我忘了告诉你 There"s one bit I forgot to tell you about the spell. 开春之前不会回来 and won"t be back till spring. 公主

 我去斯多摩威参加巫师狂欢节了 Princess, I"m off to the Wickerman Festival in Stomoway 若想与侏儒交谈... To speak with a live homunculus... 若你是那个红发小姑娘

 请倒入 3 号♥药剂 If you"re that red-haired lass, vial three. 盖尔语

 请倒入 2 号♥药剂 If you"d like the menu in Gaelic, vial two. 请将 1 号♥药剂倒入坩埚

 pour vial one into the cauldron. 有关肖像画和结婚蛋糕事宜 about portraits or wedding cake toppers, 若想咨♥询♥ But if you"d like to enquire 现在小店存货已售罄 I am completely out of stock at this time. 熊主题雕刻艺术店 home of bear-themed carvings and novelties. 欢迎来到巧手雕刻 Welcome to the Crafty Carver, 不


 不 No, no. No! No! 不 No. 等等 Wait. 真的

 她当时就在这儿 No, really, she was just here. 不可能

 她当时明明在这里 No. She was here. 难以置信

 我居然找到了 I can"t believe it. I found it. 走这边


 跟上来 It"s this way! Come on! Hurry! 巫婆的小屋 The witch"s cottage... 妈妈

 我知道这里 Mum, I know this place. 我们能撞大运刚好走到巫婆的小屋去吧 going to happen upon the witch"s cottage? 她不会以为 Does she think we"re just 然后它们排成一条线带我走进了森林 Then a whole trail of them led me off into the forest. 我当时站在这里

 呢喃精灵就出现在那边 I was standing right here and the wisp appeared right there. 很好


 你们就不出现了 Fine. Don"t come out now that my mum"s watching. 我在这儿呢 I"m here! 带我去巫婆的小屋 Lead me to the witch"s cottage. 出现吧



 Come out, wisps. Come on out. 呢喃精灵呢 Where are these wisps? 好了 Right! 作为奖励

 你们想吃什么就吃什么吧 Go on and help yourself to anything you want, as a reward. 我很快就回来 Now, I"ll be back soon. 妈妈

 我们得快点了 Mum, we"ve got to hurry. 他们没事的


 小伙子们 They"ll be fine. Won"t you, boys? 快点


 动作快 Come on, Mum. Quick. 莫蒂



 没事的 Maudie, honey, come here! It"s all right! 老天


 你能不能镇定一点 For goodness" sakes, Maudie, would you get a grip? 你看见什么了


 说出来就好了 What did you see, Maudie? Just spit it out, Maudie. 我明明用棍子撑上了 I propped it open with a stick. -锁上了

 -丁瓦最后一个上来的 - It"s locked. - Dingwall was the last up. 我们回去吧 Let"s just get inside. 那么大的爪子怎么开门 He"s got big giant paws! 真荒唐

 它连门都打不开 Doesn"t make sense. It cannot open doors. -也许是条龙

 -城♥堡♥里的大熊怪 - A dragon, perhaps. - Bear in the castle! 要不然就是被大鸟带走了 Was carried away by a giant birdy. 它一定是长了翅膀 It must have sprouted wings. 从这都能看到我的房♥子 You can see my house from here. 我确信它跑来这边了 I"m sure it went this way. 他在那 There he is! 闭嘴

 Try shutting yours! 我们是不是应该搭个陷阱 Think we should lay a trap? 快点

 妈妈 Come on, Mum. 在那 There it goes! 跟上

 小的们 Come on, lads! 在那 There it goes! 听到了吗 Did you hear that? 好吧

 一年 Okay. Fine. A year. 你们可以吃我两星期的甜点

 三星期 You can have my desserts for two... Three weeks. 好吧 All right. 我们得从城♥堡♥出去

 我需要你们的帮助 We"ve got to get out of the castle. I need your help. 一个老巫婆把妈妈变成了熊

 这不是我的错 A witch turned Mum into a bear. It"s not my fault. 妈妈 Mum? 快点

 这边 Quick! This way! 我们不能走这条路

 会被发现的 We can"t go this way. You"ll be seen. 你就不能听我一句吗 Would you just listen to me? 我就知道 I knew it! 熊 A bear! 说出来

 莫蒂 Spit it out, Maudie! 别害怕

 怎么回事 Just calm down, lass. What is it? 莫蒂 Maudie! 现在有人看到了 Now you"ve done it. 没谁会看到你

 It"s not like anyone"s gonna see you. 又不是裸体 You"re not naked. 你全身都是毛 You"re covered with fur. 快停下 Stop! 停下 Stop. 跟我来 Follow me. 我们得... We have to... 妈妈

 等等 Mum, wait. 他嗅来嗅去的样子真像只猎狗 He"s like a hound with that nose of his. 最好别惹他

 怎么说他也是国王 Best to humor him. He is, after all, the King. 陛下 my liege? 妈妈 Mum! 我们到底在找什么... And just what exactly are we after... 又一出能把人无聊死的娱乐节目 Another one of your entertainments to bore us to death! 如果他看到你

 你就死定了 If he so much as sees you, you"re dead. 你想干嘛啊

 爸爸可是跟熊有仇 What are you doing? Dad. The Bear King? 妈妈

 等等 Mum! Wait! 妈妈

 你不能出去 Mum, you can"t go out there. 完全听不懂他在说啥 I have no idea. 我们连甜点都还没吃呢 But we haven"t had dessert yet. 又来了

 城♥堡♥大追捕 Here we go. Another hunt through the castle. 警惕点 And keep a sharp eye. 大家听着


 Everybody, follow me. 为什么凡事都是我的错

 真不公平 Why do I always get blamed for everything? It"s just not fair. 我要找她来处理这事 I"ll get her to fix this. 真难以置信 Unbelievable. 鬼鬼祟祟到处看 Eyes all over the place. 那个眼睛瞪得溜圆的老巫婆 Goggly old hag. 冲我嚷嚷也没用

 都是老巫婆的错 There"s no point in having a go at me. The witch is to blame. 不太对劲 Something"s not right. 你们听到了吗 Did you hear that? 我只是想让她改变你 I just wanted her to change you. 我没有让她把你变成一头熊 I didn"t ask her to change you into a bear. 这不是我的错 It"s not my fault. 那老巫婆给了我一个不靠谱的咒语 That scaffy witch gave me a gammy spell. 怎么会是熊 Why a bear? 你...

 你变成熊了 You"re... You"re a bear! 妈妈 Mum? 熊 Bear! 妈妈 Mum? 那我就去告诉他们婚礼结束了吧 So I"ll just tell them the wedding"s off, then? 妈妈 Mum? 蛋糕 Cake. 你在蛋糕里放了什么 What was in that cake? 你会对婚礼有些新想法哦

 have something new to say on the marriage. 也许一会儿 Then maybe in a bit you might 不要心急


 妈妈 Just take all the time you need to getting yourself right, Mum. 我想出了一个杀死这畜生的完美方法 I dream about the perfect way to make this devil die. 听到了吗

 小的们 Aye. You heard her, lads. 继续为你的左腿复仇吧 Go about avenging your leg. 还好

 我没事 Fine. I"m fine. 艾莉诺


 亲爱的 Elinor? Are you all right, dear? 看这熊怪 It"s Mor"du! 艾莉诺

 快看 Elinor, look! 抱歉

 失陪了 Now, if you"ll excuse us. 很快 Presently. 但你们一定会得到满意的答复的 But you shall have your answer. 各位大人

 我现在略有不适 Milords, I am out of sorts at the moment. 我们一直耐心静候着呢 We"ve been waiting patiently. 王后陛下 My lady Queen. 叫大家躲远点

 别影响我射箭 Now, clear out of there, boys. I don"t want you to spoil my shot. 非常好 It"s good enough. 再往左一点

 非常好 A wee bit to the left. That"s good. 往左边放一点

 很好 A little to the left. That"s good. 很好


 很好 All right, that"s fine. That"s just fine. 梅莉达

 带我回房♥间去 Merida! Just take me to my room. 你现在对婚事有什么看法吗

 How do you feel about the marriage now? -妈妈

 -我突然觉得不太舒服 - Mum! - Suddenly I"m not so well. 感觉天旋地转的 My head"s spinning like a top. -妈妈

 -我突然有点头晕 - Mother? - I"m woozy suddenly. 平复一下这一团乱 and put this whole kerfuffle to rest? 走吧

 我们上楼去见那些领主 Now, why don"t we go upstairs to the lords 这样好多了 That"s better. 有没有改变对婚事的想法 Have you changed your mind at all about the marriage and all that? 有点涩

 还很冲 Tart and then gamy. -这...这是什么味啊

 -感觉有什么不同吗 - What... What is that? - Different? 感觉怎么样 How do you feel? 味道很特别 Interesting flavor. 你

 给我做的吗 You made this for me? 我做的

 特意为你做的 I made it. For you. Special. -这是什么

 -和好的礼物 - What"s this? - It"s a peace offering. 当然

 我们还是得做出决定 Of course, we both know a decision still has to be made. 把你的头钉在墙上 hang your noggin on a peg... 我会抓到你

 扒你的皮 I"ll hunt you, then I"ll skin you, 为我的腿付出代价 For gobbling up my leg 肮脏坏熊

 过来领死 Come taste my blade, you manky bear 你父王正在外面"取悦"他们 Your father"s out there "entertaining" them. -真的吗

 -我暂时安抚了那些领主 - Honestly? - I"ve pacified the lords for now. 平安回来就好


 Well, you"re home now, so that"s the end of it. 安格斯把我甩了下来

 不过我没受伤 Angus threw me. But I"m not hurt. 我简直无法思考

 你的裙子怎么这样了 I didn"t know what to think. Look at your dress. 我不知道你跑去哪里

 什么时候才回来 I didn"t know where you"d gone or when you"d come back. -我担心地要命

 -你...真的吗 - I"ve been worried sick. - You... You were? -梅莉达

 -妈妈 - Merida. - Mum! 熊怪

 熊怪... Mor"du, Mor"du... 万岁 Hooray! 大家齐力屠♥杀♥

 你的死期已到 now the time has come for all of us to slaughter you 熊怪

 熊怪 Mor"du, Mor"du, 魔咒的什么事 the spell? 你是不是说了有关... Did you say something about... 这个魔咒的注意事项是什么来着 What was that thing about the spell? 你买♥♥的木雕会在两周内寄到 Expect delivery of your purchase within a fortnight. 亲爱的


 管用的 Trust me. It"ll do the trick, dearie. 就能改变我的命运 it will change my fate? 你确定我把这个给我妈妈吃了 You"re sure if I give this to my mum, -你不想要


 当然想要 - You don"t want it? - Yes! I want it. 一块蛋糕 A cake? 制出来的是什么 What have we here? 我们来看看 And now let"s see. 可以了 That"ll do. 加点这个

 Just a little bit of this. 需要什么材料呢 Now, what do I need? 他还带了个精美的桃花心木干酪板走 And made off with an especially attractive mahogany cheese board. 那当然 Yes. 那他最后如愿了吗 And did he get what he was after? 一个能改变他命运的魔咒 A spell that would change his fate. 他用这个

 买♥♥下一个魔咒 And he gave me this for a spell. 他想要拥有以一当十的力量 He demanded I give him the strength of ten men. 长得很帅

 穿着紧身裤 Easy on the eyes. Tight pants. 我上次是帮一位王子配制魔咒 The last time I did this was for a prince. 这一点很重要 Very important. 千万不能在雕刻室施魔咒 You never conjure where you carve. 你在做什么 What are you doing? 好了 There. 你要去哪儿 Where are you going? 成交 Done! 这样就能改变我的命运 That"ll change my fate. 我需要一个改变我母亲的魔咒 I want a spell to change my mum. 你知道自己在做什么吗 Are you sure you know what you"re doing? 买♥♥所有的木雕

 还有一个魔咒 Every carving and one spell. 这可以让我们撑好几个月呢 That would set us up for months. 天哪

 真漂亮 Oh, my, that"s lovely, that is. 用这个

 With this. 那你用什么来结账呢

 亲爱的 And how are you going to pay for that, sweetie? 那... Well... -什么


 -所有的木雕 - What? What was that? - Every carving. 我全买♥♥了 I"ll buy it all. 滚出去


 快走开 Get out! Shoo! Get! Be gone with you! 我才不管 I don"t care! 不要

 呢喃精灵带我来的 No! The wisps led me here! 如果你不买♥♥东西

 就滚出去 If you"re not going to buy anything, get out. 我不是女巫

 不知足的顾客太多了 I"m not a witch! Too many unsatisfied customers. -我是木雕师

 -我来是因为我母亲 - Woodcarver! - You see, it"s my mother. -我是木雕师

 -你能改变我的命运 - Woodcarver! - You"ll change my fate! 所以呢喃精灵才带我来找你 That"s why the wisps led me here. -你是巫师

 -木雕师 - You"re a witch! - Woodcarver. 我还会唱歌♥哩 That"s not all I can do. -瞪人很没礼貌

 -那只乌鸦会说话 - Staring is rude. - The crow"s talking! 它已经吃饱了 That"s stuffed. 坚若磐石 Tough as stone. 这幅木雕画如何

 它是紫杉做的 How about this conversation starter? It"s made of yew wood. 我可是魔...磨木头的木匠 I"m a... Whittler of wood. 要是有的话我肯定知道 I should know. 木头不可能有魔力 Wood cannot be imbued with magical properties. -它自己在扫地


 - It was sweeping by itself. - That"s ridiculous. 你的扫帚 Your broom! 我可以便宜卖♥♥给你这件珍品 I"ll make you a deal for this rare prize. 这可是独一无二的唷 This is one of a kind! 但是呢喃精灵

 它们... But the will-o"-the-wisps, they... 想来点新奇的玩意儿点亮阴冷的房♥间吗 Perhaps a touch of whimsy to brighten any dank chamber? 有看到喜欢的吗 See anything you like? 我不明白... I don"t understand... -你是谁

 -只是个卑微的木雕师 - Who are you? - Just a humble woodcarver. 现在全店都打对折 Everything is half off. 看到喜欢的就叫我一声 You holler if you see anything you like. 随便看看吧 Look around. 呢喃精灵为什么要带我来这儿 Why would the wisps lead me here? 安格斯 Angus! 过来

 安格斯 Come on, Angus. 安格斯 Angus! 不

 我都做了些什么 Oh, no. What have I done? 天哪 Oh, dear. 梅莉达 Merida! 梅莉达 Merida! -要有公主的样子

 -妈妈 - and I expect you to act like one. - Mum! 梅莉达

 你是个公主 Merida, you are a princess, 我宁死也不要像你一样

 I"d rather die than be like you! -我永远不可能像你一样


 住手 - I"ll never be like you. - No, stop that! -妖怪

 -梅莉达 - That"s what you are! - Merida. 你就是个妖怪 And you"re a beast. 你怎么跟小孩儿一样不懂事 You"re acting like a child. 我不可能像你一样 Well, I"m not going to be like you. 想让我变得和你一样 trying to make me be like you. 你只会跟我说不能做这个

 要做那个 You walk around telling me what to do, what not to do, 你有问过我想要什么吗

 没有 Do you ever bother to ask what I want? No. 这桩婚事是你想要的 This whole marriage is what you want. 你从没为我想过 You"re never there for me. 不公平 Unfair? 这太不公平了 This is so unfair! 是你要给我听着 You listen to me! -你听我说

 -我是王后 - Just listen! - I am the Queen! 这事若没处理好

 就会引发战争 It"ll be fire and sword if it"s not set right. 就不关心我... Just don"t care how I... 你不知道自己干了什么好事 You don"t know what you"ve done! -让我难堪

 -我是按照规则比赛 - You embarrassed me. - I followed the rules. -是你自己要我...

 -你让他们难堪 - You"re the one that wants me to... - You embarrassed them. 够了

 我受够你了 Michty me! I"ve just about had enough of you, lass! 梅莉达

 不准射 Merida, I forbid it. 你敢再射一箭试试看

 Don"t you dare loose another arrow. 梅莉达

 住手 Merida, stop this! 该死的裙子 Curse this dress! 梅莉达 Merida! 你在干什么 What are you doing? 我要亲手用箭决定自己的未来 And I"ll be shooting for my own hand. 丹布洛部族的长女 Firstborn descendant of Clan Dun Broch. 我是梅莉达 I am Merida. 对了

 我希望你不介意被称做丁瓦夫... By the way, hope you don"t mind being called Lady Ding... -猜猜谁会来吃饭

 -佛格 - Guess who"s coming to dinner? - Fergus. 还真不错啊

 是吧 Well, that"s just grand now, isn"t it? 不愧是我儿子 That"s my boy. 大开眼界吧 Feast your eyes! 射得好


 射得好 Well done, lad! Well done. 拜托


 小子 Come on! Shoot, boy! 小绵羊 Wee lamb. -佛格

 -怎么了 - Fergus. - What? 发型也很迷人 And such lovely flowing locks. -我捡到了

 -臂力不错嘛 - I got it! - Good arm. 这可真迷人 That"s attractive. 至少你射到靶上了

 儿子 At least you hit the target, son. 或者举重 Or holding up bridges. 我敢说他肯定在想


 I bet he wishes he was tossing cabers. 喂

 上前吧 Oi! Get on with it. 愿幸运之箭命中目标 And may the lucky arrow find its target. 对


 请就位 Aye, archers to your marks. 弓箭手

 请就位 Archers, to your marks! 时间到 It"s time! 我说过多少次了

 不可以... Now, I have told you, you"re not allowed... 我就吃一个 I"ll just take one. 拉 Pull! 拉 Pull! 比赛开始 Let the games begin! 我选择射箭 I choose archery. 箭术

 箭术 Archery! Archery. 将由公主本人决定比赛项目 the challenge be determined by the princess herself. 按照传统 It is customary that 在比赛中证明自己的实力 by feats of strength or arms in the games. 想要抱得美人归

 就必须 To win the fair maiden they must prove their worth 赢得我们丹布洛族公主的芳心 And thus compete for the hand of the Princess of Dun Broch. -能够参赛

 -长子 - may be presented as champion. - Firstborn? 只有各领主的长子 only the firstborn of each of the great leaders 对

 按照我们法律有关继承权的规定 Yes. In accordance with our laws, by the rights of our heritage, 我们刚才说到哪儿了 Now, where were we? 好吧


 Yes, dear. 对不起亲爱的

 我没有...可是... I"m sorry, love, I didn"t... But... 我们并不想如此失礼 We mean no disrespect. 王后陛下

 向您致以我卑微的歉意 My lady Queen, I feel terrible. My humblest apologies. 不是我先出手的

 是他... I didn"t start it. It was... 想再来一次吗 You want a fresh one? 不准再打了 And no more fighting. 请大家文明一点 Show a little decorum. 到此为止

 你们已经闹够了 Now, that"s all done. You"ve had your go at each other. 都停下 Shut it! 好吧 All right. 没错


 就是那样... Nut "em! Nut "em! That"s the way to... 放开我 Get off me! 小丁瓦 Wee Dingwall! 你们想笑是吧 You want to laugh, huh? 你这个臭脾气老鬼 you grumpy old troll. 而且我们也不会躲在人家屁♥股♥后面 And we don"t hide under bridges, 要斯沓载考近一颠... If he was a wee bit closer... -至少我们有头发 -还有满口的牙齿 - At least we have hair. - And all our teeth. 难道是怕我把你一头秀发弄乱吗 afraid to muss your pretty hair? 你这胆小鬼

 只会傻笑的狂徒 Or are ye scared, simpering jackanapes, 有种就站出来说 Go on. Say it to my face. -吹牛



 - Lies! - What? I heard that. 击垮了一支进攻我方的舰队 and struck down a whole attacking fleet. 另一手挥舞宝剑 and with the other he held his mighty sword 他一手掌舵 With one arm he was steering the ship 他一手... With one arm, he was... 只身消灭了一整条舰队 and he took out a whole armada singlehandedly. 他曾被一万罗马大军包围 who was besieged by 10,000 Romans 我来引荐我的独子 I present my only son 丁瓦 Dingwall! 有请丁瓦部族 Clan Dingwall. 麦葛最猛 MacGuffin! 消灭敌军两千多名 and with his bare hands vanquished 2,000 foes. 他赤手空拳击沉维京海盗战舰 who scuttled the Viking longships 陛下

 让我引荐我的长子 Good Majesty, I present my eldest son, 麦葛 MacGuffin! 有请麦葛部族 Clan MacGuffin! 麦金最棒 Macintosh! 击退了一千多名敌军 vanquished 1,000 foes. 手持铁血宝剑 and with his own sword, Stab Blooder, 他捍卫我方领土

 抵御北方侵略者 who defended our land from the northern invaders, 陛下

 让我为您引荐我的嗣子 Your Majesty, I present my heir and scion, 麦金 Macintosh! 有请麦金部族

 Clan Macintosh. 举荐各家族的求婚者 ...the presentation of the suitors. 来... ...for... 齐聚一堂... gathering... 四个部族... the four clans... 今天我们... So, here we are... ceshi test 是谁

 是谁 Who goes there? Who goes there? 现在有请各领主... I want to announce the arrival of the lords... 陛下 My Lord! 我这样很好啦

 就这样吧 I look fine, woman! Leave me be! 大家各就各位 Places, everyone. Places. 他们来啦 Aye, they"re coming. 记得微笑 Remember to smile. 你要... Just... -梅莉达

 -妈妈 - Merida? - Mum? 真是完美 It"s perfect. 太紧了 It"s too tight. 我都动不了了 I can"t move. 嘘

 转一圈看看 Shush! Give us a turn. 我喘不过气了 I can"t breathe. 你真是美极了 You look absolutely beautiful. -麦金


 - Macintosh! - Macintosh! -丁瓦

 -丁瓦 - Dingwall! - Dingwall! 麦葛 MacGuffin! 除非是我自愿

 否则坚决不行 Not if I have any say in it. 我发誓


 安格斯 I swear, Angus, this isn"t going to happen. -听我说

 -听我说 - ...listen. - ...listen. 我一定能够让你明白

 只要你能... I think I could make you understand if you would just... 我想你一定会体谅我

 只要你能... I think you"d see, if you could just... 人家就是还没准备好嘛 I"m just not ready. 但这是我的人生

 我... But it"s my life, it"s... 我是爱你才这么做的 I do out of love. 你要体谅 If you could just try to see what I do, 我不是为了伤害你才这样的 I"m not doing any of this to hurt you. 但你知道自♥由♥背后要付出多大的代价吗 But are you willing to pay the price your freedom will cost? 我要自♥由♥ I want my freedom! 我不希望人生就这样结束 I don"t want my life to be over. 但我们不能逃避命运 But we can"t just run away from who we are. 就连我当年也对提亲持保留意见 Even I had reservations when I faced betrothal. 我知道这看上去很不公平 I understand this must all seem unfair. 期待各位明早向我们宣战 We"ll expect your declarations of war in the morning. 再见 Good day to you. 就是这样 so that"s that. 事实上


 In fact, she might not ever be ready for this, 你就明白告诉他们

 公主还没准备好 You can just tell the lords the princess is not ready for this. 你可是王后啊 You"re the queen. 取消聚会

 难道会要了他们的命不成 Call off the gathering. Would that kill t...