
 2021 中考英语复习之真题阅读词块与阅读练习(十四)

 2020 年郴州市初中学业水平考试英语试卷 B 篇

 目录 内容 第一部分 中考真题试做 第二部分 真题词块解析 第三部分 阅读 练习 一:真题试做 Electric bicycles have become one of the most popular vehicles (交通工具) in people’s daily life, whether in the countryside or in cities. They run on battery-operated (用电池发动的) motors. Electric bicycles can run much faster than bikes and they are very easy to ride. They were first made in the 1980s in China, but they were not popular at that time. Today, thanks to the improvement on the quality (质量) of the batteries, electric bicycles sell much better. There are over 100 electric bicycles makers in China. Now China is one of the largest makers of electric bicycles in the world, and many people ride them to work, to send children to schools, to go to the supermarkets and so on. However, electric bicycles also have disadvantages. The most important one is that they are not safe enough for people who ride them. There are many accidents caused by electric bicycles because of their fast speed. People must be careful when riding electric bicycles. At the same time, people should wear helmets (头盔) when riding electric bicycles. Check the batteries as often as possible. Keeping safe is the most important thing. 1. Electric bicycles were first made ________ in China. A. in the 1960s B. in the 1970s C. in the 19805 2. The underlined word “disadvantages” means ________ in Chinese. A.优点 B.缺点 C.型号 3. To keep safe, people should ________ when riding electric bicycles.

 A. wear helmets B. ride very fast C. make a call 4. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? A. People in the countryside don’t ride electric bicycles now. B. It’s not safe enough for people to ride electric bicycles. C. There are over 300 electric bicycles makers in China 5. What is the writer’s main purpose in the passage? A. To introduce electric bicycles to people. B. To talk about the way to ride electric bicycles. C. To show us the disadvantages of electric bicycles. 二:词块梳理 vehicles 英 /ˈviːɪk(ə)lz/

 美 /"viɪklz/

 n. [车辆] 车辆(vehicle 的复数形式);交通工具 双语例句 1.Both vehicles ended up in a ditch.


 2.Shops were looted and vehicles stoned.


 3.Theft of motor vehicles is up by 15.9%.

 机动车盗窃案增加了 15.9%。



 用电池作电源的 双语例句 1.Listen to a battery-operated radio or television.


 2.I got him one of those little battery-operated motorcycles.


 3.And what is the symbolic significance of a battery-operated chemical flame, anyway?

 那个由电池控制的化学火焰的象征意义何在? quality 英 /ˈkwɒləti/

 美 /ˈkwɑːləti/

 n. 质量,[统计] 品质;特性;才能 adj. 优质的;高品质的;<英俚>棒极了 复数 qualities 双语例句 1.The quality is uniformly high.


 2.This is high quality stuff.


 3.This wine is of doubtful quality.


 helmet 英 /ˈhelmɪt/

  美 /ˈhelmɪt/

 n. 钢盔,头盔 n. (Helmet)人名;(德)黑尔梅特 复数 helmets 双语例句 1.He locked his helmet into position with a click.


 2.A man in a crash helmet was mounting a motorcycle.


 3.He waved back, put down the kickstand, and took off his helmet.


 electric /ɪˈlektrɪk/

  美 /ɪˈlektrɪk/

 adj. 电的;电动的;发电的;导电的;令人震惊的 n. 电;电气车辆;带电体 复数 electrics 双语例句

 1.The electric will be off tomorrow.


 2.He was sent to the electric chair.


 3.He invented the first electric clock.


 三. .

 阅读 练习


 When Emma and her family went out to dinner, they always went to their favorite restaurant. Their favorite restaurant was an Italian restaurant, and they usually went there once a week. One week when they were getting ready to go out to dinner, Emma’s dad suggested they try the new Chinese restaurant in town, but Emma and her little brother Josh both disagreed. “You might actually end up liking it if you give it a try,” said their mom. Their dad added, “Let’s try it once, and if you don’t like it, we can go back to the Italian restaurant.” Emma and Josh agreed and got into the back seat of the car. When they arrived at the Chinese restaurant, a waiter met them at the door and greeted them with a smile. He led them to a table. The restaurant looked pretty cool, and the waiter was very nice. He told them what some of his favorite dishes were. Emma and Josh took his advice and ordered their dishes. Soon the dishes were ready. After Emma and Josh tasted them, they both said, “You were right, Mom. The food here is pretty delicious.” When the meal was over, Emma said, “I think I have another favorite restaurant.” Josh agreed and asked, “When shall we come here again?” “On Children’s Day,” said Emma’s mom with a smile. 56. How often did the family go to the Italian restaurant? ____________________________________________________________________ 57. Who disagreed to try a new restaurant at first? ____________________________________________________________________ 58. How did they go to the new Chinese restaurant?

 ____________________________________________________________________ 59. Was the food in the Chinese restaurant delicious? ____________________________________________________________________ 60. When would they go to the new Chinese restaurant again? ____________________________________________________________________