
 To wear or not to wear masks








  学生们阅读课选材自由,这样能充分调动他们的主观能动性。一般都是 mini - class, 时长在 15 分钟到 25 分钟。但也有部分同学要求真正的完整的一节课。一般教师只是一个 guide,适时点拨或故意设问引发深度思考。教师和学生一起成长,既是陪伴者又是引导者,在阅读活动中培养学生的学习能力和思维品质。在实践发现:九年级一部分学生有很强的应试意识。他们在选材时会考虑这个语料是河南中考 B 篇风格,那个是 C 篇风格或 A 篇风格。在老师的引导下,能主动地思考,这个句型或者表达适合在作文中进行移花接木等。他们自觉不自觉地就把读的材料与即将到来的中考联系起来,其实这也是批判性思维品质的体现。这样习得的学习能力是和运用联系起来的,体现了学以致用的新课程理念。这节课设计也是这样的初衷。

  这节课采用了 TAG feedback 策略,T ,tell your thoughts;A, ask questions; G, give suggestions. 上课伊始,教师介绍 TAG feedback。然后课堂变成学生的舞台。学生教学设计和材料(21 世纪英文报)如下:

  To wear or not to wear masks?

  On Feb 26,when an Italian lawmaker(议员)went into the country’s Lower Chamber with a mask to prevent the novel

 coronavirus,he was criticized by his colleagues for “causing panic(恐慌)”.Articles from Western media carry headlines such as”No,you do not need face masks to prevent coronavirus.”You might be surprised,as in China and other Asian countries,people have willingly put masks on during the outbreak.

  Western thoughts about masks

  In the West,people are taught to wear masks only when they get sick.Masks are seen as a tool to protect sick people and prevent the disease from spreading, so healthy people don’t need to wear them.Therefore,during the novel coronavirus outbreak,overseas Chinese students said that they would be “stared at like a virus spreader”if they go out with a mask.According to a survey done by Global Times among some European and American people,wearing a mask in public can make them feel “worried”,”shy”,and”afraid of being looked at differently.”

  But as the number of COVID-19 cases continues to grow around the world,many people in the West are changing their attitudes(态度).In the US,for example,the need for masks is very high now.the US surgeon general(卫生局长)has been asking people to avoid hoarding(囤积)masks,as they are more needed in

 hospitals than the general public.

  Mask culture in the East

  In Asian countries like China and Japan,there has been a long tradition lf mask-wearing.In China,for example ,when doctor Wu Liande invented the modern medical mask during the pneumonic plague(肺鼠疫)in 1910,the mask became a symbol of China’s position as a modern,scientific nation,according to Scottish medical anthropologist( 人 类 学 家 )Christos lynteris.The 2003 SARS epidemic again led to the wide use of masks as a form of anti-viral(抗病毒的)protection in China and elsewhere in East Asia.

  In Japan,wearing masks has long been seen as a manner to reassure(使安心)others when one catches a cold or flu.Some Japanese also turn masks into fashion accessories(配饰),with different colors and patterns to match their clothes.Wearing masks is also a way to “hide”for young women when they don’t have their makeup(化妆)on.

  In more collectivist(集体主义的)cultures in Asia,wearing masks might also be a symbol of solidarity(团结)during the outbreak ,according to Lynteris.”Mask culture [in Asia]

 creates a sense of a fate(命运)shared,common obligation(责任)and civic(公民)duty.”People wear masks “to show that they want to stick together”in the face of danger,Lynteris wrote.


  (I)What we should know

  colleague n. be criticized by sb. for doing sth.

  media n. be stared at like sth,

  case n. modern medical masks

  headline n.

  position n.

  (II)What we can use in our composition

  (III)Some sentences that are difficult

  1.Therefore,during the novel coronavirus outbreak,overseas Chinese students said that they would be “stared at like a virus spreader”if they go out with a mask.

  2.The mask became a symbol of China’s position as a modern,scientific nation.

 (IV)Reading quiz

  What does Lynteris mean in the last paragraph?( )

  A.People have no sense of duty if they don’t wear masks.

  B.Mask culture creates a sense of collective obligation(集体义务).

  C.Asian people are more united in the face of danger.

  D.We are a community with a shared future for mankind.

  讲课的“孙老师”先给学生 8 分钟的阅读时间,然后领着大家从语篇结构到文本的主旨大意再到细节理解,有条不紊,循序渐进,有提问有互动有讲解。还特别设计了 What we can use in our composition 环节,学以致用。

  他的展示过程中,教师根据情况适时点拨和设问以加深学生的理解。他的展示结束,教师回到讲台进行 TAG feedback , 学生的读后反馈充满了思想的光辉和人文关怀。在问问题环节,很多学生模仿中考的阅读理解提问方式,从不同视角来对文本提出问题,有 Where is the passage probably taken from? What is the writer’s purpose of writing the pasage?等 还有设计细节理解问题的。学生能提出这样的问题着实让我们惊喜。

