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 翻译硕士学位论文 《血与大地》第八章英汉翻译实践报告


  高银芳 指 导 教 师 :


 教授 学 位 类 别 :

 翻译硕士 学 科 专 业 :

 英语笔译 授 予 单 位 :

 河北大学 答 辩 日 期 :

 二○一九年 五 月

 Classified Index:

  CODE: 10075 U. D. C:

 NO: 20170672

 A Dissertation for the Degree of MTI

 A Practice Report

 on the E-C Translation of Blood and Earth (chapter 8 )

 Candidate: Gao Yinfang Supervisor: Prof. Fan Zhihui Academic Degree Applied for: Master of Translation and Interpreting Specialty: English-Chinese Translating University: Hebei University Date of Oral Examination: May, 2019


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 摘 要


 摘 摘 要 本文是一篇英汉翻译实践报告。翻译材料选自美国作家凯文·贝尔斯(Kevin Bales)于2013 年出版的纪实小说《血与地球》(Blood and Earth)第八章。该书目前尚无中文译本出版。这本书属于纪实文学作品,其最大的特点就是兼备纪实性与文学性于一体,在反应客观历史事实的基础上,又有艺术的手法加工,因此具有很高的翻译价值。







 This is an English-Chinese translation practice report. The translation material is selected from chapter 8 of the documentary fiction Blood and Earth by the American writer Kevin Bales published in 2013. And there is no Chinese version on the market yet. This book is a documentary literature work whose biggest characteristic is documentary as well as literariness. On the basis of reflecting the objective historical facts, documentary literature is processed with artistic techniques, so it has high translation value. The report is guided by the Functional Equivalence Theory of American linguist Eugene Nida. There are five parts in the report. The first part is task description, in which the author briefly introduces the content and the author of the selected chapter, as well as the purpose and significance of the translation practice. The second part is the process description, which describes the author"s pre-translation preparation, translation process and post-translation processing. The third part is mainly about pre-translation preparation, introducing the relevant knowledge of Functional Equivalence Theory and translation tools prepared before translation. The fourth part is case analysis. Through the application of translation strategies such as amplification, conversion, division and combination, the author analyzes the key and difficult points in translation from the level of words and syntax, to achieve the maximum degree of “equivalence” with the source text. In the fifth part, the author made a summery about the translation practice report. Through this translation practice, the author has come to a deeper understanding of the importance of translation theory in guiding translation practice.

 Key words

  Blood and the Earth

  Documentary literature

  Functional Equivalence Theory

  Translation practice




 Abstract (Chinese)


 ....................................................................................................... Ⅰ Abstract (English)


 ..........................................................................................................II Chapter 1 Task Description ............................................................................................. 1 1.1 Source of the Task ......................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Purpose and Meaning of the Task ................................................................................. 1 1.3 Background Information of the Text ............................................................................. 2 Chapter 2 Process Description

 ....................................................................................... 4 2.1 Preparation before Translation ...................................................................................... 4 2.2 Draft Translating ............................................................................................................ 4 2.3 Proofreading .................................................................................................................. 4 Chapter 3 Preparations for Translation

 ..................................................................... 6 3.1 Preparations for Tools and Terms ................................................................................. 6 3.2 Preparations for Parallel Texts ...................................................................................... 6 3.3 Preparations for Translation Theory .............................................................................. 7 Chapter 4Translation Methods and Case Analysis

 ................................................ 8 4.1Lexical Level .................................................................................................................. 8 4.1.1 Amplification ....................................................................................................... 8 4.1.2 Conversion ........................................................................................................... 9 4.1.3 Semantic Extension ............................................................................................ 10 4.2 Syntactical Level ......................................................................................................... 11 4.2.1 Division .............................................................................................................. 12 4.2.2 Combination ....................................................................................................... 14 Chapter 5 Summery

 ......................................................................................................... 17 Appendix Ⅰ Source Text

 ............................................................................................... 19 Appendix Ⅱ Target Text

 ................................................................................................ 33 Acknowledgments

 ............................................................................................................. 44

 Chapter 1

 Task Description


 Chapter 1

 Task Description 1.1

  Source of the Task This original translation text is selected from the author"s personal practice. The selected task is the E-C translation of Blood and Earth, a book with 10 chapters. The book is about 100,000 words. And there is no Chinese version on the market yet. The original translation text is written in English, and the text type is documentary literature. The author translated four chapters of this book, chapter 7 The Massacre of Memory, chapter 8 As With Trees , So With Men, chapter 9 We"ve All Got A Part of the Answer, and chapter 10 You Can"t Un-Know What You Know respectively, in which the author chose chapter 8 for writing this practice report, about 13,000 words. Through the description of what the author of the selected book has seen and heard, this book shows us that in Brazil today, more than a century after the abolition of slavery, there are still thousands of slave workers, who work day and night, but can"t get a clean meal or a clean glass of water. In addition, the existence of slavery is also linked to the ecocide and deforestation in Brazil. Slaves were forced to cut forests, so the area of forest in Brazil decreased year by year.


 Purpose and Meaning of the Task There are two main purposes of project practice: First of all, from the perspective of the translator, this translation practice can enrich the translator"s cultural literacy, enhance the translator"s understanding of documentary literary texts, and improve the translator"s translation skills. By carefully studying the source text and analyzing it, the translator has deepened interest in documentary literature. In the process of analysis, the translator also borrowed a lot of parallel texts, which greatly expanded background knowledge. In addition, the translation task is English to Chinese, and the text has a certain degree of translation difficulty. It is a big challenge for the translator both in understanding and translating the novel. Therefore, as a translation major student, the translator will work hard to improve the translation quality. Secondly, from the perspective of cultural exchange, this translation task is also aimed at promoting cultural exchanges between China and the West. Perhaps in our view, slavery has disappeared for centuries and will never be our business. This book shows us what happened



 and what is going on happening in Brazil, shows us that in many countries today, slavery has been abolished for more than a century, and there is still exist slavery. Thousands of slave workers, whose day and night working can"t bring them a clean meal, a cup of clean water. This novel analyzed from the perspective of the world and provides materials for studying modern slavery. The significance of project practice: First of all, choosing the 8th chapter of “Blood and Earth” for English-Chinese translation is conducive to enriching the translator"s knowledge reserve in this field, accumulating experience for similar translation work in the future, and also facilitating Chinese readers. Second, more people can understand and solve the problems of modern slavery and the destruction of virgin forests. In addition, reading this book can make people focus on global issues, extent their horizon.


 Background Information of the Text This selected text mainly tells the readers that the author Kevin Bales who has been to various continents and countries to talk face to face with slaveholders and slaves and listen to the slaves about their tragic experiences. Kevin Bales also expressed his determination to overthrow slavery. Fortunately, there are more than one thousand slaves were freed and regained their freedom by his efforts. The eighth chapter selected for writing this practice report mainly describes the slavery and ecocide in Brazil. The struggle between the Brazilian government and slaveholders was over and over. Most slaves were hidden in the deep forest making it difficult to find them. It also described the relationship between slavery and Brazil"s economic development and ecological deterioration. The selected text is a documentary literature work, while the author read few documentary literature works before. Therefore, the author spent a lot of energy to search much information about

 documentary literature works and read it carefully. Documentary literature, also known as reportage, is a new style of literature which can rapidly reflects all respects of real life.

 Documentary literature was popular in the 1980s, and it is created from real people and real events. However, documentary literature is also literary, a certain degree of fiction is allowed.

 Kevin Bales is an American writer who has written many books about slavery: Blood and Earth: Modern Slavery, Ecocide, and the Secret to Saving the World; Disposable People:

 Chapter 1

 Task Description


 New Slavery in the Global Economy; New Slavery: A Reference Handbook; Understanding Global Slavery; Ending Slavery: How We Free Today’s Slaves, in which the book

 Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy was published in ten language, and the movie adapted from this book won two Emmys and a Peabody.

  Kevin Bales is an activist who are fighting for slaves for many years. He dreams to end slavery in all forms within 25 years. He launched a speech in TED: How to combat modern slavery, in which he expressed his determination to solve slavery all over the world.

 Chapter 2

 Process Description


 Chapter 2

 Process Description 2.1

 Preparation before Translation

  Pre-translation preparation is an essential part of translation practice. Only by making full preparations for translation can a translation practice be completed with high quality. Therefore, after receiving the translation task, the author started pre-translation work immediately. First, the author read the selected text carefully, and then went to the school library to search for a large number of relevant books and materials. The author knew that paper materials are inadequate, so the author searched the relevant information on some websites, too. These materials helped the author to understand the selected text better indeed. Besides, discussed with two other translators and communicated with my tutor on poor understanding about the selected text really guaranteed the author to finish the translation task in high quality.


 Draft Translating

 Within one months from the date of receiving the translation task to the date of handing in the manuscript, the author has made a strict plan to complete the translation at a certain time and in a certain quantity. If the translation is not completed on time, the author will certainly find extra time to complete it. And timely communication with the other two translators about the translation situation. The author will also consult tutor in time if there is anything difficult to understand.


 Proofreading Proofreading is the process of further testing the translation language. It is also an indispensable step in the translation process and an indispensable work to ensure the quality of the translation. Proofreading is an important criterion for the evaluation and modification of a translation, which aims to eliminate inappropriate or incorrect words and sentences in the translation, polish the translation, make it more readable and improve the translation quality. After finishing the first draft, the author proofreads the translation carefully. Correct punctuation, miss-translation, omission, and poor understanding at the first translation version, reconsider the words, and discuss with two other translators. In the second proofreading, the



 author mainly focuses on the translation text. First, the author reads the translation text carefully, finds out the inappropriate expressions, and then revises it according to the original text to avoid Chinglish in the translation. In the third proofreading, the author sent the translation text to the other two translators. We three translators proofread each other"s translation text to check whether there is still semantic illiteracy and difficult to understand from the perspective of the readers, and then discuss and modify the translation together according to the original text. Finally, the author sent the final translation text to the tutor for final review.



 Chapter 3

 Preparations for Translation 3.1

 Preparations for Tools and Terms Translation tools can improve the author"s translation efficiency. Therefore, the author also makes use of effective translation tools to improve the translation efficiency. The selected text a PDF version, so the first step the author need to take is to use WPS to convert PDF version into editable word version. In order to better understand the original text and make the translation more accurate, the author made a detailed reference to some special terms and vocabulary in the original text, mainly with the help of Baidu encyclopedia, Google, Vikipedia and other websites, Youdao, Bing, Baidu translation and other online dictionaries. However, online dictionaries have limited resources and incomplete explanations of some lexical terms. Therefore, the author also used some printed dictionaries such as Oxford Advanced English-Chinese Dictionary and Longman Advanced English-Chinese Dictionary. Since the official language of Brazil is Portuguese. So most names of people and places in the selected text are written in Portuguese. In order to avoid the inconsistency of those names in the translation, the author need to sort out the terms and use CAT tool to build the glossary. In this report, the author used Jeemaa to build the AQ terminology database. Thus the consistency of the translation of these names is guaranteed. So it is very convenient for the author to avoid repeated addition of those names.


 Preparations for Parallel Texts

 In order to carry out the translation task successfully, the author has collected and read some documentary literature works. Thus the author has gained a certain understanding of the text‟s background knowledge, language features and sentence patterns. The author chose a documentary literature book Passes and Mountains of China for parallel reading. It was written in Chinese and jointly published by Sichuan publishing group and Sichuan publishing house. It recorded that China Mobile has overcome many difficulties and brought telephone communication to the remote mountainous areas of China. Through reading this book, the author is more familiar with the Chinese expression of documentary literature, which is of great help to the translation of the selected text.

 Chapter 3

 Preparations for Translation


 To have a better understanding of slavery and ecocide, the author of this report watched Kevin Bales‟s speech in TED: How to combat modern slavery. In this speech, Kevin Bales shared some videos and pictures to illustrate the poor living conditions of the slaves. And he also provided abundant data to prove that the slavery is exist indeed, he wanted to call people all over the world to fight for the freedom of slaves. After listening what Kevin Bales experienced and his understanding of slavery, the author know more about slavery and have a clearer understanding of the content of the selected text.


 Preparations for Translation Theory

 Since the author had read few documentary literature before, the author encountered a series of difficulties in translation. The language of documentary literature is strict in logic and accurate in expression, so the author is required to use words very rigorously, and at the same time ensure the language structure characteristics of documentary text will be saved. In order to achieve this goal, the author decided to follow Eugene Nida"s Functional Equivalence Theory and adopt a variety of translation strategies to achieve the maximum “equivalence” between the target text and the original text. Eugene Nida, a famous American linguist, translator and translation theorist, put forward the Functional Equivalence Theory. Eugene Nida is known as “one of the most influential theorists in translation”. And he is “the patriarch of translation study and a founder of the discipline” (Snell-Hornby 1988:1). Nida believes that translation should serve the target language reader. He holds that “the readers of a translated text should be able to understand and appreciate it in essentially the same manner as the original readers did” (Nida 1993:118; 1995:224).

 Chapter 4

 Translation Methods and Case Analysis


 Chapter 4

 Translation Methods and Case Analysis There are different ways of expression between English and Chinese, so a variety of translation theories and techniques should be used in the translation of English works. This paper is guided by American translator Eugene Nida"s Functional Equivalence theory, which emphasizes that translation is not word-for-word, sentence-to-sentence correspondence, but should keep the content and form of the original text to the maximum extent and take into account the readers" reactions. In this chapter, to accomplish lexical and syntactical equivalence, the author makes a comprehensive use of a variety of translation strategies and techniques.


 Lexical Level In order to achieve the equivalence in lexical level, it is necessary for the translator to choose the words that can best convey the meaning of the original text. In this part, the translator used the methods of amplification, conversion and semantic extension, and cases are listed followed each method to realize the lexical level equivalence to the greatest extent.


 Amplification Amplification refers to the addition of words without appearance in the original text but implicit in the meaning of the sentence. Words are not added randomly, but to express the meaning of the original text more accurately. The meaning of the original text can be fully expressed by using amplification. Case 1 Original: Instead of old-fashioned ideas like “marketplaces” or “neighborhoods”, the designers grouped buildings together by function. Target: 他们没有采取像“市场”或“社区”这样的老式想法,而是通过功能将建筑物组合在一起。

 Analysis: English commonly used nouns or phrases while Chinese commonly used verbs. The phrase “Instead of” is usually translated into Chinese as “代替;而不是...” However, if the translator translated the phrases into Chinese directly with “代替;而不是”, the expression would not be correct in Chinese grammar. So, the translator added the verb“采取” and translated “instead of” into “没有”. That will make the translation more smooth.



 Case 2 Original :Anti-slavery activists in Tocantins were forced to flee in the face of repeated death threats. State officials were also targeted. Target:



 :As an adjective, “targeted” means “定向的;被定位攻击目标的”. While as a verb, it means “把……列为目标”. If the translator translated the sentence as “州官员也被列为目标” is correct in grammar, but it would be unclear in meaning. And we can find the words “death threats” in the last sentence, so we can know that the state officials are facing death threats. Here, the translator added “威胁” in the translation. So the translation “州官员也被列为威胁目标” will make it more clear in meaning.

 Case 3 Original :Hotels are found in the hotel sector, apartments in the apartment sector, restaurants in the restaurant sector, and so on. Target :酒店建立在酒店区,公寓建立在公寓区,餐厅建立在餐厅区等。


 :As a verb, found means “建立,创立;创办” in Chinese. In this sentence, we can see that the second and third short sentence are omitted the words

 “are found”. However, this sentence is meant to emphasize the regular construction of Brasilia. So, the translator translates this sentence into a parallel sentence to add a verb “建立”, making the translation more acceptable.


 Conversion Conversion is a very common translation method in English-Chinese translation. As there are great differences between English and Chinese in expressions and grammatical rules, translation equivalence in practical sense is not the same as mechanical word equivalence. Therefore, translation strategies should be flexibly applied to achieve the maximum equivalence between the target text and the source text. On the basis of respecting the original text and conforming to the meaning of the original text, the translation can be more flexible by using the method of word conversion. Case 4 Original :One of the strongest new proposals was also very radical: the expropriation, without compensation, of land belonging to slaveholders.

 Chapter 4

 Translation Methods and Case Analysis


 Target :其中一个最强有力的新提案也非常激进:无偿征收奴隶主的土地。

 Analysis :The noun “expropriation” means “征收” in Chinese and the phrase “without compensation” is the parenthesis that modifies the word “expropriation” in front of it at the same time. In literal translation, “征收属于奴隶主的土地不给偿还” is obviously unfavorable. Moreover, this sentence is written expression, so it should be in line with the characteristics of neat and precise written language. So translate the word “expropriation” into the verb “ 征收 ”, “without compensation”

 into “无偿”, and modify “the expropriation”. Therefore, the translation of this sentence is “无偿征收奴隶主的土地”, that will be more in line with the logic of Chinese expression. Case 5 Original :It also took much longer to bring legal slavery to an end. Target :结束合法奴隶制还需要更长的时间。

 Analysis :In English, the word “end” means “结束;目标;尽头;末端;死亡;终结,终止” in Chinese. Here, it were used as a noun, means “结束”. Concerning the way of expression in Chinese, the translator choose the verb “结束” in Chinese as the translation of the word “end”.

 Case 6 Original: This “land to the rich” program ended along with the dictatorship, but it left 60 percent of the country‟s agricultural land in the hands of 2 percent of landowners. Target: 这一“土地给富人”项目随着独裁统治的结束而结束,但是它把这个国家 60%的农业土地留给了 2%的地主。

 Analysis: In English, the word “to” is a preposition means “到;向;(表示时间、方向)朝……方向” in Chinese. But here, the author of this report translated “to” as a verb “给”. So, the translation text is “土地给富人” . This is more in line with the logic of Chinese language.


 Semantic Extension In the process of English-Chinese translation, the translator will inevitably encounter many words, the meaning of which conforms to the meaning given in the dictionary, but does not conform to the meaning of the context. In this case, if the translator just mechanically applies the meaning given by the dictionary, the translation will not only be difficult to understand, but also lose the ultimate goal of translation. Therefore, when translating these words, the translator needs to analyze



 them according to the background information and the context and choose the appropriate meaning. This chapter USES the strategy of expanding the meaning of words to make the translation more acceptable to Chinese readers. Case 7 Original :He had reported those who were illegally cutting the forest to the authorities. Target :他向当局举报了非法砍伐森林的人。

 Analysis :The word “report” is usually translated as “报告;报道” in Chinese. However, it is clear that who “He” wants to “report” are those were illegal cutting the forest. Illegal is the point. So, “report” should contain derogatory connotations. The translation of “报告;报道” is much different from the original meaning. Therefore, the translator used semantic expansion skills to translate the report into “举报”, and the translation is “他向当局举报了非法砍伐森林的人”. In this way, the semantic equivalence is also achieved, making the translation more close to the original text. Case 8 Original :Lula left school after the fourth grade to earn money to help his destitute family. Target :卢拉四年级辍学后开始挣钱贴补他贫困的家庭。

 Analysis :As a verb,help means “帮助;促进;治疗;补救” when translated into Chinese. But we can know that President Lula had to drop out of school early to earn money because his family was so poor. So, the most important thing we should do is to find another word in Chinese to replace one of these words because any one of the “帮助;促进;治疗;补救” does not conform to the way of expression in Chinese and is far from the effect of the original text. Therefore, the translator translating it into “贴补” after comprehensively consideration, so as to get closer to the way of thinking in Chinese and better express the intention of the author of the original work.


 Syntactical Level Because English and Chinese are very different in syntax. English contains long and difficult sentences and Chinese sentences are usually short and simple. Therefore, in the process of translation from English to Chinese, how to translate long and difficult sentences has become an unavoidable task. In this chapter, the author focuses on the analysis of the translation of long and difficult sentences, using two translation techniques: Division and Combination.

 Chapter 4

 Translation Methods and Case Analysis



 Division English pays more attention to hypotaxis, so there are many long and difficult sentences in the original text, while Chinese pays more attention to paratactic, so use short sentences and simple sentences. If a long and difficult sentence is translated into a long sentence in Chinese according to the order of the original text, it will be difficult for the reader to understand, and it does not conform to the writing habits of Chinese. Therefore, in this section, the author USES the method of splitting, which is to divide the long and difficult sentences into several semantically complete simple sentences in English to better understand the original text. Case 9 Original:

 :Big landowners find they have more restrictions on what they can do with their land, and the truly immense areas of state-controlled land, which include a large part of the Amazon basin, come under more and more protections. Target:


 Analysis :This sentence is a compound sentence connected by and, which also contains a non-restrictive attributive clause, the antecedent of which is the word “land” before the comma. When translating this sentence, the author divided it into two semantically complete sentences, so as to make the meaning of the translation more explicit. Case 10 Original :At the same time there is a powerful group in the national parliament representing the landowners and big businessmen, ready to block any proposed human rights or environmental protections that they think might get in the way of development and profits. Target:


 Analysis: This long sentence contains two clauses, and the second clause contains a corresponding clause that is introduced by the word “that”. When translating this sentence, the author breaks down the first clause, which is more consistent with the Chinese expression. Case 11 Original: And while the previous wild state of Manhattan Island seems frankly unimaginable, in other places nature is just now being pushed back and could still recover from the crushing weight of humans if given a chance.




 Analysis: This long sentence contains two clauses, and there is a transition between the two clauses. In the translation of this sentence, the author is still using the split method, in order to ensure the semantic integrity of the case, this sentence is divided into several clauses. In this way, the logic of the translation can be clearer and more consistent with the re...