
  第 38 篇 立场-意见-观点-建议 篇

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 意见与建议 1.1

 意见- 看法 1.1.1

 how/ where you stand (with sb/ on sth) 【英语解释】have a particular attitude or opinion about sth to towards sb 【中文解释】对…持…态度/观点,对…的看法 John my be blunt ,but you always know where you stand with him. The voters want to know where you stand on abortion. Where do you stand on private education? Voters need to know where each candidate stands. Where do the Democrats stand on the issue of sanctions?


 what you’re made of;

 what you make of 【英语解释】form an opinion about sb 【中文解释】形成对的看法 Read this letter and tell me what you make of it. What do you make of the new assistant? Come on then, you bully, show us what you’re made of! You’ve applied for this competition for three times. All right, now let’s see what you’re made of!


 where you’re coming from 【英语解释】your point of view. 【中文解释】观点,看法,意见,想法 I think I know what you mean. I know where you’re coming from. Man, you don’t know where I’m coming from! You don’t understand a single word I say.


 received/ conventional wisdom 【英语解释】a belief that is generally thought to be true 【中文解释】普遍的看法,大多数人的看法/意见/态度,传统的信念 The received wisdom is that boys mature more slowly than girls. Conventional wisdom has it that riots only ever happen in big cities. According to (the) received /conventional wisdom in these matters the voters usually make their choice on the basis of domestic issues.


 vantage point 【英语解释】point of view 【中文解释】立场,观点,看法,见解 From the vantage point of the late 20 th

 century, the war seems to have achieved nothing. I quite agree that from your vantage point his action must have seemed unwise.


 point of view 【英语解释】sb’s opinion about sb/sth 【中文解释】观点,看法,意见,想法 From my point of view, all this talk is a waste of time.

 She has a strange point of view, but she has made some good observations about the problem. People seemed afraid to express a point of view that was different from the government’s

 If Allen had ever been the victim of a crime, he might have a slightly different point of view. From a farmer’s point of view, foxes are a nuisance. She’s always ready to listen to other people’s point of view. I don’t agree with her, but she has a right to her point of view. I respect your point of view, but I really don’t agree with you. My parents never seem to be able to see my point of view. Why can’t you ever see my point of view? There are a number of different points of view on this issue. These changes are ideal from my point of view. From John’s point of view, it’s very distressing indeed. A: So you weren’t happy with the way the newspaper covered the rally protesting the rising tuition fees?

 B: No. The article underestimated the number of students who were there and I don’t think it explained our point of view very well.


 take a … view of;

  take the view

 【英语解释】have a particular opinion about sth

 【中文解释】持…看法/态度,对…抱…的看法 We take the view that it would be wrong to interfere. Alice take a dim view of your vacation plans. One of two members took a poor view of the idea, but they were outnumbered. She took a pretty dim view of her son’s recent behaviour. A: What do you think of China"s economy? B: Well, I take a very optimistic view of it, as long as it keeps booming development.


 a matter of opinion 【英语解释】used to say that people have different opinions about a subject ;

  not sth that can be clearly proved or decided 【中文解释】见仁见智的问题,看法因人而异的问题;看法不同/有争议/看法不一的问题,有争论余地的问题 Whether the committee is efficient is a matter of opinion. Whether or not it’s healthier to be a vegetarian is a matter of opinion. Personally I can’t stand rock music, but I suppose it’s all a matter of opinion. The President is busy on a matter of opinion. It’s a matter of opinion how good the company is. John thinks it’s great and Fred thinks it’s poor.

 Which is the better is a matter of opinion. How efficient the committee is a matter of opinion. A: She’s a great singer.

  B: That’s a matter of opinion.


 public/ popular / general opinion;

  public/ popular / general view/ belief 【英语解释】what most people believe 【中文解释】人们普通认为,普遍的信念/观点/看法,公众意见,舆论 Responding to public opinion, the government introduced new controls on guns. A government may have to change its actions in order to fit in with changes in public opinion. Public opinion should not influence every policy decision. Public opinion is shifting in favour of change. Popular opinion is quite easily swayed by the media. Contrary to popular belief, gorillas are basically shy, gentle creatures. The general opinion is that the new working hours are a good thing. The shooting of an intruder by a farmer has sharply divided popular opinion.


 a (significant/ growing/ powerful/ substantial/ wide) body of opinion 【英语解释】many people oppose sth 【中文解释】一片哗然,相当多的人反对,支持/反对…的大有人在 A significant body of opinion is strongly opposed to the new proposals. There is a growing body of opinion that says we should put the environment first. There is a powerful body of opinion against the ruling. There is now a substantial body of opinion that opposes this law. There is a wide body of opinion that supports this proposal.


 second opinion 【英语解释】professional judgement or advice from other people;

  advice from another person 【中文解释】别人的(专业性)意见,他人的鉴定 You should get a second opinion from another doctor.

 I need an operation, but I’ve asked for a second opinion. I’d like a second opinion before I make a final decision.


 two cents;

  two cents/ cents’ worth 【英语解释】your (unwelcome) opinion about a subject being discussed 【中文解释】(对所讨论问题不受人欢迎的)意见,观点 Here comes Robert, I suppose we’ll have to hear his two cents worth. If we want your two cents, we’ll ask for it. Will you please be quiet. When I want your two cents worth, I’ll ask for it. Well, that’s my two cents, for what it’s worth.


 school of thought 【英语解释】a group of people with the same way of thinking, opinion etc 【中文解释】学派,流派,…派别的观点 There are different schools of thought on the best method of growing tomatoes. There are two schools of thought on this matter.

 There are two schools of thought on drinking red wine with fish. There are tow schools of thought about how this illness should be treated. There are two schools of thought. One wants to control inflation, while the other is more interested in boosting employment. There are different schools of thought on the best method of educating children. According to one school of thought, the disease is caused by a genetic defect. One school of thought holds that cats cause allergic reactions.

 I come from the school of thought that believes people should always be polite.


  (my/ the other/ the same )side of the fence 【英语解释】(my/ the opposite/ the same) point of view or position in an argument 【中文解释】…的观点,立场 The former allies are now on opposite sides of the fence. Make up your mind—which side of the fence are you on?


 sb’s take on [AmE] 【英语解释】sb’s opinion about a situation or idea 【中文解释】对…的观点/立场 What’s your take on the Middle East issue?


 a/ one side of the story/ picture 【英语解释】only one way of looking at a situation 【中文解释】一面之词,一种说法,一种描述 There are two sides to this story, and you’ve only heard Jim’s. This programme on the dispute only shows one side of the picture.


 a worm’s-eye view 【英语解释】the opinion of sb who is closely involved in sth

 【中文解释】切身体会,知情者的看法;某一情况/问题的了解 I’m afraid I can’t give you a general overview of the situation. I can only offer you a worm’s-eye view that is based on my own experience. I talked to some men who had recently lost their jobs; I got a worm’s-eye view of the real effects of unemployment. I"m not sure I can be of much help.

 I can only offer you a worm"s-eye view of the situation.


 write-up 【英语解释】a written opinion about a new book, play, or product in a newspaper, magazine etc 【中文解释】评论(文章)

 Did you see Martin Amis’ write-up of the book in the Observer? After a write-up in Yankee magazine, orders started pouring in. The film didn’t get a very good write-up in Time Out. The play got a really good write-up in the press.


 how do you like that/ sth? 【英语解释】used when asking for an opinion or judgment 【中文解释】(用于征询意见)你对此事有何想法,你认为…怎么样 How do you like this dress?


 that’s a thought 【英语解释】that’s a good suggestion 【中文解释】那是个好主意 A: Why don’t you ask Jim’s advice

  B: That’s a thought!—I’ll phone him right away.


 发表意见 1.2.1

 put/get/ throw in your two cents’ worth [AmE] 【英语解释】give your opinion about sth, when other people do not want to hear it 【中文解释】(在别人不想听时)发布意见,未经邀请而发表意见,补充说两句 Can I put in my two cents’ worth? Sure, go ahead—put your two cents in.

  Everyone had to get in their two cents worth. You know me, I always have to get my two cent’s worth in. Thousands of workers lined up outside city hall on Monday to talk to the mayor and throw in their tow cent’s worth about how the city could work better.

 If you’ll listen for a moment, I’d like to put in my two cents worth. The meeting took a long time because every man jack wanted to get in his two cents worth. Samantha always seems to feel she has to put in her two cents worth, even when she obviously doesn’t know what she’s talking about. If you’ll listen for a moment, I’d like to put in my two cents worth. A: I want to apple for the position opening in your company. Can you help me? Do you know anyone who could throw his weight around? B: What about your brother? He’s a big shot. Maybe he could put in his two cents. A: It’s useless asking for his help. I think I’ll have to make my own way.


 pass judgement/ a remark/ comment/ opinion (on sb) 【英语解释】give your opinion or criticism about sb’s behaviour 【中文解释】(对…)作出评论/评判,发表评论/意见;(对…)说三道四,批评;

 It’s not for me to pass judgement on your behaviour. Who am I to pass judgement on her behaviour? He refused to pass judgement until all the evidence was presented. Society badly needs to learn not to pass judgment on people because of their background. It is difficult to pass judgement on the affair when we know so little about what happened. Do not pass judgement on others unless you are perfect yourself. She sat and watched the game, passing the occasional witty comment.


 pronounce on/ upon sth 【英语解释】state your opinion on sth , especially when you do not really know much about t 【中文解释】对(不甚了解的事物)表态,发表意见 He feels able to pronounce on all kinds of subjects. The minister will pronounce on further security measures later today. I don’t want to listen to him pronounce on wine all night. We have asked the chief engineer to pronounce on the effect of widening the bridge.


 commit yourself on 【英语解释】give your opinion openly so that it’s difficult to change it 【中文解释】表态,发表意见 I asked her what she thought, but she refused to commit herself. Smith decided that it would be wiser not to commit himself. I’d rather not commit myself on that, if you don’t mind. You can’t change your mind now, you’ve already commit yourself on that question. He refused to commit himself on women’s rights.


 weigh in ( with sth) 【英语解释】join in a discussion, an argument, an activity, etc by saying sth important, persuading sb, or doing sth to help 【中文解释】(在讨论/辩论等中)发表有分量的意见,提出(有说力的)观点/论点;发挥作用 We all weighed in with our suggestions. Each member weighed in with their own opinion. We would have won if you hadn’t tried to weigh in with your silly ideas.


 get on your soapbox 【英语解释】tell people your own strong opinions about a particular subject loudly and forcefully 【中文解释】发布激烈的意见,大发议论,高谈阔论,发表高论 Don’t mention politics, or Burt will be back on his soapbox again. Don’t mention the internet in front of him, or he’ll get on his soapbox and we’ll be here all night listening to his opinions about the evils of modern technology.


 sound off (about sth) 【英语解释】express you opinions loudly, angrily or in an aggressive way

 【中文解释】高谈阔论,夸夸其谈,大发议论,畅所欲言;表示强烈的不满,大发牢骚,大声抱怨 If you want to sound off, this is the time.

 Philip’s always sounding off about the environment. The people at the bus stop were sounding off about the poor transportation services. Bob was sounding off about the government’s economic policies.


 get a word in edgewise/ edgeways 【英语解释】force your way into a discussion 【中文解释】在讨论中强行发表意见 Murphy’s friends were lost in a heated discussion, and Murphy couldn’t get a word in edgewise.

 Everyone at the meeting was talking at the same time, but I finally managed to get a word in edgewise. It was such an exciting conversation that I could hardly get a word in edgewise.

 Mary talks so fast that nobody can get a word in edgeways. I can never get a word in edgeways when I talk to her.


 make your voice heard 【英语解释】express your opinion so that people notice it 【中文解释】发表意见,表达情感,使别人接受自己的意见 This programme gives ordinary people a rare chance to make their voices heard. A: I’m surprised the Professor hasn’t opposed these changes.

  B: Don’t worry, he"ll make his voice heard.


 give voice to 【英语解释】express a feeling or an opinion in words;

  speak out about sth..

 【中文解释】公开地表示意见/感情 Only Hartman dared to give voice to their discontent. The bird gave voice to its joy in the golden sunshine.

 All the people gave voice to their anger at Congress.


 air your views/ opinions 【英语解释】make known to others your opinions, ideas etc;

 say publicly what you think about sth important 【中文解释】发表自己的意见,让人知道自己的意见/观点 He’s always airing his views about politics. He finished by saying that the purpose of the meeting was to air our views, and to give him the ideas which he could think over. She’s not the kind of person one can introduce into company; she is too fond of airing her opinions. Every Friday there is a meeting at the factory where the workers can air their views and discuss problems. For a long time citizens were denied the right to air their views fully or to hold public debates.


 get/ be given/ have the floor 【英语解释】be speaking or get/ be given/ have the right to speak during a discussion, debate or an important public meeting 【中文解释】(在讨论/辩论/重要的公开会议上)发言/取得发言权,发言,发表意见 The Senator from Wyoming had the floor. The member for Brighton has the floor. Please don’t interrupt, I believe I have the floor. “You may have the floor, ” said the chairman.


 it’s my considered opinion that 【英语解释】I say this after careful thought about it 【中文解释】我经过仔细考虑,认为 It’s my considered opinion that he is a liar and a cheat.


 remark on/ upon 【英语解释】notice and say or write sth about 【中文解释】评论,谈论 Everyone remarked on his absence.


 write up 【英语解释】write your opinion about a new book, play, or product for a newspaper, magazine, etc 【中文解释】写文章评论 write-up—n. 评论文章 The play got a really good write-up in the press. His latest play was given an enthusiastic write-up in the local press. The concert got a good write-up in the local newspaper.


 建议 1.3.1

 make a suggestion 【英语解释】give sb an idea or a plan 【中文解释】提建议 Can I just make one suggestion about how we might do this? One day her mother made a suggestion. ‘Why don’t you come back and live with your father and me?’ A professional consultant will make suggestions about the most suitable clients to approach for your particular type of work. Can I make a suggestion? Try adding a little more flour.

 May I make a suggestion? I think we should stop and look at the map.


 advise (sb) against (sth/ doing sth) 【英语解释】supply sb. with a suggestion of not doing sth 【中文解释】建议…不要,劝…不要做,奉…劝别 Lisa always advises against hasty actions. I would strong advise against going out on your own. They lawyers have advised against signing the contract. I’d advise you against saying anything to the press. I advised Bill against quitting his job.

 Lisa advised Tom against doing it.


 put sth to sb 【英语解释】offer a suggestion to sb so that they can accept or reject it 【中文解释】给…提出(建议),建议考虑,请…考虑 Your proposal will be put to the board of directors. I put it to you, Mr President, that these measures will not solve the problem of violent crime. I put it to you that you haven’t told us the full facts.


 give sb feedback 【英语解释】give sb some advice 【中文解释】给…提建议,提供反馈意见/信息 The teacher will give you feedback on the test. A: Kim, I’m having second thoughts about buying that house. It’s such a big decision for me. Do you think you could give me some feedback? B: I suggest you wait for another couple of months. Maybe you can find a better one at a better price by then.


 steer straight 【英语解释】provide with sensible advice for making the right choices in life 【中文解释】领航;关于人生选择的建议 The teenager was headed for a life of crime, but a caring counsellor steered her straight, and now she’s an honour student. How can children be steered straight in life if both parents work and time together is spent mainly in front of the TV?


 at sb’s suggestion 【英语解释】because sb suggested 【中文解释】根据…的建议,在…提议下,应…的建议/提议 At his suggestion, I bought the more expensive printer. At your suggestion I planted the tree over there.


 What say…?;

  what do/ would you say (to sth/ doing sth) 【英语解释】you’ll agree, won’t you? 【中文解释】你同意…吗?你看…好不好?你对…有什么看法?你觉得怎么样?你赞不赞成,你喜不喜欢 What say I pay him in advance? What say we take in a movie or something tonight? What say you and I get married? What do you say to eating out tonight? What do you say we all o to a move? What would you say to a meal out? What would you say to a weekend in Paris? What do you say to eating out tonight? What would you say to another cup of tea? What do you say we go into business/to going into business together? Let’s go away for a weekend. What do you say?

 Let’s go into business together, what do you say? We could go into partnership; what do you say? A: What would you say to UFO? B: I think it’s mere fiction. A: What would you say to a cup of tea? B: Yes, please. Thanks!


 a word to the wise;

 word to the wise is enough;

 a word is enough to the wise 【英语解释】used to introduce some advice, especially when only a few words are necessary 【中文解释】对聪明人不用细说,寥寥数语,只说一句,提个建议;智者一言已足,明人不用细说 The band are now touring the UK. A word to the wise though—make sure you book tickets early.

 A word to the wise—the headmaster is in the next room so no noise. They say, a word to the wise is enough: so by this little French that he speaks, I see he is the very man I seek for.


 hazard an opinion 【英语解释】give an opinion. 【中文解释】斗胆提出意见 Anne asked the attorney to hazard an opinion about the strength of her lawsuit. Don’t feel like you have to hazard an opinion on something. you know nothing about.


 bum steer;

  bum advice 【英语解释】bad advice, poor recommendation 【中文解释】不好的/毫无价值的建议,坏主意,错误的指点,馊主意 You certainly gave me a bum steer on that last investment I made; tow days after I bought it the stock dropped ten points. We were hoping for a good meal at the restaurant that Stacey recommended, but I’m sorry to say that she gave us a bum steer. The old, dirty ghost town that the guidebook recommended wasn’t worth driving 150 miles to see. What a bum steer! He gave me some bum advice about buying a car.


 the blind leading the blind 【英语解释】used to say people with almost no experience or knowledge give advice to others who also have no experience or knowledge 【中文解释】盲人给瞎子引路,盲人教盲人,瞎指挥,外行指导外行 Tom doesn’t know anything about cars, but he’s trying to teach Sally how to change the oil. It’s a case of the blind leading the blind.

 When I tried to show Mary how to use a computer, it was the blind leading the blind. I’ll help you with this matter if you like, but I think you’ll find that will be very much a case of the blind leading the blind. Jimmy is trying to show Bill how to skate. The blind are leading the blind.


 不妨 1.4.1

 it does no harm to do sth;

 there’s no harm in doing sth 【英语解释】used to suggest that sb should do sth 【中文解释】不妨,也无妨;也没什么不好,不会有坏处 It does no harm to ask. There’s no harm in trying. He may say no, but there’s no harm in asking. He may not be able to help but there’s no harm in asking him. Well, it does no harm to try. There’s no harm in asking him. There’s no harm in your staying up late occasionally. Oh, there’s no harm in crying. It’s great relief. He may say no, but there’s no harm in asking. It does no harm to ask. Learning how to live on your own for a while will do you no harm at all. I expect they’ve sold all the tickets, but it won’t do any harm to ask. A: My dad wants me to try out for the school’s basketball team, but I don’t think I’ll make it.

 B: There’s no harm in trying. You’re really good.


 it wouldn’t do sb any harm to do sth 【英语解释】suggest that sb should do sth that may be helpful or useful 【中文解释】做…对…并无害处;不妨做 It would do you no harm to get some experience first.


 it doesn’t/ won’t/ wouldn’t hurt (sb/sth to do sth) 【英语解释】used to say that sb should do a particular thing;

 there is no reason why sb cannot or should not do sth 【中文解释】不会有什么损害;应该(做);做…对…不会有坏处/不会有什么损失/造成什么不便,…也无妨,不妨做 It wouldn’t hurt her to walk instead of going in the car all the time. It wouldn’t hurt you to help with the housework occasionally. It won’t hurt Julia to get up early for once. It won’t hurt you to help with the housework occasionally. It won’t hurt to postpone the meeting. It won’t hurt to postpone the matter for a few days.

 Why don’t you call Susan and see if she is free tonight? It doesn’t hurt to ask. A: They want to invite me to their party. But I don’t feel like going to parties. So I’ve declined the invitation. B: Why? It wouldn’t hurt to make friends. A: I want to go, but my parents would never let me. B: It doesn’t hurt to ask. Maybe they’ll say “yes.” A: Should we get started now? B: It won’t hurt to wait a bit longer.


 may/ could/ might as well 【英语解释】it would be sensible, or a good idea to do sth 【中文解释】还不如,倒不如,还是…的好,最好还是,不妨,干脆,本来可以,……好不好? It’s just as well to lock the door, even if you only go out of the house for a few minutes. A: We were too late to see the film. B: Just as well; I hear it isn’t very good. It’s late, so I may as well go to bed. I may as well go out tonight. There’s nothing on television. You may as well begin at once. You may as well stop giving me these magazines—I’ve got no use for them, and they just go straight in the bin. If you’re not going to eat that pizza I may as well throw it out. I suppose we may as well get started. If no one else wants it, we might as well give it tom him. You may as well keep it a secret.

 You are not (physically) strong, so you may as well take care of your health. You might as well sit down. It’s going to be a while. You might as well come with me. Since it’s raining, we might as well stay home and read. I’m not ready to go yet so you might as well leave without me. I’ll see you there. Since it’s too wet outside to play softball, we might as well play cards inside. Since nobody else wants the job, I might as well give it to him. I think we might as well but this one. We’re not going to find anything cheaper. It’s too late to go to the movies so we may as well watch TV. A: You might as well wear a long overcoat on such a cold day. B: Thank you. I’m ok. A: Are you coming to the pub? B: Might as well. A: Come to the movies with us. Everybody needs to take a break every once in a while. B: I guess I might as well. I’ve been studying so long I can hardly concentrate. A: It’s only ten more miles to the lake. B: It might as well be ten thousand. My front tire needs air and my legs ache from pedalling. A: I see that your roommate Donna is editor of the newspaper this year. B: Editor, yes But you’d never know she was my roommate. I’ve hardly seen her since the beginning of the term. She might as well move her bed over to the newspaper office. A: I’ve been working on this problem for a long time. But I still can’t work it out. B: Take it easy. You might as well do something else now. maybe you can find some clues later. A: My son dropped out of school and I just don’t know what to do to change his mind! B: You might as well give up trying to convince him. He’s just too stubborn. The weather was so bad we might just as well have stayed at home. There’s no point in waiting here. We might just as well go home. The taxi was so slow, we might just as well have gone on the bus. Since there’s no more work to do, we might just as well go home. No one will eat this food, it might just as well be thrown away. The weather was so bad we might (just) as well have stayed at home. The weather was so bad we might just as well have stayed at home.


 it won’t kill you (to do sth) 【英语解释】used when saying that sb could easily do sth and ought to do it 【中文解释】(做…)对…来说只是举手之劳(因此应该去做);不会要你的命 It wouldn"t kill you to give me a bit of help.


 you can/ could do worse than sth 【英语解释】used to say that you think sth is a good idea 【中文解释】倒不如试做…,你做…倒不失可取,做…是个好主意 If you want a safe investment, you could do a lot worse than put your money in a building society. If you’re looking for a good career, you could do worse than a job in banking.

 You could do worse than buy a few bottles of the local wine.


 认为 1.5.1

 define yourself as 【英语解释】say or explain sb as 【中文解释】以为自己是 You define yourself as the boss. He would never define himself as a workaholic. She would never define herself as the best player. He defines himself as the best country music singer. He would never define himself as the most successful businessman. They defined themselves as winners though they lost the game.


 describe sb/sth as 【英语解释】say what sb’sth is like 【中文解释】把…说成/称为,认为 She describes him as a genius. He describes him as a doctor. We can’t describe her as really clever. Critics have described the book as ‘garbage.’ Reports from the city describe casualties as very heavy. The seller described it as a vintage car, but I’d call it an old wreck. I wouldn’t describe the job as boring, just a little repetitive sometimes. John describes himself as the intelligent but shy type. Olsen described herself as a campaign manager for the organization. De la Cruz is described as Mexico’s greatest woman poet. The man was describe as tall and dark, and aged about 15. Eliot was described by Lewis as arrogant, sly and insincere.


 characterize sb/sth as 【英语解释】describe sb/sth as 【中文解释】认为是,把…说成是,描绘/刻画成 A reporter characterized Mrs. Clinton as the most controversial first lady in modern history. She grew up in a small Wisconsin community which she characterizes as conservative. I would characterize Captain Hill as a born leader of men. Opponents of the law have characterized it as an attack on free speech. The hero of the book is characterized as a person of very strong principles. These arguments can hardly be characterized as being original.


 be acknowledged/ recognized as 【英语解释】be thought of as being very important or very good by a large number of people 【中文解释】被公认为是,普遍认为 He’s widely acknowledged as the best player in the world. Cigarettes are acknowledged as a serious health risk and the main cause of lung cancer. Von Braun was then acknowledged as the world’s foremost expert on rocket engineering. She is acknowledged as an expert on the subject. Lasalle is widely acknowledged as the world’s greatest living authority on Impressionist painting.


 be recognized as 【英语解释】be thought of as 【中文解释】被公认为,被奉为,得到承认 Lawrence’s novel was rejected at first, but it later came to be recognized as a work of genius. The book is now recognized as classic. Lawrence’s novel was eventually recognized as a work of genius.


 hail as 【英语解释】recognize and describe as 【中文解释】把…称作,把…誉为,认为/承认…是 Her latest book is being hailed as a master piece. His discoveries were hailed as a great step forward in medicine. Lang’s first film was immediately hailed as a masterpiece. The conference was hailed as a great success. This new drug is being hailed as a major breakthrough in the treatment of cancer.

 She is being hailed as the new Marilyn Monroe. The new peace agreement is being hailed as a major breakthrough. When it was first introduced, the birth control pill was hailed as a wonder drug.


 think of as 【英语解释】consider sb/sth in a particular way 【中文解释】以为,认为,把…看作,把…视为 Most people think of Leonardo da Vinci as a great artist, but he was also a great scientist. I think of her as a sad person with little success in her life. I have long thought of it as the most enchanting village in England. I think of this place as my home. Learning a language should be thought of as a natural process. She is thought of as a possible future director. We now think of the car as being essential rather than a luxury.


 write off as 【英语解释】regard sb/sth as unimportant, not worth listening to, etc 【中文解释】把…看成,描写成,贬低为 Do not shout, or you will be written off as a hysterical woman. He was written off by his family as a failure, so they were very surprised when he passed all the exams and went to university. We shall have to write your suggestion off as a useless idea. It’s easy to write him off as just an eccentric old bore. We’ve written the project off as a non-starter. He lost this match, but don’t write him off as a future champion.


 look on/ upon (as) 【英语解释】consider sb/sth to be sb/sth 【中文解释】把…看作/视为,把……当做;看待 They looked on his behaviour with contempt. Even doctors may look on these patients as drug addicts and treat them as social outcasts. I look on you as a very thoughtful person.

 Mary looked on Jane as a good friend. I look on him as a good friend. She’s looked on as the leading authority on the subject. Most people look on the government’s promises with complete disbelief. I look upon all my nephews and nieces with equal affection. I have lived with my aunt since I was a baby, and I look on her as my mother. A: I look on him as a lover. B: Too bad. He just looks on you as a friend.


 mark sb down as sth 【英语解释】form an opinion about sb when you first meet them; recognize sb as a particular type 【中文解释】将…看作,认定…为;对…形成第一印象 I hadn’t got him marked down as a liberal. When I first saw Gilbert play I marked him down as a future England player. I marked him down as an American, but he turned out to be a Canadian.


 put sb down as sth 【英语解释】consider or judge sb to be a particular type of person

 【中文解释】把…视为/看作 They’d already put me down as a good-for-nothing young artist. I’d put them both down as retired teachers. I’d put him down as an ex-army man. He was so rude that I put him down as somebody to be avoided.


 set up (as/ for/ to be) 【英语解释】claim (yourself) to be 【中文解释】自称是,自命为,以…自居 He sets himself up as an authority on French painting, but he really knows very little about it. He doesn’t set himself up to be an experienced painter, but his work is pleasing to the eye. He sets himself up as a house painter but he never really goes any work. He sets up for a leader in the scientific field, but many other scientists disagree with him.


 peg sb as 【英语解释】regard sb’s character in a particular way 【中文解释】认定…为;视为;看做;觉得…是 She pegged him as a big spender. I ...