
 纽约州北部 别指望了 萨德 Thad... 我说了不许带玩具去爷爷家 I said no toys at Grandfather"s. 但今天是圣诞节 But it"s Christmas. 住手 Stop it! 爸爸 Hey, Dad! 萨德

 你不能总是找别人哭诉 Thad, you can"t go crying to other people all the time. 男人需要知道什么时候该捍卫自己 A man needs to know when to stand up for himself. 亲爱的魔法不是真的球 Dear Magic-Isn"t-Real Ball, 萨德会长大成男人吗 will Thad ever be a man? 扎心 Ouch. "前景不理想" "Outlook not so good." 你弄坏了 You broke it. 爸爸

 希德 Dad? Sid? 谁来救救我 Someone help me! 救命 Help! 有人吗 Hello? 萨德斯 Thaddeus. 萨德斯·希瓦那 Thaddeus Sivana. 你是谁 Who are you? 你怎么知道我的名字 How do you know my name? 我是巫师议会的最后一位成员 I am the last of the Council of Wizards.

 发誓要保护王国免受七♥宗♥罪♥的危害 Sworn to protect the realms from the Seven Deadly Sins. 但是年复一年 But years have passed, 我日渐虚弱 and I grow weak. 所以我在寻找一名继承者 That is why I seek a champion 来继承我的魔法 to inherit my magic. 你想让我施法吗 You want me to do magic? 只要有这个 With this, 我的力量都将归你所有 all of my powers will become yours. 但是首先 But first... 你必须证明你拥有至纯之心 you must demonstrate that you"re pure of heart 和强韧的精神 and strong in spirit. 他撒谎 He lies. 别做他的继承者 Don"t be his champion. 我们可以给你力量 We can give you power. 拿走眼睛 Take the eye. 拿走 Take it. 你父亲觉得你软弱 Your father thinks you"re weak. 让他看看你的力量 Show him your power. 拿走眼睛 Take the eye. 不 No! 怎么

 怎么回事 What? What happened? 只有至纯之心才能抵挡住他们的诱惑 Only the purest of hearts can resist their temptations.

 但是你 But you, 你永远不配 you will never be worthy. 等等 Wait. -我可以的


 -什么 - I"m good enough, I swear! - What? 让我回去 Let me back in! 冷静点

 萨德 Calm down, Thad! 不要开门

 住手 Don"t open the door! Stop it! -冷静点

 -别闹了 - Calm down. - Stop! 我要杀了你

 你这个小疯子 I"m gonna kill you, you little freak! 别... Stop... 我刚刚还在那里 I... I was just there. -那男人


 -住口 - This man, this wizard, he took me to a castle and... - Stop. 住口

 给我住口 Stop! Stop it! 你这个可怜可悲的小混♥蛋♥ You miserable, whiny, little shit! 你差点害死我们 You could have killed us! 你明白吗 Do you understand that? 爸爸 Dad? 爸爸 Dad! 爸爸 Dad? 你没事的 You"re okay. 你不会有事的 You"re gonna be okay. 都是你干的 You did this.

 都是你干的 You did this! 不

 爸爸 No. Dad. 来找我们 你的魔法越来越弱 Your magic grows weak. 很快你就无法压制我们了 Soon, you won"t be able to contain us. 寻觅咒 Seeking Spell, 为我找寻值得拥有力量的人 find me one soul who is worthy. 不管需要花多久 No matter how long it takes. 雷霆沙赞! 费城 如今 毕舍普典当铺 天哪

 警♥察♥叔叔 Holy moly! The boys in blue! 见到你们真是太好了 Sure glad to see you. 我一看到就报♥警♥了 I called as soon as I saw. 他们在里面 They"re in there. 待在这儿 You stay here. 便利店


 拳击馆 警♥察♥ Police! 我看到他们躲在里面 I saw "em hide back in there. 借贷 -警♥察♥


 -警♥察♥ - Police, coming in! - Police! -这里没人

 -什么意思 - There"s nobody here. - What do you mean? -这是个橱柜

 -你们还真信啊 - It"s a closet. - You really bought that, huh? 不不不 No, no, no! 住手



 Stop, stop, stop! 赶紧打开

 小子 Open this up right now, kid. 这是联邦重罪


 你不能这么做 That"s a federal offense, kid. You can"t do that! 不要上那辆车 Do not go in that car. 快点把门打开

 拜托 Come on, open the door. Please. 拜托了 Please, come on. 快点打开 Open this, right now! 很好

 很好笑 Very good, very funny. 很好笑


 真好笑 Very funny. That"s great. That"s hilarious. 姓名

 蕾切尔·M·巴特森 地址

 霍夫曼街 21 号♥ 城市

 费城 霍夫曼街 21 号♥ 调度中心

 劳尔伍德商业中心需要增援 Dispatch, we need backup at the Laurelwood shopping center, please. 调度中心

 取消请求 Dispatch, cancel that request. 有个小子偷了我们的对讲机 Some kid stole our walkie-talkies. 对讲机

 你几岁啊 Walkie-talkies? How old are you? 吉诺牛排 不不不 No, no, no. 那是我的午餐

 小子 That"s my lunch, kid! 巴特森小姐 Miss Batson... 我一直在找你 I"ve been looking for you. 不

 天啊 No. Gosh. 是我

 比利 It"s me. It"s Billy. 好了 Okay.


 每次都能射中 我想要那只老虎 I want the tiger. 我知道


 但妈妈并不擅长这个 I know, honey, I know. But Mom"s not exactly going pro here. 我们射中了一个 We got one! 但我想要一只老虎 But I wanted a tiger. 但这才是真正的大奖


 看 But this is the real prize, baby. See? 这可以让你受用一生 You can use that your whole life. 你总是能找到你要走的路 You"ll always find your way. 我不能弄丢那个球 I can"t let the ball get away. 妈妈 Mom? 妈妈 Mom! 妈妈 Mom! 你跟谁一起来的

 小家伙 Who are you with, bud? 他说他叫比利·巴特森 Yeah, he says it"s Billy Batson. 别担心

 孩子 Don"t worry, kid. 她肯定很快就会来找你的 I"m sure she"ll come looking before too long, okay? 父母一定会来的 They always do. 妈妈

 我回家了 Mom, I"m home. 哪位 Yes? 你是蕾切尔·巴特森吗 Yeah, uh, is this Rachel Batson? 谁啊 Who"s asking? 实际上... Yeah, see, the thing is... 我觉得你是我妈妈

 I think you"re my mom. 你确定吗 You sure about that? 抱歉打扰了 Sorry to bother you. 非得拿走我的午餐是吧 Just had to take my lunch, huh? 给我留了点薯条吗 You save me any fries? E·B·格洛弗 匹兹堡的寄养家庭两周前上报你失踪了 Foster home in Pittsburgh reported you missing two weeks ago. 你要把我送回去吗 You"re sending me back? 不 No. 他们不要你了 They don"t want you. -真惨

 -你还笑 - Harsh. - You laugh, 但是你已经从六个城市的 but you"ve run from foster homes 寄养家庭离家出走了

 巴特森先生 in six counties, Mr. Batson. 都是想要抚养你的好人家 From good people who want you, 为了寻找一个显然不想要你的人 all in pursuit of someone who arguably does not. 是时候和你把话说开了 It"s time someone looked you in the eye and told it to you straight. 我不需要玩过家家的父母 I don"t need parents to play make-believe with. -我有妈妈

 -没错 - I got a mom. - Yes. 你还真是个像样的侦探 You"re some detective. 37 个年龄在 28 到 40 之间姓巴特森的人 Seventy-three Batsons between the ages of 28 to 40, 你把每个都划掉了 and you"ve crossed out every one. 我还没有找到她

 我知道的 She"s still out there. I know it. 外面有一对夫妻

 巴特森先生 There"s a couple outside, Mr. Batson.

 他们有一个儿童之家 They run a group home. 我能照顾好自己 I can take care of myself. 那也得等到你十八岁 When you"re 18. 在那之前

 我不会让你流浪街头 Until then, I won"t have you living on the streets, 寻找一个从没找过你的人 looking for someone who never looked for you. 给这些人一个机会 Give these people a chance. 因为他们给了你机会 "Cause that"s what they"re giving you. 你没有别的选择了 You"re out of options. 我就不废话了 I"m gonna skip the spiel. 只要知道我和罗莎

 我们懂的 Just know that me and Rosa, we get it. 我们也是寄养家庭出身 We were foster kids back in the day. 在远古的黑暗时代 Back in the Dark Ages. 妹子

 我的内心还很年轻 Girl, I"m young at heart. 我血脉贲张呢 I got my finger on the pulse. 这是在说他的血压

 因为他老了 Yeah, that"s a reference to his blood pressure because he"s old. 比利

 你对什么食物过敏吗 Billy, do you have any food allergies? 最好过敏

 今天达拉做饭 Gonna wish you did. Darla"s cooking. 怎么了 What? 我们知道这肯定让你很紧张 We know how overwhelming it can all be. 新家

 新面孔 New house, new faces. 一下子要你接受 All up in your face. 以你自己的节奏慢慢来就好 Just take it at your own speed.

 有人吗 Hello? 我们回来了 We"re home. 你菜你活该 That"s what happens when you suck! 欢迎派对可真棒 So much for the welcome party. 沙发上长出来的那个东西 Yeah, that thing growing out of the couch 是尤金 would be Eugene. 是他吗 Is that him? 天啊

 比利 Oh, my gosh! Billy! 慢点

 慢点 Slow down, slow down. 欢迎回家 Welcome home! -这是达拉

 -我是达拉 - And that"s Darla. - I"m Darla. -她很喜欢拥抱

 -我发现了 - Big hugger. - I noticed. 去死


 去死 Die, die, die! 他不是那个意思

 他在玩游戏 He doesn"t mean that. It"s a game. 天黑后不能喝汽水

 还记得吗 No sodas after dark, remember? 什么时候天黑的 When did it get dark? 海报

 我给你做了一张 The poster. I made you one. 快来看 Come look! 不 No! 欢迎回家 新来的哥哥 抱歉

 肯定是佩德罗在锻炼 Sorry, Pedro must"ve been working out. 他想练得肌肉发达 His goal is to get swole.


 一下 Just one hit! Just one hit! 给你 Here. 没错

 所以你们的数学系 Yes, exactly why your math department -对我来说是独一无二的选择


 不 - is so uniquely suited for me. - Shut up! No! 我对尤金忍♥无可忍♥了 I can"t even with Eugene right now. 抱歉



 大学面试 I"m sorry. Mary, hi. College interview. -我是比利

 -我最期待的是什么 - I"m Billy. - What am I most excited about? 真是个好问题

 你真是问到点子上了 What a great question. I was hoping you"d ask. 我最期待的是什么 What am I most excited about? 说你是寄养家庭的孩子

 大学就吃这套 Mention you"re a foster kid. Colleges eat that up. 我最期待的是校园生活 What I"m most excited about is the campus experience. 生长在寄养家庭

 我坚信 As a foster child, I"m a big believer 在最不可能的地方 in finding family and friends 也能找到属于自己的朋友和家人 in the most unlikely of places. 我会非常想念她的 I"m gonna miss that girl so much. 加州理工

 非常有声望的名校 It"s Caltech. It"s a very prestigious school. 而且远在加州 And also all the way in California. 但我们现在没必要聊这个 But we don"t have to talk about that right now. 对我来说

 这话题有些沉重 It"s a tough subject for me. 你喜欢纯素食吗 Do you like vegan food? 因为我热爱动物 Because, see, I love animals. 不

 我的素火鸡 No! The Tofurky!


 这下我们只能吃真火鸡了 No, we may have to eat a real turkey! -那是...



 我带你看看♥房♥♥间 - Is that... - It"s okay. Come, I"ll show you your room. 家里有点乱哄哄的


 但也很有意思 It"s a bit of a madhouse, I know, but it"s fun. 老实受死吧 Time to dance on your grave! 小心脚下不平

 佩德罗 Watch the bum step. Pedro... 亲爱的

 跟比利打个招呼 Mi amor, say hi to Billy. 别往心里去

 他对谁都这样 Don"t take it personally. He"s like that with everyone. 弗莱迪 Freddy. 这是比利·巴特森 This is Billy Batson. 你照顾下他

 让他别那么拘束 Make sure you make him feel at home. -好吗

 -好 - Okay? - Yeah. 最好别说太奇怪的话 Maybe don"t say anything too weird? 有一件奇怪的事

 你知道吗 One weird thing is, did you know that 以前罗马人用自己的尿刷牙 Romans used to brush their teeth with their urine? 而且显然

 效果很好 And apparently, it works. 还挺高的 It"s a long way down. 相信我

 这是经验之谈 Trust me, I speak from experience. 维克托把我推下去了 Victor pushed me. 他们看起来很友善

 但是别上当 They seem nice, but don"t buy it. 这里上演着现实版《权力的游戏》 It gets real Game of Thrones around here. 什么 What? 老兄

 我瞎说的 Dude, I"m just messin" around.


 我只剩三个月可活了 It"s, um, terminal cancer. I only have three months. 还是开玩笑的

 你看着我心里一定在想 Kidding, again! You look at me, and you"re like, "为什么要这么阴暗

 你这个残废的寄养小孩" "Why so dark? You"re a disabled foster kid. "没人比你更能搏同情了"

 是吧 You"ve got it all." Right? 那是老蝙蝠镖 Yeah, that"s the old Batarang. 这是复刻版

 但你摸摸有多锋利 I mean, it"s a replica, but feel how sharp. 星球日报 超人归来 我可以在你睡觉的时候用它杀了你 I could kill you in your sleep with that thing. 还是说你更喜欢超人 You more of a Supes guy? 哥谭自♥由♥出版社 超人 我也是


 我的宝物 Yeah, me, too. Behold, the holy grail. 一颗射中超人的九毫米口径子弹 One nine-millimeter round shot at Superman himself. 防伪证书 这是真货 It"s legit. 我也说不好


 或者更多 Probably worth, I don"t know, five, six hundred, maybe more. 你包里装了什么 What"s in the bag? 没关系

 保持界限是好事 Hey, it"s all good. It"s good to maintain boundaries. 不过你可以稍微说两句话的 You don"t gotta talk so much, you know. 反正这地方特别好

 你会喜欢上的 Anyway, this place is great. You"re gonna love it. 蕾切尔·巴特森 车牌

 C78AZ29 霍夫曼街 21 号♥ 吃晚饭了 Dinner! 各就各位 All hands on deck.

 感谢您赐予我们家人 Thank you for this family. 感谢您赐予我们今日 Thank you for this day. 感谢您赐予我们食物

 即使不是菲力牛排 Thank you for this food, even if it"s not steak filet. 学校很大


 你或许会想 Big school. 2,000 students, you might think, "这么多陌生人啊" "Wow, so many strangers." 但把他们看作未来可能的朋友就不会这样想了 But not if you think of them as possible future friends. 就会变成

 "这么多朋友啊" Then it"s, "Wow, so many friends." 校长叫做雪莉

 她最好了 The principal, her name"s Shirley. She"s the best. 下一位 Next. 这是我们的安全扫描器 This is our security scanner. 和机场里的一样

 非常安全 Like in an airport. It"s totally safe. 我知道这是什么 I know what it is. 她总是这样吗 Does she always do this? 沉默使我感到不舒服 Silence makes me uncomfortable. 她鲜少感到不舒服 She"s almost never uncomfortable. 祝你第一天过得愉快

 哥哥 Have a good first day, big brother. 听着

 你不用总是抱我 Look, you don"t have to hug me all the time. 我们其实不是兄妹

 所以... We"re not actually brother and sister, so... 对不起 I"m sorry. 我不是故意让她... I didn"t mean to make her... 说实话

 我有些不知所措 I was overwhelmed, honestly. 他说我必须拥有至纯之心 He said I must be pure of heart.

 他自称是一位巫师 He call himself a wizard. 他的打扮就像是《哈利·波特》里的巫师 He even dressed like a wizard from Harry Potter or some... 但你是说其他人也有过类似的经历吗 But you"re saying that other people have experienced this? 可以这么说

 你还记得他对你说了什么吗 In a sense, yes. Do you remember what he said to you? 他考验了我 He tested me. 那里有一些雕像 There were these statues. 他们的眼睛

 好像在盯着我 Their eyes, it"s like they were looking at me, 让我产生各种想法 making me think things. 可怕的想法 Horrible things. 这跟你看到的近似吗 And do these approximate what you saw? 是的

 完全是我记忆中的样子 Yes, that"s exactly how I remember it. 我不明白

 你怎么知道... I don"t understand. How do you know... 在群体癔症中

 复发性意象已被证实 Recurrent imagery has proven very common 是十分常见的 in cases of mass hysteria. 群体癔症 Mass hysteria? 我知道

 这个名词有点夸张 I know. The term"s a bit theatrical. 但就拿看到不明飞行物举例 But take UFO sightings, for example. 天空中的光

 还有飞碟 Lights in the sky, flying saucers. 发生在互相不认识的人身上的独♥立♥事件... Isolated incidents of people who do not know each other... 那些符号♥ The symbols. 问问她符号♥的事 Ask her about the symbols. 不好意思


 但作为复发性意象的例子 Sorry, Ms. Kwan. But as an example of recurrent imagery,

 在你所说的绑♥架♥发生前 maybe you"ll recall seeing 你有看到这些符号♥吗 these symbols before the alleged abduction. 我不记得任何符号♥了 I don"t remember any symbols, no. 我应该录下来了

 有些东西... I think I got it on video. There was something, um... 我记得闹钟上的数字 I remember the numbers on my alarm clock. 一直在变 They kept shifting. 录像 Video? 给我看录像 Show me the video. 关女士

 这位是希瓦那博士 Ms. Kwan, this is Dr. Sivana. 稍等

 我发给你 One moment, I can send it. 是谁

 天啊 Hello? Oh, my God! 谁在那儿 Who"s there? 是谁


 发生什么了 Hello? What"s going on? What"s happening? 我要报♥警♥了 I"m going to call the police! 然后这束耀眼的光芒把我笼罩其中 Then this blinding light all around me 我感觉自己被拉进了什么 and I felt like I was getting pulled down into something. 感觉是一座建在山内部的寺庙 It felt like a temple carved inside a mountain. 他看起来和你想象中 He looked exactly what you"d expect from a guy 自称巫师的人一模一样 who calls himself a wizard. 以及你被带去是为了拯救世界 ...and how you were brought there to save the world. 穿着一件斗篷

 顶上没有天花板 Wearing a cape. And there"s no ceiling. 我们再算一遍... We ran the numbers again...

 希瓦那博士 Dr. Sivana! 我欣赏你的热情

 但你资助的是我的项目 I appreciate your enthusiasm, but you"re funding my project. 我在询问的时候

 不希望被打扰 And when I"m interviewing, I don"t wanna be interrupted. 56 起记录在案的绑♥架♥ Fifty-six recorded abductions. -我一直没发现

 -发现什么 - I never saw it. - Saw what? 博士

 这些都是什么 Doctor, what is all this? 这么多年来 All these years... 我一直确信是我的序列不对 I was convinced I had the incorrect sequence. 或者可能是用错误的符号♥打开了门 Or perhaps the wrong symbols to open the door. 但在那个女人的闹钟上 But on that woman"s alarm clock, 那七个符号♥ the seven symbols. 那个序列重复了七次 The sequence repeated itself seven times. 这就是差别所在 That"s the difference. 你在开什么玩笑吗 Is this some sort of joke? 在你看来可能是玩笑 It may seem that way to you 因为实际上我们并不是在研究群体癔症 because we"re not in actuality studying mass hysteria. 所有这些人看到的 What all these people have seen, 每个人看到的

 都是绝对真实的 every single one of them, is absolutely real. 闹钟发生了故障 An alarm clock malfunctions 而你的第一反应是证明了巫师的存在吗 and your first thought is it"s proof of a wizard? 拜托

 希瓦那博士 Come on, Dr. Sivana. 你怎么能相信这是真的呢 You can"t believe any of this is real.

 但是我信 Why, yes. 我相信 Yes, I do. 我为这一刻已经等待了太久 I"ve been waiting for this moment for so long... 如今我们又见面了 and now here we are. 你不记得我了

 对吗 You don"t remember me, do you? 我记得你 I remember you. 那时的小男孩 You were a boy. 现在你居然敢擅闯我的王国 And now you dare intrude in my kingdom. 你知道作为孩子

 被告知永远不够优秀 Do you know what it"s like for a child to be told 是什么感受吗 you"ll never be good enough? 你不知道 No, you don"t. 多年前你对我说的话 What you said to me all those years ago 让我意识到自己到底是什么样的人 made me realize who I really was. 你知道吗 And you know something? 我没有至纯之心 I am not pure of heart. 巫师已经虚弱到无法阻止我们了 The wizard is too weak to stop us. 不 No! 不 No! 你没能找到你的继承者 You never found your champion. 但我们找到了我们的 But we found ours. 你是真正的继承者 You are the true champion. 他们在利用你 They"re using you.

 你对他们来说不过是逃走的工具 You"re nothing to them but a means of escape. 通过你

 他们会毒害所接触到的一切 Through you, they"ll spread their poison to everything they touch! 让人类自相残杀 Make mankind turn on each other! 你想要至纯的灵魂

 老头 You seek a pure soul, old man, 但没人配得上 but no one"s worthy. 福西特学校 飞行还是隐形 Flight or invisibility? 如果你能拥有超能力的话 If you could have one superpower, 飞行还是隐形

 你会选哪个 flight or invisibility, what would you pick? 每个人都选飞行

 你知道为什么吗 I mean, everybody chooses flight. You know why? 为了可以飞着逃离这个对话吗 So they can fly away from this conversation? 不

 因为英雄都会飞 No, no. "Cause heroes fly. 谁不想让别人认为自己是英雄呢

 对吧 And who doesn"t want people to think they"re a hero, right? 但是隐形

 绝对不行 But invisibility, no way I mean. 那是变♥态♥ That"s pervy. 到处偷♥窥♥那些察觉不到你的人 Spying around on people who don"t even know you"re there. 鬼鬼祟祟


 对吧 Sneaking around everywhere. It"s a total villain power, right? 垃圾 然后人们做了个研究

 这是真事 Then they did this study, and this is a real thing. 他们问了同样的问题 They asked people the same question. 你想要什么超能力 You know, what power do you want? 但这次

 回答是匿名的 But this time, they made it so the answers were anonymous. 一旦知道是保密的 And most people, since they knew

 大多数人都选了隐形 that it was secret, said invisibility. 我认为那是因为大多数人 And I think that"s "cause most people 内心深处都不认为自己是英雄 don"t feel like heroes on the inside, deep down. 你要离家出走了 You"re gonna run away. 男厕 我是说

 你偷了我的超人子弹 I mean, you stole my Superman bullet. 老兄


 我真的懂 Dude, I get it. I get it. 你被坑了太多次 You"ve been screwed over way too many times. 你谁也不相信 You don"t trust anyone. 隐形也是这样的 That"s the thing about invisibility. 最终只剩你一个人 You end up all by yourself. 我没偷你的破子弹 I didn"t steal your dumb bullet. 今天怎么样 How was it today? 这么好是吗 That good, huh? 天啊

 弗莱迪 Oh, my God! Freddy. 你没事吧 Are you okay? -你没事吧

 -没事 - You okay? - Yes. Yes. 搞什么 What the hell? 你们两个什么毛病 What is wrong with you two? 这刮痕肯定除不掉了 No way that"s gonna buff out. 你要怎么赔偿

 弗里曼 You gonna pay for that, Freeman? 赔偿你差点撞到我搞出的坑吗 For the dent you made almost hitting me? 当然可以

 Yeah, sure. 你们收这个吗 You guys take these? 布莱特

 住手 Brett, stop! 别碰我哥哥 Don"t touch my brother! 怎么

 你还得靠冒牌家人替你出头吗 What, do you need your fake family to stand up for you? -捍卫自己


 -是啊 - Stand up for yourself, Freeman. - Yeah, huh? 弗里曼


 还手啊 Freeman, here, stand up. 捍卫自己 Stand up for yourself. 你打算怎么办

 哭着回家找妈妈吗 What are you gonna do, go home and cry to Mommy? 对了

 你没有妈妈 Oh, yeah. You don"t have a mommy. 真不好意思 Man, sorry about that. 偷袭不太好

 不过你们也不会光明正大 That wasn"t fair, but then again you don"t fight fair, so... 退后


 我知道怎么用这玩意儿 Back off, assbags. I know how to use these things. -他跑了

 -你去哪儿 - He"s getting away! - Where you going? 弗莱迪

 你没事吧 Freddy, are you okay? 我们从后面包抄 Let"s go through the back. 你跑不掉的 Nowhere to run! 快


 让开 Go, go, go! Grab him! Move! 市场-法兰克福线 前往法兰克福和第六十九街 别挡道


 女人 Get out the way. Move, woman! 不不不 No, no, no. 你死定了

 小鬼 You"re dead, kid. 你以为自己很搞笑

 Yeah, you think you"re funny. 我们知道你在哪上学

 伙计 We know where you go to school, buddy! 下一站

 第三十街 Next stop, 30th Street Station. 可换乘市域轨道交通线路 Change for the regional rail lines. 下一站

 第三十街 有人吗 Hello? 怎么回事 What"s going on? 救命 Help! 好吧 Okay. 天哪 Holy moly. 市场-法兰克福线 有人吗 Hello? 怎么回事 What the hell? 这是谁干的 Who"s doing this? 你好 Hi. 我本来要在第三十街下车 I was supposed to get off at 30th. 比利·巴特森 Billy Batson. 你怎么知道我的名字 How"d you know my name? 我是巫师议会的最后一位成员 I am the last of the Council of Wizards. 永恒之石的守护者 Keeper of the Rock of Eternity. 你就是... You"re... 那个人 that guy. 听着

 我身上一分钱都没有 Hey, listen, I don"t have any money. 别跟我耍小聪明


 Do not patronize me, boy. 你现在身处一切魔法之源 You are standing in the source of all magic. 永恒之石

 七巫师的宝座 The Rock of Eternity. Seven thrones of seven wizards. 但很久以前

 我们选择了一位继承者 But long ago, we chose a champion 却未经深思熟虑 and we chose recklessly. 他将力量用于复仇 He used his power for revenge, 将七♥宗♥罪♥引入人世 releasing the Seven Deadly Sins into your world. 数百万生灵涂炭 Millions of lives were lost. 文明被从世间完全抹去 Entire civilizations erased from existence. 于是我发誓再也不传授我的魔法 That is why I vowed never to pass on my magic 除非找到一个真正善良的人 until I find one truly good person. 精神强韧 Strong in spirit, 内心纯洁 pure in heart. 听着


 也许这是魔法 Look, man, maybe this is magic 我不知道

 但是 and, I don"t know, but 你要找的善良纯洁的人 the people you"re looking for, good, pure people, 我不属于那一类 I"m not one of them. 我怀疑根本没有那样的人 I don"t know if anyone is, really. 比利·巴特森 You, Billy Batson, 你是我唯一的希望 are all I have. 也是这个世界唯一的希望 All the world has. 把手放在我的权杖上 Lay your hands on my staff. 变♥态♥

 Gross. 并说出我的名字

 我才能把力量传给你 And say my name so my powers may flow through you. 我向你敞开心扉

 比利·巴特森 I open my heart to you, Billy Batson. 这意味着

 我选择你作为继承者 And in so doing, choose you as champion. 谢了 Thanks. 先生


 但我真的得走了 Real sweet of you, mister, but I really gotta get going. 我的兄弟姐妹惨遭七♥宗♥罪♥杀害 My brothers and sisters were slain by the Sins. 他们的宝座空空如也 Their thrones lie empty. 我的魔法必须传承下去 My magic must be passed on. 现在

 说出我的名字 Now, speak my name! 我不知道你的名字


 我们刚见面 I don"t know your name, sir. We just met. 我的名字是... My name is... 沙赞 Shazam. 等等

 真的吗 Wait, for real? -快说

 -好 - Say it! - Okay! 天哪 Jeez. 直接说吗

 就... So just say it? Like... 沙赞 Shazam? 对 Yes! 记住我的名字

 它将赐予你我的全部力量 Carry my name, and with it, you carry all my powers. 所罗门的智慧

 海格力斯的力量 The wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, 所罗门是古代犹太国王

 《旧约·列王纪》称其有超人的智慧 海格力斯是希腊神话中的大力神 阿特拉斯的耐力


 the stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, 阿特拉斯是希腊神话中的擎天巨神 宙斯是希腊神话中的众神之王 阿喀琉斯的勇气

 墨丘利的速度 the courage of Achilles, and the speed of Mercury. 阿喀琉斯是荷马史诗《伊利亚特》中参加特洛伊战争的半神英雄 墨丘利是罗马神话中众神的使者 我这是怎么了

 为什么我... What happened to me? Why am... 你对我做了什么

 我的声音怎么变成这样了 What did you do to me? What did you do to my voice? 你被激发出了全部的潜能

 比利·巴特森 You have been transformed to your full potential, Billy Batson. 用你的心

 释放你最强大的力量 With your heart, unlock your greatest power. 我们兄弟姐妹的宝座正在等待 The thrones of our brothers and sisters await. 让我离开这里 Get me outta here! 酷毙了 Dope! 兄弟

 我为你今天的穿着鼓掌 My brother, I applaud your choices today. 金鞋子


 白披风 Gold shoes, gold belt, white cape. 这搭配烂透了

 但你穿着真♥他♥妈♥帅 It shouldn"t work, but hot damn, it does! 宝贝 Babe! 是的

 警官 Yes, Officer. 我知道他以前离家出走过 I"m aware he"s run away in the past. 离家出走了 23 次 Twenty-three times? 这家伙完全没用过社交媒体 Guy"s got no social media presence. At all. 他就是个幽灵 The guy is a ghost. 不及格 各位

 我很乐意去找比利 You know, guys, I"m happy to look for Billy. 非常乐意 More than happy.

 但我得把碗洗了 But no, you gotta wash the dishes. 这件事更重要 That"s what"s more important. "你能怎么办


 追着他跑吗" "What are you gonna do, Freddy, run after him?" 真搞笑 Very funny. 别尖叫 不


 别尖叫 No, I said, don"t scream. -维克托


 -别叫了 - Victor? Victor! - No, no! -维克托


 我是比利 - Victor! - It"s me. It"s Billy. 我是比利 It"s Billy! 你问我选飞行还是隐形

 当时我觉得很蠢 You asked me flight or invisibility. I thought that was stupid, 但现在我变成了这样

 我需要你的帮助 but now I look like this and I need your help. 熄灯之后来外面找我 Meet me back here after lights-out? 怎么了


 你没事吧 "Sup, bud? You all right? 没事

 我只是... Yeah. Yeah. I"m just... 比利走了

 我很难过 I"m really sad because Billy"s gone. 也许是我的错

 也许是因为我 And, you know, maybe it"s my fault. Maybe I did it. 也许是因为我打呼噜 You know, maybe I snore. 孩子


 知道吗 Not your fault, son, all right? 我们会找到他的

 好吗 We"ll find him, "kay? 你打呼噜没那么响 You don"t snore that bad. 但你身上有点臭 But you kinda smell. 谢天谢地 Thank God! 别过来

 Stop right there. 我怎么知道你不是 How do I know you"re not a supervillain 利用心灵感应能力 using telepathic abilities 让我认为你是比利的超级反派 to make me believe that you"re Billy? -什么

 -我只需要按下呼叫键 - What? - All I have to do is press "dial" on this thing. 别



 在这里 No! No, I have proof. I have proof. Here. 听着


 我拿了你的子弹 Look, I lied, okay? I took your bullet. -不


 -不 - Oh, no! No, no, no. - No! 大人的手笨死了 Stupid adult hands. 但你看到了 But you saw it. 你看到了吧 You saw it, right? 弗莱迪


 好吗 Look, Freddy, I swear. It"s me, okay? 我知道我们不算是好朋友 Look, I know we"re not really close friends or anything, 但你是我认识的人里面 but you"re the only person that I know 唯一一个了解披风斗士那一套的人 that knows anything about this caped crusader stuff. 蝙蝠侠的另一个称呼 -那是蝙蝠侠

 -什么 - That"s Batman. - What? 当我没说 Forget it. 能让我... Can I... 当然 Yeah. Yeah, yeah. 天哪 Oh, my God! 太疯狂了

 对吧 It"s crazy, right? 你的超能力是什么 What are your superpowers?

 超能力 Superpowers? 老兄

 我都不知道穿着这玩意怎么撒尿 Dude, I don"t even know how to pee in this thing. 好吧

 那你会飞吗 Okay. Can you fly? 好了

 开始吧 Okay! Let"s do this. 怎么做来着 How do we do this? 像超人那样就行了 Just, um, like, Superman it. 天哪

 很明显你得跳起来 Oh, my God. Obviously, you have to jump. 来吧 Come on. 哪里明显了 How is any of this obvious? 好吧 Okay. 试着相信自己会飞

 好吗 Try, uh, to believe that you can fly. Okay? 我读了一篇深入解析 I read this deep dive 业内认可的超能力研究的文章 into peer-reviewed studies about superpowers 里面说六成超能力的关键在于信念 and in six out of ten, belief is the key. 信念



 好吧 Belief. Belief. Belief. Okay. Okay. 我相信我会飞 I believe I can fly. 我相信我... I believe I... 我相信我会飞 I believe I can fly. 我相信我... I believe I... 你相信了吗 Did you believe? 相信了 Yeah. 你想试试隐形吗 You wanna try invisibility?

 我怎么才能... How do I do... 算了

 好吧 Forget it. You know, okay. 好吧


 好吧 Okay, okay, okay. 天哪

 成功了 Oh, my God! It worked! 你去哪儿了 Where"d you go? 我就在这里

 你看不到我吗 I"m right here. You can"t see me? 哪里 Where? 我隐形了 I"m invisible! 我就在这里

 就在这里 I"m right here. Over here. 我隐形了

 我隐形了 I"m invisible! I"m invisible! 行头不错

 蠢货 Nice outfit, dipshit. 我刚刚可能是在同时测试 I might"ve been testing invisibility 隐形能力和超级智力 and super-intelligence at the same time. 弗里曼

 我要过去打你了 Freeman, I"m gonna come over there and beat you. 天哪

 你胸口的闪电标记 Oh, my God! The lightning emblem! 一直摆在我们眼前 It was staring us right in the face the whole time. 真的 Literally! 好了 Okay, okay. 显然

 我们得给你 Clearly, we gotta give you -取一个和闪电有关的超级英雄名字

 -嗯 - a lightning-themed superhero name. - Yeah. 对了 Oh, right. 那边的

 让... Hey, you! Back...

 开 off. 超高速

 确认 Hyper-speed, check. 抱歉

 很抱歉 I"m sorry. I"m so sorry. 我还以为是你在喊 I thought you were the one who was screaming. 我用辣椒喷雾喷了他 I doused him with pepper spray. 明智之举 Smart move. 抢劫犯先生

 把老太太的包还给她 Yeah, hey, Mr. Mugger Guy. Give the old lady her purse back. 我跟你同龄 I"m your age. 而且他没机会 And he didn"t get a chance 抢走我的包

 因为我没让他得逞 to take it "cause I didn"t let him take it. 很好


 你真的很擅长这个 Good. Yeah, good. You"re really on top of this stuff. 这件事给你的教训是

 老太太... And that should teach you that old ladies... 像你这样平常年纪的女士 Regular-aged ladies like yourself 不需要你的保护

 明白吗 don"t need your protecting, right? 清醒点吧

 老兄 So get woke, bro. 不好意思

 你是谁 I"m sorry, who are you? 他叫雷鸣霹雳 His name is Thundercrack, 他是人♥民♥的英雄 hero to the people 集闪电的力量和速度于一体 with all the power and speed of lightning all in one. 老兄

 这名字听起来像是在说屁♥股♥ Dude, that sounds like a butt thing. buttcrack

 屁♥股♥缝 费城先生 Mister Philadelphia. 像卖♥♥奶油干酪的


 That"s a cream cheese thing, dude! Philadelphia 是知名奶油干酪品牌 力量小子

 因为他拥有全部的力量 Power Boy. "Cause he"s got all the powers. 因为有时候辣椒喷雾没法抵御邪恶 "Cause sometimes pepper spray can"t protect against evil. 力量小子

 你认识这个小孩吗 Power Boy, do you know this child? 稍微认识一丢丢

 我们不太熟... Like a teeny little bit. I don"t really know... 嗯

 他就像我的迷你经纪人 Yeah. He"s like a little miniature manager. 我是他的经纪人 I"m his manager. 但也不能叫力量小子

 好吗 But Power Boy"s not gonna work, either, okay? 神力小子是 DC 漫画旗下真实存在的超级英雄 还是想想别的名字吧 So work on something else. 伙计

 怎么... Bud, what could... 操控电力


 超级力量 Electricity manipulation, hyper-speed, super-strength. 老兄

 你简直无所不能 Dude, you"re stacked! 你几乎和超人一样酷了

 几乎 You"re almost as cool as Superman. Almost. 我没见过你

 我不知道刚刚发生了什么 I didn"t see you. I don"t know what just happened here. 我不想知道

 别伤害我 I don"t wanna know. Just don"t hurt me. 我这么做不是为了钱 I"m not doing it for the money. 谢谢你慷慨的捐赠 Thank you for your kind donation. 不不不

 但如果以后你需要帮助 No, no, no, but if you ever need any more help 找我这个不会飞的超级英雄就行 just look for the superhero that still can"t fly. 别想飞的事了

 我们刚赚了 73 块 Forget flying, man. We just made 73 bucks! 73 块 Seventy-three bucks? 真给力

 Come on! 等一下 Wait a minute. 我有个主意 I just got an idea. 我想买♥♥一些这里最好的啤酒 I"d like to purchase some of your finest beer, please. 我觉得不妥

 我们连假身份证都没有 I don"t know about this. I mean, we don"t have a fake ID even. 弗莱迪


 放松点行吗 Freddy, Freddy, would you relax? 看看我

 我就是假身份证 Look at me. I am the fake ID. 把收银机里的钱都拿出来 Everything from the register! 快点

 快 Go, go! Now! 快点


 快点 Come on! We don"t have any time. Let"s go. Move! 一分钱也别落下

 快点 We want it all! Hurry. 你的机会来了 This is your chance. 好的 Okay. 快点
