
 就是这里 This is it. 我们要成为第一个完成挑战这条路的人 This fine trail, we"re gonna be the first ever to complete it. 你疯了

 犹他 You"re insane, Utah. -这没路可走

 -当然有 -There"s no way to ride that. -There"s a way. 相信我 You just gotta trust. 快来


 赞助商要的就是这个 Come on, Jeff. This is exactly what our sponsors want. 没人能想得到

 视频也有惊人的点击量 The impossible realized. And all those YouTube hits. 总之

 我们要把骑的摩托赢到手 Anyway, we gotta earn these bikes we"re sittin" on, 工作不只是为了养活自己 and it beats workin" for a livin". 是啊

 我为了活命而工作 Yeah, well... While I"m workin" for a livin", 那你下半辈子要依靠吸管才能吃饭 you"ll be suckin" meals through a straw for the rest of your life. 那我要吃沙冰 I like smoothies. 我们能行

 兄弟 We got this, bro. 跟着我 Just follow my line. 呼叫直升机

 我们开始了 Utah to Heli, we"re doin" this. 哇哦 Whoa-hem.! 来啊

 伙计 Come on, man! 杰夫

 杰夫 Jeff! Jeff! -别松手


 -把油门踩到底 -Hold on, hold on! -Gas to that gas tank! 拉

 快点 Pull! Come on, pull! 极盗者 七年后 这是一个全新的世界

 孩子 This is a new world, son.

 你加入了联邦调查局就等于加入了 When you join the FBI, you join the front line 秩序与混乱这场战争的最前线 in the war between order and chaos. 问题是


 犹他 So, the question is, are you ready for that fight, Utah? 布里格姆

 长官 Brigham, sir. 我叫布里格姆 My name"s Brigham. 犹他是我同学在网上给我起的外号♥ Utah"s a nickname my classmates got off YouTube. 你以前的生活 That world that you came out of... 很疯狂

 是吗 Pretty wild, huh? 也有好的一面 It had its moments. 为什么放弃 Why leave all that 转而加入纪律部队 for all this structure? 也许我需要纪律约束

 长官 Maybe I could use some structure, sir. 也许你心里并不这么想 And maybe there"s a part of you doesn"t want anything to do with it. Hmm? 我清楚你为什么要逃避 I know why you left that world. 你要逃避

 是因为那个孩子 I know what happened in that world to that kid. 杰夫

 对吗 Jeff, was it? 是的

 长官 Yes, sir. 你有多想当联邦探员 How bad do you really want this? 就像我 23 岁

 还想去拿高中毕业证 Bad enough to have gotten my high school equivalency at 23, sir. 还想上大学读法学院 Bad enough to have gone to college and law school 而我高中同学都毕业五年了 five years after my peers had graduated. 没错

 我看过档案了 Yeah, I saw that.

 局里录用我之前 The Bureau reviewed all my credentials before

 看了我所有记录 they admitted me into this program. 我不明白你为什么还要再问一遍 I"m not sure why you"re second-guessing them. 这是我的工作

 孩子 Because it"s my job, son, 最有资格的人就是我了 to only let the most qualified get past me. 因为我不相信你可以做联邦调查局特工 Because I"m not convinced that you are an FBI agent 成大器 in the making. -我想加入

 -那就证明给我看 -I want this. -Well, then, show me. 是

 长官 Yes, sir. 这就是我们要对付的 This is what chaos looks like. 毫无疑问 And make no mistake, 罪犯们非常狡猾 these perps were very, very smart. 也有幽默感 Had a sense of humor, too. 1000 克拉的钻石失窃了 10 million carats of diamonds were lost. 马哈纳卡 And Mahana Carbon 本是家以美资控股的公♥司♥ is a majority American-owned company, 所以我们邦调查局很感兴趣 so we, the FBI, are interested. 上个月 30 号♥是星期五 30th of last month was a Friday, 整个月开采出来的钻石全没了 so, the entire month"s yield from the company"s mines was on hand. 她们错误地以为

 没人能从分拣中心偷东西 Their mistake was believing that nobody could ever rob 并能成功逃脱 and successfully make a getaway from a sorting facility 行窃地点离地面 1000 层楼高 100 stories above the Earth.

 保安没想到还会出现这样一群 And their security failed to foresee 拥有超乎寻常技能的罪犯 that there might exist a set of perps with an unusual skill set. 窃贼知道地面会有警方介入 They saw potential police intervention on the ground, 就临场发挥了一下 and they improvised. 偷走价值一亿美元没加工过的钻石逃走 They got away with 100 million in uncut diamonds, 把这些钻石分给了 and then gave it all away to the poorest of the poor 孟买♥♥贫民窟里最穷的人们 in the slums of Mumbai. 什么样的人会这么干 Who in the world would do that? 目前知道的情况

 这些人还逍遥法外 This case is right now. These guys are out there in real time. 我需要知道 And I need a theory. 我们到底在跟什么人打交道 What kind of people are we dealing with here? 技术故障

 准备关闭 Malfunction to ramp override. 见鬼 Oh, shit! 长官

 出什么事了 Sir, what"s going on? 一架装有现金的美国飞机 U.S. plane carrying money got hijacked 在墨西哥圣路易斯波托西上空被劫 over San Luis Potosi in Mexico. 罪犯在丛林上空跳伞

 销声匿迹了 Perps jumped out over the jungle and disappeared without a trace. 我们正在寻找尸体 We"re looking for the bodies. 抱歉

 长官 Excuse me, sir. 借用您一分钟时间 Do you have a minute? 亚洲和美洲的两起案件 We have two crimes on two different continents. 孟买♥♥的钻石劫案

 墨西哥上空的货机劫案 Diamond-sorting facility in Mumbai, and today"s cargo plane over Mexico.


 在另一大洲 But there"s a third crime on a third continent. 还记得一个月前 Remember about a month ago, 在刚果河沿岸有处 there was an international logging complex that was burned to the ground -国际复测井焚毁

 -是的 -on the banks of the Congo River... -Yeah. 那的急流是世界上最危险的 ...which is where the world"s most dangerous rapids are. 能在那里燃起大火的人 Now I think the people that started that fire 是第一个在印加急流中辨清方向

 并活下来的人 also became the first ever to navigate and survive the Inga Rapids. 你是说这起案件与那两起有关联 You"re saying this is connected to the other two? 这些案件之间都有联♥系♥

 长官 I think they"re all connected, sir. 这个 Here. 孟买♥♥劫案发生两天前 Two days before the Mumbai heist, 距离事发地 1000 英里

 拍到这三个人 only 1,000 miles away, these three were photographed 在珠穆朗玛峰极限跳伞 base-jumping from the peak of Everest. 应该就是这些人 They"re the same people. 这些人 Same people... 他们这么干到底有什么企图 Then what are they really up to here? 我不知道他们的作案动机

 长官 I don"t know why they"re committing the crimes, sir. 也许我知道他们在找什么 But I have an idea what they"re chasing. 我想他们在追逐

 一个叫尾崎八项考验 I think they"re attempting something called The Ozaki Eight. 这人是尾崎小野 This is Ono Ozaki. 他曾经是生态武士 He was an eco-warrior, 也是第一批的全能极限运动员 one of the first recognized Extreme Poly-Athletes.

 他曾经挑战过极限运动一个八项考验 Now he challenged the Extreme Sports world to a series 他说是为了向自然力量致敬 of eight ordeals that he said honored the forces of nature. 能够完成这八项考验的人 Anyone who could find the perfect line existing 他坚信那人就会涅槃 through each one of these ordeals, he believed, would achieve nirvana. 这一切跟钱无关 So, this is not about money? 是在寻求某种精神的觉悟 It"s about spiritual enlightenment? 正是如此 Exactly. 一位极限运动员通过接受训练 An extreme athlete could potentially train 终其一生只能完成这里的一项考验 their entire life just to attempt one of these ordeals. 没人能够完成八项考验 To complete all eight, would be to complete the impossible. 没人成功过 No one"s ever done it. 尾崎在完成第三项考验时死了 Ozaki himself died attempting his third ordeal. 而这些家伙已经完成了前三项考验 These guys have already completed the first three. 非洲的力之涌现 "Emerging Force" in Africa. 珠穆朗玛峰的天之诞生 "Birth of Sky" on Everest. 以及墨西哥的地之觉醒 And "Awakening Earth" in Mexico. 第四项是什么 What"s number four? 是水之生灵 It"s called "Life of Water." 国家气象局正在追踪 The National Weather Service 大西洋上的一股低气压气流 is tracking a low-pressure system in the Atlantic. 一个巨大的风暴将袭击法国的西海岸 A massive storm about to hit off the coast of western France. 风暴将会引起一次大潮 And when it clears, it"s gonna cause a giant swell.

 可能是十年一遇的潮汛 We"re talkin" once-in-a-decade waves. 浪高 80 英尺以上 Eighty feet-plus. 长官


 他们一定会去那儿 Sir, if I"m right, that"s where they"ll be. 你有西装吗

 小子 You own a suit, son? 我加入♥联♥邦调查局之前 Before finding my way to the FBI, 也是极限运动员 I was what"s called an Extreme Sports Poly-Athlete. 滑板滑雪

 越野摩托 Snowboarding, motocross, 落山运动

 是真的 any downhill mountain sport, really. 还有登山 And a few up. 豪尔 Hall! 半小时后我要搭飞机去墨西哥 I"m supposed to be on a plane to Mexico in half an hour. 我为什么要听这些 Why am I listening to this? 就五分钟 Five minutes. 我相信墨西哥劫案 I believe the people behind the robberies in Mexico 以及发生在孟买♥♥的案件背后

 是一群极限运动员所为 as well as the one in Mumbai are extreme athletes. 这还用你说 Isn"t that obvious? 不然谁会骑摩托车跳楼 I don"t think you ride a motorcycle off a building, 或从运输机上跳下来 or skydive out of a cargo plane if you aren"t. 最后跳进了丛林里 That last pair cratered somewhere in the jungle. 我想他们没留在丛林 I don"t think they went into the jungle at all. 他们应该是穿过去了 I think they went through it. 墨西哥的燕子洞 Cave of the Swallows.

 是地球上最大的天然洞穴 This is the largest natural cave shaft on Earth. 能把帝国大厦装进去 The Empire State Building could literally fit inside it. 它恰好临近圣路易斯波托西 And it just happens to be located adjacent to San Luis Potosi. 那伙人很清楚 The perps knew that. 像外科手术般精准的选择了 They surgically identified the perfect line 完美的横切线穿过丛林 that would intersect them with the jungle exactly where they wanted. 这样他们就成了第一批

 也是唯一 In doing so, they became the first and only 完成从天空到燕子洞的人 to make a sky-earth transition into the Cave of Swallows. 但是

 他们的犯罪动机是什么 But what is the motive for the crimes? 这又和那些开着摩托

 从钻石分拣大楼里出来的人 And what does this have to do with guys driving motorcycles 有什么联♥系♥ out of diamond-sorting facilities? 还有从墨西哥中部洒美钞的人 Or raining U.S. currency down over central Mexico? 长官

 这就需要我们去调查 Well, sir, that"s what we need to find out. 里面的那些人 Those people in there, 他们不会买♥♥你的账 they didn"t buy your theory. 可我会 But I did. 这是临时身份证件 This is a provisional l.D. 立刻去法国 You"re on your way to France. 英国办事处的帕帕斯探员和你碰头 You"ll be met there by Agent Pappas out of the U.K. office. 不过

 他 Now, he"s... 给人的第一印象不太好

 但你可以信任他 ...an acquired taste, but you can trust him. 你必须照他说的做

 明白吗 I want you to do exactly as he says, you understand?


 长官 Yes, sir. 你的工作是确认这些人的身份 Your job, identify these individuals, 弄明白这些犯罪行为

 和八项考验之间是否有关联 find out what the connection is between the crimes and the ordeals. 明白

 长官 Yes, sir. 别让我失望

 这事我已经搅合进去了 Don"t let me down, "cause my ass is on the line in this. 我没想过失败

 长官 I don"t plan on it, sir. 法国

 比亚里茨 冲浪吗

 到大海里冲浪 Surfing? In the middle of the ocean? 是啊

 风暴引起大浪 Yeah, the storm causes a swell. 潮水从很深的海底涌起数千英里 It travels thousands of miles through deep water, 然后撞上海底的山峰

 然后 then suddenly reaches an underwater mountain, and it... 东西仍车上

 我们该走了 Load your shit. It"s time to roll. 你就没什么好词儿 So, by your, for lack of a better word, "hypothesis," 如果真有这些人

 他们会在哪儿 if these guys exist, they"d be out here? 反常的春季潮讯

 他们绝对不能错过 Freak spring swell like this, there"s no way they"d miss it. 没人知道下一次会是什么时候 No one knows when the next one"s gonna hit. 就像一年一度的科尔特斯浅滩

 也可能是五年或十年一次 It could be Cortes Bank in a year, or maybe five, maybe 10. 像大海捞针 It"s a needle in a haystack after this. 恭喜你

 这就是你要找的 Congrats. You found your haystack. 捡起来

 捡起来 Pick up, pick up! 你冲过这么大的浪吗 You ever surf anything like this? 浪倒是冲过 I"ve surfed. 我知道


 Yeah, but you ever surfed anything like this? 准备好了吗

 我们走 Are you ready? Let"s go! 今天最好的浪来了 Here comes the set of the day! 见鬼 Oh, shit. 快看

 那两个家伙在追同一个浪 Look! There"s two guys going for the same wave! 谁要去 Who"s got the inside? -怎么回事




 那不是你的浪 -What the hell, man? -Back, man! It"s not your wave! 他们上去了 They got it! 那家伙

 他竟然在抢浪 That guy, he"s snaking the wave! 你会让别人送命的

 伙计 You"re gonna get somebody killed, man! 怎么回事 What"s going on? 明晚在巴黎老火车站 So, the old train station in Paris, tomorrow night. 你打算来吗 You gonna jump in this time? 上一次留下的伤还在疼呢 I"m still hurting from the last one. -我刚才抢了你的浪

 -没错 -You"re the guy I snaked, right? -Yup. 还把你从海底救了出来 And the one who plucked you off the ocean floor. 我猜你以前没玩过这么大的浪

 对吗 I guess you never surfed anything that big before, right? -谁玩过吗

 -他差点成功 -Has anybody? -He almost did. 差一点 Almost. 对不起 Sorry. 不用你替我最决定

 决定自己做 You didn"t make the choice for me. I did. 他还活着

 真丢人 So, he"s alive? Shame. 别激动



 Easy, Roach. Don"t you know who our guest is? 他是谁 Who is it? 约翰尼犹他 Johnny Utah. 臭嘴罗奇

 对吗 "Roach" Rottinger, right? 你是摩托界的传奇 You"re a moto legend, man. 来一根

 冷静冷静 Come on, chill out. 我知道你是谁 I know who you are. 还有哪个越野摩托骑手能这样冲浪 What"s a motocross rider doing on a wave like that? 你今天差点就没命了

 老弟 You almost got your own ass killed today, brother. 说到点子上了

 对吧 Sort of the point, isn"t it? 伙计

 这是你的船吗 Hey, man, is this your boat? 我可没那么有钱 The only pot I have, you can"t even piss in. 船是他的 The boat is his. 艾尔法里克

 我们的赞助人 Al Fariq. He sponsors us. 赞助你们什么 Sponsors you to what? 去完成我们不可能的挑战 To be the first to achieve the impossible. -伙计


 兄弟 -Hey, man. -Almost had it, brother. 算是吧 Almost. -下次

 -下次 -Next time. -Next time. -我会成功的


 -对 -It"ll come to me. Right? -Yeah. 大家玩的尽兴吗 Are you enjoying my party? 就是那个人 Hey, that"s our guy. -玩的开心吗


 -Having fun? -Yeah, man. 很好

 那你呢 Good. You, too? 我好像不认识你 Hey, how come I don"t know you? 世界很大

 怎么都能记得住 Big world. Why would you? 你这样的巨浪骑士

 我在视频网站上 Big wave rider like you? I watch YouTube. 从没见过你 I just never seen you. 森林里倒了一棵树

 不会有人放到视频网站上 A tree falls in the forest, no one puts it on YouTube, 那么事情还会是真的吗 did it ever really happen? 也对 Right. 他们叫我博迪 They call me Bodhi. 你问的问题可真不少

 而且还是你不了解的人 You"re asking a lot of questions for someone you don"t know. 我们还有事要做

 是吧 You and I got something to do. Okay? 乔尔德会带你熟悉一下 Chowder will show you around. 不

 我不会 No, I won"t. 那你就自顾自吧

 好好享受派对 You"re on your own. Enjoy the party. 大家都玩得很高兴 Everyone have a good time! -好玩吗

 -最差劲的派对 -Having fun? -Worst party ever! 最差劲的派对

 下次没人请你了 Worst party ever? You"re never gonna get invited again. -非常感谢

 -好的 -Thank you very much. Okay. 上面很漂亮 It"s nice up here. 莎姆萨拉 Samsara. 约翰尼 Johnny. 很高兴认识你

 Nice to meet you. 今天冲浪时见过你

 太绝了 I saw you on that wave today. It was epic. 我爱大海 I love the sea. 它那么有力量 Its power. 我今天算是尝到滋味了 I got a real taste of that today. -是啊


 -你看到了 -Yeah, I saw you eat shit. -Oh, you saw that? 真好

 太好了 Good. Perfect. -简直好极了

 -嗯 -That"s awesome. -Hmm. 大自然总能找到办法让人觉得渺小 Nature will always find a way to make you feel small. 我欠博迪的

 他救了我 I owe Bodhi for pullin" me out. 我们不信亏欠恩惠 We don"t believe in owing. 那你们信什么 What do you believe in? 自己的路要自己选 That you choose your path. 你可是联邦探员 You are an FBI agent. 是临时身份 Well, provisional. 莎姆萨拉

 这是什么意思 What does "Samsara" mean? 漫游者 Wanderer. 漫游者也会有路 Can a wanderer have a path? 是的

 当然了 Yeah, for sure. 只有在停止寻找时才会找到 But it"s only when you stop looking for one that you find it. 怎么停止寻找 How do I stop looking? 还是享受现在吧 Let"s just be here. 好的

 Okay. -早上好

 -嗨 -Morning. -Hey. 昨晚开心吗 Had a good time? 派对很不错 It"s a good party, man. 你来这干什么

 犹他 What are you doing here, Utah? 什么意思 What do you mean? 我记得你

 名气很大 I remember you. Your reputation. 你的胆识大过于天赋 More balls than talent. 所以你才这么厉害 Some said maybe that was why you were so good. 因为你没有恐惧 "Cause you lacked fear. 昨天在你冲浪时 But what I saw on that wave yesterday, 我看到的可不一样 that was different. 缺乏敬畏之心 You lacked respect. 两者之间没有关联 There was no... Connection. 也就失去了美 There was no beauty. 或许我在追寻什么东西

 就像你 Maybe I"m chasing something. Like you are. 像我 Like me? 你觉得我在追寻什么 What do you think I"m chasing? 完成八项考验 You"re chasing The Eight. 那只是一个传说 That"s a myth. 真正的问题是 But the real question is, 你有什么目的 what are you after? 这简直是疯了


 That was some crazy, crazy shit. 不过

 我得谢谢你 For that, I thank you. 肯定有我们不知道的事

 帕帕斯 There"s gotta be something there, Pappas. 我喝了不少酒 All I saw was the bottom of my glass. 还看见了美女的屁♥股♥

 你呢 And a great piece of ass. You? 我刚知道那艘船上有很多人

  I just know there"s gotta be a lotta guys on

 想挑战八项考验 that boat who are chasing The Eight. 你能证明他们和我们的调查有关吗 You got evidence that connects them to our investigation? 你没证据 You"ve got nothing. 我现在就送你去机场 I"m takin" you to the airport. -不行

 -把你扔上飞机 -No. -Putting you on a plane. 昨天晚上在船上我听到有人说 No, I heard some talk on the boat last night 今晚在巴黎有什么行动 about something going down in Paris tonight. 我必须去弄清楚 I gotta go check that out. 我喜欢你

 小子 I like you, kid, 你要还想继续查 but if you wanna stay on the case, 那就必须搞点证据来 you gotta give me some evidence. 放心吧 You got it. -请问是火车站吗


  -Excuse me. Train station? -What? 谢谢 Thank you. 让他进来 Let him in. 这种傻事他做了不止一次 It wouldn"t be the first time he did something stupid. 世界真小

 Small world. 他上这来干什么 What"s he doing here? 是我让他来的 I told him to meet us here. 你让他来的 Oh, you did? 没错 Yeah. 他说在找东西 He said he was after something. 不知道去哪里找更好 No better place to find it. 那好吧 Okay, then. 欢迎 Welcome. 我想亲眼见识一下

 伙计 I just came to catch the scene, man. 那就看仔细了 You"re catchin" it. 放开他 Let go. 这才像样 There you are. 我知道自己在找什么了 I think I know what I"m after. 你懂个屁 You don"t know shit. 今晚我带队去找一座山 I"m headed out tonight to find us a mountain, 希望能一切顺利 and hopefully arrive at the line. 你觉得要多久 How long you think it"ll take? 也许一星期 Maybe a week. 祝你好运

 兄弟 Good luck, brother. 等我一下

 好的 Give me a minute. 东西不错 It"s pretty decent. 有些事我很挑剔

 There are a few things in life I don"t compromise on. 我印象里你始终很挑剔 No, I don"t get the impression you compromise on much ever. 还是别这样了 Try not to. 这个世界一团糟

 可我还是要活下去 But the world"s a pretty messed-up place, and I still gotta live in it. 所以就不按规矩来 So, you live off the grid? 不 No. 是生活信条 We live on it. 不过我们的方式不同 Just on our own terms. 什么方式 What terms? 你理解不了 You wouldn"t get it. 我们改变规矩

 也懂回报 We change the grid. We give back. 杰夫的死让你的生命失去了意义 The second that kid got killed on your line, you quit life. 因为别人做的事情

 让自己选择逃避 You turned away because of something someone else did. 给运动饮料代言 You were selling sports drinks? 行啊

 这种事轮不到我管 Fine. That"s not for me to judge. 可你却让别人决定你的命运 But you let someone else determine the direction your life took. 我就应该管 That I judge. 所以你明白了


  So, you got all your shit figured out,

 却不让其他人参加 and screw everyone else for trying, huh? 就是这个 Is that it? 尾崎的考验 Ozaki"s ordeal. 风之永动 Life of Wind. 你最近有事嘛

 You doing anything? 我们毫无进展 We"ve got nothing. 他明早就该上飞机了 He"ll probably be on a plane in the morning. 等等 Hang on a minute. 见鬼 Shit! 我入伙了 计划有变 Change of plans. 我知道博迪看中了你 I guess Bodhi sees something in you. 我可没有 I don"t. 天一亮就动身去阿尔卑斯山 We leave for the Alps first light. 你来吗 You coming? 我们要走多久 How long"s the hike? 那得看你有多快 Depends how fast you are, man. 我们还有很长的路要走

 我的朋友 We still have a long way to go, my friend. 那是山顶 That"s the summit. 有半英里原始岩石山路 Half a mile of pure primordial rock. 也许让你来之前我该先问问 Maybe I should have asked you this before, 你以前走过

 是吧 but you"ve done this, right? 没问题 Sure. 不过没跳过飞机 Except it was out of a plane. 挑战翼装飞行可不是一回事 Proximity flight"s a whole different monster. 必须洞悉气流 You need to read the flow. 与风成为一体 Become the wind.

 否则就会撞到你的点 Or you"ll hit your point. 什么点 What point? 要你命的临界点 The point where you break. 一旦恐惧占了上风

 你就成了它的奴隶 Where fear becomes master, and you"re its slave. 勇于冲破极限的人 A man who pushes his boundaries 才会成功 ultimately finds them. 你是说我快死了 So, basically, you"re sayin" I"m gonna die. 我们都会死 We"re all gonna die. 问题是我们会怎么死 The only question"s how. 所以 So, 你想继续还是要放弃 you wanna keep going, or are you turning around? 他来了 Here he is. 石头 Hey, the rock. 什么石头 What rock? 你听到了

 把石头拿来 You heard the man. Pass the rock. 你们这群混♥蛋♥ Oh, you funny assholes! 你应该先检查背包 Should have checked your bag, man. 永远都要检查背包 Always check your bag. 干得漂亮 Ah! Great work. -是这块石头吗

 -你还有其它的 -This rock? -You have another one? 行了 All right. 准备好了吗 Ready?

 六秒 Six seconds. 六秒钟


 要么死 Six seconds to fly or die. 什么时候出发 When do we go? 天亮的 First light. 六天后行动 Happening in six days. 我们从山上跳下去

 获得涅槃 So, we"re gonna jump off a mountain and reach nirvana? 还没那么容易 It"s not that simple. 尾崎提到过平衡 Ozaki spoke of balance. 但并不是为了个人私利拿性命冒险 But it"s not about risking our lives for personal gain. 而是让我们比现在更优秀 It is about becoming part of something that is much greater than ourselves. 关于地球原生力的八大挑战 The Eight honors the essential forces of the Earth. 尾崎想要完成八项考验 And Ozaki wanted to complete The Eight 让人们重新关注地球的美好 to bring the world"s attention back to the beauty of this planet. 这个星球正濒临死亡 The fact that it is dying. 我们的付出必须多过索取 We have to give more than we take 阻止孕育我们生命的地方走向毁灭 if we want to stop the destruction of the very place that gives us life. 那才是我们人生的意义 That"s the path we"re on. 也是我们要寻找的 That"s what we"re looking for. 并且要遵循的 That"s what we"re following. 我们不是来寻求觉悟

 或涅槃 We"re not here to reach enlightenment, to find nirvana. 我们要拯救它成为它的一部分 We"re here to try to save this place by becoming one with it. 要做到这点

 那就必须完全摒弃自我 And to do that, you need to be able to let go of your sense of self.

 毫无保留 Completely. 而且不再回头 There"s no turning back. 让你的心来指引你

 犹他 So, go whichever way your heart tells you, Utah. 如果我们选择的道路相同 And if you are on the same path as we are, 破晓时分就能再见面 I may see you at dawn. 你做好准备了吗 Are you ready to let go? 那就开始吧 Let"s do this. 你成功了 You did it! 恭喜你 Congratulations. 谢谢

 伙计 Thanks, man. 就是这样 That"s how you do it. -准备好了吗

 -是的 -You guys ready? -Oh, yeah. -这是你的

 -让我看看 -Here you go. -Let me see. -还有点干

 -味道不错 -It"s a little dry. -Tastes good. -可以了吗

 -可以 -All right? -Yeah. 开始吧 Ready? 欢迎你

 约翰尼 Welcome, Johnny. 谢谢 Thank you. 大家吃吧 Let"s eat. -好的

 -好的 -Yeah. -Okay. 我妈妈是犹他印第安人 My mom was a Ute Indian. 所以才叫我犹他 That"s why they call me Utah.

 意思是大山里的人 Means "mountain people." 所以我才对坡上运动这么在行 Maybe that"s why I was so good on the slopes. 杰夫就像我的兄弟一样

 比朋友还亲 Jeff was like a brother to me. More than a friend. 可我却害死了他 And he died because of me. 发生在你朋友身上的事很不幸 What happened to your friend was tragic. 但那是他的选择

 不是你 But it was his choice, not yours. 我们只对自己选择的路负责

 老弟 We can only be responsible for our own path, brother. 其他人也该为自己负责 And let others have theirs. 冰之固结

 第六项考验 "Life of Ice. " The Sixth Ordeal. 乔尔德在意大利找到了山

 但没路 Chowder found the mountain in Italy, but not the line. 你必须找到路

 动作要快 You gotta find a line, you gotta do it fast. 天气变化的很快

 你不能困在那上面 Weather"s rolling in. You don"t wanna get caught up here when it does. 要是能在岩石上呢 If this rock"s even rideable. 那边那个咋样 What about that one over there? 绝对的首选 Definitely first descent. -不行

 -不行 -No. -No? 对你来说不够刺♥激♥ Not radical enough for you? 够刺♥激♥了 It"s radical enough. 那有什么不好 Then what"s wrong with it? 它不够漂亮 It"s not beautiful. 根本不是漂亮

 那是找死 That"s not beautiful. That"s death. 也许把

 但也很完美 Maybe. But it"s also perfect.

 见鬼 Shit... -我们开始吧

 -好的 -Let"s do this. -Right. 我来监测

 我联络直升机 I got you. I"ll be with the chopper. 就这样


 过不去了 That"s it. We"re done. We"re cliff ed out. 戈奥梅特


 结束了 Grommet? Send the chopper. It"s over. -收到

 -去他的 -Copy that. -Screw that. 这人的病加重了 This guy is seriously broke. 倒还不错不是吗 Kind of great, isn"t it? 要是在这座山上丢了小命考验永远也完不成 We"re never gonna finish what we started if we die on this mountain. 我们必须下去 We have to do this. 罗奇 Roach... 乔尔德死了 We lost Chowder. 天哪 Oh, man. 他还在上面

 必须找到他 He"s up there! We gotta find him! 他已经死了


 这事跟你没关系 He"s dead! You can"t help it! It"s not about you! -你疯了是吗


 -你的路线 -Are you crazy? That was my line! -Your line? 从他行动的那一秒开始

 就是他的路 The second he committed to it, it became his line! 不属于你了 Not yours. 放手吧 Let it go. 很快再见

 兄弟 See you soon, brother. 再见 See you soon. -敬乔尔德


 -敬乔尔德 -Here"s to Chowder, guys! -To Chowder!


 是犹他 Shit! It"s Utah! -犹他


 -伙计 -Utah! Utah, man! -What"s up, man? 你从哪里回来的 Where did you come from? 火星

 我从火星来 I"ve been on Mars, man. I"ve been on Mars. 兄弟 Peace, peace. Hey, bro. 伙计

 来看看兄弟们在孟买♥♥的表现 Man, check out what my boys were doing in Mumbai. 很高兴见到你

 伙计 Good to see you, man. 孟买♥♥

 那三个降落伞 In Mumbai? The three parachutes? Dude. -我该走了

 -别走啊 -I know, I know. I gotta go... -Don"t go! 马上回来


 就一会儿 I"ll be back in one minute. I"ll be back, just wait. One minute! 犹他 Hey, Utah! 我想说你能来真是我的荣幸 Hey, it"s my pleasure to have you here. 艾尔法里克

 你在我这里永远都受欢迎 You are always welcome chez Al Fariq. 我喜欢你

 约翰尼 I like you, Johnny. 我想让你加入我的队伍

 伙计 I want you on my team, man! 不怕死的梦想即将成真 Daredevil dreams come true. 我能让你成为英雄 I can make you a hero, 也能看着你死 or I can watch you die trying. Eh? 瞧瞧那个混♥蛋♥ Look at that asshole. 财产比不少小国家都多 He"s got more money than most small nations. 史蒂夫 Hey, Steve! 还好吗 You all right?


 给每座山都洒满酒精尿 Lifted up his leg and pissed out this atrocity all over the mountains. 要知道

 那些山不是他的 You know, he doesn"t own these mountains, 我们也不是他的 just like he doesn"t own us. 蛋糕

 来吧 Cake, cake, cake! Come on! 还好吗 You good? 还好 Yeah. 我看到不少人从这件事中牟利 Man, I see a lot of taking on the way to enlightenment. 那么回报呢 What"s being given back? 相信我 Trust me. 我们会有的 We give back. 你要单独待会儿吗 Do you need privacy? 不

 我很好 No. I"m good. 大家都走了吗 Everybody leave? 差不多吧 Yeah, mostly. 你没事吧 Are you okay? 不知道 I don"t know. 在想乔尔德的事 Thinkin" about losing Chowder. 如果这些真的是尾崎 If any of this party is what Ozaki had in mind 深思熟虑觉醒之路 for the path to enlightenment. 尾崎讨厌这样 Ozaki would have hated this. 他只在乎八项考验的纯粹性 He only cared about the purity of The Eight 他向地球索取就会回报 and giving back whatever he took from the Earth

 他就在这么做 on the way to getting there. 回报什么 And what did he give back? 有时候简单的像种棵树 Sometimes it was as simple as planting a tree. 其余的情况就复杂的多了 Other times, it was something much larger. 我父母在我九岁那年死于一场雪崩 Like when my parents died in an avalanche when I was nine, 他给了我一个家 he gave me a home. 我不知道 I didn"t know. 对不起 Sorry. 他是在完成第三项考验时死的 I know that he died questing his third ordeal. 是啊

 都这么说 Yeah. That"s the story. 但却不是真♥相♥ But it"s not the truth. 他完成了第三项考验 He completed that ordeal. 他本来可以完成全部八项考验 He could have finished the entire Eight. 他很厉害 He was that good. 为了那项考验的回报

 他却死于非命 But instead he got himself killed giving back for that ordeal. 他怎么死的 How? 当时他坐着小船来到北大西洋 He positioned his small boat in the North Atlantic 一边是那艘挪威捕鲸船

 一边是一群座头鲸 between a Norwegian whaling ship and a pod of humpback whales. 捕鲸船根本没想减速 The whaling ship never even slowed. 唯一幸存的是

 跟他同船的年轻人 The only survivor was a young guy who was on the boat with him. 那个年轻人什么都没说吗 Well, why didn"t this young guy say something? 没有公开声明 Why didn"t he tell the world?

 也许他想到了其他办法 Maybe he had other ideas. 做什么都已经无济于事了 It wouldn"t have made a difference anyway. 尾崎最让我尊重的一点 As much as I worshipped Ozaki, 也是他唯一的弱点 that was his Achilles" heel. 他真的相信

 可以用一个理想改变世界 He truly believed that he could change the world with an idea. 理想可以很强大 Ideas can be powerful. 但还不如捕鲸船强大 Not as powerful as a whaling ship. 没有理想

 还能剩下什么 If not ideas, then what else is there? 行动 Action. 船上那个年轻人 That young guy on the boat. 是博迪

 对吗 That was Bodhi, wasn"t it? 博迪要完成尾崎的所有考验 Bodhi is going to complete what Ozaki set out to do. 他要走的是一条完全不同的路 He"s going to take a different path to do it. 这才有了我们 So, here we are. 我收到消息就来了 Came as fast as I could. 都 12 天了 Yeah. It"s been 12 days. 有一个机会

 现在还不能暴露 I saw an opportunity. I couldn"t break cover. 我在艾尔法里克的藏匿点装了 24 小时监控头 I put a 24-hour surveillance on Al Fariq"s hideaway. 我很清楚你在干什么 I know exactly what you were doing. 他们也算犯罪天才 Criminal masterminds? 不过是把命搭在 They"re just kids partying away their lives 艾尔法里克排队上的浪费生命的小屁孩 on Al Fariq"s dime.

 你跟他们的区别就是 The difference between them and you, 你的命给了联邦调查局 is you"re doing it on the FBl"s. 帕帕斯 Pappas... 那你算什么 Where does that leave you, huh? 我辛苦查线索

 你却在这里闲逛 Hangin" out on this dock while I"m onto something? 你查个屁 You"re onto shit! 这里没有你习以为常的那种日子 Now I"m sorry if this particular locale lacks the glamour you"re accustomed to 没有摇♥头♥丸♥ because there"s no drugs, 也没有使劲摇屁♥股♥的裸体小妞 or naked girls shakin" their arses. 我们在这里一晚上 But that"s why we stayed down "ere all night. 为了证明不是美国人把那废物炸飞的 To prove that wasn"t an American mine that blew that piece of shit up! 顺便告诉你

 联邦调查局就是这么办案的 For your information, this is how the real FBI works. 是不干净


 而且也很无聊 It"s dirty, it"s pedestrian, and generally downright boring! 我会找到线索的

 帕帕斯 I can figure this out, Pappas! 再给我点时间 I just need more time. 一整天没看见你 You"ve been gone a day. 你去哪儿了 Where the fuck have you been? 想谈谈回报的事 Ready to start talkin" about giving back? 地球给予的 She gives. 大家分享 We partake. 然后我们再报答她 And then we give her an offering. 用什么报答 An offering of what?

 就是这个金矿 That mine down there 人类在这个矿开采金子超过了二十年 has been ripping gold out of her guts for over 20 years. 我们必须给这个矿一些回报 We"re gonna get some of it back for her. 尘归尘


 伙计 Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, my man. 从哪里来到哪里去 Source to source. 你想偷走它 You"re gonna steal it? 不对 No. 我们要让它自♥由♥ We"re going to liberate it. 什么时候动手 When"s this goin" down? 就现在

 兄弟 Right now, brother. 我懂了

 人们正在毁灭世界 I get it, okay? People are screwing up the world. 就算你想阻止

 必须想其他办法 And you wanna do something about it, then you gotta find another way! 世界正在燃烧

 看看周围 The world is burning! Look around! -你有更好的办法

 -办法是有的 -Do you have a better "flea"? -There"s about a hundred ways 但用了那种炸♥药♥ this could go really wrong, man. 会让你万劫不复 Explosives like that... 一旦越界你就再也没法回头了 You"re gonna cross a line you can"t come back from. 这就是你和我的...